chapter three

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Weekend was over way too soon and you had to wake up for the school.
You haven't spoke to Peter yet after the saturday, he came home so late that night that you didn't even bother to. And something inside you tried to keep you away from him, even for awhile. You didn't know why you felt that way, but you just did.

"Get yourself up, immediately." Tony ordered, when you still lied on your bed. "Yeah... yeah.." you mumbled, but then wrapped yourself inside the blanket like a burrito.
"Young lady, you have school like in half an hour so get your ass up, now." Tony ordered again, but you still didn't move a muscle.
"Alright that's it." Tony lost it and grabbed that blanket of yours and threw it on the floor, leaving you there without it and you got cold as fuck.
"Hey!" you murmured and sat up.
"Great, now that you're awake, you can go to school. Chop chop." Tony told you, sounding annoying as heck. You glared at him angrily while you got yourself up from your bed.

/Even Morgan is faster than you/ Tony thought.

"She's kid, she likes school." you replied and headed to your bathroom.
"And you can stop reading my mind or I'm not gonna take you to school." Tony grumbled after you and cleaned a bit your messy bedroom.
"I can walk there anyway!" you shouted from the bathroom. You actually knew you couldn't make it on time if you walked to school, but you didn't want to go there either so.
"No, you're late already. I'm driving you, come downstairs in five." your father told you and left your room, finally.

You dressed yourself and brushed your teeth as slow as you could. You really hated that school, more than anything. But for you luck, this was the last year. Then you could be a full time Avenger.

"Finally.." Tony sighed as you entered to his garage, where he kept his cars. And he had lot of those.
You sat on the backseat and you noticed Peter, sitting on the other side.
"Oh, hi." he said quietly. He seemed like he was afraid to talk to you. You smiled and put your seatbelt on.

You didn't talk to Peter during the whole drive to your school. Peter looked like he wanted to say something, but you though that he did want to talk about the weekend while your father was around. You wouldn't either, though.

Tony was little bit too protective over you and even more over your little sister, Morgan.

"Alright kids, off you go." Tony said when he had stopped in front of your school.
You climbed out of the car and Tony drove away.
"Hey Y/N, wait." Peter said and grabbed your hand before you could walk away.
"What? I'm late already." you blurted little too rudely. Peter sighed heavily and grabbed your another hand as he walked closer.
"Y/N, I can see that something is wrong between us. Tell me, did I do something wrong last saturday?" he asked with innocence sparking in his eyes.
"No, you didn't. Everything is just fine, I'm just... little stressed, that's all." you lied. You didn't want to make a scene out of this, so you lied.

A lie.

You used those pretty much.

So much that you had become such a good liar.

"Oh okay, good. I was scared for a second." Peter sighed relieved and then came closer to hug you.
"Our classes, we need to go." you told him and loosened your grip around him so you could get to your class. Peter gave you goodbye kiss and then you separated to your own classrooms.

Schoolday went fast, for you luck. But it didn't mean that your day wasn't horrible once again. You were alone and even Peter hadn't bothered to meet you during your breaks. Well, he has his friends after all. You were a lonely wolf, and you actually didn't like to be social (except with Clint and Peter of course).

You were sitting in front of your locker and reading for the coming exam next week, when someone kicked the book off your hands. You looked up and saw bunch of your school's popular girls.
"Oh sorry, it was an accident." one of them laughed and the others followed. You recognized that she was the head girl of the group.
You stood up and squeezed your fists. "Oh poor thing, don't cry. I'll get it for you." she said and picked up your book and threw it to the closest bin. Other girls just laughed at you like a pack of hyenas

"Leave me alone." you murmured and walked to the bin to pick up your book.
/got you/ she thought.
Then she came from behind and tried to push you, but you were faster. Thanks to your fighting skills and mind reading power.
You ducked down and came behind her back and pushed her against the lockers, your hand keeping her hands behind her back.
"Ouch!" she moaned and the other girls looked shocked from aside.
"Look's like you didn't got me after all." you murmured into her ear. And it worked, she got scared of your words. Her face was full of terror.

"What in god's sake is happening in here?! Get your hands off of her ms. Stark!" one of your teachers yelled at you as he saw what was going on.
You detached your hands off of her and backed off.
"Are you okay, ms. Wilson?" he asked next from the girl who just had bullied you.
"She just attacked on me! I didn't do anything, she's crazy!" she replied, blaming you for this, of course.
"That's not true! She started!" you grumbled back.

What a snake.

"Ms. Stark, you go straight to the principal's office, now!" teacher ordered and pointed to the office's direction.
"Wha.." you were stunned and angry. You couldn't believe this.
"Now!" he repeated himself and glared at you while Wilson grinned at you.
You picked up your stuff and walked quickly out of the situation. Meanwhile the other girls tried to hold their laugh as you walked by.

You sat quietly on your seat while you waited for the principal's coming. After few awful minutes, the office's door opened and the principal and.... Tony, walked in.


Now you were screwed.

Tony looked at you angrily and disappointed as he sat down next to you.
You tried to avoid the eye contact and looked down at the ground.

The principal sighed heavily and sat down behind his desk.
"Ms. Stark, I don't know what that was about, but you should know that isn't the way how we behave in school. That is inappropriate acting and we don't accept that kind of behavior." principal told you firmly while he leaned against his desk and tried to reach your eyes. They both waited you to say something, but you just sat there quietly.
"Do you have anything to say, young lady?" Tony asked and gave you a disappointed glare. You thought for awhile and then opened your mouth to answer.
"She deserved it."

"No, no one deserves anything like that. You just can't attack at other students with or without a reason." principal responded and looked little pissed off.
"This is such a bullshit." you growled and stood up. You grabbed your stuff and walked out of his office, slamming the door behind you.

"What the hell was that?!" Tony asked when he finally had came out of the school. You didn't say a word and just looked away.
"Fine, if you're not gonna talk, I'll ground you." he grumbled at you and tried to make you talk. You still stood there without saying anything back to him.
"Okay then, you're grounded.
Now get your ass in the car, we need to pick up Morgan." he told you firmly and opened the door for you. You got in and Tony closed the door after you.

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