My New Family

Bởi chels_badass

13.6K 311 52

Mackenzie gets brought into a world she'd never thought she'd be a part of, and she couldn't be happier. All... Xem Thêm

The Tweet
The Babysitter
The Sleepover
The Job
The First Day
The Idea
The Adoption
The Mall
The Double Date
The Surprise
Meeting New People
The Cookout
The Shopping
The Moment
The Party
The Present-Mackenzie's POV
The Present-Gen's POV
The Day With JJ
Meeting the Family
The Twinkles Are Born
Morning in the Hospital
Laurel's POV
Morning at Gen and Jared's
The Talk
Family Dinner
Family Dinner - Jensen's POV
Last Day on Set
Cast Dinner
Day with Felicia & Kim
Date Night
Impala Fun
Hilarie's House
Adult Night Out
Padalecki Sleepover
Getting Justice Part 1
Padalecki Family Time
Getting Justice Part 2
Riding Lessons
Watching the Finale
School and Shoshannah
Adopted Family Time
Family Camping Trip Part 1
Babysitting Sleepover
Girls' Day
Walker Audition
Dads' Day
The Convention

Family Camping Trip Part 2

56 3 0
Bởi chels_badass

Mackenzie POV

The living room was set up with one couch facing the TV and 2 couches on either side of the one in the middle with a coffee table between it all. Alex and I sat down on the middle couch with Aria in between us, Dads sat on the coffee table facing us, Moms sat on the couch to the right, and Vicki and Misha sat on the one to the left.

Once everyone was seated, Dads both with their arms crossed and eyebrows raised (very Dad like lol), I looked at everyone and excitedly said, "we're engaged!"

Moms, who could barely hold back their excitement before, jumped up and said "yay!!" while hugging me and Alex. Vicki said, "yay! Congrats!" and Misha said, "that's amazing guys! I'm happy for you!"

I said thank you then looked at Dads for a response. Dad1 was looking at Dad2 but they both looked... I don't know, I really couldn't tell. I said, "Dads? Are- are you okay?"

Dad1 looked at me and said, "yes, I'm okay sweetie. And I'm happy for you Junior Mint. I knew Alex wanted to have breakfast with you this morning but I didn't know he was going to propose, though I did think that he might've since he was showing us rings a few weeks ago. I'm just not sure how Jared's taking it," then we all looked at Jared.

I said, "Dad? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

He said, "I'm okay and I'm happy for you. I just am still processing that my little mini-Lecki is going to be getting married. Plus, I don't remember him asking for our permission and I thought that he'd at least do things the right way."

Misha said, "you don't remember like 2 weeks ago when he did a FaceTime call with the 3 of us and asked us all for permission and then sent pictures of the rings to the group chat?"

I quietly said, "you asked Misha too?" as Dad2 said, "yeah, barely, now that you say that. I don't know I think I was super sleep deprived that day. I'm sorry sweetie for not reacting better. I really am happy for you guys. Come here," as he smiled and put his arms out for a hug.

I smiled back and sat in his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. After we broke apart I still stayed in his lap and said, "Dad I know you're scared you're going to lose me and that I'm going to leave you but I promise I'm not. I love you. You may not have been around for the beginning part of my life but you're here now and you've raised me more than she ever did."

He said, "thank you baby. I appreciate you saying that."

I smiled and said you're welcome then turned to Dad1 and said, "you too, Dad. You guys ALL have raised me better and more than Sharon did so thank you. I love you guys."

They all said they loved me too then I went to sit on the couch and said, "babe, you really asked Misha for permission too and not just Jared and Jensen?"

Alex said, "well yeah. I've always thought you thought of all 3 of them as your dads, kinda like Jack does with Dean, Sam, and Cas, so I thought I should ask him too."

I smiled and said, "aww that's so sweet. And yes, I do think of them all as my dads. They've always treated me like an equal but also get very fatherly when I need it," and looked at each of them.

Everyone let out a small laugh and J2M smiled back at me then Vicki said, "let me see the ring! Let me see!"

I laughed and went over to her to show her. She said, "oh my gosh! It's beautiful!"

I said, "I know! I love it so much!" and Moms came over by us as the guys slowly went to do other things and the 4 of us talked for like an hour about how he proposed and wedding ideas and stuff.

After the kids woke up, Dad said it was time to go on the hike and said for everyone to get pants and shoes on.

I went to my room to get dressed with Alex and put my cowboy boots on with a pair of light blue skinny jeans, my flannel that I called my Sam flannel because it looked like one Sam wore in like s12, and a Supernatural shirt I ordered when the show ended. Alex wore his work boots, a pair of jeans, and a white t-shirt.

After we were dressed, we went back to the living room and JJ said, "sissy! I dressed like you!" then turned in a circle to show me.

