Hilarious Texts And Tales Of...

Por Braidzella

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Funny-no, hilarious text and tales if the Clone Wars characters had phones, and a crazy life outside of the w... Más

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The Plan
501st Only Chat
Jedi Rock
Boil And Waxer
Would You Rather...
typical days with the 501st
4 friends... sort of
April fools
truth or dare
Couples Chat/Friends Chat
Couples Chat: Part 2
Rexoka happening?😱😱😱
favorite ship?
say anything!
how to make ships happen
hondo tries advertising
random craziness
lyric prank
late May the fourth
late may the fourth(clones only)
say what! part 1
the plan part 2
in action part 3
revealed part 4
escape! part 5
spies revealed part 6
ehco's B'day
drivers licenses!
random craziness Jedi style
the favor
the singles
revenge part 1
revenge part 2
revenge part 3
The road trip
Padme's Revenge
the jealously wars
The Vacation Wars Have Begun
Darth Vacation The Wise
vacation order 66
Lord Hideous
don't dew it Anakin!
Lemmon head over dose
Turkey Day
the van
the Christmas Tree
Christmas (Couple) Party
new years eve
the washing machine
New Clone Wars Trailer!
I need some Advice
Midnight Thoughts With Fives
The Love Letter
Operation Valentines Day
Fives Confirms ships
Q and A + A and Q
The Coronavirus
Jedi Secrets
Boys Sleepover
Girls Sleepover
Ultimate Truth or Dare
Maul's Revenge/ April Fools Day
501st chat-HACKED
Savage's Questions That Need To Be Answered
The No Eyebrows Chat
The True Tragedy of the Ruber Chicken
Missing Blowdryer
The Official Bald chat
The Return Of The Segway
Easter Egg Insanity
My Opinion of the Ahsoka Novel
The Bet
How I Write The Clone Wars Text
Anakin's Job
Weird Ships
Echo's new bffs
The Attic
Baby Yoda, Coffee, and toilet paper
May The Fourth Be With You
Revenge of the Fifth
Goodbye Clone Wars
My Rexsoka Heart
Late Cinco de Mayo
Dead Chat
The Trampoline
Anakin's Man Cave
The Babe Cave
The More Accurate Bald Chat
Selfies At The Graveyard (Memorial Day Special)
Revenge on Fives Part 1
Revenge On Fives Part 2
Revenge on Fives Part 3
Robbing Count Dooku
Father's Day/ Party For Plo Koon
Clones Do The Lyric Prank
The 4th Of July
The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
The Party Part 3
Pool Party
I've Been Tagged
Porg Hunting
Fall is in the air
Jedi Fall Party
The Haunted Halloween Maze
Toliet Papering Maul's House
The Pumpkin Patch
Another Tag
The Leaf Pile
Halloween Shopping + Nobody Steals Anakin's Van
Q And A
The Acorn Wars
Pie on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Get Together
Black Friday (The Boys Sneak Into Stores)
Buying 9 Million Candy Canes (Clone Edition)
Buying 9 Million Candy Canes (Jedi Edition)
Decorating For Christmas
How The Sith Stole Christmas
Secret Santa
New Year's Eve Party
The Mall
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Snow Day
Jedi Snow Day
The Floor Is Lava
What Really Happened
Daylight Savings time
Random Road Trip
Prank Wars: Mace Windy vs Anakin Sandwalker
The Great Easter Feast
Clones Go To Target
Hide In Go Seek In The Dark (In The Jedi Temple)
May the 4th Part 1
Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 2
Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 3
Order 66 May the 4th Special Part 4
The Winner May the 4th Special Part 5
Throwing Slime on Rex
Nightly Antics With The 501st
The Rise of the Segway
The Dominoes Playing Dominoes
Pranking People
Revenge on Anakin
Revenge on Anakin Part 2
Accidental Space Dads Chat
The Slippin Slide
The Sithin' Slide
The Incident At The Mancave
Clone Wars Characters As Incorrect Quotes
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Maul's glasses
The Picnic
Clone movie night
Jedi Game Night
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Pumpkin Carving
The Grilled Rubber chicken Massacre
Anakin's Skeleton
Trick, Or Treat?
Halloween: Sith Edition
If We All Had Nicknames
Interviews For TCW Texts with Braidzella and Fives
Pre-Clone-Wars Era Chat
Thanksgiving Chaos
If The Clone Wars Was A Drama With Interviews
Christmas Preparations
Yoda Goes Fishing
Jedi Temple Tour
Anakin Breaks His Elbow
Personality Swap
Shaak Ti's She Shed
The Embarrassing Rex Chat
Yoda's Pizza Hut
The Night Mascarade
The Haunted Pinapple
A Day Of Obi Wan's Life
Vos's Hangout On Kashyyyk
The Cheeto Thief
Hardcase's Injury
Dating Disaster
Jokes On You (April Fools Day Special 2022)
The Bacon Chat
Reasons To Hate Fox Chat 101
The Rexsoka Blog 2.0
Segway: The Last Stand: The Segway Saga Ends
The 200

Catching the Easter Bunny

592 24 46
Por Braidzella

Fives: So, we've heard the rumors...now it's time to confirm them...

