Stay with me

Door iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... Meer

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws

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Door iliqblack

- Thank you for agreeing to listen to us.

Mirai spoke calmly and a little distantly. Mert was silent and looked at his two grandfathers point-blank.

- Let's sit down and make an order, - suggested Gumuskaya.

Mert pulled out a chair for Mom and helped her to sit down. The men looked at each other and also sank into their seats. Mert sat down next to his mother. The waiter served the menu. Mirai looked it over and chose the cheapest dish. Mert repeated Mom's order. Gumuskaya frowned and called the same thing. Oddly enough, Astarkhan also ordered it. When the waiter left, he turned to his former daughter-in-law and grandson:

- Mirai, Mert, I apologize for Hazal, Mehmet, and myself. I understand that it is impossible to forgive such a thing, but I want you to know that I regret that I believed the scoundrel and the daughter who defended him.

Mert's cheekbones tightened, his eyes turned to ice. But he remained silent. Mirai looked Engin Astarkhan in the eyes and said:

- If you repent and want to clear your conscience, then help the people who also almost became victims of Hazal and her, already second, husband.

- Passionis and Sapphire? - asked Engin Astarkhan. - Or, to be precise, their owners, Omer, and Defne Iplikci?

"Yes," Mirai confirmed. - Honest businessmen and decent people. They did a lot of good for me, Mert, and the girls. But now they are in trouble.

- Tell me, - ordered the chief of the Istanbul police.

Concisely and clearly, without unnecessary digressions and phrases, Mirai told the whole story. The men listened attentively, and when she fell silent, the father said:

- I can help to ensure that the court's decision when Iplikci files a lawsuit to be in their favor. But they are right. If there is a serious reason to consider Kadir Shishmaz an unreliable citizen, then he will not have a single chance to get custody of his minor daughter. Gambling is such a ground. Engin, what do you say?

Astarkhan rubbed his chin thoughtfully and was silent.

"You're not risking anything," said Mert, and his grandfather's face quivered. Finally, the grandson spoke to him. For this, he agreed to turn any adventure and risk not only his position but also his life. - To bring out the sharper and the swindler, isn't this the task of the police?

- You're right, son. Such an operation will be fully justified. But, - the expression on his face became hard again, - I will have a condition. You and your sisters will agree to meet with your father and me.

- Engin! - Gumuskaya was indignant. - You have no right to put pressure on the children. Maybe you will also make Mirai return to Mehmet.

Mirai raised her eyebrows ironically, showing with all her appearance that she thought about such an assumption. Astarkhan cast a short glance at his former daughter-in-law and replied:

- Not. I have no right to this. Mehmet is not worthy of a woman like Mirai. Seven years ago, it was he who should have stood up for her. But he didn't do it. Now let him bite his elbows. But Mert and the girls are his children. And my only grandchildren. We want to see them.

"For seven years you did not consider us your grandchildren," Mert reminded him.

- Yes it is. I made a mistake, which I admit and regret. And yet I insist. I will do my best to help Iplikci, but in return, I ask for one evening a week with my grandchildren.

Mert was silent. Pride demanded to send to hell his grandfather with his conditions. But Esra was in danger. The beautiful girl who made his heartbeat often and feel unreasonably happy. She filled his soul with light and his thoughts with joy. For her sake, he was ready for anything. Even talking to his grandfather and father.

- Your decision? - Engin Astarkhan demanded an answer.

"Okay," the boy agreed grimly. "But not on weekends. Weekday evening. Also, we will not come to your home. Park, shopping center, cafe. Anywhere, but not in your home.

- I agree, - the grandfather answered without hesitation. In the next second, his voice took on a business note. - I will give the order for the operation, as well as my best operative. He will supervise all steps and competently collect evidence. Let Mr. Iplikci call me tomorrow," he dictated the number, and Mirai entered it into the address book of her phone.

