A Cruz new life (Riverdale)

By KatsukiDarling19980

12.9K 171 16

Celestia life is about to turn upside down when she transfer to Riverdale high what happens when she gets suc... More

Meet the character
Her aesthetic
Leaving for a new town
New girl in school
Body double
Troubling world
A black heart of riverdale
A delusion of elusion
A Seed of blossom blood in Cooper
Baby shower dismay
The lost weekend
A homecoming to remembered
A secret can bloom deadly
Into a new mystery of a serpent
new danger comes upon Riverdale
The Watcher in the Woods
A serpentess shows her true colors
A new light
Death Road
Free Jailbird
Serpents Welcome
Pickens day
Family is one
Tell of the heart
The Hills have eyes
Game of good and bad
Her Primary Colors
Noose Tightens
Carrie to die for....
A terror of a small town
A town of hell bring down an angel
A suffering family
back from the dead
Summer bummer
A new winged mystery
So above so below
The great Escape
Schoolar advance
Heart Broken Celeste
In Memory Of Andrew
Fast time in Riverdale
Dangerous time for a friend
Frighting situation
Thanksgiving Cruz Styles
In Treatment
Hypnotic Danger
Varsity Blues
How to get away with murder
To Die For!
Let the truth be set free
We are we Mr. Honey !So bring it on!
Don't mess with a cruz child
Killing Mr. Honey
The preppy murder
A welcome back the mafian queen
Back to School
Fire in the sky
Lock and Key
The Pincushion Man
In a lonely day
The night gallery
Goodbye Dear Cousin
Mother's of ours
Welcome to Rivervale
Ghost Stories
Mr. Cypher
The Cruz Woman Pasts
Pandora Box


103 2 0
By KatsukiDarling19980

I walked to class with Sweetpea

"Hey you alright" he asked me

"I'm fine I'm just feeling a bit heated" he placed his hand on my for head

"Wow your burning up I can call aunt May and tell her to come pick you up"

"I'm fine sweets it's nothing" he sighed

"but just tell me if your feeling sick alright" I nod once at class officer Mineta was interigeting the whole class I was starting to feel a bit worse

"Archie is a murderer, and we know he didn't escape alone. He had help. Hiding a convict or withholding information from the law is a felony offense. So, whoever's aided and abetted Archie Andrews is just as much of a criminal as he is."

"I was busy all day, Sheriff. You can check my browser history. If you know what I mean."

"Miss. Cruz where were you"

"Accuse me like that again sheriff and I'll have my father's best lawyers suing you and the whole department to the last dollar you" I sneered

"I don't even know this Archie person. And on Mondays, I host a group for teen Farmies. We are still accepting members."

"Where were you, Miss McCoy, at the time of the breakout?"

"Don't look at me, sir. I, uh... I... I was in the music room practicing." That's when I started to feel a bit Ill

3 person view

"Alone? I'll be looking into all of your alibis, and if I find out later that someone in here was involved, then you can say goodbye to this school, your hopes and dreams, your music, your entire future. All of it goes away just like that. So, again, to be clear, if you know anything that..." That's when both Josie and Celeste started to having convulsions

"Celeste!" Sweetpea ran over to his baby cousin desk

"Sheriff Minetta, back off!" Said Cheryl run over to Josie after their episode they both faint

"What just happened?"

"My God, are they okay?"

"Celly Cel Celeste fangs help me out" Fangs helps carry Celeste as Sweetpea calls his aunt

Yes Sweetpea what...

"Aunt May listen you have to come to get Celeste Now"

What what happened is she alright

"No she... She had a seizures"

What oh lord I'll have the men to go and pick her up

He hangs up. May has the men to prepare Celeste room

"May what's wrong?"

"Eric Sweetpea just called me... Celeste has had a seizure"

"What?! but Celestia never had one before"

"Eric I'm scared"

"I'll call the best doctor to come down you get everything set for Celeste" she nods Eric makes calls once Sweetpea and Fangs get their Xavier carries Celeste to her room and placed her in bed as they see doctors coming in with her father behind her

"Se algo acontecer com minha filha, todos vocês serão baleados na cabeça e seus corpos serão jogados na porra da floresta (if something happens to my daughter i will you all shot in the head and your bodies thrown into the damn fucking woods)" he growled the doctors nod in fear as Eric May Sweetpea and Fangs go down stairs

"Um Aunt May Uncle Eric meet a friend of mine"

"Ah yes our daughter took a bullet to protect you"

"Yeah sorry sir"

"No it's okay dear *sigh* we just hope Celeste is okay"

"We have to go"

"Okay but be careful Sweetpea"

"Yeah aunt May" both parents go upstairs and enter their daughter room

"How is she doctor"

"She's okay she stable for now" may sighs in relief

"Have you found a reason for her colvolsing and seizure"

"No sir we still haven't but will get on that" Eric nods then one of the men comes in

"Boss their a letter that was send to you and the miss" Eric and may go to his study he walks over and sighed

"Damn it"

"Eric what is?" May walks over and she see the letter

"No no Eric we have to stay with Celeste we're not teens anymore to be dealing with this"

"We have to go" May sighed but nods


"Yes sir"

"Keep watch on our daughter"

"Yes sir" once at the speakeasy Betty walks down and see all the parents are their

"Elizabeth. Don't tell me this is your doing."

