Being Parents

By acarolnmartins

318K 3.5K 4.8K

Over 110,000 reads!! After the Golden Trio plus Ginny have been through so much in their short lives, are the... More

Telling Harry
The Weasley's Reaction
Telling Teddy
Carrier Changes
Godparents' Secrets
Christmas Spirit
A Family of Families
New Year's Rough Start
New Beginnings
Old Grudges and Lovers
Bonded for Life
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Girl Talk
Meet J.S.P.
Couple Time
Party Much
Place Your Bets
First Times
Trick or Love
A Tradition of Sorts
Love Vacationing
New Friendships
Best Gift Ever
Boy Talk
Red It Is
Christmas Madness
Lateness Nightmare
Love Is In The Air
New Additions
Potter Vacation
Ten Years Later
Wedding of the Century

Meetings In Diagon Alley

6.1K 80 79
By acarolnmartins

"YES!" Ginny yelled as soon as the question sank in. Of course she would accept being the godmother of their unborn child. Harry found himself beaming widely at his best friends. Did they ever think he wouldn't want to be the godfather of their child? The foursome rose from the table and had a big group hug.

"Thank Merlin you said yes!" Ron sighed. "We didn't have a backup!" 

Ginny slapped her brother's arm. "Never in a million year we would've said no, Ron!"

"Just don't spoil him or her too much, will you?" Hermione joked.

"Coming from you, Hermione?" Harry snorted. "I swear to Merlin, if James comes out all wrong, I'm blaming it on you." At the end of his treat, Harry was smiling nonetheless.

Hannah finally came over to give James back to his parents. She and Alicia had been playing with him, but even they had to go as it was getting dark. Eventually, Teddy and Victoire met the family back in the living room, super excited about their flying lessons with Katie and Oliver. The couple was the last to leave, leaving only the family. Obviously, Mrs. Weasley insisted they all stayed for dinner, but one by one, every couple excused themselves to go home. 

"Today was quite a day, wasn't it?" Arthur asked his wife when they were both getting inside their bed. 

"It was, indeed. The first birthday of our 3rd grandchild, news about the 5th on the way. I couldn't be happier!" Molly replied, beaming at the thought of Hermione's pregnancy. 

"I overheard Ron and Hermione asking Ginny and Harry to be the baby's godparents."

Molly turned her head to her husband. "Really? I can't say I am surprised."

"Do you remember when Harry and Ginny started dating?" Arthur laughed, being joined by his wife.

"How can't I forget? But I think Ginny and Harry got their revenge just fine when it came to Ron and Hermione's turn."

Arthur took off his glasses and placed them on the nightstand. "Well, remember me to never be on the wrong side of those two. They know how to do a reck of a revenge."


Harry and Ginny never forgot about how Ron wrote to the Weasley's when they first got together in sixth year and they swore back in the day that it wouldn't end like that. Revenge is a plate best served cold and they were in no rush to have Ron taste his own venom. 

In the summer after the war, Ron and Hermione escaped the media attention and went to Australia together in order to find the Grangers and give their memories back. That task ended up being easier than they predicted and they found Hermione's parents within a week. They spent the rest of June and start of July in Australia with her parents and enjoying each other company. It was there where they came to terms with their feelings and finally started officially dating. They decided to keep it a secret for awhile until the whole war thing calmed down a knot and so only the family knew about their relationship, even when Hermione boarded the Hogwarts Express the following September with Ginny to complete her education.   

The first months after Harry and Ginny got together for the third time (whilst in Hogsmeade) were really difficult for them to be together since Ginny was still at school. Their relationship grew strong after her graduation, during the summer they spent together, before Harry became a second year trainee and Ginny started booty camp for the Harpies. They spent nearly every evening together during the week (as Harry had to work during the day) and the whole weekend just them, London and Grimmauld Place.

It was one August evening, in which they were lounging on the couch of the drawing room with Harry reading the Prophet and Ginny resting on his chest reading a book, that the redhead thought of a plan; a plan to make her brother pay for the embarrassment she had to go through after Ron announced to the world she and Harry had gotten together. Not that she was embarrassed of Harry in any way, but having to receive a million owls about it not only from her family (her brothers wanted to make sure Harry was treating her right) but from angry teens and housewives (yeah, weird) about how she only wanted him for his fame was a little over the top.

"Honey?" She called out, closing the book. "Remember fifth year, I mean, your sixth year?"