The waiter brought the order, but Mirai and Mert did not touch the dishes. Mirai put the money next to the plate and stood up. Mert got up after her.

- Where are you going? - Gumuskaya was surprised.

"Home," Mirai replied calmly.

- And dinner?

- We'll have dinner at home. With the girls. They are waiting. Bon appetit and good evening.

She took Mert's arm and together they headed for the exit. The men watched them go. With straight shoulders and back, confidence in every movement.

"You have a strong daughter," Astarkhan said, addressing his friend. - She went through rape, betrayal, poverty and did not break. She raised a real man from her son. You can be proud of her.

"I'm proud," Onder said. There was clearly a bitterness in his voice. "And I regret that I once doubted her and her honor. I deserve my loneliness."

He lowered his head and sighed heavily. Astarkhan patted him on the shoulder and said:

"I'm going to take my granddaughters and Mert to the horse farm in a week. I will be glad if you join us."


Banu and Esra had been living on the island for a week. With Maya, they learned to cook Polynesian dishes, picking fruits in the garden, looked after flowers in flower beds. With Theo, they trained the horses and helped him in the stable. He praised them and said that both girls were born riders and favorites of the handsome silver-white Nei.

In the evenings, they swam in the turquoise water of the lagoon. Theo taught them to swim and soon both felt like fish in the water. A couple of times, at dawn, he took the girls fishing. By boat, they sailed far from the shore and threw their fishing rods into the water. Each fish caught became the subject of exuberant joy. And then, cooked by Maya's skillful hands, it seemed doubly tasty.

Cheerful and funny, the girls became a real joy and great help for Maya. The work was done in their deft hands. Esra did better, Banu a little worse, but she did not lose heart. She diligently repeated everything that Maya taught her. She, observing the efforts of the girls, said that they would become good wives to someone. Both lit up with blush and smiled, imagining in their dreams a handsome, blue-eyed guy.

Mert Astarkhan.

He sometimes called, set up a conference, and the three of them chatted for hours about everything in the world. And in the evenings, exactly at ten o'clock Polynesian time, he wrote to Esra. She waited for these messages and opened them with bated breath. She read, while the soul lifted off the ground and, happy, floated in the air. But she was silent about it, to anyone, not even Banu, not telling about her secret. There was nothing romantic about these messages. Mert told funny stories, made jokes, and amusingly talked about the office life of Sapphire and Passionis. And only at the end, each time he wrote:

"I miss you".

These words gave wings and lifted to the stars. Esra, throwing her head back, danced around the room, and then answered: "Me too."


On Saturday, family and friends gathered at Iplikci's house again. They didn't look angry and depressed this time. Rather belligerent and determined to punish the blackmailer. The last to arrive was the private detective. Omer introduced him and motioned for him to read the report. The man cleared his throat and, opening the folder, spoke:

- I watched Kadir Shishmaz for five days and collected information about him along the way. Here's what I found out: does not work anywhere, lives on a grand scale. Five-star hotel room, branded clothing, latest iPhone, and dinners at expensive restaurants. But at the same time, he has a huge card debt. Wakes up late. Breakfast in the room, lunch in the hotel restaurant.

During the day, he hardly leaves the hotel, in the evening he goes to the club Night. He doesn't drink a lot. He tries to fool the rich middle-aged ladies who appear in the club. I spoke to the staff. Kadir Shishmaz had asked if there were any underground casinos in Istanbul and how to get there. The bartender gave him several addresses. But Shishmaz did not go to any of them. All named casinos belong to the same mafia group. It can be concluded that these are the people to whom Shishmaz owes. If so, then he is in a big hole. You can't hide from these. They'll get him out of the ground.

"Maybe we don't need to do anything," Serdar muttered. - Let them get him and kill him.

- They will not kill him. He will get out, - Defne rightly remarked. - He's a wolf and lives by wolf laws. He does not need anyone except himself. Saving his own skin, he, without hesitation, will destroy even his own children. But we must protect ourselves and make sure that according to our, human and state laws, he has nothing to do with us and no rights on Esra.

