chapter two

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Sun woke up and so did you. It was nice warm Saturday morning...
Or almost afternoon actually.


You had been sleeping for too long. You blamed this on Clint, he kept you awake with his serie for way too long.

You got up and headed to your bathroom first to clean yourself up a bit.
"Oh my gosh, I look awful." you said to yourself as you looked at the mirror.
You took long warm shower and put on ordinary clothes like hoodie and jeans.

Next you headed to the kitchen. You were hungry as heck and you had some pancakes in fridge from last night.

You stepped out of the elevator and saw Clint in the kitchen, eating your pancakes!

"You asshole!" you yelled at him and slammed his arm.
"Ouch!" Clint whined, but laughed at your grumpy face.
"What on earth is happening in here?" Tony walked in, being confused about your yelling. Or not so confused, you always yelled at your best friend.
"He ate my freaking pancakes!" you whined and gave Clint a huge angry glare.
"Watch your language! Cap might hear you." Tony said sarcastically but seriously, like fathers do.

Clint laughed as you rolled your eyes. You sat down and didn't say a thing, just glared at him.
"Oh c'mon." Clint sighed as he saw your face. You didn't answer.
"Okay chill out sis, I spared you one." he said and then handed you a plate with one pancake on it.
"Yippee.." you sighed and took the plate.

"Did Peter settle down well?" Tony asked and grabbed one cup of coffee for both of you. 
"Yeah I think he did, I haven't seen him since last evening." you responded and sipped your coffee.
"Problems in paradise?" Clint chuckled. You rolled your eyes again and turned on him.
"No, everything is just fine in our little paradise." you teased back and stuck your tongue out, Clint just grinned.
Tony sighed and shook his head.

After your breakfast, you headed upstairs to see your boyfriend. You knocked and it took him a long time before he came to the door.
"Oh hi Y/N." Peter smiled and let you in. His hair were wet, he had just took a shower.
You sat on his couch, which looked same as yours, just in different color.
"How was your first night?" you asked as he sat next to you and kissed your cheek.
He was so cute when he showed you his love.
"It went great! I slept so well. It's incredibly silent in here, except a little snore I heard in middle of the night for awhile." Peter told you. You chuckled.
"Yeah, it's Thor. Don't mind him at all, he's pretty loud when he sleeps and he also lives next door. So good luck with that." you laughed.
"Wanna do something?" you added and looked at him. Peter looked little hesitated.
"Actually, my friends invited me to movies tonight. You can come with us." Peter responded and smiled his cute little smile.
"Oh.. no thanks, I don't wanna interrupt your fun time." you said, little disappointed.

You really didn't want to join them, you probably would felt outsider anyway.

"No, you can come. Please Y/N." he begged little with his little puppy dog eyes.
And you knew that you can't say no to him when his looking at you like that.
"Alright fine.." you consented and smiled gently at him. Peter smiled brightly and wrapped his arm around your waist. You leaned your head against his shoulder and wrapped your arms around him.


You were reading your book when you heard knocking on your door. You stood up to open it.
"You ready?" Peter asked when you opened your door for him.
"Oh yes, I'll just grab my money and phone first." you said and went back to your living room.
"You don't need money, I'll pay." he shouted after you.
"No you don't have to." you said and walked back to him.
"But I really want to." Peter replied and grabbed your hand.

He convinced you for paying and after that you two headed downstairs.
"Be back by the evening kiddo!" Tony shouted after you and you just rolled your eyes. You did that often around your father.

Peter and you walked hand in hand around the city. It was nice, you haven't spent time together like this for a long time. You really liked it and you noticed that Peter liked it as well.

"Peter!" you heard voice behind you, after few blocks of walking from the tower. You both turned around and Peter got excited when he saw his friends.
"Ned! MJ!" Peter shouted back as you started walking towards them. Peter loosened his grip in your hand and hugged his best friend Ned, and then MJ. You watched from behind Peter as he hugged MJ, they seemed little bit too close for that kind of intimate hug, but you didn't let yourself to be jealous. No, you weren't that kind of girlfriend.

"Hi Y/N." Ned noticed you and waved. You nodded as a greeting.
"Alright, let's go. The movie is about to start soon." MJ said and grabbed Peter's arm and led him and Ned to the theater's direction, leaving you walking behind.

The whole way there was awful to you, you were outsider, as you had predicted. It seemed like Peter didn't even remember you while he had such a nice time with his friends.

Soon you were inside the theater and you sat down on your seats. You sat on the edge, of course.

You were on the halfway of the movie when you decided that you wanted to go home. They had left you outside of everything and you had enough of that. You stood up to leave, but then Peter grabbed your hand. "Where are you going hunny?" he asked, confused about your rapid leaving.
"I'm bored, I'm going home." you told him and gave him a fake smile so he wouldn't think that you were mad at him.
"Oh okay, you want me to come with you?" he asked softly, still holding your hand.
You gave a look at his friends direction and they didn't seem to be happy about Peter's suggestion.
"No, you stay, I'll be just fine." you told him quickly and then you left, without saying a word to his friends.
You looked back before the doors and saw MJ already leaning on Peter's shoulder. You sighed and rolled your eyes as you walked out.

"You came already? Where's Peter?" Tony asked when you arrived to the kitchen to grab something to drink.
Tony was there with Nat, Bruce and Clint. "Movie was boring so I left, Peter stayed." you explained as you filled your glass with juice.
"Are you okay kiddo?" your father asked, looking little concerned. You finished your drink quickly and set your glass down on the table.
"Yeah I'm alright." you replied and gave him that fake smile of yours again. You looked at Clint and he seemed like he wasn't going to believe you.
You turned around and walked back to the elevator to get back to your room. All you wanted now was some peace and your book.

And you got your peace, like ten minutes before someone knocked on your door again.

"Can I come sis?" Clint asked and opened your door slow and carefully. You nodded and he walked in.
"What's wrong?" he asked and sat next to you.

Shit, he knew you too damn well.

"Nothing.." you tried to lie, but it didn't work on him. And you knew that already.
"Don't lie to me, little sis. I know something is wrong, did something happen with Peter?" Clint asked again and looked at you with concerned and 'ready to beat Peter's ass off' face.
"Well, no and yes...
They kind of left me outside, that's all." you told him like it was just normal, ordinary thing to you. And it actually was.

/that son of a bitch/ Clint thought.

"Hey that's not nice." you commented before Clint could say anything.
"Stay out of my mind!" he chuckled and pushed you a little. You laughed and pushed him back.
"But as I was gonna say, that wasn't nice from him. You are his girlfriend, he should treat you like it." Clint murmured a bit.
"No it's fine, I shouldn't have even go with them. They are his friends, not mine." you told Clint and tried to convince him to not attack on Peter when he gets back.
"But still..." Clint started, but you interrupted him by lifting your hand up.
"No, stop. I'm okay, everything is just fine. But promise me you won't tell Tony about this." you said firmly. Last thing you wanted in this situation, was your father's overprotective behavior.
"Okay I promise, as always." Clint said gently and then leaned forwards to hug you. His hugs were the best ever.

And you loved how he could be soft sometimes when he wanted to. You two had always supported each other, no matter what. Clint was your closest and most important friend. And you loved him.

"Thank you.." you whispered into his ear while you cuddled in his arms.
"Always here for you little sis." he replied and tightened his grip around you.

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