chapter thirteen

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Second week has gone as a prisoner of Loki. He had been gone for a whole week, if you don't include the days he had been visiting to check that you were still there, in chains.
But he had sent two guards to guard you, though. But these two were different, than the other. They had those weird blue eyes, and they really were loyal to Loki. You had a feeling that Loki had done something to them.

One day, Loki had gone back to the palace as usual, and you stayed with the guards. They were really mean at you, and you knew you couldn't trick them as you had done with the earlier one. These ones were more clever.

"Can I even have some food?! I'm starving!" you whined, as they stood in front of the door and laughed to each other's stupid stuff. You hadn't eat anything like centuries and you really were hungry as fuck.
"Shut up you little midgardian baby! We don't care if you're starving or not, just live with it and stop whining!" the other murmured at you and turned his back at you.

"Fuck you..." you mumbled by yourself and leaned against the pillar behind you.
"What did you say?!" the other grumbled at you, he had heard your mumbling.
"Nothing.." you replied and looked away. The guard got angrier and walked over you.
"Show some respect!" he growled and leaned downwards to look at your eyes.
"Never to people like you.." you mumbled and still kept your eyes away from him.
The guard clearly hasn't any self-control, because soon you found yourself lifted up from you collar. He glared at you with murderous look in his face. He took out his knife from his waist and put it against your neck.
"For now on, you don't talk if we don't ask you to. I don't wanna hear a single word coming out of that stupid mouth of yours, got it? And never talk to me like that again." he whispered into you ear, manically.

That guy was literally crazy.

Then he took out the knife from your throat and put it agaisnt your arm. He cut your arm as you tried not to make sound. It hurted so bad.
"This will remind you in the future." he said and dropped you on the floor. You collapsed on your knees and sat down. You tried to hold your tears.

Gosh it hurted so bad.

The guard got back to his place next to the other, who had just laughed at you from aside.
You looked at your arm, the cut was deep and it bled so badly.

A few hours later, you still sat on the floor, starving and in pain. You covered the wound with yor hand, but it wasn't helping at all.
Then suddenly, Loki came back in. He didn't notice you first, but when he did he got little..... furious?

"What the hell has happened here?!" he asked when he saw your wound.
"I taught her a lesson, she was disrespectful." the guard who had cut you, told him. He was very proud of his work, but Loki seemed like he wasn't.
Loki walked over the guard and lifted him up by grabbing his neck.
"And I'm gonna taught you one.." Loki growled at him and stabbed him into his throat with one of his daggers he always carried. Like you had too, before Loki had took them from you.
The guard's neck started bleeding heavily as he dropped on his knees and fell to the ground. The other guard looked scared at Loki when he turned on him.
"Let this be a warning to you, don't you ever, ever touch her again. You understood?!" Loki growled at him while he pulled out his other dagger to point at the other guard with it.

Was Loki defending you?

The guard nodded in little panic and then dropped to his knee and bowed.
"Good, now go outside and guard the door, it's an order." Loki ordered him and he did as Loki had told him.

After the guard had gone outside, Loki turned on you. He put the dagger back to his waist and then walked over you and dropped on his knee in front of you.
He took carefully your hand and looked at you wound. A bandage appeared into his hand and he started to wrap it around your hand.
You lifted your head to look at him, but he just kept his eyes on your arm.
You took a look at him, although he was blocking your mind control power, you still could feel his feelings.
He was in pain, as you had already discovered earlier. He was hurting, and it... it actually made you little bit sad. Loki had seemed like he didn't want this, and you had a feeling that someone else was behind all of this.

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