chapter fifteen

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You finally had got back to Earth. Loki had brought you by himself instead of using the Bifrost. He had told you that it was too dangerous, specially to him, to use it.
He had brought you here with the same ship he had kidnapped you to Asgard.

You really had thought for a second that you were going to die, when he had used some kind of 'secret portal' as he had called it, to travel back to earth. That was new to you, because Thor had told you, that only way to travel between the realms was the Bifrost. But you should have known that Loki, the god of mischief, knew about those secret portals and used them.

You saw the tower, in its usual place, just like any other normal day. You had got there in time.
You sighed in relief as you stepped out of Loki's ship.
"You need to hur..." Loki was just about to say when he collapsed onto his knees on the ships floor. You walked back to the ship and knelt down, you didn't know what to do.
"G....go, now. They know I... helped you. They're coming!" he struggled with his words. He was in pain.
"What about you?!" you asked, you really didn't want to leave him here to suffer. You weren't that kind of person.
"I'll be fine, please go. And leave there before they come or you'll die." he told you firmly and looked into your eyes. You hesitated for awhile, but your sister and the avengers were your number one priority right now.
You stood up and ran out of the ship to the tower. In some weird reason, it felt bad to leave him there, but he said he was going to be fine. So you counted on that.

You ran inside the tower, and rushed to the common room, where everyone usually were. It felt so weird to be back in there after two weeks.

As you stepped outside of the elevator to the common room, you got your proof that you were right. Almost whole team were in there, except Bruce, Tony and Peter.
You were out of breath, because you had ran like hell to the tower and now you just stood there, looking at them while they hadn't noticed your arrival.
Then Morgan, who had played on the floor with Steve, lifted her head and looked at you. Joy and delight came to her face as she stood up and ran to you.
"Y/N!" she yelled and jumped into your arms. Then others turned at your direction as well and they all stood up in shock as they saw you.
"Y/N..?!" Clint raised his voice and he ran to you as well and lifted you up and spun you around. He looked happy as you wrapped your arms around his neck. And so was you. You hugged him tightly while tears of happiness fell down on your cheeks. Then he set you down back on your feet.
"I missed you so much." you told your best friend.
"I missed you too, little sis." he replied and tightened his grip around you. You couldn't be happier anywhere else than being in arms of your best friend.
Then Clint let you go as the others gathered around you.
"Where were you?!" Steve asked first as Nat came to hug you next.

After they all had hugged you, you turned on Steve again.
"Where's my father?" you asked, ignoring his question.
"In his lab, trying to track you." Nat told you. Then you turned around and headed to the elevator with Morgan following you.
"I'll tell you everything down there. I need all of you with me, we're in danger." you told them and they all looked at you confused, but then agreed to follow you. You grabbed Morgan into your arms and carried her into the elevator with others behind you, except Clint, he was walking very close to you. In case that you could just disappear again.

You looked at Morgan, who was in your arms. Now she was there, and you were going to make sure that she's going to be safe, as you had promised her.

You stepped out of the elevator with the team behind you, they all still seemed little shocked that you had just came back like nothing had ever happened to you.

"Tony please!" you heard yelling from his lab, it was your mother's voice. You walked closer and saw them, yelling at each other.
"I'm not gonna stop, not until I'll found her! Do you understand Pepper?! I'm not giving up!" Tony yelled back at her. You couldn't believe your ears. Did your father really care about you that much after all?

You let Morgan down from your arms as you walked into his lab.
Bruce and Peter was there, looking little scared of your parents arguing.
But then Peter saw the team and then he saw you. He looked shocked as he stood up and put his hand above his mouth. He was speechless and you smiled amused by his reaction. Tony looked stunned at Peter, but then he turned into the direction where Peter was staring. Tony's jaw dropped when he saw you, and he rushed over you to grab you into his arms.

After a while of hugging, he loosened his grip around you to look you into your eyes. He looked happy, you never had seen him like that.
Pepper ran to you as well and took you into her warm gently hug.
"Where were you? We were worried as hell!" your mother asked in shock, with using a curse that she never does.
"I'll tell you everything later, but it's an emergency. I don't have time to explain but we're under attack and..." you said, but then, out of now where, the labs windows blew up and a huge blast threw you all on the ground.
Luckily, you had managed youself to jump between the glass and Morgan to cover her.

Your ears were ringing as you opened you eyes and tried to stood up. You checked on Morgan and for your relief, she was alright. Others stood up as well and they all looked shocked at the lab.
"What the hell was that?!" Tony yelled as he walked over you and Morgan.
"Chitauries, they're here." you told them firmly. They all looked at you in disbelief.
"How do you..?" Steve started, but then two chitauries jumped inside the lab from the blew up window.
But before you could do anything, mjolnir was already in the air and it slammed them both back where they had came from.
"Well, little mind reader seems to be right." Thor said after he had changed into his asgardian battle armor.

Then your father turned on you.
"Young lady, you're going to tell me now what the hell is going on and where in the hell were you!" Tony grumbled at you.

Now, he seemed to be back in his usual self again.

"Mr. Stark. I think that you have to wait for that answer." Peter said as he stand in his suit as well, on the edge of the lab, looking into the sky.
The whole team gathered around him and for your shock, you saw a huge portal on the sky. Chitauries and some kind of weird huge worm looking things were coming out of there.
"What the hell is that?" Nat said little shocked as she pulled out her gun.

"Alright, looks like we're going to talk about your thing later, now we need to kill those before they destroy the whole city." Steve ordered while he gave a look at you. You and others nodded and started preparing yourselfs for the fight.

"We need to get you three out of here." Tony said to you, Morgan and Pepper after he had suited up.
"No I'll stay here to help." you told him firmly. Tony was going to protest, but then Steve walked over you and interrupted him.
"She's right, we need all the help." he said to Tony.
Tony sighed and nodded as an accept, for your surprise he wasn't going to argue this time.
"Alright then, Pepper, took Morgan and go to the lowest floor. There's a bunker which I built few years ago, you're safe there." Tony ordered his wife.
"Yeah I know hunny, it was my idea, remember?" Pepper said little amused and picked up Morgan. You watched that they got safely into the elevator, you really were scared for their safety, specially your sister's.

"Alright Avengers, let's kill those things and sut the portal." Steve ordered and you all nodded.

Steve had gave all of you your orders, and your order was to go on the streets to save citizens and kill the lost chitauries with Clint.
As you ran outside, towards the streets, Clint gave a look at your arm.
"What happened to your arm?" he asked as he shot down one of the chitauries ship with his bow.
"Nothing, and I don't have time to explain now." you told him firmly while you kicked down one of the chitauries who had tried to kill you.

"Oh I have something for you." Clint said after he had noticed that you were fighting with your bare hands. He threw you couple of your daggers.
"Thanks." you said and rushed to stab one of them.

Gosh, you had missed your daggers.

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