I laughed and said, "wow! You did a good job!" then kissed her head and grabbed her and Alex's hands. She had her purple Converse on (she finally out grew the ones I got her so she made me buy her a new pair), her favorite shirt I got her, and a flannel tied around her waist.

Dad came out of his room and said, "everyone ready to go?"

We all said yeah and started to walk to the door. When we got outside, there was a plane flying and I remembered I used to always wave at them when I was little so I said, "look kids! There's a plane, you gotta wave to them!"

Every kid, including West and Maison, stood around me and started waving and smiling. I heard a phone camera sound after like 30 seconds and turned around to see Mom had taken a picture. I smiled and asked to see it and she showed me as we started walking toward the trail.

Alex POV

Once we got on the trail, all the kids except West and Maison wanted to walk with/be with Mackenzie so I hung back and let them surround her. Right away, Zepp asked to be held and JJ grabbed onto Kenzie's arm the best she could and Shep held her other hand. Jared and Gen, being the most active out of us all, were in the front, Jensen and Danneel were behind them, then Kenz and the kids, myself behind them, Misha and Vicki behind me, and West and Maison kinda went wherever.

Every few minutes, one of the kids would stop to pick up a rock or something they found on the ground or if they saw something pretty. Kenz would always stop with them and turn her focus to only them. Then, she'd act like the most interested person ever and the way her face lit up was amazing. She got so excited and happy whenever she talked about them and it was so beautiful. I loved the way she was with them and that they made her so happy; whenever she was happy, I was happy. If this was how she was with them, I couldn't wait to see how she acted when we had our own kids.

The trail took about an hour and a half to get through because of the kids but, it wasn't too bad.

When we got back to the cabin, Jared said, "so what's next buddy?"

Jensen said, "I was thinking we could go eat lunch in town and then take the kids to the aquarium annnnnnd after that, go to dinner."

Jared said, "sounds good to me. What about y'all?"

Everyone nodded then Jensen said, "okay cool. Does anyone need anything from the cabin or are we okay to leave?"

We all said we were good and started walking to the cars. Kenz helped get everyone in the car seats then I said, "hey fiancée, you wanna ride with me?"

She said, "yeah sure. Hang on," and started to say bye to everyone.

As she hugged Jensen, he said, "be safe. I'm proud of you. Love you."

Then when she hugged Jared, he said, "you're not allowed to be more than 5 minutes behind us."

She laughed and said okay then walked toward me, rolling her eyes.

She got to me and gave me a hug when I kissed her head then said, "you know he's just being protective."

She said, "I know, I just wish he wasn't so much sometimes."

I shrugged as we walked to the passenger side of the car so I could open the door for her.

As she got in she said, "by the way, thank you for being so understanding about me not wanting forehead kisses from you. I know that I told you that forever ago but just now I could tell you went to kiss my forehead and not my head so I thought I'd mention that."

I smiled and said, "it's no big deal baby. I understand that's you and Gen's thing and I respect that," then stood on the truck step to peck her lips real quick.

She smiled and said thank you as I closed the door. I got in my side and said you're welcome then asked where we were going.

She said, "Ummm... Mom just texted me and said Denny's and then dinner at Applebee's."

I said cool and started driving. After a minute or so she said, "Hey Alex, how come you haven't like asked me to have sex or anything yet?"

I said, "because I didn't know you wanted to or were ready to so I was respecting that and figured when you were ready you'd tell me. Why? Do you want to?"

She shrugged and said, "well I don't know. Kinda. I've been thinking about it."

I said, "well we can but I just want to make sure you're ready."

She nodded and chewed on her lip for a minute before saying, "if we did, we'd use protection um but if I did somehow get pregnant, what would happen? What would you do?"

I said, "well, I'd be excited and happy and I wouldn't want to wait the 9 long months before getting to meet the little me or you."

She said, "really? You mean that?"

I said, "yes I mean it. We're getting married babe. I love you. And I love seeing you with the kids. You're so happy with them and just seem so content and like you're in your natural element."

She said, "so you're not upset that I didn't spend any time with you on the hike?"

I said, "no. I came up here because I wanted to spend time together yes, but I also know how important the kids are to you and how much they want your attention so I know I'd get put on the back burner sometimes."

She smiled and leaned over to peck my lips since we were at the restaurant.

I started to get out but she said, "babe, look at me, please. Um, did you really mean what you said about how you'd be if I got pregnant?"

I said, "yes baby."

She searched my face and eyes for a minute before breaking out into a smile and said, "okay. Thank you. I love you."

I said, "I love you too," then got out and went to her side to help her out of the truck.

