Family Comes First

By CRAZY40429

1.1M 34.2K 34.6K

Being alone? Check. Being afraid? Check. Being abused? Check times 3. Honestly, my life wasn't this bad befor... More

Before Continuing...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note


4.3K 191 164
By CRAZY40429

- A m a r a  R u s s o -

At the moment, I was waiting with Nader on the hospital bed, both of us in silence when I decided to break it.

"Where do you think they went?" I questioned, picking at my nails.

He shrugged in answer. "No idea. But I'm pretty sure it has something to do with our enemy."

"Silent Death?" I clarified.

"Yes," he nodded.

"Oh? Why?" I questioned, genuinely curious.

Nader looked around the room, before giving me a cautious look.

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone, alright?" he said.

I nodded my head firmly,

"Ok, so the two of our gangs used to be really close allies. We'd help each other out and shit. But then a girl happened." he started.

I furrowed my brows. "Are you saying you guys became enemies because you fought for a girl?" I asked, about to burst into a fit of laughter.

"No," he sighed. "Let me explain. So this girl was actually Dorian's girlfriend. The girl was manipulative, to say the least, and within three months of them dating, she was pretty much in control of the entire gang."

This story was getting very juicy... and fake.

"My brother and I thought that it was suspicious, and so, we dug into her background, only to find out she was working for one of our enemies, the Angels."

"That's a... very interesting name." I commented dryly. "You sure they are named that?"

"Yes, Angels." Nader spat the name out like it was poison in his mouth. "Anyway, we found out that she was supposed to infiltrate the Silent Death gang. Her role was to lure them into a trap so that they could easily take out Dorian and his younger brother, Ryan. Just so you know, Ryan is also his second-in-command, so you can see the benefits of taking them both out."

I hummed in understanding. Yes, without the leader and his second, the gang would be left in disarray. It would take a long time for them to regroup and find a new leader, wasting precious time in which the Angels would be able to quickly and effectively, take out the entire family.

"My brother tried to warn him," Nader sighed. "But he wouldn't listen, too in love with the girl."

"What's the girl's name?" I questioned.

"It doesn't matter." he replied, shaking his head. "She isn't alive anymore, so I'd rather not think about her."

Not going to lie, I was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to know what her name was. But at the same time, I couldn't blame him for not wanting to bring her up. If just the mention of her name brings him bad memories... damn.

"Back onto the story," he continued. "So we were already on bad terms because of Mohammed trying to warn Dorian of his girlfriend. We decided to just leave them be. But when she was bringing Dorian and Ryan somewhere, my brother knew something was wrong."

"He followed them, I'm guessing?" I suggested.

Nader nodded solemnly. "Yes. He followed them and left me in charge of the gang when he was gone. I don't know the specific details about what happened during that time, but what I do know, is that Mohammed was able to stop the girl from leading Dorian and Ryan into the trap."

"Huh?" I voiced. "How?"

"He stopped the three of them before they left the house, and he killed her." Nader answered simply.

My jaw dropped to the floor. "He killed her? That easily?"

Nader shrugged. "I have no idea. But I do know that he killed her, which is why the Silent Death and the Red Death gangs have not been getting along for the past year or two, and why we moved all the way here."

"But they followed you here for revenge?" I questioned.

"Seems like it, but it doesn't make any sense. We've always had tension between each other, but this is the first time they actively tried to dispose of one of our people." Nader said, slightly confused.

I didn't bother replying, instead letting us stay in silence.

I didn't know what to say to him, and I'd rather not say anything, not when I don't even know the full story. I'll ask Salvatore for the full story when he comes.

- S a l v a t o r e  R u s s o -

I was livid. The complete opposite of calm right now.

"Repeat what you just told me." I ordered Salvestro.

Salvestro, who had gotten off of a call from Samantha minutes ago let out a sigh.

"What do you not understand?" he asked, exasperated.

"No, I understand. I just want you to say it again so I make sure that I haven't gone deaf." I corrected, the hand gripping the steering wheel turning white.

I might lose it, and that's saying something.

"Dorian did not send any assassins." Salvestro repeated slowly. "He did not follow the Red Death's to Miami, despite the tension between them. Instead, he came here because of Maroline, who lives here. He admitted to Samantha that he had long moved past the grudge against Mohammed, already forgiving him when Maroline became his girlfriend."

