chapter fourteen

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After Loki had left, you were sitting there, thinking about everything what had happened these past two weeks. You tried to combine everything you had heard and saw. You need to know what exactly was going on. And more importantly...

what was that plan of his, or was it even his plan? You really did doubt it.

You had came to the decision that Loki might hadn't been behind this all. It had to be the other man you saw in his mind.
But what was he planning to? You might find out soon, the guy had told Loki that he needed to hurry, after all. But you didn't know did you want to find out. Maybe it was something awful, horrible. You really hoped that earth had'nt anything to do with it.

Next day came and you woke up from the floor and soon noticed that Loki had came back. You flinched a bit because he was switching your bandage to a new one, because the other one was covered in blood already.
"Loki.." you said and tried to sat up.
"Don't move." he said firmly, without even looking at you.
After he had got the bandage wrapped around your arm, he let you sat up.
"Thank you.." you mumbled as he vanished the old bandage with his magic. Loki just glared at you and stood up to leave.
"Hey please, come on. You can't just pretend that I don't exist!" you grumbled as he walked away. Loki stopped and looked at you.
"I am not pretending.." he said little threatening sound in his voice. You noticed soon that he looked more tortured and hurt than yesterday. What is happening to him?
"Then why do you..." you started but Loki interrupted you before you finished.
"Just shut up already! I'm not interested to listen your stupid pitying! I don't want it and I don't want your help!" he growled at you loudly and slammed his hand against the other pillar on the other side of the big corridor, which was in the middle of the hall.
"I'm not pitying you, you stupid oaf! I am trying to help!" you growled back, you couldn't stand his behavior anymore.
"Actually, how even dare you?! You kidnapped me! And after everything you had done to me, I still want to offer my help to you! And I don't even know why, after all, you took me away from my home!" you added, angrily as hell. You just couldn't control yourself, you were so pissed off about all of this. Just too tired and exhausted.

Loki went speechless, he looked at you with that dumb confused look on his face while he took few steps towards you. When you looked at his face, it looked like you had in some sort of way, hurted him or his feelings.

Or did he even have those? Did he even know what feelings were?

"How could you, little whiny midgardian, help me? You don't even have any magic or powers to do that." he said slowly and firmly as he walked closer.
Actually you hadn't thought that, but something inside you, told you that you were capable to help healing him.
"I have to admit that I'm not sure.." you sighed and Loki rolled his eyes.
"But, I had a feeling that.." you added but then he interrupted you again.
"A feeling? Seriously? I don't think that those stupid human's feelings can help me, I'm a god for god's sake." he murmured and sighed heavily.
"Yeah, a feeling. I didn't think that you could understand those kind of things anyway." you murmured back.
But you might should not have said that.

Because now, expression on Loki's face looked hurted and broken.

You really had hit into some soft spot, where he didn't want anyone to see.

"You really think that I don't have feelings?! Is that what you think of me?! That I'm a cold hearted evil god, who only wants to torture people and see them suffer?" he said, his voice was breaking.


You really had hit somewhere you shouldn't had.

"What else I'm supposed to think? I mean, look at me, I'm here because of you." you sighed and looked down at the floor. You really missed back to earth to your friends and.... family, but did they miss you?
Loki didn't know what to say, he seemed like he was struggling with something inside his head.

"You said you didn't want to kill me... you defended me from the guards. If you really don't want me do die or suffer, why can't you let me go?" you asked, quietly and tired. Loki hesitated for awhile when he looked at you.
"You don't understand Y/N, I can't.." he said little.... sadly?

And hold up.

Did he just call you by your name?

"Why not?! There is no reason me to stay!" you raised your voice a little.
"No, you don't understand! It's too late!" Loki raised his voice as well, which made you flinch a bit. But then you saw the regret on his face. He clearly didn't want you to know something.
"What... what do you mean 'it's too late'?" you asked, calmly this time. You started to get more worried.
"Nothing.." he said and turned his back on you.
"Don't turn your back on me! You need tell me now! I need to know! Specially... specially if it's something to do with my friends." you said, you were afraid that this had something to do with the avengers.

"Please..." you begged while your voice was breaking.

Loki turned back at you and looked into your eyes, he looked like he was pitying you or something. Or maybe he felt bad for you. But then he sighed heavily.
"Alright... but I don't have much time." he said and walked over you.
You looked at him confused, what was that supposed to mean?

"They're attacking, chitauries. At the avenger tower, they probably there any time now. They're gonna kill them." he explained to you, but he talked carefully and quietly, like he was scared that someone could hear.
"What?!" you raised your voice again.
"I need to get there! I need to warn them!" you said and tried to get yourself out of the chains, without any success of course.
"No, you'll get killed if you go there!" he told you firmly.
"And what do you care?!" you grumbled and glared at him.
"Just please let me go!" you added and tried to get yourself out of the chains again.

Your little sister, Clint, Peter and rest of the team were in danger. You needed to help them. You needed to save your little sister. You had promised.... you had promised to her that you'll keep her safe from everything bad, until the day you die.

And now you couldn't keep yourself together anymore. First time ever, you broke into tears. You hadn't cried when the guard had cut you, not even then when Loki had kidnapped you. Not in a single day in this hell hole.
But now, it only took you to imagine your little sister in danger. You needed to get to her before it was too late.

"Just please... Loki. I need to save my sister. Please, let me go.." you stuttered while tears fell down on your cheeks. You had to get out of here, you had to get your sister.
Loki looked away, he tried to avoid your crying eyes.
But then, he turned on you, looking like he felt bad for you. He slammed his hand against the pillar, which you were tied up in.
He sighed very, very heavily and then he knelt down. He grabbed your collar, lifted you up on your feet and pushed you against the pillar.
Slowly, he opened your chains and took off the collar around your neck. You looked at him shocked and relieved at the same time.
But then, after he had opened your chains, he lifted his head back up at your eye level. Your faces were very closely to each other, and your lips were inches away from another.

Your breathing was heavily as he slowly came closer and put his lips on yours.
It was soft but passionate kiss, and it felt... it felt amazing.
But then you slowly pushed yourself further from him, ending the kiss. You looked into his eyes as he looked into yours.

"I need to.. I have to go.." you mumbled and looked at the ground. Loki stepped aside and let you go.
"Come, I'll get you to the Bifrost before my time ends." he said and grabbed your hand, gently this time.

What did the 'before my time ends' mean?

But you didn't have time to think that now, because you needed to get to warn your family, before they're all gonna die.

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