*Kenz POV*

We walked into the restaurant and saw everyone already sitting down so we walked to them. I sat next to Mom, she was next to Momette, who was next to Jared, Misha next to him, Vicki next to Misha, then West and Maison, next to Maison was JJ, then Tom, O, Shep, Arrow, and Zepp, who was next to Jensen, then Alex between him and I.

As we sat down, a waitress came over to ask what everyone wanted and we all got a soda, except the twins, who got chocolate milk. After she took our order, she said, "I hate to bother you guys but, I'm a big fan of all of you. Would it be okay if I got a picture?"

Dad said, "Yeah, sure!"

She smiled and said, "cool, thank you!" then asked one of the other waitresses to take the picture. Once she got someone, she came back over to us and got between Alex and me, turning slightly closer to him purposefully. After the picture she said thanks again and lingered a little too long, trying to find little reasons to stay, and stood a little too close to Alex. When she finally left, I followed her with my eyes narrowed then texted Moms and said, "that waitress is clearly flirting with Alex and if she was really a fan of the show she should know we're together. When she comes back, I wanna like purposefully start talking about the ring and see if she gets the hint."

Mom said okay and Momette said, "yeah, I noticed her too. I'm surprised you didn't do anything this time."

I said, "I wanted to but it would've been to her so."

I saw them both smile and nod as their phones went off.

Dad saw and said, "what are y'all texting about?"

Moms tried to wave it off and say it was nothing as I grabbed Alex's hand but he wouldn't drop it so I said, "we were talking about the stupid waitress."

Dad said, "what about her?"

I said, "she was flirting with Alex. She's a fan so she should know we're together. I understand not knowing we're engaged because we haven't told them yet but, at least dating."

Dad said, "I didn't see her do anything but why does it matter? You know Alex didn't even look at her."

I said, "because I'm petty and because she should know better so I'm now gonna make her feel extra stupid."

Dad said whatever and went back to coloring with Zepp while Alex turned to me and said, "you know I don't even like her right?"

I said, "I know. But it's not about that. It's about the fact that she should respect that we're in a relationship and not flirt with you."

He said, "I know baby, I know," and put an arm around me then kissed my temple.

When she came back with our drinks, I grabbed Alex's hand and put them on the table then leaned over to Moms and we started fawning over the ring for the thousandth time that day.

As she walked up I said, "I just can't get over how beautiful this ring is. He really knows how to pick them out!"

Mom smiled and said, "yeah it's beautiful," then Momette said, "yeah seriously. And the way he proposed was adorable. I loved that he made you breakfast and bought you roses.

As the waitress set my drink in front of me I said, "yeah I loved it. He's so sweet."

She gave Moms their drinks then said, "wow that's beautiful. Who's the lucky guy?"

I smiled and said, "I know right," then held up my hand a little too close to her face and said, "and this man is right here," as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

She was holding my hand now, looking at the ring still, and said, "oh wow. Congrats. I didn't even know you guys were together. Sorry for how I acted earlier."

I fake smiled and said, "it's okay! No big deal!" a little too enthusiastically.

She smiled back and asked what we wanted to eat and we ordered then she came back about 10 minutes later with the food. After we were done, Dads and Misha split the check then as we were walking out, West and Maison asked me to ride with them and I said sure.

I said bye to everyone then got in the car with them, sitting in the middle. They both started showing me stuff in their coloring books and talking to me about school. After about 5 minutes they got bored so West asked to go on Misha's phone and Maison laid her head on my shoulder.

Vicki turned around and asked about school and I said it was good and pretty easy right now.

Misha said, "what's your favorite part? I remember mine was learning all the new techniques and things."

I said, "honestly, my scriptwriting class is my favorite."

Misha said, "oh that sounds fun."

I said, "it is. We actually were looking at Supernatural scripts a few weeks ago. My professor split us into groups of 4 and my friend and I both watch the show and the guys in the group didn't so when we did French Mistake, my friend read for you and Jensen then I did Gen and Jared and the boys did everyone else."

Misha said, "that's cool! Did you guys do a good job?"

I said, "I think so."

Misha said nice as he pulled into the aquarium between Dads cars. Alex pulled up a few seconds later and we all got out then walked in with me holding Alex's hand and having Shep on my hip on the other side.

Once we paid, we started walking around and I turned into a little kid and was in as much awe as the kids were. The tanks were so big and they had so many fish in one tank, it was all just super mesmerizing.

It took about 2 hours to go through the whole aquarium and it wasn't quite dinnertime yet so I suggested we go to a trampoline place. All the kids got excited and started asking their parents so everyone agreed and we left. This time I rode with Mom and Dad and sat next to JJ.

She was pretty content most of the time but after about 10 minutes wanted my attention and kept asking me a bunch of questions. After she was through asking questions, she kept asking for kisses and telling me she loved me.

