The Angel and the "Demon" (Fe...

Por all_about_undertale

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Everyone carries around their dark secrets if it's just one, or many. It doesn't matter, they can't tell anyo... Más

Just a few things before we start
(Chapter 1) The first meeting
(Chapter 2) Two humans, a few monsters... Oh! And an angel
(Chapter 3) A bit of trust
(Chapter 4) En Guard!
(Chapter 5) Falling
(Chapter 6) New home
(Chapter 7) They say miracles do exist
(Chapter 8) A not so normal Saturday
(Chapter 9) Searching for answers Pt. 1
(Chapter 10) Searching for answers Pt. 2
(Chapter 11) Shadows
(Chapter 13) A new dawn
(Chapter 14) Getting used to it
(Chapter 15) A feeling of...?
(Chapter 16) Advice
(Chapter 17) Making a move, or something like that
(Chapter 18) To the mall!
(Chapter 19) Trying to play wingwoman
(Chapter 20) Fearing what you love
(Chapter 21) Getting touchy
(Chapter 22) We're going on a camping trip
(Chapter 23) Just vibing in the forest
(Chapter 24) Angel therapy and a match made in heaven or what?
(Chapter 25) The love of two and a pendant
(Chapter 26) A matter of feathers
(Chapter 27) Yes, it's horny jail time
(Chapter 28) Dating start?
(Chapter 29) No MERCY this time...
(Chapter 30) When the light is running low...
(Chapter 31) Rising
(Chapter 32) Explaining
(Chapter 33) How the turns have tabled [Finale]
(A/N) So...

(Chapter 12) Who I really am

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Por all_about_undertale

(A/N) This is the point where I once again would like to point out that I write this story with NO religious background! I am not trying to offend someone in any way. And if I do offend one of you with this or you aren't fine with it in any other way, I am very sorry. I swear it is not intentional. I still respect everyone's believes.

All I'm doing here is writing a lot of bullsh*t for pure fun, it has no other purpose besides entertaining. I am not trying to tell anyone anything or I-don't-know.

This is all just a stupid UT xreader fanfic with elements that are based on Spn written by an absolute idiot.
Nothing else.

Now, with that outta the way, let's start with this chapter.

(Chara's P.O.V.)

"You will answer to me now." That's what I thought while standing in front of his door. Then without even knocking I opened it and got inside. "Oh, Chara?" He sat on the bed innocently. I walked inside while closing the door behind me. I walked over to his desk to be in front of him.

"Alright (Y/N), I'm sorry but I'm done with this hide and seek now." He blinked confused. "What do you mean?" I felt how some anger rose inside of me. "Don't pretend like you don't know! You know EXACTLY what I MEAN!" I almost yelled at him. His expression changed to a shocked one while he got up.

"I SAW WHAT YOU DID AT THE HOSPITAL! I SAW HOW YOU HEALED CHARLIE LIKE IT WAS NOTHING! Even though she was so badly injured. And I also was awake last night. I know that you healed me and Frisk. So stop lying to me now. Because I won't leave without an answer!"

He stood there in pure shock now. "You know. I never lied to you. I just avoided certain truths." I let out an angry grunt. "Well, then how about you tell me these "certain truths" now? I mean, like URGH! How am I supposed to trust you when you don't trust me?" His jaw dropped slightly.

"I do trust you but I was afraid... Afraid of your reaction." He mumbled. "ON WHAT? ON WHAT FOR GOD'S SAKE?" He sighed deeply.

"With "god" you are pretty close." Now, what's that supposed to mean?
"Do you really want to know the truth?" He looked at me seriously.
"Yes, I do." He sighed.
"Alright but don't say I didn't warn you." He took a deep breath.

"I am an angel Chara."


"An angel? Please, I'm serious!" Now is not the time for jokes!

"Well, archangel to be exact, more or less...-" But I interrupted him.

"AN ANGEL? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS ABOUT this... You are serious, aren't you?" I asked in disbelief as I realized that and he nodded. "Well... How am I supposed to believe that you are an... an angel?! That's impossible!" But he shook his head.