"You're right," Serdar smiled sadly at his sister. - When did you manage to grow up and become such a wise, bully Defne?

"And you're not the Serdar you were a couple of years ago," she answered in tone. - From a careless donkey and a dunce, you grew into a worthy man and a father of a family.

Grandmother Turkan sobbed and wiped her eyes with the corner of her handkerchief. Nihan put her arms around her shoulders and rebuked her.

- Well, why are you crying, aunt Turkan? You brought up, such grandchildren! Should be proud, not cry! And generally speaking! Enough sentiments! Let's move on to discussing the details of the plan! Jansu! Your way out.


The basement of one of the boutiques of the Baisal jewelry house was gradually turning into an elite casino. In a square room with roughly plastered concrete walls, was installed a rectangular oak card table with a wide copper edging, which framed the tabletop covered with green cloth. Antique chairs with high backs and soft, velvet seats were set around the table. Three copper lamps with shades of pale green glass hung directly above the table. The lampshades were designed to illuminate the green cloth, copper edging, and the hands of the players at the table. Only one chair fell into the light zone entirely. It was at it that the surveillance cameras were directed, hidden behind a rack with game chips, decks of cards, and other attributes of gambling. In the far corner, dimly lit by a small lamp, was a bar with expensive drinks.

When everything was ready, Ozcan Baisal invited Iplikci to evaluate the work. Defne wandered about the room with wide eyes and tightly compressed lips. It was the first time she saw a casino and it did not evoke the slightest good feelings in her. And when she approached the card table, disgust was reflected on her face. Omer understood her feelings, but now was not the time or place to talk about them. He went up to his wife, gently touched her back, but spoke to Baisal:

- Faultless underground casino. You have wasted time and money on it. Defne and I are grateful to you and would like to reimburse the costs.

Baisal raised his hand, stopping his words with a gesture.

- Please, Mr. Omer! Let's leave the topic of money. This casino and my help in Jansu's adventure is so negligible compared to what you did for me and my daughter. Let me be grateful.

Omer nodded sparingly and said:

- Thanks! So, everything is ready and we can start implementing the plan?

- The room is ready, but the connection between the cameras here and the monitors in the next room has not yet been fully established. And there is also the question of who will play the roles of the casino workers. The security and the bartender are simple. Let's take some of my employees or yours. But here's the croupier ..., - Baisal scratched his head. - Special skills are needed here. Give me time until Friday.

Omer and Defne went outside and stopped on the sidewalk, squinting in the bright light. Defne took a deep breath and said:

- Glory to the Almighty! We went out into the air. I thought I would suffocate there. Such an oppressive atmosphere. I would never have been able to sit at this table. It is one thing to play cards at home at will, and it's quite another to play such places. Creepy.

Omer took her hand and offered:

- Come on, on the evening of the game you will stay at home, and you will patiently wait for news from me. I promise I won't let anything bad happen.

- No! Defne objected fervently. - I'll go crazy! Grandma will stay with Emine, and I, together with you, will sit in the secret room, get nervous and scan the screen with my eyes.

"That's what I don't like," Omer frowned. - What are you going to be nervous about.

"But in any case, I will be tormented by anxiety," Defne said rightly. - I'd rather be on the scene and you will be there.

Again, her words made his heart skip a beat. So ordinary and innocent, they made Omer melt with happiness. Every time Defne casually talked about her love and that her husband was needed and important to her, he felt a surge of incredible tenderness, delight, and exultation. And he realized that he loved her to the point of madness.

And Defne, not suspecting what kind of volcano of emotions rages in her husband's chest now, looked at her wristwatch and exclaimed:

- My dear! In an hour we have to show Emine Diana to the pediatrician. Let's hurry! We also need to pick her up from Laura and change her clothes. Our girl is a month old today. She must appear before the doctor's eyes as a real princess.