Hardcase: That the Easter bunny is real? Or that rubber duckies are actually taking over the world, not chickens?

Jesse: Uh....

Fives: The first one. As far as we know

Echo: Fives, this isn't going to work. The Easter bunny is-

Tup: What?

Fives: Yeah Echo, what?

Echo: (You know I can't say in front of Tup)

Fives: Real. He's real. And tonight, we're going to catch him.

Dogma: You're gonna- Laughs- you can't catch the Easter bunny

Hardcase: Why not?

Dogma: Because he's-

Tup: What?

Dogma: Uhhh pink! Yeah, pink, and you can't catch pink rabbits

Echo: I would say nice save but no.

Fives: But I have a plan

Dogma: You? A plan?

Fives: Well, me and Jesse have been working it out

Dogma: Oh, great, that's even better

Echo: Let's hear it

Fives: So, we stole General Skywalker's rubber chicken trap, and now we're going to-

Dogma: Hold up. Stole??

Hardcase: Yeah! We acted like we forgot our helmets in there, then stole it

Echo: Fives-

Tup: I didn't know this plan would be so diabolical

Jesse: Its not! Yet

Fives: Look, we had to do what we had to do

Echo: Yeah, you said that when you blew my shoe up in the microwave

Jesse: Woah. I've always wanted to do that...

Tup: What's the rest of our plan

Fives: We also borrowed this other bunny from the pet store and-

Dogma: What??

Tup: Awww, its so cute

Jesse: And don't worry, we didn't steal it

Echo: That's a first

Fives: We borrowed it without permission

Dogma: You criminals...

Echo: I should've known better

Hardcase: Look! Some coco puffs!

Dogma: No that's not-

Fives: So anyways, we put this rabbit in the trap, then when the Easter bunny comes, it'll see it, and the rabbit will be all like, help me, help me, I'm captured. And the Easter bunny will try to help him, only to be captured by us. Genious, right?

Tup: One question. What's the difference between a bunny and a rabbit?

Dogma: Go ask Rex

Jesse: No, he's right. What IS the difference?

-they all think hard on it for a minute

Fives: Yeah, let's ask Rex

Echo: Um, what are you going to do with your captive here?

Jesse: We news to hide him

Hardcase: In the dish washer?

Dogma: Not unless you want to give someone a heart attack

Fives: Just, let's put it behind the couch for now.

Tup: Oh! I hear the jedi are dying Easter eggs today! Ahsoka said we could join her if we wanted

Fives: Well, that's probably where Rex is at then.

-Later, after getting back

Jesse: Ha! That was so fun!

Fives: Did you guys see my egg of Mace Windu?

Echo: Mine of Shaak Ti was way better

Hardcase: Those eggs tasted good

Rex: Hardcase! Did you just eat that???

Dogma: Shell and all?

Kix: It was expected, wasn't it?

Hardcase: Yum. Who needs candy when you have delicious eggs

Rex: Let's just go inside. Wait, where are the keys?

Fives: I thought Kix had them!

Kix: I gave them to Jesse

Jesse: And I handed them over to Dogma

Dogma: Echo

Echo: Tup?

Tup: I...I'm sorry, I lost them 😭

Rex: -sighs- it's fine. This happens every time, just about. Men, through the window!

-They all climb through the window like it's normal

Dogma: What.Happened.To.This.Place

It's a mess. The rabbit has escaped and eaten, torn, or pooped on everything

Fives: Maybe...someone vandalized our house

Tup: Or something

Rex: Boys, I'll ask you this once. What-


Hardcase: Maybe Santa Clause

Fives: Bro no

Tup: That's a bunny rabbit. You know, like the Easter bunny

Jesse: It was all part of our elaborate trap to catch the Easter bunny

Tup: He will look just like this, except pink. And maybe sparkly.

Rex: What-

Dogma: (Long story)

Rex: I can't believe you guys

Hardcase: Why not?

Rex: Actually I can. But seriously???

Fives: It would've worked had Hardcase put the lock on correctly

Echo: Um, you were the last one to seal the cage

Fives: We'll I was distracted with Hardcase throwing his shoe on me!

