
By ddddd303

692K 14.2K 1.1K

Love. Something he never believed in until he met her. Trust. Something she never believed in until she met... More

Thank you
Muffled tears
Normal life
Pure anger
Anger to love
No promises
The store
Deals with the devil
Breathless moments
Mascarade ball
Mascarade ball part two
The end to a perfect night
Meet the parents
Meet the parents 2
Listen to me
Unwanted attention
Back where i belong
Bitch please..
Leaving me
Figure part 2
Dried blood
Memories of you
Horror and joy
Author's note
It will only ever be you
make her proud
alternative ending


10.4K 216 7
By ddddd303

Mia fell asleep on me while we were sat on her bed together. That's when the feeling of unease hit me. Somebody was after Mia and now she was pregnant she was at even more risk of being hurt. I couldn't wait anymore. I couldn't wait until we had fully trained my men. I needed this person dead.
I gently laid her down on the bed and walked into my office. I called Leo and told him to gather all the men in the basement.
I walked down stairs to see all my men stood lined up waiting for me.
They all greeted me as I entered the room.
" we are going to the warehouse tonight " i announced. Most of my men looked shocked I was doing this so soon. Leo did too apart from I guess he understand why.
Rodrigo stepped forwards taking in a sharp breath. " Why sir. Why now ? " he asked me
I debated whether to tell them the reason or not but I decided it would be best they knew the truth.
" Mia is pregnant. I'm going to have a child. Whoever this person is that keeps trying to attack Mia is a big threat to my family. I am not having my unborn child and Mia at risk any longer. "
Everybody congratulated me.
" The plan is to go tonight. We will all enter the warehouse. Some of you will stay on guard so we can see if anybody is coming. The rest of you will be in the warehouse waiting to attack. Remember we need one person at least to be alive so we can find out information. " I looked up at my men to see them concentrated. Lots of them have become rather close too with Mia as she was always around and so where they. I guess the thought of her and our child being in danger upsets them.
For the next few hours we loaded up cars with guns and equipped all my men with their weapons. We got a map of the warehouse and i told all my men where they would be and what to do. Once everyone understood we had two hours until we left.
I went into the kitchen and started to make pizza for Mia and I. Once they were finally done I took them up to her room. I knocked twice before I entered. She was still sound asleep. It had been at least four hours so I decided to wake her. I quietly walked over to her and delicately stroked my thumb against her cheek.
" Mia baby" I whispered.
She stirred awake and I could tell instantly she smelt the food.
She sat up straight away.
" you brought me food " she asked happily.
" yep I just made us pizza. "
" YES " she shouted happily as she kissed me.
" you don't understand how hungry I am " she told me as she stuffed it into her mouth. I let out a chuckle. Wow she really was something else.

After we both ate our pizza we were sat talking. I looked down at my watch realising I only had 15 minutes before leaving time and I still hadn't told her.
" Mia I have to go " I told her sadly as I held her head against my chest.
" okay" she said as she nodded her head.
" I'll be back soon " I told her as I kissed her head. Wow I'm glad she didn't ask to come with me. I left the room and made my way to the car. All my men were standing outside waiting.
" ARE YOU READY BOYS" I shouted.
They all shouted yes sir back. Everybody jumped in the cars and drove away. I was leading the pack. Leo was with me in the car.
The drive felt extremely long. The anticipation of what's yet to come hung over everybody. The atmosphere was so thick it could be cut with a knife. Nobody dared to speak as we all sat drowning in our own thoughts .
Thankfully we reached the warehouse. There was no cars parked out the front so I'm guessing no one was home. Just like the plan, 20 of my men guarded the perimeter as the rest of us cleared the warehouse and waited inside. We stood in the cold dark room with our guns poised. The only sounds that could be heard was unsteady breathing from my men.
My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.
We stood here for at least a few hours before we heard a gunshot. Everybody stood guard facing the door.
Suddenly all the gunshots stopped. I could just make out Leo's face in the dark and he looked at me confused.
Suddenly the warehouse door was kicked down by a mob of men. Instantly we all started shooting. Men were falling like dominos. The colour red staining the floor with their own blood.
Once all the gunshots stopped only one man remained. He stood in the corner. Before he could try to run two of my men capture him in handcuffs.
I followed them out to the car. I saw two of my men lying lifeless on the floor. They must of been guarding the door.
I bent down and shut their eyelids. I whistled and a few of my men came and picked them up and put them in the car.

Everybody got back in their cars without saying a word to each other. In the backseat was the prisoner we captured looking nervous. I looked into the mirror so I could see his face. I chuckled to myself. Oh how we are close !

End of chapter!

Oh my god. Guys I am overwhelmed by the amount of reads and votes I've been getting. Thank you so much.

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