Omer put his arm around her waist and led her to the car, asking:

- Shall we arrange a party in the evening? We will buy balloons, an ice cream cake and a lot of toys. Let's dance and have fun.

"And you will forget your fears and worries at least for a while," he added mentally. "You will become my old, cheerful, laughing Defne."

Emine has grown by three centimeters in a month and has become heavier by a kilogram.

"A beautiful, healthy girl," the pediatrician said with satisfaction, examining her. - It's a pity that you had to put her to artificial feeding. But nothing terrible happened. Millions of children grow up completely healthy on formula.

- I dreamed about something else, - Defne sighed. - I thought I would breastfeed Emine for at least a year.

"Our desires and plans do not always come true," the doctor said philosophically. - Your girl looks happy and healthy. This is the main thing. From now on, she can be given special vitamins for babies.

She finished her examination and sat down to write out the prescription. Dad and mom bent over their daughter. They dressed her so harmoniously and efficiently that the doctor involuntarily distracted from her work, and stared in fascination at the small family. Omer lifted his daughter's head, and Defne put the neck of her dress through it. And although she did it carefully, Emine did not like such manipulations. Her face twisted and her lower lip trembled finely.

- No! No! No! - Dad sang. - Nobody is crying! Mom has already dressed the Bead, and the Bead will now go for a walk.

The lip stopped quivering, and the next second the child's face lit up with a smile. Mom and Dad exhaled. Defne slipped her daughter's arms into the sleeves and lifted her up, clutching her to her chest. Omer immediately deftly straightened her dress and put a lace cap on the tiny head.

"Well, here we are, dressed," he said with satisfaction.

"Take the prescription," the doctor smiled and handed him an oblong sheet of paper.

Omer took it and put it in the inside pocket of his jacket.

- Thank you, madam! - He thanked her. - Have a nice day!

The three of them went out into the street and stopped near the car.

- Where to now? Defne asked.

- For the balloons! Omer said confidently. - We have a holiday today.

They honestly tried to disconnect from all the problems and sincerely have fun. They went to Omer's mom's favorite pastry shop. Ordered Montebianco and divine coffee. They showed the elderly owner Emine Diana. He looked at her tiny face for a long time, nodded his head in satisfaction, and then said that the baby looked like her grandmother. The same refined and graceful.

"Grow up healthy and happy," he said to Emine Diana. She gave him a toothless smile that melted the old man's heart.

Then mom and dad bought a huge bunch of colored balloons and brought their daughter to the observation deck over the Bosphorus. The sun was shining brightly and was reflected by glare on the surface of the water. The sky was deep and clear. Airy, like lumps of cotton, clouds floated across its azure. Seagulls screamed, but their screams were not alarming. Birds dived over the water, rejoicing in summer, sun, and sea.

The breeze ruffled the hem of Defne's light green dress and fluttered her copper hair. She laughed and held them with one hand. Omer, holding his daughter to his chest, openly admired his wife and her happy smile. Stopping at the stone parapet, he turned to Defne:

- Give the balloons here!

Putting a long silver ribbon in Emine Diana's fist, Omer gently squeezed it in his palms and spoke to his daughter:

- Daddy's swallow, make a wish. And you make a wish too, - he ordered his wife.

"And you," she said.

They closed their eyes. And only Emine Diana clapped her eyes-olives and looked at the multi-colored balloons in fascination.

- Did you make a wish? - Opening his eyes, Omer asked Defne.

She nodded and smiled at him.

- One hundred and one wishes!

- Did you hear, my soul? - Omer kissed his daughter's cool forehead. - Your mother and I have now wished a beautiful and happy fate for you. Let's release the balloons. Let the wishes fly to the sky.

He gently unclenched his daughter's fingers. The ribbon slipped out of them, and the bunch of balloons flew into the sky. All three looked at them until they became a dot and disappeared among the white lumps-clouds.