"I sent the invitations from the Gargoyle King."


"And, look, you all came."

"What are you up to?"

"All of the secrets end now, Mom. And this was the only way to do it, to get all of you together. Someone in this room is a murderer."

"Alice, we promised each other we would never talk about this. I mean, who else did you tell?"

"I told Betty to protect her, so she wouldn't play the game."

"And it worked. I'm not playing the game, but many of your kids are. This is about protecting them, don't you care?"

"Care? Josie had a seizure this morning. I should be with her right now. Not here rehashing the past when it has zero relevance."

"Excatly Celeste had a seizure as well and my husband and I should be at her side"

"Attorney McCoy it is relevant. Your daughter is playing the game, along with Kevin and Cheryl, and even your son Reggie, Mr. Mantle, no matter how many black eyes you give him."

"Celeste is not playing that game" May said 

"I would never hit my son."

"Another lie."

"Guys, it was bound to get out sometime. Our children need to know the truth. So, Betty, where do we start?"

"With the dead warden from Archie's juvie. He was also the RROTC instructor when you guys were in high school. Mr. Keller, you were a cadet at the time. Did you play the game with him?"

"Major Norton just confiscated it. Straight manual, that's all."

"Mr. Lodge, you had business dealings with Warden Norton until he died. What were they? And did you know that he was playing G&G?"

"None of your business, and not a clue."

"And what about Ascension Night? Was he there? How are we supposed to answer that?"

"We're all high off our gourds hallucinating gargoyles."

"Wait, FP, you saw it too?"

"You know what this is an annarcoy"

"Oh, this is such a waste of our time, and I actually have a job that I need to get back to, so if you'll excuse me."

"No, Hiram. Let's just get this over with. Otherwise, it will never end. Betty, you wanna know who poisoned the chalice. The Game Master is the one who sets up the game. So, my instinct is telling me that the culprit was Penelope Blossom. My guess is maybe she grew the poison in her greenhouse."

"You don't grow cyanide, Hermione."

"A fact that only a Blossom would know."

"It was Daryl Doiley. We were both Game Masters, and he was secretly in love with me. He put poison in the chalice, because he wanted us to ascend together. But I said no. I assumed the chalices were emptied afterwards, but they were not. Years later, Daryl came to me riddled with guilt over that tragic incident, and seeking comfort. And I refused him again. We were both married with families and... I was afraid, you see, of revisiting that unholy night. So, he left. The next day he was found dead in his garage, sitting in his sedan, engine running, windows up."

"Dilton Doiley's dead. Dad did it."

"Well, that explains how Dilton got his hands on the game, and why he started playing it."

"No, but that doesn't explain who the Gargoyle King is today."

"Jughead Celeste and I saw him."


"What do you mean, you saw him?"

"In Fox Forest, and we've been trying to track him down ever since. Why do you think Jughead started playing the game?"

"He's not still playing, is he?"

"I'm afraid so, Mr. Jones. And he's made some really weird connections between the game and Riverdale, which he wouldn't have..."

"Look, I've heard enough of this." Said Eric as him and May left once back home they walk to Celeste room who was peaceful resting. May down next to her daughter run her hand threw her hair watching her daughter peacefully sleep hours later Celeste woke up

Celeste POV

Once I woke up

"Ms. Celeste your awake" spoke a doctor came over and checked my vitals then me

"How are you feeling drowsy groggy"

"I'm okay just a bit hungry"

"Ms. Celeste have you ever had a seizure before?"

"No never this is new" the doctor nods then my parents walked in

"Celeste" mom runs over and hugs me

"Oh baby your safe"

"Sweetheart do you remember anything"

"No I just remember the sheriff accusing me and the class then I started shaking after that I was out"

"Mr. Cruz will send a blood sample to the clinic to see if their is anything else" dad nods giving a roll of money to the doctor who was guide him out dad comes over and sit on my bed

"Celeste we have a question?" He asked me


"Are you playing g&g?"

"What no"

"Celeste don't lie"

"No I'm not but I don't know why I had a seizure it scares me" mom hugs me

"We believe you baby"

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