The Devil's Work || Yoonseok

By mygmarkie

109K 7.2K 4.6K

Yoongi was forced to go out to some stupid club with some friends and he ended up having more fun than they d... More

1: Please?
2: Sweetheart
3: Δεμένη με τον διάβολο
4: Stay away from me
5: Ancient
6: A Day
7: Push Me Away
8: That Guy Was Right
9: That's Because You're All Mine
10: Good News
11: Fallen Angels
12: New Secretary
13: Relationships
14: Life is unfair, deal with it
15: I Used You
16: Someone's Got A Crush
17: Who'd You Dream About?
18 : Domestic
19: Friends With Benefits
20: Obey
21: Mistakes
22: There's This Guy
23: Both of You
24: Hoseok
25: Doll Face
26: Out of Commission
27: Out of Chances
28: Let Him Go
29: How Are You?
30: Spill
31 : A Distant Memory
32 : Unfair
33 : Give Me Some Space
34 : Part Of Popular Discussion
36 : Fiesty Today, Aren't We?
37 : I'm a Mess
38 : Lost Cause
39 : Apologies
40 : Aphrodite's Curse
41 : Anything For You
42 : I'm Trusting You
43: No More Than This
44: Desperate
45: I Hate You
46 : That'll Be Enough
47 : Too Much
48 : Whatever
49: Can't Get Enough
50 : Come Inside
Lol hi (authors note)

35 : Or What?

1.1K 100 35
By mygmarkie

"Talk to him."

Yeah, easier said than done. Talking is probably the hardest part about all of this. It's easy to say you'll talk, it's easy to walk up to the door and strut in like you own the place. All of that is easy. But talking? One of the hardest things to deal with when it came to Hoseok was exactly that. Talking. Trying to talk to that man without trying to rip your hair out should be an Olympic sport.

But he had to do it. Seokjin said it himself. The tension is too much. The back and forth feeling of who's going to break first. Who's going to drop their pride or drop their grudge to just talk. And Yoongi is doing it, Yoongi is the one dropping it all to talk to a man who probably won't hear a word he says.

Or maybe vice versa. Yoongi is a man who admits his faults and it's true, he lets a lot of things flow through one ear and out the other. He doesn't listen the way he needs to. So he will today, he'll hear Hoseok out. He took a deep breath and knocked on the office door, coming in before he even heard an affirmation.

"Yes, Jin—" Hoseok muttered, bringing his head up to see Yoongi, his eyes widened from where he was standing in front of his desk, he dropped the papers he was looking at but stayed in his spot, seemingly stuck. "Yoongi."

"Yeah, hey... we need to talk."

"Jin put you up to this."

Yoongi hesitated, at first, he thought it was a statement, like Hoseok knew Jin asked him to come the office and talk things out. But then he realized it was genuine curiosity. He wanted to know if Yoongi cared enough to talk to him himself or if he needed to be told to do it by their friend.

"Yeah, but I wanted to talk anyways, I just didn't... know what would happen if we did." Yoongi said, he let a sigh fall past his lips and he nervously picked at his nails. Hoseok only watched him, Yoongi was tired of being watched, tired of having eyes on him twenty four seven.

"I had sex with Seojun...over a week ago."

"I know." Hoseok said, Yoongi looked to meet his eyes and pursed his lips. "And...we didn't use a condom."

"I know that as well,"

"Jin told me we aren't tied." Yoongi said, looking away from the older, he forced himself to put his hands in his pockets, any more picking and his fingers might bleed. "He said he would have to do it a second time if I wanted to tie with him. So as of right now, I'm...without the ability to see auras."

"That's how it works." Hoseok muttered. The room fell silent, Yoongi chewed his bottom lips, glancing around the room, waiting for one or the other to blow up. Maybe they'll be okay. They'll bid their farewells and never talk again. The conversation will go smoothly with no grudges held and Yoongi can finally get rid of this shit. This stupid tie shit.

"Why did you do it?"

Yoongi looked at Hoseok with wide eyes, lips parted in both surprise and confusion. "What?" He can feel it, the way the mood shifted from calm to something close to annoyance, anger. He knew it wouldn't go smoothly.

"Why did you let him fuck you?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi shook his head, "Because I wanted to — Hoseok, you knew, you knew what my plans were with Seojun." Yoongi said, Hoseok's lips twitched, like he was holding back the need to either laugh or scoff.

"I didn't think you would move so fast."

"Why should it matter? Things between you and I were over way before I slept with Seojun." Yoongi said, his eyebrow furrowing as he stepped a bit closer to the taller, Hoseok sighed, "Yoongi...I just don't believe you had sex with him without knowing the consequences."