Harry closed the paper and tossed it on the floor to hold Ginny closer and bring her to him. He softly kissed her head. "How can I forget?"

Ginny smiled at his touch. "And remember my dear brother mailing my entire family about us?"

"And how we swore one day we would make him pay?" Harry continued. 

"Exactly!" Ginny had turned around and was now sitting on his lap. "I've thought of something."

"You have?" Harry furrowed his brows. "Hit me."

Ginny told him about her diabolic idea and Harry agreed it was a great way to show Ron not to mess with the Potters (or soon to be the Potters, as Harry knew it was only a matter of time for him to build up the courage and ask Ginny to marry him; although he planned to ask her to move in with him by Christmas which she practically did already).

"That's evil." Harry concluded. "And I liked it." He finished, pulling her close for a kiss that soon turned into snogging that was led to the bedroom in no time. How young and passionate were they! 

The next day, they started planning their revenge to be played out on the following weekend. Ron and Hermione were still under the radar about their relationship and despite the fact Harry and Ginny didn't want to drag Hermione into the mess, they couldn't help it. 

And so, they sent an anonymous tip to the Prophet, Witch Weekly and others about Mr. Weasley's possible relationship status with the female third of the Golden Trio and how he might be strolling around Diagon Alley, eager to answer questions, on Saturday afternoon. Then, Harry invited Ron to go shopping for Ginny's birthday present (which he had already bought weeks before) and Ginny invited Hermione for a stroll in Hyde Park to get her away from the mess they were creating. The only flaw in the plan was that Ginny wouldn't be able to see Ron's desperate face when the reporters were to attack him.

When Saturday came around, Ginny said her goodbyes to Harry and went to meet Hermione at her flat in muggle London whilst Harry flooed himself to the Leaky Cauldron where he had agreed to meet Ron for their shopping arrangements. 

"Hey, mate!" Ron greeted as soon as he saw Harry coming through the fire. "How's Ginny? I live with her and I don't get to see her as much as you!" 

"Afternoon, Ron!" Harry hugged his friend with a smile. "Can't help it if we can't stay away from each other. And from what Ginny tells me you're practically living on Hermione's flat anyways."

"Well, we can't really be together in public places just yet, can we?” Ron looked down and Harry had to control himself not to say anything.

"Shall we?" 

Harry led Ron to the brick wall around the back and patted on the right bricks with his wand to open the passage way. Within moments, the two best friends steeped into the busy street with its stores running like the war never happened. Diagon Alley was exactly like Harry remembered from his first trip as an eleven-year-old with Hagrid. 

They walked around a bit and when Harry noticed some weird vibrations, sensing the reporters were coming, he excused himself into the next store and watched their revenge take place. Seconds later Harry had entered the shop, Ron was swapped by news suckers wanting to know all about his relationship with Miss Granger. The horrified look on Ron's face was enough for Harry to know he had learned his lesson.


Summer was starting to bloom in London by the end of May. That year's Battle of Hogwarts' celebration was less chaotic than the previous year for everyone except Ron who had to make the speech. Vic's birthday was at the Shell Cottage and the DA meeting was once again in the Leaky Cauldron. Hannah offered the pub for every other reunion for the next years, making it now less of a problem the planning of the event as it was before. Cho and Travis once again made their appearance although they were in the middle of last minute planning for their wedding in a week time. The biggest gossips around that year reunion was Alicia's pregnancy and Susan and Seamus relationship. Justin Finch-Fletchley seemed awfully disappointed at the latter. 

Hermione's belly was starting to get quite noticeable as was Alicia's and both girls actually went one day out for maternity clothes, since there was up until a limit to magically expand their own clothes. Audrey seemed really quiet over family gatherings, something that even the girls started to notice but decided to not comment much about. Percy, on the other hand, was acting weird (or weirder, as George called it) for weeks. 

Work for Harry started to go back to normal busy basis instead of the madness of the previous months. Kingsley also got down a knot in behalf of Hermione’s condition. When the bushy haired girl told him about the pregnancy, he was a bit disappointed that in a few months time he would lose one of his best workers for maternity leave, but, by the end of the day, the Minister actually came to his senses and bought some flowers for Hermione to congratulate her for the baby on the way. He had been watching everyone of them grow up from teenagers to young adults with the weight of the world in their shoulders and now, to see Harry, Ron and Hermione, happily married with kids and other coming was overwhelming satisfying. It was prove that it was all worth it; all their sacrifices were worth it, no one died in vain.

It was the first week of June and Ginny had decided to use her lunchtime that day to do some shopping in Diagon Alley. In a few days time, it would be hers and Harry's 3rd wedding anniversary and 8 years they had been together. She wanted to buy a new dress robe and lingerie. Harry was going to take her to their new favorite restaurant in Amersham while James and Teddy would stay at Ron and Hermione's place. Ginny entered Madam Malkin's and was greeted right away by Sally, the closest friend she had back at Hogwarts. 

"Ginny, my dear, so good to see you!" The girl greeted, embracing the redhead with a big bear hug. 

Sally Brightman was the only girl of her dorm Ginny actually got close with during the years and although she was a tad overwhelming at times, she was the only girl in their year who never judged Ginny and actually didn't get jealous when she and Harry first got together. After the war, Sally never went back to school and had been working at Madam Malkin's ever since. She was now store manager, but Ginny knew Sally could be more than she gave herself credit for. 

"Sally, how are you?" Ginny greeted back.

"You know, same ol' same old. But you? When was the last time I saw you, hah?" 

"You weren't around in Christmas, were you?" Ginny's last trip to that store was to buy James' little dress robes for the Ministry New Years' party. 

"Indeed I wasn't. Mrs. Malkin gave me the holidays off this year. I spent it in Ireland with Mum and Dad." Sally explained. 

"How's your brother?" Ginny politely asked. 

"Married, can't you believe it? Barely out of Hogwarts and married. I was against it of course, but what can I say? I didn't even finish my education." Sally looked down for a split second but her joyous humor came back as fast as it had gone away. "Enough of chitchat. What do you need?"

"Right," Ginny started. "My wedding anniversary is around the corner and I want a new dress and lingerie. What do you have for me?"

"Hmm, trying to please Potter boy, are we?" Sally teased and Ginny giggled. After all these years and Sally still called Harry, Potter boy. "Same size?"

"I hope so!"

Sally led Ginny to the back where the changing rooms were and asked her to wait there. Ginny sat on the couch and noticed there was another person with her, sitting on the armchair next to her. The woman was older than her but only for a few years. Green eyes and black straight long hair. She had a very serious posture, but was smiling to Ginny nevertheless. 

"I'm sorry, but you're Ginny Potter, aren't you?" The woman quietly asked with a light foreign accent.  

"Yes, I am. Fan?" Ginny offered her hand and the woman caught it, shaking it. 

"Big one. I know it doesn't seem like it but I'm a big Harpies' fan. Astoria Malfoy, pleasure." If Ginny had been drinking something, it would have been a great moment to spill it all over the place. 

"MALFOY?" Ginny tried, unsuccessfully, to hide her surprise.

"Oh, I see you've met my husband." Her eyes went to her hands and Ginny noticed a belly. "I can't believe he never told me he knew you!" 

"In Malfoy's, I mean, Draco's defense," Ginny almost vomited with her words. "We weren't best of friends. I'm sure you know my husband, brother and best friend weren't exactly in the best of terms with him back in their days."

"I didn't know that, actually."

"Really? Where are you from?" How does one not know about Malfoy's evolvement with the war?


"That explains it." Ginny nodded, trying to understand the woman. She was a Harpies' fan, but apparently didn't know much about the war. "Are you saying you don't know much about our past?"

"Draco told me part of it. His family was in the bad side of the war for awhile but changed on the last of it. His father was in prison. I guess I know what I needed to know. I trust him."

"My husband, Harry, was the one to end the war. Harry and Draco were kind of arch enemies back at school. My best friend, Hermione, actually hit him in the face on third year." Ginny couldn't help but laugh at the memory. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh."

"Yeah, you did." Sally was back with a few dresses in hands. "You hated Malfoy back at school."

Ginny blushed. "Well, he made Harry's life miserable. Astoria, I'm sure Draco is a changed man." Another employee had also arrived and was now giving clothes to Astoria to try on. Ginny had entered the changing room and put on the first dress, but it didn't fit, nor did the second or the third. "Sally?"

"Yeah, sweetie." 

"I think I need bigger ones. I guess I have put on some pounds." Ginny, sadly, admitted. 

"Sure thing. I'll be right back."

"I'm sorry about my husband's attitudes," Astoria said from outside the changing room. "but, is there a way for me to get an autograph from you?"

The redhead put her head out the room to see Astoria standing in front of a mirror in a beautiful gown. Now with her standing, she could clearly see she was indeed pregnant. Malfoy was going to be a dad, who would've thought! "Of course you can. Good to know I still have fans out there. Great dress. How far along are you?"

"Thanks, it's for my sister's wedding. Four months. I admire you very much, giving up your dream for your family."

Sally came back with other dresses. "Thank you. It was worth it, James and Teddy are the reason for me to smile everyday." Ginny went back inside to try on the clothes. This time they fitted. Going for some red sexy lingerie and a purple, polkadot, knee high, strapless dress, Ginny finally finished her shopping after keeping a pleasant conversation with Malfoy's wife. 

"I'll see you around then, Ginny!" Astoria said, handshaking her again. "It was a pleasure!"

"The same. If you ever tell Malfoy about this, owl me with his reaction, will you?" 

"I will." Astoria laughed. 

Ginny payed for her shopping and said her goodbyes to Sally, promising to have a tea someday, something both knew they never would. She gave one more nod to Astoria, who was still indecisive about her gown, and left the store. Ginny looked at her watch and realized there was still time to go home, drop her bags and have a quick bite there before she had to head back to the Prophet for her meeting. Ginny went out of the main street into an alley so she could apparate without disturbing anyone.

"I can't believe who just came into me." A voice said out of nowhere. Suddenly, Ginny was trapped, with a second person holding her arms back. The person who talked was wearing a hood (very old fashion, Ginny thought) and his wand to her throat. Ginny's bags were dropped to the floor and the second person was holding her very tight, there was no way she could reach for her wand. "Ginny Potter. The wife of the person I've been meaning to kill."

Ginny's eyes widened with the threat. "You bastard. You do anything to me and the whole Auror Office will kill you with their bare hands."

"Redhead talks. I like it. I can see why Potter likes you." The man was playing with his wand around Ginny's face. "You must be wild in bed, aren't you, Quidditch princess?" Ginny kicked him in the nuts and fought to get out of the other one's gasp. Finally, she got to her wand and firstly casted a shield around her, reflecting a couple of hexes. She started dueling two-on-one and it was tiring her. It had been years since she last dueled. More people arrived to back the bad guys up and it was beginning to get too much for her to handle, until someone hit her with a strong purple curse on the shoulder, making her fly through the alley and making her unconscious. 

"I'll just kill you. You're no good for me." The man yelled to her moveless body, pointing his wand to her chest. "Avad-"

Out of nowhere, he was stunned and several lights from curses were exploding in the alley. Bernard Bennett and Robins Maxwell were the firsts Aurors to find Ginny. But still it was five-to-one battles before Susan and Seamus arrived at the site. 

"Bones, take Ginny to St. Mungo's." Maxwell yelled. Matthew Hewes and Kristen Colby joined them right after and Seamus gave Susan enough protection to grab Ginny's moveless body and apparate her away from the madness. Harry arrived just as Susan disappeared. 

One by one, the Aurors managed to scare the first man's back-up away or to stun them to be brought to detention, until he was left alone and cornered, laughing like a crazy man. 

"Who are you?" Harry screamed at him, leading his men.

"You'll have to find out, Potter!" The man yelled before a green light left his wand to find Maxwell's chest. Before anyone knew it, he was gone with a loud crack. Harry's eyes widened as Bernard and himself went to Robins' moveless body.

"Rob? ROB! Answer me, mate! Don't leave me, please, don't leave me!" Bernard desperately yelled. He shook him and tinkled him, tried everything he could, but Robins didn’t respond. Harry was knelt on the other side with his head on his hands. “NOOOO! Come back. I order you, idiot, stop messing with me.” Finally Matthew and Seamus each grabbed Bernard’s arms to pull him away. Kristen had gone to Harry’s side. 

“Ben, he’s gone.” Seamus quietly said to his ears. “Come, mate.” Bernard was still in tears, while Harry was completely out of himself. It was Kristen who brought him back. 

“Boss, what do we do?”

He snapped out of his thoughts and rose from the ground to give Ben a big hug. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” Harry’s green eyes reflected all the sadness of the world.

“It’s not your fault, boss. It’s that other guys’ fault.” Bennett was now talking with no more tears and full on anger. “What are my orders?”

“Bennett, you go home. You just lost your partner.” Harry started. 

“No, Potter, please, I gotta do something.” Bennett begged. 

