chapter eighteen

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Morning came quickly and you got up from your bed. You hadn't slept that well for two weeks and it felt amazing. And for your luck, it was weekend and you didn't even have school. Tony had made sure that you will catch up the others when you got back in there, which was actually pretty hard right now. The attack had destroyed the whole school, so you had now couple of weeks time to relax before you needed to get back in there. So actually it was more than just the weekend, time to you to get back on your feet.

You were reading on the couch as someone walked in.
"Can I come?" Clint asked and grinned as he shut the door.
"Looks like it." you chuckled at let him sit on the other side of the couch. He stared at you a long time before you closed your book and looked at him.
"What is it?" you asked little frustrated.
"I just wanted to talk." he said and came little closer to you.
You looked at him little confused as he grabbed your still healing arm.
"I want to know about this, you didn't mention it yesterday." he said and pointed at your bandage, which was wrapped around it. You sighed, you really didn't want to tell anyone about it, but your best friend wasn't going to give up before you do.
"Well, there was two guards who Loki had ordered there to guard me. And then there might be a chance, that I wasn't the kindest prisoner and the other of those two might had cut my arm because of it." you mumbled and looked at your arm.
"What the hell? He cut your arm because you weren't nice?!" Clint repeated, he was confused and stunned.
"He said that he wanted to give me a lesson." you laughed a bit. That guard was definitely the weirdest and craziest person you had ever met.
"What did you do exactly?" Clint asked, he looked little amused at the moment after the concern had faded away.
"Nothing... different than usual." you mumbled and then grinned at him. He rolled his eyes and laughed. He knew that you were little rebellious sometimes.
"Well, I'm not surprised." he said and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"But I didn't came here only to talk about that." Clint added, he started to sound more serious. Now you were little confused, you had thought that you had told him already everything about the last two weeks.
"When we were in the fight yesterday, you needed to check out something. What was it?" he asked. He looked curious but little concerned as well.
"Oh, nothing important." you tried to avoid the conversation. You weren't going to tell him about Loki, you didn't want to.
"You sure? It did seem a little important in my opinion." he questioned you.
"Can we please just forget that, it all actually. I just got back home and I'll got exhausted for even thinking about the last two weeks." you made up an excuse, and like you had predicted, it worked.
"Sure, if you want..." he sighed and smiled at you. But still you could see on his face that he didn't fully believe you.

You really would like to look into his mind right now and see what he was thinking, but you needed to refuse to do that. You had promised him a long time ago that you wouldn't do it and you appreciated your friendship more than anything in this world.
You had been best friends with Clint since your childhood, but when he had first joined into SHIELD you had gotten little separated. But luckily when he had joined the avengers after that, you became closer again and now you were inseparable. Now he was more like a big brother to you, and you loved him so much. You wouldn't never want to hurt him, ever.


Next couple of days passed quickly as you tried to live normal life again. You have been avoiding Peter lately as much as you could, because you were still confused about the kiss between you and Loki. It was hard to even look at Peter, but you needed to put yourself together before he starts to doubt.

Also your arm was already better and Bruce said he could remove the stitches soon. At least he had promised you so.

"What about little train? I had to practice by myself the whole two weeks!" Clint suggested as you were eating your lunch and thinking what you should do today.
"Yeah, I bet that was horrible time for you." you teased him and stuck out your tongue. "Yeah right..." he said little embarrassed and rubbed his neck.
"But what do you think?" he added and shoved a bread in his mouth.
"That her arm is still healing." Tony said firmly as he had showed up into the kitchen with Morgan. Your father was already better and healed, and now he liked to keep his eyes on you and made sure he canceled all your fun.
"My arm is fine! I can train a little, besides I really need it!" you protested.
"I already said no, and I really mean it. I have something better for you anyway." Tony refused to even consider it and it pissed you off a little.
"And it is..?" you asked, trying hard to behave when your little sister was around.
"You watch Morgan, while me and Pepper are in town" he ordered.
You wanted to protest, but because Morgan was there, you weren't going to. You didn't want to hurt her feelings.

And Tony knew that, so it was probably why he had brought her here in the first place.
"Alright fine.." you sighed a bit and looked at Clint who was sipping his coffee.
"What are you guys even doing there?" you decided to ask and turned to face him again.
"We have some undone business, regarding to the attack." Tony explained while he was making a sandwich to Morgan.
"Oh yeah, that." you mumbled and gave a look at Clint again who seemed, for some weird reason, amused.
Then your mother walked in, dressed nicely and ready to go.
"Okay, we're gonna go now. Take good care of your sister, kiddo." Tony reminded you and then walked out with Pepper by his side.

It has been hours since your parents left and you were already bored. You had forced Clint to watch Morgan with you (because he clearly had nothing better to do), and now you all were sitting in the common room and watching some boring kid's show.
But then luckily, you heard an elevator's sound and you turned around to see your parents, coming back from downtown. As soon as Morgan saw her mother, she ran up to her and Pepper picked her up on her arms.

Meanwhile Tony walked over you and Clint and collapsed on the chair.
"It went that well?" Clint asked little amused while he turned off the tv.
"Don't tell them, but I literally hate those people. They want us to give the weapon to the government and Loki as well. And they literally thought that we could just hand over them both, they're Asgard's problem for god's sake." Tony grumbled and sank more and more into the chair.
"You told them about Loki?" you asked, you were little stunned about it. Tony and Clint both looked at you confused.
"Of course I did, he is behind this all. If you remember?" Tony replied and looked at you with weird and confused expression on his face.
"Yeah, right." you mumbled and looked at the ground.

You knew exactly that he wasn't the one who planned this, he was just mind controlled. And you felt bad for him. Of course you weren't going to admit it, ever. And you really hated the fact that your feelings about him had changed a little. You didn't, for some weird reason, hate him that much anymore. But you really wanted to, though.

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