"You knew sleeping with him would break our tie, didn't you?" Hoseok accused, Yoongi scoffed at him, "What? No. I had no fucking idea that's what would break the tie. I just didn't think about making him put a condom on."

"Sure. Because all of that research you, Jungkook, and Namjoon did led up to a bunch of nothing. Just admit it, Yoongi, you knew." Hoseok said, taking a few steps closer to the smaller, they were at arms length.

"I told you about it before, we found nothing. Things couldn't be translated clearly and websites kept disappearing. If you wanted to keep me from accidentally breaking the tie, then you should've warned me from the beginning."

"Like you would've listened to me."

"Hoseok. I swear I didn't know." Yoongi said, "I shouldn't have to prove it to you. I wanted to sleep with Seojun because I wanted him. Not because I wanted make you all pissy." Yoongi snapped, Hoseok scoffed.

"What did he have that I didn't? If you wanted to fuck so bad, all you had to do was knock on my door."

"Because this isn't about you, Hoseok! God, why do you guys always have to compare yourselves to each other? I shouldn't have to sit here and create a fucking Venn diagram for you to understand how little I compare you two other than being two suffocating pieces of shit!" Yoongi yelled, he then scoffed, running a hand through his hair as he turned away from Hoseok.

"I mean, fuck! Even the way you two screw me is different. I had to fucking beg Seojun just to be a little rough because he was so fucking gentle with me from beginning to end." Yoongi said, It was Hoseoks turn to scoff as he looked at the smaller. "So, what? He treated you gentle and now you want him instead of me?"

"No, I want no one, Hoseok. I'm so fucking tired of your shit along with Seojun's, okay? I'd rather date another fucking mortal than spend more time going back and forth between the two of you. I don't want a relationship with you, and I sure as hell don't want a relationship with Seojun. So fucking. Leave it." Yoongi said, he huffed when he finished speaking, he needed to calm down, in the time of them going back and forth, the two got closer. There was little room between them and Yoongi took a step backward.

"I'm just looking out for you, Yoongi. Seojun isn't who he says or acts like he is." Hoseok said, "You'll get hurt if you continue to let him be around you."

"Then let me, Hoseok. Let me get hurt. Let me cry and be in pain. If I haven't listened to you since the first time you said to stay away from him, then what makes you think things will change? If I'm still dumb enough to stay around him and get hurt. Fucking. Let me." Yoongi said, Hoseok clenched his jaw before he stepped closer to the younger.

"So what? I can't care about you anymore just because our tie is broken?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi paused, he broke eye contact and took a step back, towards the door. For a minute, Hoseok thought he would say no, that they could still talk and call each other. That they could still be in touch.

"I guess so."


"There's nothing connecting us anymore, nothing has ever been there to connect us. I apologize for the pain you went through when I broke our tie. I..I didn't know that would happen, I swear. But I won't apologize for wanting to step away from you."

"Listen, I know I did some fucked up shit to you and the people you care about, I admit it. But do you really think Seojun will be any better?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi meet his eyes and shook his head. "I don't care if he's better. I don't want to be with him. I might not ever even go back to him, Hoseok. I want to be alone. Not with you, not with Seojun. Alone."


"Just...please stop caring about me, if it does nothing but hurt you then move the fuck on. Stop wasting your time and care on someone who doesn't care as much about you. You can do better than me. Find someone better."

"Yoongi—" Hoseok called his name out for the third time, Yoongi shook his head. "Yoongi, do not walk out of that fucking door." Hoseok muttered when he saw Yoongi reach for the handle.

"Or what."

It wasn't a question, it wasn't out of curiosity. It was a statement. Yoongi was sure Hoseok wouldn't hurt him and fuck was he right. He couldnt touch him, he refused to. No matter bad these mood swings are getting, no matter how bad the angry part of him wants to hurt Yoongi. He stood still. Staring at the smaller.

"I'm going home." Yoongi said after awhile, Hoseok hadn't said anything so there was nothing else to say. And he was gone again.

Hoseok stood alone in his office. He nodded to himself as he took everything in. There was only one bright side to this.

Yoongi wasn't planning on going back to that bastard Seojun. And that was enough.


"Yoongi, there you are, I've been looking for you," Seojun said, Yoongi sighed as he stepped away from the office. "What do you need?"

"It's been a minute since we talked, I just wanted to apologize." Seojun said, Yoongi glanced at him, folding his arms over his chest.


"For being an asshole that other day. I should've left you alone. Or at the least, talked to you about what's been making your day so shitty. So, I wanted to apologize for...just being a shitty person." Seojun said, Yoongi stared at him for awhile, he pursed his lips as he turned his head away. "It's fine. I'm over it."