In the evening, while washing the dishes after dinner, Defne suddenly stopped and stared thoughtfully at one point.

- What's the matter? Omer asked anxiously.

He just entered the kitchen. Putting the baby monitor on the counter, he went up to his wife and looked into her face. Defne looked up at him and blurted out:

- I know who the croupier can be! Iso! He was fond of card tricks. He knows how to juggle them and, in general, is very dexterous in handling them. He has not been to a real casino, but if you explain everything to him...

- We need to talk to him. Immediately! - Omer grabbed the plate from her hand, put it in the dryer, and, taking her by the wrist, he pulled Defne along. Sitting her on a chair in the dining room, he handed her the phone and ordered:

- Call him!

Iso was slightly dumbfounded but agreed immediately. Little Esra was in the category of people whom he loved devotedly and selflessly. So, for her sake, he agreed to any adventure and daring feat.

"There is nothing difficult in dealing cards," he said with feigned confidence. - I saw how the croupiers behave in films. Don't worry, Defoe! I'll play!


On Sunday evening, Kadir Shishmaz sat in the nightclub, sullenly sipping expensive Scotch whiskey. Things were worse than ever. The money was running out. Over his head hung a gambling debt of half a million dollars. And not to anyone, but one of the most violent mafia groups. Esra was taken away from Turkey. Her narrow-minded brother and naive sister believe that this way they can avoid blackmail. Silly! They don't know Kadir Shishmaz. He will never give up and will get money from Defne. Esra will not be abroad for months. The school will start and she will have to return to Turkey. Then he, Kadir, will take her. And if the brother and sister file a lawsuit, then he will make claims to grandma Turkan. What had she done, she cheated on social services and changed the names of the children from Shishmaz to Topal? He did not give her such permission. Let her answer before the law for this fraud.

A statement against the former mother-in-law could be filed with the police now, but Kadir did not want to scare Iplikci. Let them think that he resigned himself and backed down. Maybe the girl will be returned to Istanbul faster. And now he had to figure out where to get money. Damn metropolis! Millions of people and one or two underground casinos would have been enough for him. But those belong to his creditors, which means that the road there is forbidden to him.

After finishing his whiskey in one gulp, Kadir turned to the front door and froze with his mouth open. Chatting on the phone, all covered with diamonds, there was such a dolly in the club that Kadir was speechless. The gorgeous blonde was not her first youth, but she looked like a million. The hairstyle, with seeming negligence, was styled hair to hair. The makeup flawlessly concealed the age and emphasized the well-groomed beauty of the woman. Clothing was a squeak of fashion from world couturiers. A Louis Vuitton handbag. The ears, neck, wrists, and fingers on both hands sparkled with diamonds. Not a woman - a dream! She, with the grace of a model, paraded past Kadir and sat on a high stool near the bar. Crossing her legs, she stretched out her foot in a shoe with a stunning high heel and, without stopping the conversation, made a sign to the bartender to pour her a martini. Kadir overwhelmed from such blinding beauty, listened to the cheerful chatter.

- My life! - The style icon talked. - Enough for you to sit in this America! What's interesting? Come back! Real-life is in full swing in Istanbul. I left a hundred thousand dollars in a Chanel boutique yesterday. I bought such a cute blouse. Vintage lace, Chinese silk ... Ay, you silly! I gave such money not only for a blouse. I also bought a bunch of things. I will shine like a star. ... Yes, think about it, money! I won them all in the evening! - The woman lowered her voice and whispered loudly into the receiver: - There is a casino opened here. Special. Not from the category "for everyone." Just a bomb! Only an elite audience plays. The stakes are outrageous, but you know I'm lucky.

Kadir's breath caught in his throat. Allah heard his prayers! A rich lady who gambles. It's a jackpot! He tugged at his expensive linen jacket, smoothed his hair over his temples, and took a quick glance at his reflection in the bar's mirrored wall. Satisfied with what he saw, he bent to the shoulder of the beauty, whispered in a breath:

- Can I buy the queen a drink?

The woman looked around, measured him with an appraising glance, and threw into the phone:

- My life, I'll call you back.

Placing the phone casually on the bar, she raised her glass, stirred up the clear liquid in it, and sang:

- The queen loves Martini.

Kadir snapped his fingers and ordered the bartender:

- Two Martini!

The woman glanced coquettishly and held out a graceful palm with an impeccable manicure.

"Nero," she said in a deep voice.

Kadir, looking into her eyes with an oily look, kissed her hand and introduced himself:

- Kado.

- Nero, Kado! How cute that sounds," the woman chuckled.

- Oh yeah! We are two halves of a whole," Kadir supported her in a husky voice.

The bartender placed two martini cocktail glasses on the counter in front of them. Nero took her own and looked at her interlocutor over its edge. Smiling seductively, she said:

- Don't you think that we are alien elements here? This loud music ... off! It gets on the nerves.

"Where would my queen want to go?" Kadir asked.

- My queen? Nero laughed a silvery laugh. - Yes, you are insolent and а ladies' man!

"It's impossible to be different next to such a stunning woman," the man said voluptuously. "There's a great restaurant nearby."

"But it's too late for dinner. I watch my figure, - Nero coquettishly looked at herself.

Kadir, too, did not fail to look at her breasts and clicked his tongue:

- Ts-ts-ts! Is it possible to spoil such a figure with something? But so be it, we'll just have coffee.

- Coffee? We can have coffee, - the beauty agreed graciously.

In the restaurant, Kadir decided to come close to the question of interest:

- I am not so long ago in Istanbul. I returned from Europe, - he said pointedly. - Life there is freer, richer. I'm a businessman. Big corporation. I am constantly under psychological pressure. Therefore, in my free time, I like to play poker. Training for the mind, you know. But in Istanbul, gambling and casinos are prohibited, - Kadir sighed exaggeratedly and complained: - I was left without relaxation.

"For whom it is forbidden, and for whom it is not," Nero said mysteriously.

- You say so? He raised one eyebrow.

"I say," she mirrored his gesture. - But it all depends on how much you agree to put on the line. The casino is elite. Only eight people play in one evening. Stakes start at five thousand dollars.

Five thousand dollars! Exactly as much as he has now. But the excitement was already raging in the blood and demanded food.

- I agree! - said Kadir.

- I have to ask the casino owner for permission to play. He personally selects the players, - she handed him her phone and ordered: - Write down your number. I'll call you when the issue is resolved. Now I have to go. The owner of the casino and the poker room are waiting for me.

Kadir did not detain her. Let her quickly go to this mysterious owner and get for him, Kadir, permission to sit at the card table.


Emine Diana was capricious, and dad and mom took turns carrying her in their arms. The puppy stomped behind them and looked with its sad eyes as if asking:

"What's with the Bead? Why is she crying? Well, what kind of parents are you if you cannot calm your child? "

The authoritative Nihan said on the phone that the baby definitely had a tummy ache.

- Brew her fennel, put a warm heating pad on her stomach, and in an hour everything will go away, - she advised.

- Oh Allah! Will the child drink this muck? - Omer was indignant, remembering what a disgusting taste fennel has. But if the broth helps his baby, then he will drink a whole liter of it.

Defne went to the kitchen and returned with a bottle of warm fennel tea. Emine seemed to like the taste and drank almost half of it. But she withstood the heating pad for five minutes and then burst into tears more than ever. Omer threw away the nasty little pad and muttered indignantly:

- Hot water bottle! In this heat! Let Aunt Nihan put it on her stomach. Don't cry, my sweetheart. Now, dad will stroke your tummy and everything will pass.

