chapter twenty-one

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The second you had came back to your room, Clint rushed in. You almost thought that he broke the door as he slammed it open.
"Where in the hell were you Y/N? I thought you were kidnapped again!" Clint almost yelled at you as he grabbed you into his arms.
"Hey, chill out a bit. I was just in Asgard for a day, not a decade." you murmured while you tried to release yourself out of his arms.
"In Asgard? Seriously?" Clint asked, he looked amazed but also little jealous. He had always wanted to visit there.
"Yes, Thor's parents wanted to talk to me about Loki." you explained while you sat down on your couch with Clint following you there.
"I have to admit, that's kind of cool, but you can't still just disappeared like that!" he scolded you again. You rolled your eyes at his stupid big brother's overprotective side.
"I didn't have a choice!" you grumbled at him and stood up from the couch.
"And if you really don't have anything else to say, you can leave." you added and pointed at the door. You were already full of that everyone knew better what's best for you, and what you can do or not do.
"Okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Clint apologized and stood up. He had that loving and caring look on his face as he wrapped his arms around you to give you a tight hug.
"It's alright, I'm just tired of people who yells at me for everything what I do." you mumbled as you calmed down a bit and tightened your grip around his waist.
"I know." he replied and pulled your head against his chest while he tried to comfort you.

And he really did know. He knew you better than anyone in this whole tower, in this whole world. Even Peter didn't know you that well, even though he was your boyfriend.

Hold up..

... oh fuck.


You had totally forgotten him. You had promised to spend the evening with him and you had totally forgotten it. Now you were screwed.

"Shit!" you grumbled as you pulled yourself out of Clint's arms.
"What's wrong?" he asked little worried.
"I promised to be with Peter tonight! I had totally forgotten it." you whined with sound of panic in your voice. You couldn't go now, your mother had told you to stay in your room.


Fuck those rules.

"Then I suggest that you go to him now and fix it." Clint chuckled in amuse. You glared at him with 'don't you dare to laugh at me' look, which luckily made him stop it immediately.
"My parents told me to stay in here, so if they ask for me, can you..." you started.
"Cover you? Of course little sis." Clint laughed, he always had those same thoughts as you.

You rushed to the upper floor, where Peter lived. You had to be careful and check first for your parents that they couldn't caught you. Luckily you had sneaked out many times before, when you had been grounded, so this time wasn't a problem either. Gladly you had calmed down now too, thanks to Clint. Tony really made your blood boil sometimes.
You knocked on Peter's door and it didn't take a long from him to open it.
"Y/N? Where have you been?!" he asked as he let you in.
"We were supposed to hang out, remember?" he added. Peter seemed little pissed, and you totally understood why.
"I know and I'm so sorry. I was in Asgard and.." you wanted to explain, but he didn't let you.
"No, I don't want your excuses. Y/N, I can see that something is wrong with you. You had acted so strangely for days now!" he interrupted you. He really was angry, which he was so rarely.
You didn't know what to reply on that, you were speechless.
"Did something happen while you were kidnapped? Or had I done something wrong?" he added, he seemed to be sad as well.
"Y/N, please, say something." he begged.

You didn't want to tell him, you really didn't. What would he think of you after that?

"You hadn't done anything wrong.. everything is alright." you tried to convince Peter, but he didn't seem to believe you.
"I don't believe it, you had been avoiding me for days. I want to know why." he replied.


He had noticed it.

Now you couldn't just pretend that everything were okay, because it wasn't. You couldn't lie no more to him, not anymore. It felt so bad to see his hurt and sad face when he thought that he had done something wrong. Specially when it really were you who had.

You had kissed someone else, and now you were going to tell that to him. He has to understand, right?

"Peter, I...." you stuttered, you were afraid. For a first time ever, you were afraid to say something to someone. Peter raised his eyebrows as he grabbed your hands into his.
"What is it?" he asked, this time gently. Poor Peter didn't know what was coming.

"I... I kissed Loki.." you mumbled while you looked down at your feet. Peter pulled his hands out of your as he backed away from you. You looked up to his face, just to see his hurted and heartbroken expression on his face.
"You... you did what?" he asked shocked.
"I didn't... I didn't mean to." you replied while you tried to hold your tears.
"He kidnapped you! Why would you ever...." Peter stuttered, he was angry and hurted and it broke your heart. You were never meant to tell him, but you couldn't live with yourself if you hadn't. He has right to know and you always had tried to be honest with him.
"He.. he kissed me. I didn't want it.. he just did it!" you tried to explain. You really wanted to save this relationship and you didn't want it to fall because of one meaningless kiss.
But Peter shook his head as his eyes filled with tears.
"It is easy to blame someone who isn't here." he said with disbelief tone in his voice.
Peter didn't believe you? He seriously thought that you were lying?

"You think I'm lying?" you asked, little offended for the fact that he really blamed you instead of Loki. Peter didn't answer anything but just looked down on the floor as few teardrops fell down from his cheeks.
"Okay then, if you really think so, maybe it's better me to leave then." you added and started to head to the door.

"I just want to say that I'm... I'm so sorry Peter. And that I understand.. I really do." you added before you closed the door behind you and headed back to the lower floor.

You slammed your room's door behind you and collapsed on the floor and broke into tears. You had hurted one of your most loved ones, and you were never be able to to forgive yourself for it. You felt so bad and horrible. And all those because of what?
Because that oaf god of mischief decided to ruin your life by kidnapping, and kissing you.
And the most awful thing was that even Peter didn't believe you. He blamed you for this, and of course it was much as your fault as Loki's, but he was the one who kissed you.

You heard a quiet knock on your door after few minutes from your arrival.
"Y/N? You there already?" you heard Clint's quiet voice. He obviously didn't want your parents to hear.
You didn't reply, so he walked in, and right then when you were sitting on the floor and crying, which you didn't do that often either. You weren't that kind of crybaby.
"Y/N? What's wrong?!" he asked while he rushed to you and pulled you into his arms.
"I... I hurted Peter." you stuttered between your tears.
"Oh crap, what the hell did you do?" Clint asked concerned.
"I don't wanna talk about it.." you mumbled as you leaned your head against his chest. You felt so weak and embarrassed that you had to cry there like a little girl in your best friends arms. For your luck, he understands. He always has.
"You don't have to.." Clint replied gently while he stroked your hair.

How you had managed to get yourself that perfect and loving best friend?

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