Another Love~J.J. {1}

By TheGroovyWriter

350K 9.5K 892

❛I'm not afraid to fall in love, i'm afraid to fall for with the wrong person❜ A story in which the outcast... More

~ c a s t ~


3.9K 106 6
By TheGroovyWriter

The Sweet Hereafter

* * *

It was the ultimate cliffhanger. Clifford Blossom had killed himself. But why? Life's not an Agatha Christie novel. It's a lot messier. Turns out, maple syrup was a front for his true business. Transporting heroin from Montreal on his trucks. A narrative quickly emerged. That Jason Blossom learned about dear old Dad's drug running, and threatened to expose the truth. Which led to Jason's abduction at the hands of a Southside Serpent named Mustang. And then to Jason's murder at the hands of his father. Clifford killed Mustang to cover his tracks, making it look like he'd overdosed, and tried to implicate a rival businessman, Hiram Lodge, as having masterminded the whole thing. And, oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Mr. Blossom threatened my life, so that my dad would confess to pulling the trigger, even though all he did was clean up the mess. And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for a group of pesky kids who uncovered the truth. Even as Clifford Blossom, consumed by guilt and shame, took the coward's way out...Jason's murder had revealed some dark truths none of us were too eager to face. Especially not Mayor McCoy, who wanted every last vestige of corruption crushed like a snake under a boot heel.

* * *

        "Archie. Betty. Lia." Mayor McCoy began, looking between the three teens who sat before her in the principal's office. Betty and Lia sat in the two chairs that were in Principal Weatherbee's office while Archie stood between them. "I'd like to feature you three at the Jubilee. As you know, it's our 75th anniversary of our town's founding, and also a kickoff for the next 75 years. And who better represents the future of Riverdale than the young people who, working with Sheriff Keller and my office, helped bring peace and justice to our streets once more?"

        "But, that's not exactly what happened-

        "Let the Mayor finish, Ms. Cooper." Principal Weatherbee ordered. 

        "Archie, the Pussycats will be performing at the Jubilee, and I would love for you to join them. Betty, I think it's important that we hear from Riverdale's best and brightest. And Lia, I've been told by Principal Weatherbee that you've been getting into photography?" 

        "Yes, that's true." Lia replied, looking down at the camera that hung around her neck and then back to the Mayor.

        "I would love for you to document the Jubilee, take photos for the Riverdale Register and even just to put in my office." Mayor McCoy said before smiling at the trio in the room. "What do you say, all of you?"

        "What about Jughead?" Betty asked. 

        "I, uh... I like Jughead. And he's welcome to attend the Jubilee, of course. But his father is in jail, and think it might be confusing to have him up on the Jubilee stage." Mayor McCoy stammered out and Lia scoffed. 

        "That's so unfair, Mayor McCoy." She countered. 

        "Lia, Betty, Archie, you're heroes. The kind of heroes that Riverdale desperately needs right about now."

* * *

        "I told her I wouldn't do it. Not unless you're up there with us, Jug." Betty said as they group was at lunch. 

        "I appreciate the righteous indignation, Betty, I do, but Jubilees aren't my thing." Jughead responded while shaking his head. 

        "Jug, how's your dad? Did you get in to see him?" Archie asked, changing the topic. 

        "Here's the latest. Mayor McCoy wants my dad to name names in exchange for a lesser sentence." Jughead answered.  

        "What? Whose names?" Betty asked.

        "The Serpents. Sheriff Keller thinks they're the ones dealing the drugs that Clifford Blossom brought into the town." Jughead replied. 

        "My dad says more and more drugs are hitting the streets." Kevin piped up. 

        "Kevin, relax, this isn't The Wire. My dad says they're not the ones dealing." Jughead said and Lia shook her head, wondering why everything was still so crazy. 

        "And meanwhile, Mayor McCoy hasn't even said the words "Clifford" or "Blossom" in public." Betty added on. 

        "It's all about how the Serpents are the problem, the villains."

        "This is outrageous. I'm writing an article about this, and not just for The Blue and Gold, for The Register. This is a town story." Betty announced, sounding very determined. 

        "Okay, as long as the article doesn't include my dad." Jughead agreed. 

        "No, it is going to be about your dad, Jug." Betty countered, making Jughead sigh. "It doesn't matter how many Jubilees Mayor McCoy throws. This town's changed. That needs to be acknowledged. Why are people so afraid of the truth?" 

        "Speaking of the truth...Archie and I wanted to tell you..." Veronica trailed off and Lia raised her eyebrows, looking between her brother and friend with amusement while she sipped on her coffee. 

        "We've kissed a couple of times." Archie finished. 

        "It's okay, Vee. I appreciate you being honest with me, but I'm with Jughead now." Betty replied, smiling over at Jughead. Lia was still a bit in shock at Archie's previous words so she barely noticed what Betty had said. "If you guys want to be together, I'm happy for you."

        "Thanks, B."

        "Thanks, Betty."

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