"And Mohammed always thought that Dorian was pissed off at him, so he never tried to speak to him. Dorian never tried to reach out either, thinking that Mohammed was pissed off at Dorian for neglecting their friendship. So, to just leave in peace, Mohammed decided to come to Miami the same time Dorian did, the two of them coming here at the same time being an accident." I continued for him. "Am I right?"

"Yes." Salvestro replied.

"So why the fuck did Dorian send assassins after Amara and Caroline?" I growled. "What was the grudge they had against each other?"

"He didn't." Salvestro responded. "Someone else did. And for your second question, I don't know. Samantha didn't tell me yet. Apparently, they weren't going to tell her, but they've decided to tell her now or something."

"How can we be sure that Dorian is telling the truth and is not just saying that to get himself out of the shit he put himself in?" I countered.

"I don't know, but Dorian said he didn't." shrugged Salvestro. "And Mohammed vouches for him."

"But wasn't Mohammed the one who told us that it was Dorian who sent the man?" I raised a brow, trying to maintain my calm.

"Yes, until he and Dorian made up." Salvestro answered. "But anyways, Samantha and Elena are going to go back to the house to do some deeper digging to find out who sent the assassin. She told me that Dorian will bring Maroline and Caroline back to their house before going back to his house. Mohammed will be going back to the Red Death's base to meet us there. We'll go there to pick Amara up and go back home."

At the mention of Amara, my anger was spiked again. My sister was fucking hurt because of some random asshole. They'll pay dearly for that.


- A m a r a  R u s s o -

Nader left me to my own devices a while ago, saying something about having to deal with some business. I didn't ask what 'business' he had to tend to, not caring enough to ask.

Instead, I used this time to contemplate about the information Salvatore gave me from our call just moments ago.

Not going to lie, I was quite surprised that the next attempt on my life was five years after the first few. Someone finally got the balls to try, and almost succeeded if it weren't for Nader's gut instinct.

I stared at the wound on my left shoulder, the anesthetic preventing me from feeling any sort of pain. As the injury was only a flesh wound, I was told by the doctors here that I wouldn't need any form of surgery. Apparently, the only thing I needed to do was rest my shoulder.

This technically meant that I couldn't wear clothes that required for me to lift up my arm. I could wear a one shoulder strapped shirt, but not a shirt with two. Not until my shoulder is decently healed, at least.

Thankfully, a girl about my size had provided me with a pair of her own clothes. A tube top with leggings, paired with a grey cardigan to help cover my injury. Very useful, if not a bit too revealing for my liking.

My brothers were coming in thirty to forty minutes depending on the traffic. Since they know that I am no longer in any immediate danger, they aren't going to rush here as it will cause a lot of trouble for Salvatore.


Because he would have to explain to authorities the reason why he was speeding and breaking laws. If Salvatore were to explain the real reason, he would be investigated immediately. Then, if the government does enough digging, Salvestro would be arrested instantly and probably be either charged with life in prison, or the death sentence.

You can imagine why that would not be the most ideal situation.

I slowly got up from the bed, needing to bring some more blood flow towards my leg. Putting on the cardigan, I decided to go find Nader. I was bored, so why not.

Opening the door, I was met with a long hallway filled with multiple doorways leading to which I am guessing, other medical rooms. At the end of the hallway was an exit, to which I presumed to be the exit to another type of room.

Taking a chance, I walked towards the door and was about to push it open right as someone pulled it open from the other side.

Like a typical movie, my entire body fell forward. Except, instead of having a nice gentleman catch me from falling to the floor, this asshole decided to step out of the way, leading for me to roll down the stairs with my injured shoulder.

If I wasn't wounded, I would've laughed at how funny this was.

"Ow," I moaned, glaring at the smirking guy.

"Oops," he commented, giving me a grin. "Need a hand?" The guy went back down the steps, an open palm in front of him.

I gave him a cautious glance, not trusting him. I swear, this guy had the weirdest attitude change just now.

"It's fine," I muttered, standing up on my own and brushing the dust off of the clothes. They aren't mine, so...

"You alright?" he questioned.

"I'm fine." I replied with a huff. "At least I didn't fall on you." I chuckled, looking up at him.

Never mind. I take back what I said. I do wish I fell on him.

This guy had beautiful tanned skin, probably of Spanish descent paired with dark brown eyes. His hair was a wavy brown, and he had a tall nose with a defined jawline. Not necessarily sharp, but a defined one nonetheless. This guy was also about five feet eleven, about seven inches taller than my five feet four frame.

Hot, cute, and sexy mixed all in one.


"The name's Theodore, but you can call me Theo." he introduced. "I'm Mohammed's best friend's younger brother and eighteen. Who are you?"

"Amara Russo." I replied, giving him a smile. "Seventeen."

"You know, I think you'd be an amazing gymnast." Theo told me.

"Oh? Why?"

"It's just the way you fell and rolled down." he explained. "It was spectacular. Gymnast level worthy."

If I told you my face didn't burn and turn red at the embarrassment, I'd be lying. I knew that my cheeks had gotten pink. It's even worse because I think I like this guy already... It's just his looks though. Personality wise, I still wouldn't know.

"Uhh, thank you?" I said, unsure of what to say. It was the only thing I could say with my entire being burning from humiliation.

"I'm just joking with you." he laughed, waving a dismissive hand. "Anyway, you're alright, right?"

"Other than the slight sting in my shoulder, I'm fine." I said with a small smile.

"That's good." he replied, giving me a pat on the 'good' shoulder. "Okay, I have to go now. It was nice talking to you, Amara."

"You too." I waved as he jogged back up the steps and pulled open the door.

Thankfully, no lucky girl was standing there, as that would just be extremely unfortunate on my part.

I stared at him as he walked into what I would call, the medical bay, and it was only after he disappeared from view did I start walking down the stairs again.

I think I've just gotten a crush...


"Hey, Amara." Salvestro greeted, giving me a tight hug. "You alright?"

"I'm good." I nodded. "They were really helpful."

"I sure hope so." Salvatore muttered under his breath.

I so wanted to slap him for that comment, because his comment implied that the Red Death had horrible hospitality service when in reality, it was quite nice. Obviously, their equipment wasn't as high tech as the ones back in the mansion, but I wasn't complaining.

"Be nice." Salvestro whispered to Salvatore for me.

"Is Mohammed here yet?" Salvatore asked Nader.

"Not yet, Mr. Russo." he replied respectfully, the sides of his head beading with sweat.

Dear God help me.

"How long until his arrival?" Salvatore questioned impatiently.

At that exact moment, I yawned. I mean... It was five in the morning, and I had not gotten a lick of sleep yet. Not unless you count being knocked out because of blood lost as sleeping.

Salvestro noticed, and he pulled me over to the side while Salvatore spoke with Nader.

"You tired?"

I was going to lie, but then thought better of it. "Yeah, a bit."

"Wanna go wait in the car?" he suggested. "We'll be here for a while, so you can take a nap there if you want."

I laughed. "I don't think that's a good idea." I replied. "I'm seventeen. I should be able to pull an all-nighter."

Salvestro frowned. "Yes, you're seventeen. But you were also injured, so it's not surprising your body needs more time to rest and heal."

"But wouldn't it look bad?"

"No." he said immediately. "No one will question it. If your body needs to sleep and replenish its energy right now, do it. Think of it this way, it will help make the healing process faster."

I hummed, taking in his words and mulling it over in my head. "True, yeah okay. I'll go in the car."

"Great." Salvestro nodded with a small smile that could only be seen at my view. "I'll give you the keys."

He handed me the keys to his car, pointing me in the direction he parked it. "It's just around in the back of their base. Want me to come with you?"

"No, it's fine. I got it." I said. "You don't need my help with anything, right?"

Salvestro grinned. "With your injury, I doubt you'll be much help anyway. Don't worry, we have everything under control."

With those words, he was pushing me to the car. "Go sleep." he ordered.

I didn't reply, instead walking straight to where I assumed the car would be parked. A dull throb was starting to appear on my wound, and I knew that the pain numbing medicine they gave me was wearing off.

Maybe I'll ask Salvestro for some when we get back home.


"Hey Amara."

"Hi Santino." I said absentmindedly, too busy playing with my new puppy to care for him.

"Are you sure you are supposed to be moving around like that with your injury?" he commented.

"I don't know." I shrugged, "But I'm playing with Milo, like it or not."

"Okay, well I'm not going to stop you." he said offhandedly. "But I'm going to let Milo out to play in the backyard later. He's been cooped up for too long, and I don't think it'd be wise for you to go outside right now with that brace on you."

"Okay," I replied.

Santino was about to leave the room, when a question suddenly popped into my brain. "Hey, do you know what's going to happen to the two gangs?"

Santino turned, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Nope." he answered. "You'll have to ask Salvatore or Salvestro that."

"And where's Samantha and Elena?"

"They are living in their own apartment right now," he said immediately.

"They have their own apartment?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just a really small one, so whenever Romano visits, they stay with us." Santino nodded. "But since it's just her and Elena, they decided to just live there for the next few days."

