chapter thirty

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The team had made a plan for the next morning for finding Y/N and it was lot better than last time.

Steve and Nat were with SHIELD, trying to track Y/N from there. Thor was in Asgard, looking for his brother, and Bruce stayed in the tower with Pepper and Morgan, in case that
Y/N would be back.

Meanwhile Tony and Clint were trying to get access to the school's security system.

"Jarvis, can you get through this?" Tony asked while he was surveying the schools security system with his tech.

Clint just watched from aside because he didn't have the slightest idea what the hell Tony and Jarvis were doing.

"I found the entrance Mr Stark." Jarvis replied after a little while of searching.
"Good job Jarvis.
Now I need you to find the security camera videos from yesterday." Tony ordered his AI.

Jarvis was fast and he found quickly a few videos from school yard. Jarvis downloaded them and showed them to Tony.

"Who in the hell...." Tony mumbled while he and Clint looked at one of the videos of
Y/N and the driver on the driveway.
"I don't recognize him." Tony said and rewatched the video again while Clint were frowning. He had something in mind.
"This is gotta be the kidnapper." Tony added and rewatched the video one more time. Then he turned to look at Clint with raising his eyebrows, he hadn't said anything yet.

"He looks familiar..." Clint mumbled and clearly tried to think it through inside his head. He recognized him somewhere, but where?
"At least we know now, it isn't Loki." they heard Pepper's voice behind. She had entered the room few minutes ago.
"That isn't Loki, but we can't know for sure is he working for him or not." Tony grumbled.
"Yes you might be right." Pepper sighed while she walked over Tony and wrapped her arms around his waist.


You were sitting on the floor, alone. Hydra had took Loki away, instead of you.
And you had to admit that you were little worried about him. He had already been in so bad shape that you weren't sure if he's going to handle their torturing anymore. After all, that Thanos had tortured him as well, before he had ended up in here, and this wasn't helping the situation.

Also you couldn't stop thinking about Loki's words. Did he really mean it? Or what in the hell was it?

After few hours had passed, the cell's door opened again. You lifted your head up, just to see Loki, carried back in the cell and thrown onto the floor.

The guards left Loki lying in there, without even attaching him to the wall.

That was strange.

"Loki?" you said carefully, trying to reach him. Loki mumbled something and slowly started to stood up from the floor. He seemed different, like he wasn't himself.

Loki stood up and looked at you with evil glow in his eyes. What the hell was wrong with him?

"Loki?" you asked again, but he ignored it like he didn't even know you.
He took few steps towards you.

Then, without any warning, he attacked. Loki pushed you against the wall and then grabbed your collars and threw you on the floor.
"Loki stop! It's me!" you tried to yell, but it didn't work.

Hydra had managed to take him under their control.

He climbed on top of you and started to choke you hard while you tried to struggle out of his tight grip. But you were too weak, exhausted and tired to fight back with full strength.
You were running out of air, your throat was hurting and your eyes started to tear up.
"Loki please!" you yelled but he kept choking you, ignoring your helpless attempts to get him back to himself, back to this world.

You felt how the air was leaving your lungs, how it got more and more difficult to breathe. Was this your end? Are you going to die in here? In the hands of Loki?

You took your last breaths, still trying to snap Loki back to this world without any succession. And then...

it all went dark.


"You managed to take him back in Asgard?"

"Yep, my father is taking care of it."

"Great. What about Hydra?"

"Relax Tony, Fury promised to deal with it."

You heard three different but familiar voices, while you were trying to open your eyes. You listened carefully, and recognized soon the familiar sounds of the medical room from the tower.
You slowly managed to open your eyes and you looked around you. You weren't in the cell anymore, you were home.
You turned your head and saw Tony, Steve and Thor discussing in a circle little further from you.

Then you noticed your little sister, Morgan, playing with her toys on your bed. She lifted her head up and her face filled with joy as she noticed your awakening.

"Y/N!" she yelled so loud that it got your father's and the other's attention too. She threw herself on top of you and hugged you tightly.
Tony, Steve and Thor walked over you.
"Hey kid." Tony greeted you with a smile on his face. You tried to talk back, but noticed that any sound didn't come out of your mouth. Instead, your throat were hurting, and you carefully touched it.
"Careful kid." Tony bid you as he sat down on the bed next to Morgan.

You were so confused. How did you end up back in here?

Then you remembered.

You almost had died.

"Feeling better?" Thor asked and walked over the other side of the bed. You nodded carefully in reply.
You wanted to ask so badly what had happened.

You looked around you in little panic, looking for Loki.

"Hey it's alright, you're safe now." Steve tried to calm you down.
You looked at them switching eye to eye, trying to understand your situation, and Tony realized what you were trying to ask.
"Don't worry kid, we'll tell you what happened after you had get some rest first." Tony told you gently.

This gentle side in him was new to you.

"I heard Y/N is awake?" you heard then a familiar voice from the doorway. It was your best friend, Clint.
He walked over you, his face full of joy and relief when he leaned down to hug you.
"I was so worried! You really should stop getting kidnapped all the time!" Clint teased and he earned a soundless chuckle and grin from you.

Tony was already rolling his eyes at you two, he clearly hadn't miss that at all.

Then you yawned, you were still little tired and shocked about the latest events.
And Tony noticed that.
"You need to rest now kid, we'll talk after you had got some sleep." he bid you and gave a hint of smile at you.
You couldn't argue with him now, because you were unable to talk after Loki had choked you almost to death.

He ruffled your hair and then lifted Morgan in his arms and stood up.
They left you rest in silence, relieved that you were alive and well.

Or were you?


... to be continued

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