chapter one

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"Ouch" Clint whined and held his arm.
"Oh shut up big bro, don't be such a wuss." you laughed at your best friend. Clint rolled his eyes at you and you got into the fighting position again. You pulled out your daggers and ran towards him, but he was too fast for you and you found yourself laying on the floor.

"You begged for this." Clint chuckled as he pushed you against the floor with his knee. "Alright, alright!" you said and slammed his leg. Clint stood up and offered you his hand. He lifted you up and you grinned at him.
"I'll beat you one day, trust me." you grumbled playfully and put your daggers back in your belt. Clint shook his head and laughed at you.

He knew he was a better fighter than you, he always had been. But ever since he trained you, you had become better. You were determined to beat his ass one day.

"Alright, what now?" you asked as you walked next to Clint who was now taking off his gear.
"Steve wanted us in the common room, we better get going" he replied. You sighed out of boredom, Steve was probably going to talk about something useless and boring as usual. Last time, he had yelled at you for not paying attention, and Clint of course laughed his ass off for that. You walked with Clint to the common room where the rest of the team were already gathered.

"You're late, again." Steve sighed, he looked very disappointed as always.
"My apologies, greatest captain of all times" Clint murmured and bowed. You snorted as Steve rolled his eyes. Clint got back up and grinned at you.
"Dumbass." You whispered as you sat down on the couch next to Clint, Nat on the other side.

"Alright, looks like everyone is finally gathered" Steve started and drew his gaze towards you and your best friend. You two just grinned at each other.

You and Clint were the crackheads of the team and everyone was often annoyed by you two. But you always enjoyed doing funny things and teasing other teammates. One time, you dyed Bruce's hair green, which wasn't a good idea because he got so mad that he turned into the hulk and destroyed half of his room.

That wasn't the worst part.

The worst part was your father's anger after that. Tony wasn't the biggest fan of your pranks and he often had to ground you for them.

"I requested you to come here because we have a new inhabitant in the tower." Steve announced and guided your eyes towards the elevator. "Peter!" you shouted and jumped up from the couch before anyone could even react. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his cheeks.
"Hi, honey" Peter greeted you and pulled you into his arms.

Yes, he was your boyfriend.
Your cute little baby boyfriend.

"Okay, that's enough!" Tony stood up and walked over to you two. He was overprotective when it came to you, even if your boyfriend was the harmless Peter Parker.

You stuck your tongue out and grinned at him.

Poor Peter didn't have the courage to stand up to Tony, so he let you go and took a few steps away from you. Tony still glared at him though.

"So, you're moving in here? With us?" you asked as you turned around to face peter.
He nodded nervously, like he wasn't even sure about it.
"But he has his own room" Tony added before you could get too excited. You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
"I wasn't expecting that anyway" you said under your breath and walked back to the couch.

"Why is the little spider boy moving here with us?" Thor asked, throwing his hammer back and forth.
"He's one of the Avengers, and we thought it would be a good idea to invite him here too." Steve started.
"You thought.." Tony added quietly so that Peter wouldn't hear.
"And also his aunt had some problems with her living, so she asked for our help." Steve explained and placed his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Thank you, and may I say; it's quite great to be here!" Peter exclaimed nervously and a little bit to excited. He was like a child, so innocent and he had those cute little puppy dog eyes. One of the things you loved about him.

Steve ordered you to show to show Peter his room, and it was just right above yours. Only one floor higher.

His room was nice, full of posters and different kinds of pictures on the wall. They were pictures of you, and the team from your missions. And the parties after them. Your absolute favorite was a picture of you and Peter kissing. Tony was captured in the background, looking absolutely livid. Clint took that picture and he was of course laughing his ass off about the situation. While poor Peter tried not to cry as your dear dad was very angry with him. Peter respected Tony -Or as he called him, Mr. Stark- very much and always tried to act his best around him.

"Wow!" Peter admired his room, voice full of joy and excitement. He looked at you and pulling you into his arms, and placing a gentle kiss on your lips, as he always does.
"You like it? I helped father to decorate it a bit" you told him, a hint of proudness in your voice. You had done a great job, in your opinion. And you think Peter could agree with you on that.

"I'll leave you to unpack your things, have fun in your new home. Knock on my door if you need help with anything" you told him. Peter nodded and went to explore his room more. You shut the door and went back to your room, alone.

"Well, hello little sis" you heard behind you as you opened your door. It was your silly, dumb as fuck, bestfriend.
"What do you want?" you teased him. You talked rudely to each other sometimes. But it was just because of love

Or hate.

Or both.

"Nothing... Invite me in" Clint said as he leaned against the wall.
"Fine" you sighed and let him in. He rushed to your couch and jumped on it. You thought the couch wouldn't handle his weight and he would break it, but no.
"Come on, let's watch something." Clint suggested and slammed his hand against the seat next to him.
"No thanks, I was planning to continue with my book" you told him firmly as you went to your desk and grabbed your book.

Your bedroom was decent sized, a bedroom with a little bathroom next to it. And when you came into the room, there is a living room with your laptop and school things.

Thankfully, it was Friday and weekend had started, so you didn't have to go to school for two days. You actually hated school, you didn't have any friends besides Peter, and he had his own friends so you were mostly alone. Of course Peter tried to give some of his time to you too, but it was hard. Besides, he was in different classes anyways.
To your luck, you had that dumb bestfriend of yours, and he came once in a while to greet you.
But he had his duties too, so it didn't happen very often.

But now Peter moved into the tower too, so even though he might not spend a lot of time with you at school, he would be able to see you at the tower.
But because of that some separate time would be nice too, for both of you.

"What are you reading?" Clint asked after several minutes had passed.
"New moon"you replied, still not looking up from your book.
"Sorry, what?" he asked. This time, interrupting you totally. You rolled your eyes, and lifted the book to his eye level.
"Ohh, Twilight. Gosh I hate it." He said and turned on his stupid serie again.
"Of course you do, you had only watched the movies. Try the books, they're better" you sighed, and went back to reading the book.
"Not interested" Clint mumbled and went back to watching his serie again, ignoring your menacing glare.

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