Rex: Okay, that's it. Boys, pick this place up. And I want that rabbit-

Kix: Live cotton ball

Dogma: That's not-

Rex: Bring it back to where it came from

Jesse: But what about our trap???

Rex: You can't catch the Easter Bunny

Fives: Why not?

Rex: Because-

Tup: Why? He's real, like nutella is, isn't he?

Rex: Well yes, but- -sighs- just put the rabbit back


Fives: Phew

-He attempts to faint on the couch but misses

Fives: Ow! Who moved the couch??

Echo: Uh, I did. There was, you know...

Hardcase: Coco puffs under it! Why did we have to throw them out?

Jesse: Because Rex said to

Dogma: Finally, this place is clean

Fives: Like you helped

Dogma: I was busy in the kitchen mixing orange crush soda and vinegar to give to you guys for making such a big mess. Look what that beast did to my slippers!!!!!

Jesse: I didn't even know you had slippers

Hardcase: Oh! This stuff tastes good!

Echo: -facepalm-

Rex: Okay boys, bedtime!

Fives: Why???

Jesse: Can we have a pillow fight first???

Rex: No. We just picked this place up

Hardcase: Shoe war!!!!!!

-They start throwing shoes at each other and hit the lamp

Rex: Well, once again its proven useful to buy a plastic lamp. Hey, get to bed now if you want the Easter bunny to come

Tup: -gasps- I can't wait! Rex, can you tell us a story?

Jesse: Yeah!

Hardcase: Yes!!

Fives: Please???

Rex: As long as you go to bed right after

Tup: Okay

Rex: Hehem, so, um, there were four boys, who happened to cause a lot of trouble, and they really wanted to catch the polka dot polar bear that visited their house once a year. But once they caught it, they realized it was sad, and didn't like being captured, so they let it go, and learned that sometimes it's best just to leave things alone

Tup: Oh my- what an emotional story

Fives: Eh, I thought it was kind of boring

Rex: To bed now!

Jesse: Right after...one last pillow fight!

-He throws a pillow at Rex

Rex: Don't make me call Dogma in here to deal with you

Fives: Bed! We're going to bed!

-Later that night...

Fives: Jesse, Tup, you guys awake?

Tup: Uh, yeah? I was still in the process of counting sheep

Jesse: You count sheep? I do cheetos

Fives: What about Hardcase?

Hardcase: I'm always awake

Jesse: That clone doesn't need sleep to live

Fives: That's probably true. Anyways, who wants to sneak around and see if the Easter bunny has came yet and left us candy?

Hardcase: Candy?? Yes!!!! CANDY

Jesse: Shhh!!! You'll wake the whole battalion up

Dogma: Or you never let them go to sleep in the first place 🙄

Fives: So who's with me?

Tup: But...it feels wrong

Fives: Who knows, we might be lucky and see the Easter bunny himself. You can't miss that kind of opportunity, can you?

Tup: Well, no.

Jesse: I'm in

Hardcase: Yeah!

Fives: Okay, silently go-

-There's a loud thump

Fives: What was that?

Hardcase: Me falling out of bed. I don't have night vision eyeballs

Jesse: Shhh

Fives: This way...

-They go out to the living room, to find none other than Rex himself hiding Easter Eggs

Tup: Rex!?!?!?!

Fives: What in the Easter bunnies name????

Jesse: What?!?! How is this possible?!

Hardcase: Candy!!!!

Rex: What are you guys doing up?! You weren't supposed to see me!

Tup: It's okay. I-I understand

Rex: You...do? I didn't want to tell you in case it might hurt your feelings

Tup: Hurt my feelings? No, no, Rex. You've got it all wrong. I...can't believe you're the Easter Bunny

Fives: I never would've guessed...

Jesse: How you manage to hide eggs in everyone's houses in one night is a miracle

Rex: What? No- I-

Tup: This is incredible! My very own captain is the Easter bunny!

Jesse: We sure our lucky!

Fives: It all makes sense now, why you were trying to convince us not to hunt the Easter bunny down

Hardcase: Its because you're him!!!

Rex: But-

Tup: Don't worry, we'll get back to bed so you can finish hiding the eggs

Fives: And don't worry, your identity is safe with us

Jesse: Yes sir!

Rex: Boys, no I'm-

-They march back to bed

Rex: I can't believe they really think I'm the Easter bunny. -sighs- how am I going to explain this?

🤣🤣🤣 Happy Easter everyone. I've got another chapter coming tomorrow...

Meme of today:

True, true

Braidzella out-

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