
By wolfiewritery

241K 7.5K 3.2K

Loki x reader Y/N Stark, ordinary girl who lives with the Avengers. "Not so ordinary after all." Thor had sai... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
Author's note

chapter twenty-three

5.4K 193 68
By wolfiewritery

"Hey kiddo! Get ready for school!" you heard your father shouting a you behind your door. Recent week had gone fast and now it was that awful first day of school again. And it certainly wasn't helping that your father tried to push you in there. Even though you had been gone for two weeks and you were helplessly behind the others, you still wanted to stay in bed and never go to school again.
Well, it was your last year after all, only few months and this hell hole would be long gone behind you. Then you would have your chance to be a full time avenger, only thing you had ever dreamed about.

You got up from your lovely, comfortable bed and headed to your bathroom to clean yourself up. When you looked at the mirror, you suddenly remembered Peter again. What if you'll bump into him on the corridors? Or should you try to look for him in there and try to talk to him? He had totally ignored you after he had moved temporary back to his aunt. Gosh, he must hate you now.

You went downstairs into the garage, where Tony, your sister and some big man with black-white suit were. He looked awfully like a bodyguard and it seemed like you were right about it.
"Kid, this is your new driver. He's going to take you to school and back in here every day." Tony told you as he pointed at the man. You weren't happy about this at all. A bodyguard? Seriously?

"I don't need anyone to pick me up from school like a nine year old child." you protested, but Tony wasn't clearly going to argue about this with you. And you weren't going to win even if you tried. You had been gone for two weeks and looked like Tony wanted to keep you safe by hiring someone to drive you into school every day.
"If you really want someone to babysit me, why it can't be you, or Happy? He's gotta be much nicer than him." you huffed, which made Tony to glare at you even more than earlier.
"Don't start now young lady, and you don't talk here like that." he replied and pointed at you accusingly. Then he gave Morgan to you and told you to make sure she was going to get to her kindergarten safely. You were surprised that he even counted on you with her, after your latest doings and events. But you wouldn't risk your sister's safety, ever.

That man who's name you didn't even bothered to ask, was driving you to school after you had dropped your sister into the kindergarten. He didn't talk at all and you wondered did he even managed the ability of speaking. Although it didn't bother you at all to travel in silence for once.

For your luck, you hadn't bumped into Peter the whole day. Or you weren't that sure was it luck or should you just face it and try to talk to him.

You had also noticed that plenty of people in your school had noticed you for the first time ever. Many of them kept staring at you while you walked through the corridors to your next class or lunch break. Your head filled with voices as you tried to read their minds while they kept staring at you.

/that's the girl from news/
/she's one of the avengers/

Those were probably the most popular thoughts you heard through all the noise inside your head. It didn't feel good at all to try mind reading in public, where were lots of people. It felt like hell and it gave you a burning headache, so you needed to stop quickly.

You didn't like to be stared at, not at all. You hated attention and prefered the time when nobody didn't even notice you. The time you were like air to everyone.

You were sitting on the bench on the corridor, when someone knocked on the window behind you. You turned around, and just to see that stupid hideous best friend of yours, waving at you behind the window. You opened it and let him in. Gladly you were on the most quiet and outlying corridor, so no one couldn't see his coming.

"I thought you'd like some company." Clint grinned as he climbed inside and then sat next to you.
"Well, for once, you thought right." you chuckled. These days were the most best ones when he sneaked into your school to cheer you up.

"Have you seen Peter?" he asked as he took your schoolbooks from your hands. Expression on your face switched from joy into sadness as you remembered him again.
"No, I think he might have been avoiding me." you replied and shook your head.
You had told him earlier that Peter had moved away for awhile. Gladly Clint hadn't questioned it more.
"Don't worry little sis, he will forgive you. I'm sure about it." Clint replied and gave you an encouraging smile.

But you weren't. How could Peter forgive you when you had hurted him by kissing someone else? Everything was fucked up and it was all because of Loki. Him and his stupid mischievous plans. How can one meaningless kiss ruin everything?

Clint spent the whole break with you, but soon it was your time to get back to class so Clint had to leave.
"I'll see you after school." was his last words before he disappeared from the window. You were glad that he visited, it always makes your days much better.