“Fine. Go to Heather. Tell her the news. I think she will appreciate to hear it from you instead of me.” Heather was Robins’ wife, mother of a seven year old, a little boy in Teddy’s class. “After that, I just want to see you Monday, ok?” Bennett nodded and turned on his heels. “Matt, gather this bunch and take them back to the Ministry for questioning and charges. Kris, keep the curious away and keep all this as quiet as you can." Some people had started stopping by the alley to see what the fuss was all about. Hewes started to collect the suspects' wands. There were about six of them. "Seamus, where is Susan?”

“She took Ginny to St. Mungo’s, Harry.” He quietly answered.

“Wha- what?” Harry stuttered. He turned around to find her shopping bags and purse on the floor together with her wand. He knelt and saw the dress and lingerie inside. The simple thought of that filthy man touching Ginny made him sick. Harry recomposed himself, taking a deep breath. He rose from the floor, pocketing Ginny's wand and with the bags and purse in hands. Harry felt someone’s hand on his shoulder and found it was only Seamus.

“Harry, go to her. I’ll hold the fort. Go see if she’s ok.”

“Hm, yeah, Seamus, go to the Office, round up a special forces task team and inform the Minister. Don't forget about the men in the Leaky. You’re in charge until I get back. We’ll find this motherfuckers! For Robins’ life and I surely hope not for Ginny’s!” Harry exchanged one more glance with Seamus before disappearing into thin air with a quiet pop. 

Seamus took a deep breath. He went to aid Matt and together they gathered the stunned men. Seamus conjured a black coroner bag for Maxwell’s body. Before they went back to the Ministry, Seamus ordered Kristen to drop by the Leaky Cauldron to get the agents stationed there before reporting back. 

One of them had been hit, Ginny had been hurt: this man had a death sentence.


Three hours earlier…

It was a rather normal morning at the Ministry. Interdepartmental notes flying around and people going from a place to another. Hermione was finishing her report on how early muggle education for magical children like the one offered in the Gaillard Institute was beneficial for building tolerance. Percy was presiding a meeting about Portkey regulations and Mr. Weasley was quietly waiting for lunch time for him to go see his wife and grandchildren back at the Burrow.  

The Head Auror was at his Office, working on assignments for his Aurors while the kids were on their gym time. Harry had finally decided between which partner team would head to Scotland to surveil a suspect magical flow (Hewes/Colby) when Kelly barged into his Office, very pale, looking like she had just seen a troll.

"Oi, Hall, what's this?" Harry had jumped in his seat with Kelly's suddenness entry.

"Boss," she said, regaining her breath. It looked like she had been running. "Threat. Ginny. Serious. I thought you should know." And she dropped herself on Harry's couch at the side, with a hand on her chest.

"What? A threat? Ginny?" Harry was trying to make sense of his Auror's words. "What?"

Kelly simply held her hand with a black note, written with white ink. Harry got up from his seat and took the black parchment from her hand and sat on one of the chairs for visitors in front of his desk.

Inform your beloved boss,

I know where his wife is about today. 

And I have no moral discernment to not kill her. 

Unless he complies to me.

What I want? 

His life!


X. O.

"That was a polite threat." Harry commented. "Kelly, who gave you this?" 

"I was at the bathroom downstairs and I got stunned from behind. I didn't even see anything from the mirror. I was washing my hands, next thing I know someone was waking me up and I had this with me. I came running."

"You were stunned? And came running?" Harry repeated, lifting him up from the chair. "Madam Taylor, now, Hall. You know the drill."

"But, boss-"

"Don't 'but, boss' me, Kelly. I will handle this while you get your pretty little arse to the hospital wing, NOW!" Kelly rose from the couch on a sudden movement and almost fainted with it, but Harry grabbed her before she fell. Harry shot her a knowing glance of told ya and she left his office with him behind. "Moore!" He called out high and the whole Office turned to hear their Head Auror. "Go with Hall to the hospital wing! Finnegan, Bones, Maxwell, Bennett, Colby, Hewes, I want you in conference room five. The rest of you, continue with whatever you are doing, but don't leave for outside missions and stand-by."

Harry turned to head to the conference room with the agents he had called out hot on his heels. They entered the room and everyone except Harry sat around the table and waited for him to speak.

"Kelly was attacked inside the Ministry." Harry started unceremoniously. Kristen and Susan both gasped. "She woke up with this note." He held the note high before passing it to Seamus who was closer to him. Harry waited for everyone to read before continuing. "So we have a new headhunter for me. They must think they are special, but threatening a civilian is serious."

