
By ddddd303

692K 14.2K 1.1K

Love. Something he never believed in until he met her. Trust. Something she never believed in until she met... More

Thank you
Muffled tears
Normal life
Pure anger
Anger to love
No promises
The store
Deals with the devil
Breathless moments
Mascarade ball
Mascarade ball part two
The end to a perfect night
Meet the parents
Meet the parents 2
Listen to me
Unwanted attention
Back where i belong
Bitch please..
Leaving me
Figure part 2
Dried blood
Memories of you
Horror and joy
Author's note
It will only ever be you
make her proud
alternative ending


9.3K 196 5
By ddddd303

6 weeks later
Fear was eating me up. As I sat here with Mia waiting to be seen for mias first ultra sound.
My hand was in her hand. I could sense she was scared too. We both were. What happens if there is no heartbeat. For the past few days I've been so nervous.

I've been trying to track down Venom yet there is no sign of him. Since the trip to the supermarket we haven't been followed either.

"Alessandro " Mia muttered to me to get me out of my trance. I looked up at her and smiled.
" we've got to follow the doctor " she told me. I instantly stood up . I took her hand and we both walked down the hallway into the room. We were greeted by the same doctor as last time. Great. I know he's here to help Mia but I can't help but want to kill him whenever he touches her or goes to close to her.
I stood by mias side, holding her hand as she was lying down on the bed. The doctor walked over and squirted the jelly onto mias stomach.
" We won't be able to determine the gender until you're around 18-21 weeks. All that will be determined and looked for now is your baby's heart beat and how many babies there are. You will be able to see the foetus. Remember it will only be tiny. " the doctor informed Alessandro and I. We both nodded our head. 
He placed the probe over her stomach and instantly a picture came onto the screen. My eyes were glued to it. You could hear the small heartbeat from our baby.
" there are two heartbeats" the doctor said with a smile.
Mia and I both turned to look at each other.
" we are having two babies ?" Mia asked confused.
" yes. Congratulations " the doctor told her.
Tears spilled from her eyes. Tears of joy. A big smile spread across her face as I kissed her.
We both turned back to look at our babies. They were perfect.
I know I didn't want them at the start but now I can't imagine not having them. I just need to be there for Mia. Her and the babies are all that matters.

Once we got back home I couldn't help but feel guilty for not telling my brothers. They have never done anything to hurt me so they shouldn't loose out because of our father.
I took the phone out my pocket and punched my brothers number into my phone. When I was younger I always focused on their numbers in case I needed it.
After several rings I heard a faint hello.
Hearing Tyler's voice again made me think of all the old memories we had together.
" hi Tyler, it's Mia "
" oh my god Mia. I've missed you "
" I've missed you too. I was wondering if you and mason would like to meet up with me?"
" of course. Meet this afternoon ?" He asked
" that's perfect. See you later "

After I put the phone down I sighed in relief. We were meeting at the local cafe by my old house. That way I don't have to go back home and see my father. I can't risk anything now that I'm pregnant.

I got in the car and Alessandro was waiting for me in the drivers seat.
" are you ready?" He asked me as I got into the passenger seat.
" yeah. Thank you for driving me " I told him as I caressed his hand.

As we were driving Alessandro spoke up.
" would you like me to stay in the car instead of going back home, just in case ?"
He knows I'm worried about telling my brothers as I don't think they will take the news too well.
" if you don't mind. "
" no of course not "

We pulled up outside the cafe. Alessandro parked the car in one of the spaces and turned off the engine. He turned to look at me as he placed both hands on my shoulders.
" I'm sure they will take the news okay. " he tried to assure me.
" I hope so "
" well if you need me I'm right here" he told me as he kissed me.
I got out the car reluctantly and walked up to the cafe.
I saw mason and Tyler sat on a bench on the field beside the cafe. I waved and told them I was just going to get a drink first.
I walked into the cafe and grabbed myself some lemonade and made my way to them. As I go closer and closer to them my nerves were building up even more. I took deep breaths in and out to try and slow down my heart rate.
" miaaaa" they both greeted me with a hug. I sat on a chair in front of them while they both sat on the bench.
" how have you been ?" I asked them both.
" well I've been helping in the mafia whilst working at a night club. " Tyler replied
" I've just been doing small jobs in the mafia, so not much really. How about you? " mason asked
" I went to school again for a little while but I don't go all the time. " I didn't want to tell them about the situation at school. I know they would worry.
" how are you and Alessandro going ?"
" really well actually. There's actually something I need to tell you guys. But please don't get mad " i told them whilst I played with my fingers in my hands. This was always a habit of mine. I do it all the time when I am nervous.
" what is it Mia. You're making me worried " Tyler said. Mason nodded his head too as he agreed with Tyler.
" I'm pregnant. " I blurted out quickly. For some reason I thought if I say it quicker it will make it all better.
Both of their faces dropped. Mason was about to say something but closed his mouth again. They were both in complete shock. They just sat staring at me.
" I obviously didn't plan for this to happen. I'm 10 weeks. So 2 and a half months. I went to the first ultrasound today and the doctor told me I was having twins. We can't know the genders until 18 weeks at least. "
" does Alessandro know?" Tyler asked concerned
" yeah I told him as soon as I found out. At first he wasn't very happy. I'm 17 and he's still only 20. We are both quite young to be doing this but there was no way I was going to get rid of them. He soon started to understand and now he is really happy. I guess he just never saw himself having kids as he is the most powerful mafia leader. "
" well I'm happy for you Mia. As long as you are happy and he will support you, I'm happy. " Tyler told me.
" me too Mia. Congratulations." Mason said. They both got up to gently hug me.
" thank you guys! " I told them sincerely.
" I can't believe we are going to be uncles" mason said excitedly. Tyler and I both laughed.

All three of us carried on talking just like the old times. I looked down at my phone and saw it had been two hours. I better get back to Alessandro.
" I'm going to have to go boys. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon " I told them as I wrapped my arms around them both at the same time.
" we love you Mia" Tyler whispered.
" I love you guys too" I told them as I picked up my jacket and waved goodbye. I walked back across the field towards the car park, happy that the conversation went well.
Just as I was getting closer to the cafe, I saw a tall figure come into sight. It started to run towards me. I started running towards the car but I wasn't quick enough. Suddenly my hair was pulled, pulling me back with it.

End of chapter!

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