When we got there, we went inside and sat our stuff down on a table then the kids and I ran to start jumping. Dad and Momette followed us around a little to take pictures while everyone else sat at the table. After about 15 minutes of Alex and I just waving back and forth while making different faces at each other (think Miley and Liam in the scene where he's cleaning out the aquarium tank in The Last Song), I put a sad face on and he looked confused so I waved him over to me.

He said, "what's up?"

I crossed my arms, still jumping, and said, "why aren't you jumping?"

He said, "I didn't plan to."

I said, "well I want you to!"

He smiled and said okay then climbed up and gave me a kiss before he started jumping.

Alex jumped for about 45 minutes before he got too tired then the kids and I jumped for another half hour or so before they started to get hungry so we left for Applebee's.

We were at Applebee's for about an hour and a half then went back to the cabin and I again helped put the kids to bed.

When I came into the room after I was done, I sat on the bed and put my head on Alex's shoulder. He started to put his script away and I said, "no baby I just wanna sit here and watch you work for a little bit."

He said okay and continued reading but after about 5 minutes, he set his script on the floor and turned to kiss me, putting a hand on my cheek and another around my waist. To make it not so awkward, I moved to sit on his lap so I was straddling him and we started making out again.

Our hands were everywhere and eventually, I put mine under his shirt on his chest. He had his hands on my waist and I started to push his shirt off. We paused and he pulled it off before reconnecting our lips.

After a few minutes we pulled apart to catch our breath and he said, "wait, Mackenzie baby, are you sure you want to? I'm fine either way but, I just want to make sure you're sure before we do.

He had his hands loosely on my waist and I put mine over his, grabbing one to play with his fingers as I looked down and said, "I don't know. I do but - I don't know."

"But what babe?" he said, concern on his face and in his voice.

"I - I just - I know you said things wouldn't change and that you'd be excited if I got pregnant but I'm just scared I guess. I'm scared that you're just saying that and I'm scared to show you all of me like. And I know you love me and we're getting married and it wouldn't matter what I look like but... I don't know, I'm just really scared."

He pulled me to his chest and wrapped me in a hug then said, "shhh baby. It's okay. You're okay. You have nothing to be scared of and I know you know that but I understand why you're still scared and it's okay. You're beautiful and perfect and you know nothing will ever change how much I love you and want you. But we don't have to do anything tonight you're not 100% sure about. Holding you like this is enough for me if it's what you want."

I smiled and nodded against him then said, "this is nice. Let's stay like this forever," and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I felt him smile and kiss my head then he said, "I love you, Mackenzie Marie."

I said, "I love you too, Alexander Calvert," then after a few seconds I moved to look up at him and said, "Um babe, would - would you be okay with me not changing my last name? At least not right away. I just got this one and I wanna use it still. I'm still very attached to it."

He smiled and said, "you can do whatever you want sweetie. I will never want to take that away from you and have never thought of you changing your last name."

I smiled and said thanks then pecked his lips before snuggling back into his chest.

After about 10 minutes I mumbled, "Alex I love you."

He said, "I love you too Mackenzie," and started running his fingers through my hair. I smiled contently and fell asleep a few minutes later.

The next morning we all slept in a little then packed up and left at about 2 pm. Alex had to go back to filming so he and I said bye then I rode home with Mom and Dad.

A/N - hope you enjoyed it! Remember: Always Keep Fighting, Love Yourself First, You Are Not Alone, and You Define You. Love y'all!

Quote of the Week: "Look for pebbles because sometimes pebbles are all you need to get back to your rock." - Jared Padalecki

Jared said this in a convention video and I believe the fan had asked something like what is their (J2's) rock, the one thing they always count on and know will be there for them and they both said their wives but then Jared said this and went on to explain that sometimes you can't always get to that rock. Sometimes maybe you don't want to bother them with what's going on or they're busy or you're busy or whatever, so you have to find the little things that make you feel better or distract you or whatever until you can get to that person and until you can talk through what's going on with them. For me, my rock is my best friend, who might as well be my mom because she acts like it lol, but I can't always talk to her because even though we live together, we both have a lot going on and I also don't always want to bother her with what's going on in my head so I have my little pebbles. I have videos I watch and songs I listen to and other friends I talk to (so I at least talked to someone) and sometimes, in the end, I don't need to talk to her. I'm able to figure it out on my own or talking to my other friends was enough but I still know that if I really need to, she'll be there in a heartbeat with no hesitation. I think that's part of why I found this quote so inspirational and beautiful because right away I saw what he was saying and saw who my rock was as well as my little pebbles. They all help in some way and they're all there for you in different ways. We all have a rock and we all have pebbles. My rock is amazing and I hope yours is as well. My little pebbles are wonderful as well and sometimes they even give me other little pebbles and I love them so much.

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