chapter twenty

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"Come on now Y/N, let's go." Thor ordered you after Odin had got back to his duties. You nodded and followed him out of the throne room.
"Thor, wait." Frigga said after you two as she walked behind you from the throne room.
"What is it mother?" he asked and placed his hand on her shoulder. But instead of answering to Thor's question, Frigga turned on you and smiled.
"I would like to talk to lady Y/N." she said kindly. You were little flattered for the fact that Thor's mother, Frigga, wanted to talk to you.
"If it's okay to you." she added and took few steps towards you.
"Yes of course it is." you said little confused but polite. Thor smiled at you and signed you to follow his mother. You walked behind her, leaving Thor on the corridor by himself. You had actually thought first that he was coming with you, but apparently not.

Frigga led you through the corridors into some room... or actually it was more like a suite. She closed the door behind her and then turned on you again.
"Sit down dear." she said gently and pointed at the couch, you were standing near. You sat on it and Frigga came next to you.
"I noticed that you have some interesting powers." she told you gently.
"Well, I'm not sure if they're interesting... but how did you..?" you asked carefully. You didn't want to be rude around the all-mother.
"I'm kind of a witch, I can see through people and their powers. Specially, the most powerful ones." she replied and smiled at your little stunned look on your face. You were little embarrassed for the fact that you should have known, she was Odin's wife after all.
"But I can just only read minds.." you mumbled a bit. You really didn't think that your ability to read minds is that great or powerful power. Frigga looked amused and she even laughed a little, she seemed to be more relaxed and less formal than his husband, Odin.
"Oh my dear, you can do so much more than just read minds." she said gently as she placed her hand on your shoulder. You looked at her amused but confused at the same time. That really couldn't be true at all.
"No I'm sorry, but you must be mistaken. I certainly can not do anything more than just read minds." you laughed a bit and looked down on your feet.
"You sure? Have you ever noticed anything more?
Like that you can feel other peoples feelings?" she asked while she was trying to reach your eyes.

Wait what?

How did she know about that?

You turned to look at her, confused again, but she just smiled kindly at you.
"I think you had, hadn't you?" she added.
"Well, actually yes. I had, and it's strange, I haven't experienced anything like it before." you told her, she seemed to be a person who understood you and your abilities.
"But it's only a little part of things you can do my darling." she told you. It looked like she really did know about magic and other  similar stuff.
"I can do... more?" you asked little shocked. You clearly hadn't ever even dreamed to have more powers than just mind reading.
"Yes, I noticed it at the right beginning when I first saw you. And also noticed that you did know so little about them." she explained.
"Why.... why are you telling me this?" you asked, you really didn't have a slightest idea why she was telling you all this.
"Because I think that you should know what you're capable to do. You can maybe help others if you know and control them." she replied, but this time the tone in her voice had turned into more seriousness.
"Control what, exactly?" you asked, now you started to get more curious about this.
"Before I tell you, you need to know that it's a powerful ability to control. And it can help others, but it has its dark side too. You can also hurt people if you don't know how to use it for good." she said little warningly. Frigga clearly wanted you to understand that you needed to be careful with it, whatever it was.
You nodded as an agreement.

Frigga took a deep breath as she grabbed your hands in hers.
"You have an ability to control and heal minds, dear." she told you, this time firmly.
"Wait what?" you questioned her. You really were now more confused than ever in your whole life before.


"So what did my mother told you?" Thor asked while you were walking on the streets of Midgard. You had just got back from Asgard and it was already evening when you were heading back to the tower.
"Nothing special, we just talked about Loki." you lied.
You had promised to Frigga that you wouldn't tell anyone about ability to control minds and feel others feelings as well. She had told you firmly that it had to be just between you and her. It was too dangerous for others to know, at the moment. Frigga had told you that you needed to learn how to control it first, then you could reveal it to others.

Your own thoughts were messed up right now. So much had happened lately. First you got kidnapped by a god, who decided to mess your feelings by kissing you. Then there was an attack which almost killed your father, and you blamed yourself for it. And in the end of all, you went to Asgard and got told by all-mother, that you had ability to control others minds. What on earth was going to happen next?

"Yeah, Frigga is so worried about Loki. They are really close, you know." Thor replied which made you to flinch out of your own thoughts.
"Yes it seemed like it." you answered and looked away. You noticed that you were thinking about Loki again.
Should you ask him about Loki? What if he starts to doubt something?
"I was thinking.... where are you going to look for Loki? I mean, do you have any idea were he might be?" you asked, struggling a little with your words.
"No I don't really know, and I'm just gonna go through all the nine realms as I promised to my father. He's gotta be in some of those.
Oh, and don't worry little mind reader, I'll make sure he's not gonna hurt you anymore." Thor replied and gave a hint of smile at you.
You sighed in relief, he had just thought that you were scared of his brother. Which you actually were never going to be, ever.
"Thanks Thor." you said while you walked into the tower. Thor just nodded and smiled at you when he pressed the button of the elevator, to get you up in the common room.

"Where have you been young lady?! We were worried as hell!!" Tony growled at you the second you walked in. He was there with your mother and Bruce.
"I was in Asgard." you told him firmly while he stood up and walked over you.
"Excuse me, what?!!" Tony looked stunned. Then he turned his angry face at Thor, who was just amused at the moment.
"You took her to Asgard and didn't even tell me? I thought that she was kidnapped again, for god's sake!" Tony growled at him.
"Lady Y/N was perfectly safe with me." Thor replied politely and then walked pass Tony to grab some drink from his bar counter.
"No, I don't believe it. She could just easily been kidnapped again by that crazy son of a bitch, Loki!" Tony followed Thor to the bar and slammed his hand against the counter.
"Hey, watch your mouth Stark. He's still my brother." Thor murmured at him and took few steps closer, threatening look on his face.

Tony was going to protest at that too, but then your mother interrupted their fight.
"I think that's enough, both of you." Pepper told them firmly as she walked over you.
"And you, go straight to your room. You should know that you're not allowed to go Asgard or anywhere else around the universe without my or your father's permission, specially when you had just been gone for two weeks. Got it?" she told you firmly and looked directly into your eyes to see if you understood. You sighed deeply and nodded. You were too tired to argue with her right now.

You gave a look at Thor who was sipping his beer as you walked back into the elevator and headed to your room.

What a rough day..

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