chapter nineteen

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Next day had came already and you were sitting in the common room by yourself this time. You had agreed to meet Peter after he will got back from visiting his aunt. Although you would had like to avoid that too, but you didn't want to give him reasons to doubt you.

Then someone came in, and you thought it was Peter until you turned around.
It was Thor, in his asgardian armor and mjolnir in his hand.
"Great, I was actually looking for you." he said and walked over you and sat down. You looked at him confused, why he was looking for you?
You couldn't read his mind, because he was a god so you decided to ask.
"What's wrong?" you asked, hint of concern in your voice. Usually when someone like Thor, wanted to talk to you, it wasn't going to be just fun chatting.
"I need you to come with me." he told you firmly and now you were more confused than earlier.
"Come where?" you asked.
"To Asgard of course." he said like it had to be something you should had known already. You were stunned, and based on Thor's amused look on his face, it was showing.
"Odin and Frigga, my parents, wanted to meet you. It's about Loki." he explained.
"Oh right, of course if they really want to. When we're leaving?" you asked, although you hesitated a little first. You weren't so sure if you liked to be there, in Asgard again. You were captured there for two weeks after all.
"Now." he said as he stood up and headed to the elevator.
"What? Now? What about Tony and..." you asked, but Thor was already dragging you in.
"They'll be fine. We just visit there quickly." He replied as he pressed the button to take you to the ground. You weren't sure what your father was going to say, when you had just left without his permission. Though you didn't care about his stupid permissions.
And what about Peter? You had promised to hand out with him later. Maybe if you were really quick, you would be back before he does.

Thor brought you outside and you to walked far enough from the tower so you could use the Bifrost. You had seen before how Thor used it, but you never had actually experienced it by yourself. Loki had brought you there in that ship and you had never been in Asgard before it.

Thor lifted up his hammer and called someone named Heimdall. Then you got surrounded by a light, which looked a little bit like rainbow. Thor wrapped his arm around you and told you to hold on tightly. You grabbed his waist just in time, before the bridge lifted you up from the ground.
The travel there was quick and soon you landed to the other side, in Asgard. A man with big sword was waiting for you there. You assumed that he was the man who Thor had called Heimdall.
"Missed me already?" Thor laughed as you walked over Heimdall.
Heimdall just rolled his eyes and laughed at him. They seemed to be close.

Then he gave a look at you.
"You must be Y/N." he said. You nodded and took few steps further from Thor.
"I have to say that prince Loki hid you pretty well, even I couldn't see you." he told you politely. You raised your eyebrow, you didn't know what he meant by that.
"Heimdall can see everything what happens in all nine realms." Thor explained and looked amused at your confused face.
"Oh right." you said little embarrassed.

"But we should get going, Odin is waiting for us." Thor told you and you nodded. You said goodbye to Heimdall and then you two headed to the palace.
Asgard was beautiful and breathtaking, now when you had finally a chance to look more around it.
While you walked towards the palace, Thor told you asgardian's simple basics, like how you should behave around the All-father. He new exactly what kind of person you were and he wanted to make sure that you understood to be polite around his parents. Specially around Odin.

Thor had told you tales about Odin and Asgard of course. And he seemed to be powerful king, but now it was time to see, was it true.

You walked behind Thor, through the corridors of the palace. He brought you in front of huge doors and you assumed that they were the doors of the throne room, which Thor had told you about. Doors opened when you got close and you walked in, still behind Thor of course.
You saw a man with white long hair and eye patch. He must be Odin, the all-father. There was also older woman, standing by Odin's side. You assumed that she was Frigga, Thor's mother. He had mentioned her once, actually and she seemed very nice and kind person.

Thor bowed in front of his father, and you followed his lead.
"Father, I brought you Y/N. She's the girl, who Loki had kidnapped earlier." Thor said and stood up. Odin stood from his throne and came down the stairs to you, Frigga following him. When he had came over you, he looked at you curiously.
"A mind reader." he said suddenly, which made you little confused. You didn't assume him to notice or even bring it up.

"Nice to meet you dear." Frigga said instead and smiled at you kindly. After that she gave a glare at her husband for being rude to you.
"Yes, indeed.
We had invited you here for a very important reason." Odin spoke up and looked at you, still with that curious look on his face. It almost seemed like he was scanning you or something. Same as Frigga actually, but she had a little different look, like she new something about you that you didn't.
"How can I help?" you asked politely, trying to keep that polite, good behaving form.
"We had lost Loki, we don't have a slightest idea were he could be. We hoped that you would know something about it." Frigga spoke up, she was clearly worried about her son.

You were actually little stunned, you had thought that Loki would be here. You would've liked to talk to him.

"Do you know where he had might went? Did he gave you any clues while he had kept you here?
Oh, and my apologies for him, it isn't how we usually act here, in Asgard." Odin told you, he wasn't that worried about his younger son. You almost didn't even need to use your ability to feel other's feelings, it showed clearly in him.
As you tried to read Odin more, Frigga gave you a little mysterious smile. It seemed like she had noticed what you were doing.

"No, I'm sorry. We didn't talk much during our time together." you replied.
"Nothing?" he repeated, he really wanted to make sure you hadn't heard anything from him.
"No." you repeated yourself.
Odin looked little disappointed, as he walked back to his throne. He collapsed on the throne and dropped his head against his hand. He sighed deeply and then turned on Thor, who was walking towards him.
"Father, what do we do?" he asked politely, which was weird to you. Odin was his father after all, why he had to treat him like a king as well?

"I have to admit, my son, that I don't know. Your brother could be anywhere around the all nine realms. He's good at hiding, even from Heimdall, as you had noticed." Odin said and gave a look at you.
You new what he meant. Loki had successfully hid you from them all and even from Heimdall. You had understood now, how powerful Heimdall was and you understood why Thor and his parents were so worried about Loki. He must be very powerful for doing that.

"Then I promise you, father, that I will go through all the nine realms and more to find him. And when I do, I bring him here, to you." Thor said little arrogantly and dropped on his knee.
"Very well then, my son." Odin nodded and showed a hint of smile at his son. But then he looked at you and his smile vanished.
"It was pleasure to meet you, lady Y/N. If you like, you can stay here for little longer. I owe it." he said politely.
"It was pleasure to meet you as well, and thank you, all-father." you replied as polite as possible, and it seemed to satisfy Odin. You may had managed to impress him.

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