chapter twenty-nine

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"... rusted... seventeen.. daybreak... furnace..."

Those words echoed in your head while you tried to fight against the anger and rage inside you. It was caused by those words. They made you feel angry, you weren't sure how or why, but they did.

"... nine.. benign... homecoming... one.."

You tried to fight it. Your head was burning and you tried to fight against those evil thoughts inside your mind. You weren't going to let them in, ever.

".. freight car."

was the last word and you almost thought that it got you, but you managed to fight it off.

He had repeated the words now several times, and each time it had got a lot more worse and worse. But you had been strong enough to avoid the affection.

But would you be strong enough the next time? You knew this wasn't over. Not until they had got you under their control.

The man looked at his screen and then turned at you.
"We went close, she is strong indeed but not as strong as the other one. She'll break next time." he said and then signed his men to take you away, once again.
They lifted you up and you felt strengthless and weak, but it didn't stop you from talking.

"Why.... why are you.. doing this?" you asked between your heavy breaths.
"Because we need people like you." the guy replied, he didn't seem to mind at all to tell you their plans for you.
"For what?" you blurted out and glared at him. He turned to look at you and even when you were almost powerless and unable to walk by yourself, you were still able to use your powers and feel his feelings. You felt the evilness, madness and joy, what he was probably getting from torturing you and Loki.

"For our super soldier program of course." he said and smiled like it was obvious.
"But I thought... I thought that.." you started but you were too tired to finish your sentence.
"the program was terminated? ..No, it never was." he replied with laugh. He seemed to be amused by your reaction.

Then he ordered his men to take you out of his sight and they dragged you away.


"Y/N, are you still there?" Loki asked carefully, a little soft tone in his voice. You nodded in reply and it made Loki sigh in relief. He had thought for awhile that they had already got you.

Luckily you weren't that easily breakable.

After your first rough night on the cold floor, you had managed to clear your thoughts.
You knew what they were trying to do to you. Brainwash you with those words, trying to make you one of their super soldiers. If you wouldn't know about your ability of controlling minds, you would probably had been more confused for the reason why they had kidnapped and tortured you.
But why would they even want a human, who couldn't control other people's minds or just barely read them.
You understood why they had took Loki, he was the god of mischief, but you? Why you?

"Tell me..." you started and looked at Loki who had also already woke up. He looked better than you, probably because he was a god and you were just a young girl with fragile mind reading power.
Loki turned to look at you while raising his eyebrows curiously. He wondered what you were gonna ask him.
"..what you were sorry about when they dragged me away?"

Loki looked down at his hands and sighed heavily. Then he lifted his eyes back to look into yours.
"That you ended up in here." he mumbled firmly. You heard the apologetic tone in his voice. You huffed
"How could you possibly know that they would kidnap me and through me in this cell, and try to brainwash me." you said with a chuckle.

But Loki didn't look amused at all, he was serious and look like he was regretting something.

"Because that was the part of the plan." he hesitated.

You frowned in shock. What did he mean?

"Part of the plan? What the hell are you talking about?" you grumbled and you could hear the anger in your voice.
"Darling please.." he said softly. You were surprised that he had started to talk you like that.
"Don't darling me, and tell me the truth!" you grumbled. Even when you were still feeling tired, you always had that strength to feel angry at him.

Loki sighed again, he looked like he didn't want to tell you, or even talk about it. Seemed like it was hurting him physically to even think about it.

"When I was forced to kidnap you, there was a part in the plan where I should've had gave you up to Hydra." Loki explained, he wasn't proud of it. You felt it.

"What..?" you were confused. You couldn't believe it. You always had wondered what was the reason for your kidnap and it had felt like there never were a sense making reason for that. But now you had to rethink it.

"The whole plan was to kidnap you, because you were the daughter of Tony Stark and on top, you were also a mind reader.
If we kidnap the daughter of Stark, it would possibly get the whole team upset and unbalanced. What meant that it would be easier to attack the city. Which actually happened.
After that Thanos would had wanted to get rid of you, so he made a deal with Hydra, to give you up to them. And because they didn't mind at all that we would attack in New York, it was the most perfect ending for your kidnap." Loki explained, you saw in his eyes the pain and torture he had experienced through back then. This wasn't easy for him.

But neither to you.

"Then why did you let me go? Why didn't you gave me to Hydra?!" you asked, you really didn't understand the reason why he had let you go.
But Loki didn't answer, there was something he didn't want to tell you.
You felt how the anger you had tried to shove down too long, tried to come up again. But this time you didn't even wanna stop it.
You were tired, exhausted, weak, and all that because of him.

"Don't you get it? You ruined my life!" you raised your voice.
And it was just the truth. Because of him, Peter hated you right now.

Then Loki gave a laugh, and you were stunned by his reaction.

"Ruined your life? I tried to save your life by letting you go!" he grumbled at you back. He clearly didn't appreciate the fact that you weren't thankful for that.
"I didn't just mean that!" you murmured.

Loki looked at you abashed.

You were stunned how he didn't have the slightest idea what you were talking about.
"It was that stupid kiss! My relationship is ruined because of that stupid plan of yours!" you growled while you tried to held your tears. This was the first time you had said it out loud and it hurted you, very very much.

"You really thought that it was part of my plan..?" Loki managed to say after a long silence.
"What else it could be?" you replied, now little more calmly than earlier.

Loki looked offended as he looked down at the floor, you felt his hurted feelings.

"You know..."

"My plan was never to fall in love with my prisoner.." he mumbled, his voice cracked in that part.

Your mouth dropped a little because of the following shock,
but you didn't have enough time to respond because your cell's door opened again.

CapturedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora