The Angel and the "Demon" (Fe...

By all_about_undertale

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Everyone carries around their dark secrets if it's just one, or many. It doesn't matter, they can't tell anyo... More

Just a few things before we start
(Chapter 1) The first meeting
(Chapter 2) Two humans, a few monsters... Oh! And an angel
(Chapter 3) A bit of trust
(Chapter 4) En Guard!
(Chapter 5) Falling
(Chapter 6) New home
(Chapter 7) They say miracles do exist
(Chapter 8) A not so normal Saturday
(Chapter 9) Searching for answers Pt. 1
(Chapter 10) Searching for answers Pt. 2
(Chapter 11) Shadows
(Chapter 12) Who I really am
(Chapter 14) Getting used to it
(Chapter 15) A feeling of...?
(Chapter 16) Advice
(Chapter 17) Making a move, or something like that
(Chapter 18) To the mall!
(Chapter 19) Trying to play wingwoman
(Chapter 20) Fearing what you love
(Chapter 21) Getting touchy
(Chapter 22) We're going on a camping trip
(Chapter 23) Just vibing in the forest
(Chapter 24) Angel therapy and a match made in heaven or what?
(Chapter 25) The love of two and a pendant
(Chapter 26) A matter of feathers
(Chapter 27) Yes, it's horny jail time
(Chapter 28) Dating start?
(Chapter 29) No MERCY this time...
(Chapter 30) When the light is running low...
(Chapter 31) Rising
(Chapter 32) Explaining
(Chapter 33) How the turns have tabled [Finale]
(A/N) So...

(Chapter 13) A new dawn

2.7K 78 29
By all_about_undertale

(Your P.O.V.)

I hesitated a bit when I laid my hand on the knob of my room's door. It's still some sort of unbelievable how... well she reacted. Not disgusted or... ok, no she was a bit scared which I think I can understand. I took a deep breath then opened the door and stepped outside but to my surprise, I wasn't alone...

"Oh, (Y/N)." Frisk and Chara sat in the living room. And it seemed like they were waiting for me.
"You are already awake?" I asked while going down the stairs. It is quite early. "Yeah, I figured it would be best so that we can... talk a bit," Chara said a bit nervous. I looked at Frisk who was staring at me like she was waiting for something to happen. It does make it somewhat uncomfortable.

"Yes, you're right. Should we go somewhere nicer?" I asked unsurely. "Yeah, sure," Frisk replied. We all went to the front door and went outside. It was still dawn, I took a few steps ahead and tried to calm myself. "They don't hate you. They don't hate you..." I talked to myself mentally. Then I heard the door closing so I turned around again.

"Alright then, let's go." I walked to them and already raised my hands to grab their shoulders but they stepped a bit back and Frisk raised her hands. "Whoa, what are you doing?" She asked nervously.

"Uh, I thought I could speed things up by flying." Her jaw dropped slightly. "Flying!?" Chara asked dumbfounded. "Well, these wings do have a purpose you know?" I tried to make a joke which seemed to have worked since she laughed a bit.

"Um, but you know... I'm kinda afraid of heights." Frisk said embarrassed. "Don't worry, you won't even notice it, trust me." I reached out my hands again. They hesitated but then stepped forward. I grabbed both their shoulders tightly then flew to the edge of the forest, a few kilometers away from the city.

But as soon as we landed and I let go of them, Frisk propped up on her knees while Chara leaned against a nearby tree. "Uhhhh, shit I think I'm gonna throw up," Chara grunted. "What was that?" Frisk slowly straightened up. "We flew. I'm sorry, I didn't know it's so unpleasant to you two, sorry."

"Next time a bit slower maybe, thank you." Chara also recovered. "Again, I'm sorry. I should've told you that my flying skills aren't quite the best since everything I am capable of is self-taught." Chara gestured a bit around. "Yeah, yeah. Now let's get to the point of why we're here."

"Yes! Wings!" Frisk spoke cheerfully to my right. I gave her a questioning look. "Yes, Frisk is quite excited to see them. I had to keep her from barging into your room this morning." Chara laughed a bit, me as well. "Well, here goes nothing." I took a few steps away. Then took a deep breath before unfurling my wings visible to them with a quick movement.

Frisk's jaw immediately dropped down and Chara stared a bit in fascination. "Wow..." Frisk was almost speechless. "Heh, not quite what you expected, huh?" She probably...
"What do you mean?" Chara asked confused. "I mean like what did you expect to see?"

"Well, I expected just these typical bright white angel wings, but yours are..." Frisk spoke. "I know they're not pretty, that's why was even more afraid to show them yesterday." Chara snored in disbelief. "I think they're beautiful." Then she gave me a gentle smile.

"W-what? Really?" I asked surprised. "I think they fit you." She gave me a wink. "But why are they like this?" I shrugged on that. "I don't know. I can only assume that the black color comes from this outcast status. And the golden one comes from the fact that my father's Gabriel, since his wings are purely golden."

"Frisk, you still there?" Chara turned to her dumbfounded sister. "Yeah, I'm still... We really have an angel as our friend!" I awkwardly rubbed the back of my head. "But I have a question now. What gave it away that something's not normal with me?" I asked while sitting down into the grass and I let my wings lay on the soft grass too. They sat down in front of me now.

"Well, first off: that you kept disappearing suddenly." Aw, shit. "Wait, you saw me flying away?"
"Wait wait wait. That means every time you disappeared you flew, right?" I nodded. "How does that work?" Chara asked.

"Well, it works similarly to how I hide my wings. Uh, it's kinda hard to explain. I can put them into a different dimension in which they become hidden." But Chara stopped me. "Then why can I feel this warmth when you laid them around me?" She asked. "Wait, he did wha-" Frisk started but Chara raised a hand to silence her.

"That's the power of my Grace that is still shining out," I explained. "Your what please?" Oh, right...

"My Grace. The Grace is like the center of an angel's power. It's their very essence, basically, Grace is what makes angels, angels. Its power is running through my whole body but it shines out the strongest through my wings. And it's such a strong energy that it shines trough even with hidden wings." I explained a bit more in detail.

"Oh, I understand now. But I have a question. I mean like uhhhh, are you immortal or something?" Frisk asked nervously. "Pretty much yes. This here." I raised my right hand a bit and called out my blade. "Is basically the only thing, that I know, that could really kill me." They both flinched a bit.

"This is an Angel's Blade. Like I said it's the only weapon that can kill an angel. In my case, since I'm a descendant of an archangel, an archangel blade or something equal is needed." I made it disappear again.

"Remind me, why was I worried again when you fell down back then?" Chara joked a bit. "Because you cared?" I asked. I am a bit afraid of what she'll answer. "Yeah, I did."
"And I hope you still do?" I asked still unsure. "Of course, dumbass!" She let out a small chuckle.

"Anyways, my disappearing wasn't the only thing that made you suspicious right?" They nodded. "Well, yeah the thing with your fall. These additional bones in your back, makes sense now with your wings." Chara listed the things. "Then that I saw you how you healed Charlie-" Chara was cut off by Frisk. "On which I wanted to thank you, for saving her." She smiled shyly.

"No problem. I just couldn't stand seeing you two so down." I replied honestly. "Hehe. And I found a feather from you." Chara laughed a bit. "What? Really? So I did lose one again." When was that? "That happens often?" I shook my head. "Not anymore. When I was "younger" I lost quite a lot of them but now only now and then."

"That brings me to another question, do you like age or something?" Once again, I shook my head. "Nope. I've been like this for 16 years. I think I could age or change my body if I'd want to but haven't tried it, since I like this body." I literally can see the fascination in Frisk's eyes. "By the way, what is about the basic needs? Like, food, drink, sleep... do you need to breathe?" I laughed a little.

"Well, technically I have no need of eating or drinking to survive but here's the thing. Since I did live with humans I did eat and drink. When I eat my Grace just uses it as extra energy but since I did it for so long that I got used to having that extra energy, that means if I don't eat in a long time I'm getting a bit dizzy and my concentration is kinda screwed and stuff like that."

"As for sleep, I only need very little sleep like you already figured out. And yes I still have to breathe, but I can come out without any for quite a long time. A couple of hours maybe."

"Oh boy, my head..." Frisk laughed while holding her head and shaking it. "But back to the healing part. Does it work like healing magic?" Chara asked but I shook my head once again. "No, healing magic can only heal wounds, not every too. But I can heal everything." She raised an eyebrow in a skeptical manner. "Everything?" I nodded. Her eyebrow went up even further.

Then she summoned her knife and gave herself a little cut into her palm and then reached out her arm to me. I sighed a bit as I took her hand and ran my finger over the cut, making disappear in the process. "Don't do that again please." Chara retracted her back and looked at her palm surprised. "Ok, sorry."

"But I have one more question: our little comedian, Sans. He has the ability to see souls but when he tried to look at yours he only saw something shining brightly." She explained to me.

"Well, I think he saw my Grace which covered my soul. That's what makes Nephilim like me so powerful in the first place, that a human soul and Grace work together in perfect harmony. Not to mention that I have a red soul trait which, according to you two, the strongest known one, right?" Frisk nodded, but after that, we all went silent for a bit.

"So... anything else that you want to ask me?" They shook their heads. "Nothing, just what now?" Frisk asked. "What do you mean?" I asked back. Oh no, we are at this point now, aren't we?

"I mean like... everything just went crazy and it's all upside-down and counterclockwise. I mean you are sitting here with literal wings! I'm still trying to cope with that all. I mean like I... you are... I don't know..." Her voice died down. A feeling of sadness hit my mind when I realized one thing...

"It would've been better if you never found out." I let out a sad sigh and looked at the ground while twirling a blade of grass around one of my fingers then I felt a rather strong force, which caught me off guard, that knocked me onto the ground. Making my wings spread out to the left and right on the grass.

"Are you telling us that it would be better if we never found out about your true self!?" Chara spoke with clenched teeth. "Are you telling me that you would've been FINE with hiding yourself from us the whole fricking time!?" I couldn't look into her eyes so I looked to the side. "No, I wouldn't have been. But we weren't in this situation right now! And you wouldn't... you wouldn't..." I can't say it.

"We what?" She asked back.

"YOU WOULDN'T THINK THAT I'M A FREAK! BECAUSE I AM! YES! I WAS TIRED, TIRED OF HIDING FROM YOU TWO! But... I was afraid... that you wouldn't care for me anymore." I was about to cry but held it back as best as I could. I looked up to Chara again who had a shocked expression. "And it seems like that's the case now, isn't it?

She let go of my jacket which she held. "No, I don't care." She spoke with a firm voice. "I don't care what you are! You accepted me as I am back then, so it's my time to return that favor! You are our friend and if you say that again, immortal or not, I will kick your ass!" She smiled at me with teary eyes as well. "We just need time, ok?" I smiled back.

"Yeah... thank you. But can you get off me now, I'm kinda lying on my wings which is somewhat uncomfortable, you know?"
"Oh, sorry." She backed off and I got back up. "She's right (Y/N)." Frisk also smiled gently. She opened up her arms for a hug.

I leaned forward but I used my still spread-out wings to pull both of them closer and hug them with my arms and wings at the same time, holding them tightly. "AHH! I can't breathe!" I heard Frisk's muffled voice under my left wing. "Oh, sorry." I let it slide down her back and she stuck her head out of the mess of black and golden feathers.

"I am alive!" She caught for breath. In the meantime, Chara snuggled up to my right shoulder, her head and shoulders peeking out under my wing which I laid tight around her. "You know what, I think I'm just gonna stay here forever." She sighed relaxed.

"Another thing to my list-of-things-that-probably-never-happened-to-someone-else: Getting a wing hug by an angel." Frisk laughed. "But Chara's right. It's godamm comfy in here... Wait, did I insult you with this?" She panicked but I laughed.

"No, you didn't. Even though it is weird hearing this." Frisk got her smile back. "I bet it is." Chara sounded like she was about to fall asleep. "But I think this enough for now." I moved my wings away from them and got up. "Awwww." Chara sounded a bit sad. But a question arose in my head.

"Hey, are you two alright with my having my wings a bit more often? Or am I scaring you?" They shook their heads. "We don't mind it. But mom will." But Frisk turned to Chara. "You told me you were scared yesterday!"
"No, I wasn't!" She tried to defend herself. I raised an eyebrow., "O-ok, maybe a little. But you quite showed off!" I laughed nervously. "Well, you wanted proof." She wheezed a bit.
"Fair point..."


(A/N) A lot of explaining in this chapter.
I hope I didn't forget anything.

But if so, feel free to point it out.

Artwork by: KooyaC

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