But it didn't last long either, when you bumped accidentally into someone you really shouldn't had, on your way to class.
"Watch it crazy!" she growled at you. It was that stupid Wilson again. You just rolled your eyes and kept going, without looking back. She tried to shout something after you, but you shut it out this time.
If Tony finds you in the principal's office again, you would be screwed.
Some days you truly wish that you would still be captured in Asgard, even Loki treated you better than any of these guys in earth.


You really just thought that?


Schoolday has finally ended and you were on your way home. That driver really were weird as shit. Your father has lot of money, so why is it so hard to get a nice driver?

You walked into the tower and straight to the kitchen, you were starving.
"Oh hi Y/N, how was your first schoolday?" Steve asked politely. He was sitting on the chair, eating a peanut butter sandwich. Steve has always been nice to you (when you weren't with Clint), and you appreciated it.
"It was fine." you blurted and poured some milk for your cereals.

"Captain, mr. Stark is asking you to visit in their lab." Jarvis said suddenly while you were shoving cereals in your mouth.
"He said it was urgent." Jarvis added. Then Steve got up from his chair, waved at you in goodbye and rushed to the lab, leaving you alone in there.
But before you could wonder any more about your father's urgent meeting, Clint entered to the kitchen.
"I was assuming to find you here." he said with chuckle. You rolled your eyes at him. You were always hungry, so what?

"You know, Jarvis just called Steve to visit my father in his lab. He said it was urgent.." you started.

"And you got curious?" Clint laughed as he took a glass out of the cabinet to get some water to drink.
"Well, you know me." you said. You really wanted to know what your father was up to and you've had a horrible day anyway so you needed something to cheer you up. And what else could it be than sneaking around and eavesdropping.
"Okay you already got me into this, let's go."Clint said without any hesitating and settled down his glass. You smirked at him, he was always the one you could count on with these.

You followed him into the stairs, all the way down to the floor where your father's lab was. You couldn't use the elevator, they would have heard it.

For your luck and surprise, the door was closed. So you just sneaked behind it and pressed your ear against it.

"I can't hear anything, they're talking too quietly." Clint whined. You shook your head, meaning that you couldn't either.
"Why don't you use your powers instead?" Clint suggested with mischievous grin on his face.
"It's pretty hard when I can not see them." you reminded him. He sure knows how it worked, at least he should.
"Then go somewhere where you can." he told you firmly and pointed at the glazed wall next to the door.
You sighed and then crawled yourself closer to the big window. You peeked carefully through it and you saw Steve, Tony, Thor and Pepper standing there and discussing aggressively.

You focused your powers at them all to hear what they were discussing about. While you managed your powers towards them, you couldn't ignore all those feelings you felt at the same time. You felt anger, fear and frustration in all of them. This didn't seem to be good.

"So, what are they talking about?" Clint asked, lowering his voice so the others couldn't hear.
"They're talking about.. Loki." you said for your surprise.
"Loki.. but.." Clint started to say, but you lifted your finger up as a sign to be silent.
Your head started to hurt more and more the longer you tried to read their minds all at once.
"They have some issues with the government." you added after a while of listening. Clint stayed silent, he had already learned that he shouldn't disturb you while you were doing your stuff.
"Looks like the government wants Loki, and they are pressuring my father about it." you managed to clear the whole conversation into one piece.
"That doesn't seem good." Clint blurted as he tried to peek through the window as well.

The headache started to get too heavy to your head and you needed to stop immediately. After you had stopped, you started to feel dizzy when the pain had started to fade away. You almost fell on the floor if Clint hadn't caught you in time.
"Y/N!" Clint raised his voice, almost little too much. You were leaning against his chest, holding your head and trying to clear your mind.
"What's wrong? What happened?" he asked in concern. You had never felt like this before when you had used your powers. Only once, and it was when you had managed yourself into Loki's mind when you were kidnapped.

"I'm fine, I'm fine..." you mumbled, feeling little lethargic.
"Let's go before they notice we're here." you added and tried to get up on your feet with Clint's help. But you still felt too dizzy to stand by yourself and Clint had to support you while you were walking out of the floor.

What the hell was wrong with you?

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