"Well, prove it!" But how? I know not much about religion or anything! Wait!
"Wait a sec. Hold up."
"If you claim to be an angel, then you have like... wings or something, right?"

"Well, yes I do." He replied. "Well, where are they?" I replied sarcastically. "Well, they're hidden. Would be a bit obvious right?" I had to suppress my laugh on that one.

"Yeah, but back to the point. If you really are an angel, then... then... show me your wings!" His reaction was weird. He turned away slightly and rubbing the back of his head.

"Chara! That's a bit too straight!" Wait, is he embarrassed?

"An angel's wings are a rather intimate part of their body. And to be asked so suddenly and straight to show them is a bit... I don't know!" He turned to me now again. "Especially with me... since I'm weird in that point too." He mumbled in a sad tone.

"Well, I'm sorry but I want prove. And I am not going to leave until I have it." I replied determined. He let out a deep sigh. "And your mind is not going to change?" I shook my head.

"Well, I guess that's the problem then. You don't trust me enough." But before I could reply anything he closed his eyes and lowered his head.

Then suddenly, I felt how the whole atmosphere in the room changed. The air in my lungs seemed to be pressed together and the lamp on the ceiling and on the desk started to flicker like crazy. Then it seemed like his body started to glow, well not exactly him but a bright light emitted from him causing me to squint my eyes together.

The light became even brighter then he raised his head and opened his eyes in which shined a bright red colored glow. And behind him, it seemed like a shadow was extending to the sides. Wait those aren't shadows those are...

no way...

(For some reason it's a pain getting GIFs into Wattpad)

(A/N) And unlike the GIF, it's really the wings. Not just the godamm shadow! By the way, here:

Then, the light started to fade and he closed his eyes again and the lamps had stopped to flicker. Once the light vanished I felt how the atmosphere changed back to normal and when he looked back up the red light had also faded.

"Do you believe me now?" There he just stood. With a serious expression. And... a pair of wings spread out to the left and right. They're were pretty huge. I stared at the black feathers that slowly went over into a shining golden color at the very bottom. Some of the golden feathers were also spread all over the whole wing.

I stumbled a step back and hit the desk. I-I can't believe this. He looked at me sadly then with a quick move which actually scared me bit his wings folded up behind his back and he sat down on the bed looking onto the ground with a sad expression.

It took a few seconds until I could convince my legs to move again then I slowly walked over to him and carefully sat down to his right. I looked to the left at him. He had real wings... He is an angel. There were really wings growing out of the back of my best friend. They seemed to just phase through the clothes without doing any damage.

"W-why are you here?" That was the first question that came out of my mouth he now turned to me confused. "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean like... why aren't you like in heaven or somewhere?" He laughed at this. "I wouldn't be so welcome up there." Wait hold up- "Wait, you mean like... there is a heaven?" He nodded. "Yeah, heaven and hell, yup." Oh my god. Wait what!?

"But then why are you here? With us boring humans? I mean you really are a... an angel!" I cried out confused. "Well, I think it's time I tell you my story. With every detail."

"You remember what I told you?" He asked. "Yeah, your mother died at your birth and you never meet your father, and because of that you grew up alone." Is that even true? "Exactly, and you know what? I only lied about one thing. I lied about the fact that I didn't know who my father is... but I know who he is. His name is Gabriel."
(A/N) All based on Spn btw. please do not hit me.

"Wait wait wait. Gabriel? The archangel, if I remember school correctly." He nodded. "Yes, he is my father and I am not just a regular angel nor an archangel. I am a Nephilim. A child of an angel and a human." He took a bit of a break and then went on. "You might ask how that happened. Well, it's an interesting story...

"Angels are very rarely on earth, especially archangels. Except for one. Gabriel had fun with humans. He is the one who's been on earth the longest. He found his vessel about 300 years ago."

"Vessel? What do you mean by that?" I asked confused. I calmed down a bit by now. "Well, an angel can't be on earth in its true form. So they have to find a human to use as a vessel and possess them. Every angel has a dedicated bloodline."