"How dare he threat Ginny!" Susan almost screamed with indignation. 

"So, who's this X. O.?" Robins thought out-loud.

"That's what we've got to find out. I think we should go to Diagon Alley first. Handle the threat that's eminent. Ginny is at the Prophet," Harry looked at his watch. "And should leave for lunch in about an hour."

"Where does she have lunch?" Matthew contributed. Kristen had taken out a parchment and started to write down all the data they had for now.

"Normally she likes to go to the Leaky and have a chat with Hannah."

"We should leave a team there and get Hannah know." Seamus suggested.

"Perfect." Harry agreed. "We can station Darrell and Lewis there with a couple of second year trainees. Us seven will patrol the street disguised. We can't make a fuss, otherwise XO will scape." Everyone nodded. "Go to your jobs. I'll give the order to the others and join you in the street." The agents got to their feet and went for the door. "And guys?" 

"Yeah, boss?" Bernard asked with his hand on the door.

"Please don't let anything happen to my Ginny, will you?"

"We've got lady Potter's back!" Seamus joked. 

"If it's up to me," Susan promised, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Ginny will come back to James and Teddy without a scratch. No worries, boss!"

Susan gave Harry a tight hug of reinsurance and they all left to get ready and head out to Diagon Alley to find Ginny before X. O. did it first.


Harry apparated in the middle of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries' front desk and was immediately embraced by a redhead that unfortunately was not the one he was hoping for.

"Susan, where's Ginny?" Harry asked as soon as they parted the hug.

"I don't know, they haven't told me anything yet. She was unconscious when I brought her in. There was blood." Susan had started to cry. "I'm so sorry, Harry, we should have been there earlier."

Harry pulled her again to his chest and stroked her hair. "Shh, it's not your fault, Susan. Whatever happens to Gin, it's not your fault."

They moved to the side where they didn't stand on the way and Susan recomposed herself, noticing for the first time her boss and friend's grief in his eyes and fear took over her. "What happened after I left, Harry?" She demanded. "Is Seamus-?" She couldn't even externalize the worst case scenario. 

"No, he's fine. But-" Harry closed his eyes and forced the tears to stay put. "Robins is dead. XO killed him and got away." Susan brought her hand to her mouth and stared at Harry horrified. "Bernard is a wreck. I- It's my fault, Susan." Harry cried. "I should have neutralized XO when I had the chance and now, Robins is dead."

"Ow, Harry!" Susan held him again. Nothing she could say would change his mind. She knew him enough to know Harry blamed himself for everything that went wrong. She could bet he still felt guilty about the two fallen Aurors of the previous year mission. 

They remained comfortably silent for a good part of half an hour. Harry knew he should send Susan back to the office to help Seamus out, but he couldn't handle to be alone until he found out what happened to his wife and also couldn't bare to say anything to the rest of the family. 

"Mr. Potter, Miss Bones." A voice called and they both turned around to see Healer O'Neill in front of them. "Mrs. Potter is alive." He first said. Both Harry and Susan let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. "Can I have a word with you, Mr. Potter?"

Harry nodded and turned to Susan. "Bones, go back to the Office. Seamus needs you."

"Ok, boss. Give Ginny my best, will you?" Susan gave Harry a kiss on the cheek and went to the nearest fireplace to floo back to the Ministry. 

"Will you follow me?" Harry nodded and proceeded to follow the Healer's lead until a very small and whitish office, holding a simple desk and a couple of chairs. O'Neill went to sit behind the table, signalizing for Harry to sit down as well. 

"So, is Ginny really fine?" Harry prayed it was nothing serious.

"Your wife worked herself up quite a bit today and was hit on the shoulder by a very dark curse. Mrs. Potter is still unconscious but should be back with us in the next hours; she's been put under some strong healing potions. She will have to rest for at least two weeks after her release, she has a concussion and her shoulder will have to be immobilized for a month. We don't know for sure what curse hit her, Mr. Potter, but we got quite concerned with the damage made on her shoulder. I want to keep her in for a few days for observation. She was lucky it wasn't her belly." Harry furrowed his brows, but let the Healer continue. "Anyways, I don't know what happened, but she shouldn't be under this kind of stress in her condition and it has put her on a very risky situation."

"I'm sorry," Harry interrupted. "but what condition?"

"You don't know?" The Healer had an amused smile when Harry shook his head, adding he had no idea of what he was talking about. "Mr. Potter, your wife is pregnant."

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