"Are you even sure it's 'small'?" I chuckled.

"Eh." He shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, it's a small apartment, but they provide service like it's a hotel or something so I wouldn't know. I've never even been there before."

"You haven't?" If my tone didn't show my surprise, my facial expression definitely did.

"Nah," Santino shook his head. "Never cared enough to ask. Anyways, who cares? Certainly not me. Any more questions, like always?"

Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten rid of my habit of blushing whenever I feel embarrassed, and my cheeks flushed pink.

"No." I murmured, "I'll just ask Caroline."

"Not Salvatore?"

"I doubt he'll tell me much anyways." I shrugged, "And anyway, he's not even home. Same with Salvestro. I might ask Salvestro, actually. He's going to check my injury the moment he gets home from the store."

"M'kay, and by the way, wanna tell me what they tell you?" he asked, "Salvino and I have been really curious."

"What if I say no?" I smirked.

Santino just shrugged. "It's fine. We can always just ask Salvatore ourselves. After all, we are old enough."

"You know, I was going to say yes." I grumbled, "You didn't have to rub it in my face like that."

"You'll be fine," he grinned, "You'll turn eighteen soon, and then you can make your own decisions. You'll also be, in a way, free."

"Like that'll ever happen."

Santino cocked his head to the side. "True, but you'll have much more freedom when you're legally an adult than right now. You're still under Salvatore's guardianship right now, so the moment you are out, he'll have no choice about what you want to do in your life."

I wish.


"Yeah, so the two gangs are gonna stay here." Salvestro told me nonchalantly, "But about who hired the assassin... Salvatore is still working on it with Mohammed and Dorian. They'll figure it out together."

"Does that mean they'll be coming to our house?" I questioned, almost too eagerly.

At the moment, Salvestro was filling me in on everything that has happened so far, including the drama between the two gangs, Maroline's participation, and pretty much everything. He was also checking over my wound while we talked, or more specifically, I asked for clarification on what's happening.

Salvestro stared at me, a confused expression on his face. "Well, I don't know. I guess either they'll come to us, or we'll go to them. Why?"

I could feel the blood rushing towards my cheeks, and I was trying to think of a plausible explanation for why I wanted them to come. I don't think it'd bode well with Salvestro if I wanted my 'crush' to come over to our house. This was because I sincerely doubted Salvatore would let me out of the house for the next few weeks, which by that time, they will have finished looking for our attacker.

"Uhh, it's just that I thought that because I was attacked, Salvatore wouldn't let them come... y'know... " I trailed off, trying to get my thoughts together without seeming to do so at the same time.

Thankfully, Salvestro didn't notice, instead replying to the way he interpreted my words. "Well you were technically saved thanks to Nader at the same time, so even if it was because of their presence that caused your injury, they still saved your life. Salvatore won't just let that slide."

"Ok, so I guess they'll be coming over then, right?" I questioned, making sure to sound nonchalant about it.

Can't make Salvestro suspicious now, can we.

I started to pet Milo, who was laying soundlessly on my lap and licking my fingers. He was tired after all the running around he did outside of the house and with me earlier on this morning. Unsurprising. After all, he was only a few weeks old. Hyper when awake, tired as heck after the energy is spent.

"Yeah, I guess they'll be coming over too." Salvestro nodded, his hand poking at the skin around my wound, causing pain to erupt.

I hissed, and my grip on Milo tightened. This caused Milo to jerk up, causing me to jump slightly at the sudden movement. Salvestro hand, which was already dangerously close to my injury, literally dug into the hole.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

"Crap." Salvestro hissed, "Put Milo down, Amara. I can't have him here. He'll cause too much trouble. Shit, I'll have to restitch this together."

I pouted, but did what he said. He was right. It's better if Milo wasn't here.


I want to cry so badly right now 🙃

So, I initially had planned a double update for this week. But Wattpad is quite literally against me or something. It didn't save any of my work. Work I spent four hours on 😭. So now, I only have half of the next update ready 😃

I don't know what's the app's deal with me, cause it is so uncooperative with me :( First my notification problems, then email problems, and now this... I don't know whether or not to laugh or cry at this point. Does this happen to anyone else or just me? Please let me know in the comments, lol.

But anyway, I will be staying up all night to make it happen, so definitely expect an update tomorrow. I hope you've all been feeling well, and yeah. That's quite about it. 

Stay safe guys, and remember to enjoy every minute of your life!

~ CRAZY40429 💋 

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