"Wait, are you telling me that I or Frisk could be possed by an angel at any time?" I asked a bit afraid. "No, an angel would need clear permission to enter your body."

"Then who are you possessing right now?" He laughed a bit. "No one silly. This here is my body, with which I was born. I don't have a true form. Anyways back to the important matter:

"He spends a lot of time on earth and during that time he... well... Let's he's very interested in human reproduction. You understand?"

"Oh, yeah I get it," I replied and he went on. "So he did "this" a lot and one day, due to, to me unknown reasons, an accident seemed to have happened. And this accident was me."

"It is still surprising that I am still alive. Usually, Nephilim is hunted down by the angels due to the fact that they are beings with incredible power. Especially in my case since I'm the child of an archangel."

"However, here I am. My mother got pregnant and he disappeared to I-don't-know-where. Then 9 months passed and I was born. She died during that, which is normal at the birth of a Nephilim. And there I was... alone. Alone for a very long time, until I met you." He looked at me gently.

"Wow, I'm sorry... for you know... But I have a question. How old are you exactly?" I asked curiously. But that what he told me... now I understand. "I am still 16. I was born with this body as it is 16 years ago."
"Wait, you were born as a 16-year-old?"
"More or less. I was a "normal" newborn for about 15 minutes but then grew up until I was like this. And since I don't age I am still 16."

"Whoa, you really don't age?" He nodded. "But you are still 16 now, right?" I asked unsurely.
"Yes, I am 16 years old. Mentally and physically."

"I... I don't know what to say right now." My heart was still racing. Then I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, I know it's probably a lot to take in but honestly, you're taking it better than I expected."

"What did you expect?" He bit his bottom lip. "I was.. very afraid... That you wouldn't want me to be in your life anymore like this." He gestured around his body. Then I again felt how my body acted on its own and I came over and hugged him. "Now, angel or not. Stop talking bullshit. You are one of my very few friends and I would never leave you, you get me?"

For a while nothing happened, then he wrapped his arms around me and we held each other tightly. And as expected, the familiar warmth crawled over me again, but way more intense and present this time.

When I rose my head from his shoulder I saw that he also had both of his wings laid around me. "(Y/N)!" I panicked and somewhat jumped backward while I felt the fluffy surface of his wings on my back.

"Oh shoot. Sorry, I forgot that I had them out." He laughed nervously with half-spread-out wings.
"Wait, you mean. Every time I felt this warmth that was you laying your... wings around me?" It feels weird saying that.

"Yeah, sorry. I can't help it. It's just natural that I'm trying to comfort you and protect you. But I'll try to stop it if it makes you unco-" But I silenced him by putting my index finger on his lips.

"No, I don't mind it. It's just all surprising and overwhelming, ok?" He smiled now. "Ok." I smiled back. "Good, how about we talk about this more tomorrow? Unlike you I still need sleep." I got off the bed. "Oh right. Good night then."

"Good night (Y/N)," I said before I closed the door. I took a few steps then sat down at the wall next to my room's door. I can't believe it, my friend... is an angel. A real angel. But he still the same, so kind and caring...

I got back on my feet and went over to Frisk's room and knocked. "Uhuh? Come in?" I heard Frisk's tired voice. I got inside and sat next to her. She seemed very tired while sitting there, half of her body covered by the blanket in her light blue pajama and with messy hair.

"Chara, wat tha frick? It's night, go to bed." She mumbled in her half-sleep. "Frisk, I know what (Y/N) is." And now she's 100% awake. "WHAT?" She almost yelled. "Yeah, you won't believe it but... he's an angel...

~One explanation later~

I just ended and she sat there with her jaw dropped. "I this is I uhh, my head hurts."
"Yeah, me too. We agreed to talk more tomorrow."
"Yeah, sounds good. Good night then. "Frisk then instantly planted her face back into the pillow.
"Good night Frisk..."


(A/N) No clue what to write here. lol

Artwork by: eleo-choco

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