"Yeah. Just make sure it doesn't happen again." Yoongi said, he then jutted a thumb over his shoulder. "Seokjin needed you for something earlier, I believe. You should go do that, I'm leaving."

"You're going home?"

"Yeah." Yoongi muttered, already moving when Seojun grabbed his arm, Yoongi scoffed as he turned to look at him. "We should talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. I told you, I'm fine." Yoongi said, Seojun stared at him and Yoongi grew antsy by the second. "Yoongi-"

"Seojun. I told you before. Stop being suffocating. I'm fine. There's nothing to talk about. Move on. Go find Seokjin. And leave me alone. Please. We can talk tomorrow but I'm just....not in the mood right now." Yoongi said, Seojun let go of his arm and nodded, Yoongi sighed as he finally walked away.

Two suffocating pieces of shit.


"Is Jin here?"

"I don't know how you got into the house when the door is locked but no, Jin isn't here." Namjoon muttered as Hoseok came in and sat on the couch. Namjoon met his eyes before looking back down at his laptop. Hoseok was surprisingly silent, he was expecting the guy to come in yelling and ranting. "So...What's up?"

"It's been over a week since my tie broke with Yoongi."


"And we finally talked today." Hoseok said, that pulled Namjoon out of whatever trance he was in. "And? What happened?"

Hoseok pursed his lips and that was enough of an answer for him. Namjoon stared at him for awhile, once again waiting for him to speak. He wasn't going to pull it out of him this time. Hoseok sighed as he looked everywhere but Namjoon's eyes.

"Yoongi hasn't told you about it yet? He got off hours ago." Hoseok said, obviously avoiding the subject. Namjoon shrugged as he saved the project he was working on and shut his laptop. "Yoongi and I haven't really spoken recently. Not know, everything happened." Namjoon said, he then sighed as he shifted to face Hoseok on the couch. "I expected him to come to me, though. I'm usually the one he goes to for advice but I've yet to see him."

Hoseok nodded, bitting his bottom lip. He obviously had too much on his mind, Namjoon wanted to help him, help him ease this anxiety.

"What happened, Hoseok?"

Hoseok sighed, opening and closing his mouth a few times before he actually said something. "It didn't go well, of course. I mean, I tried to stay calm, I did. But the image of them being together just kept coming back to me as we talked and I got so upset but I couldn't allow myself to hurt him, no matter how angry I was I held back and I'm pretty sure Yoongi was holding back too." Hoseok explained, he shook his head and pursed his lips.

"He told me he wasn't planning on going back to me or Seojun. Which, on the bright side, Seojun's powers aren't working as well as I thought. Dark side, Yoongi still hates me." Hoseok said, running a hand through his hair. "I can tell he felt bad for making me go through the pain I went through. I mean, he told me to find someone better than him, he told me to stop wasting all of my care and time on someone who wouldn't do the same and I know that. Fuck, I know I should stop caring but I can't, you know? Because at the end of the day, Yoongi can still tolerate Seojun. He can't tolerate me. So the idea that Yoongi is still unknowingly being manipulated is eating away at me and I can't fucking stop it."

Namjoon stared at him for awhile, trying to see if he was finished. Once he was sure he was done, he nodded. "That's...fucked."

"That's all the advice you've got?"

"I wasn't finished. Calm down." Namjoon smiled, "Listen, based on the way Yoongi is talking about Seojun. He didn't have the best experience with him after they slept together. I dunno what happened afterwards but it was enough to keep Yoongi irritated at him. If Seojun really isn't who he said he is, then it shouldn't take long for him to get upset with Yoongi constantly pushing him away. He'd have to act on making Yoongi like him...well, more than he has. When that happens, and Yoongi realizes what's happening, he would kinda be forced to owe you an apology and hopefully that apology will blossom into something more between you two...a fresh start."

Hoseok frowned at that. It sounded good, but time consuming. "How long do you think it will take for Seojun to snap? To show his true colors?"

"I dunno, but it sounds like he's getting there. You'll just have to wait it out."

Hoseok's frown deepened. Wait it out? All he's done was wait, he's done waiting. He waited for Yoongi to come back around after hurting him so many times, he waited for Yoongi to get over Seojun (which never happened) he waited for a chance to talk to him after both hurting Seojun and after their tie broke (both conversations went horribly wrong.) How much longer did he have to wait?

He was so goddamn tired of waiting.

Here's a screen shot of the note I wrote to myself on how I planned to write this chapter

As you can see, I am very organized and thoughtful when it comes to my writing :)

Hope you enjoyed!🥰💕

~Markie 🤠🏃‍♂️

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