He began stroking the baby's belly in a circular motion. She listened and began to close her eyes sleepily. Omer took her in his arms and began to walk around the living room, softly humming a lullaby about a calf that climbed into someone else's garden. Emine fell asleep quickly. Omer took her to the nursery and put her in the crib. The puppy as usual settled down on its bed and Omer noted that Kid barely fit on it. The puppy has grown in a month, like its owner.

"Time to buy him a bigger mattress," Defne said in a low voice.

She stood in the doorway, leaning her head against the frame. Omer smiled at her and answered just as quietly:

- It's time. Our Kid is growing.

"Both are growing," Defne looked at her daughter with tenderness. Approaching the crib, she covered her with a thin cover and weightlessly stroked the red fluff on the small head.

The melodic trill of the entrance bell was heard below. Omer and Defne exchanged glances. Omer looked out the window. On the porch, a blonde stood nervously shifting from foot to foot.

"Aunt Neriman," he said only with lips. - Why did she come? After all, we agreed that she would call.

Defne turned pale and whispered:

- Did not work out...

"Don't jump to conclusions," Omer ordered and pushed her toward the door.

Both, silently closing the door behind them, hurried downstairs.

Neriman Iplikci really stood on the threshold.

- Ay! I know it's late! She said. - But I could not wait until tomorrow. Bursting all over. What does it smell like? - She drew in the air with her nose and exclaimed enthusiastically: - Fennel?! You were waiting for me!

- Actually, we brewed it for Emine Diana, - letting her into the house, muttered Omer. - Her tummy ached.

- My olive's tummy ached! - Neriman lamented. - Ay, my sweet! Have you bought good fennel? Expensive? Not from the market, I hope? - She pelted the parents with questions.

Omer looked at her reproachfully and was indignant:

- Aunt, we are talking about our daughter. Do you really think that we would buy low-quality fennel tea for her?

- Ay, no, of course! It just came to the tongue, - Neriman began to make excuses apologetically.

- Let it not come, aunt! Omer said edifyingly. - Let it not come.

"Madam Neriman," Defne intervened in the conversation. - You wanted to tell something. Did you fail?

- You'll say that! Did not work out! Nothing to prevent me,Neriman Iplikci! This simply cannot be!

- Did he rise to the bite ?! Defne breathed out enthusiastically.

- Fell for it! - solemnly confirmed Neriman. - Who wouldn't have fallen at me. - she shook in front of Defne's eyes her diamond-studded hands. - Yes, he fell into prostration as soon as I entered the club. But, just do not be offended, your daddy is a real gigolo and a seducer. So suave. The eyes are oily. The voice, straight, murmurs like a stream. I could hardly resist.

- Aunt! - Shocked Omer looked at her accusingly.

- Allah-Allah! I'm just kidding! Don't you know? I don't need anyone but your uncle. But he went to America and does not want to return. Ay, I can't stand it! I'll go to him. I'll play this show and go, "she entered the role of an actress and with a careless gesture straightened her platinum curl.

Omer rolled his eyes, sighed, and returned the actress from heaven to earth:

- Come on to the point. Tell everything in detail from start to finish.

Neriman walked into the living room, plopped down on the sofa, crossed her legs, and began to tell her story with enthusiasm:

- I entered the club all super sexy, sat down at the bar in front of Shishmaz, and loudly, I had to outdo the music, began to tell my phone about the new elite casino. After a minute, he offered to order me a drink. After another five, he invited me to a restaurant. And twenty minutes later he told a tearful story of how badly he, mentally tired, was without not playing poker. And voila! He is burning with impatience to be at the gaming table of our casino.

The Iplikci looked at each other. Defne sighed and her tension-bound face relaxed.

"Thank you," she said hoarsely to Neriman.

- Ay, girl! Thanks for that? I just, as if by accident, voiced the necessary information to your bastard daddy.

- I would like to see it, - Defne smiled at her and Neriman beamed.

- Hallelujah! - she exclaimed. - Finally, this girl has left her eternal alertness. Yes, we will now become best friends, and I will teach you how, pretending to be a fool, to keep your husband in a fist! Ay! She covered her mouth with her hand and looked sideways at Omer. - Did I say it out loud? Omyush, my olive, do not pay attention. This is so, thoughts in a voice! And anyway, I have to go! Mr. Baisal is waiting for me. He will give me a poker lesson. By the way, - she turned to the dumbfounded Defne, - your friend Ismail will be there too. We will have a lot of fun! Bye Bye!

She sang the last words as she floated out of the room.

"Allah, take care of my mind," Defne muttered and raised her bewildered eyes at Omer. - Darling, do not think anything like that! These are her silly fantasies. I don't want to hold you in my fist. This is so stupid!

- Shhhh, - Omer took her hands in his, gently kissed her cool fingers, and looked into huge, amber eyes. - My aunt lives in a different reality. Or is blind. Otherwise, how can she not notice that you already hold my heart in your palms? And it feels good in them. Very good.

Defne smiled at him. So touching and tenderly, Omer's breath caught in his throat.

"I love you," she whispered.

Omer pressed her palms to his chest, bowed his head, and covered her soft lips with his hard and demanding mouth. He kissed his wife warmly and tenderly until his chest was numb from lack of air. But tearing themselves apart for a moment and inhaling greedily, they merged again in a hungry, all-consuming kiss.

There were nine days until the end of abstinence.


Kadir Shishmaz, lounging, was sitting in an armchair and nervously smoking his seventh cigarette. Five days have passed since the evening the gorgeous blonde entered the Night Club. But she, beckoning in front of his nose with sweet promises, sank into the air. And she didn't call. He looked for her everywhere. At expensive restaurants, boutiques of world fashion houses, nightclubs. But the search did not give any result. And the money was melting. He even had to cut back on his spending and move from the Hilton to a cheap hotel with worn linen on a hard bed and permission to smoke in the room.

But it didn't help. It was necessary to urgently get money. The idea of ​​work was not even considered. Kadir worked only once, in his distant youth, when he got a wife and two children. His wife and mother-in-law then ate all his brains, demanding to provide for the family. At first, he worked as a waiter in a tea house, and then as a security guard in a nightclub. The work was not difficult, but, what a boredom it was! It is much more pleasant to lure money from rich ladies and naive idiots. And the greatest pleasure is to win them at cards. And this pleasure was not available to him now.

Damn Nero! Why doesn't she call! Kadir forcibly put out the butt of the cigarette in the ashtray and swore roughly. And then the phone rang. Unfamiliar number. Kadir with shaking hands grabbed the phone and brought it to his ear.

- Hello.

- Hi sweetie! A familiar female voice sang. - Do you still want to relieve stress?

He wanted to strangle her.Аt least. But giving his voice the necessary languor, he purred :

- Queen! Happy to hear your voice.

The woman laughed with a silvery laugh and coquettishly remarked:

- This is not an answer to the question. The casino owner gave permission. On Sunday you can sit down at the gambling table. So how? Do you still need relaxation?

"As needed as ever," gasped Kadir.

- Then, see you on Sunday. The game starts at nine in the evening. I'll send you the address and security password at eight. Wait!

- I'm waiting, my queen! - restraining glee, replied Kadir.

"See you," the woman purred. - Bye Bye!

Neriman casually threw the phone down on the table and surveyed Passionis' meeting room and the people at the long table with a sly glance. Omer and Defne. Sinan and Seda. Ahtem and Laura. Iz and Deniz Tranba. Koray. Grandfather Hulusi and grandmother Turkan. Serdar and Nihan Topal. Mirai and Kartal. Mert.Jansu Baisal and her father. Private detective and police investigator. Everyone sat in silence and waited for her words.

" Fish took the bait," she said cheerfully. - The game begins!

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