Black Bulls Hope (Black Clove...

By Gale4Lifes

326K 7.1K 3.8K

(Y/N). The most feared name among Magic Knight. The member of Black Bulls. Yami Sukehiro's apperantice. Come... More

Blindfold Guy
The Meeting
Struggle for Victory
Eye of the Midnight Sun
Sealed Magic
Try Again
High Priest Game
Game Over
Another Demon
Old Friend
Captain vs Vice Captain
The Truth
The Truth II
Thank You
Under Control
Dark Elf
Glory Night
New Base
New Mission
Heart Kingdom
Half a year later Information
Black Bulls
True Potential
Demon Union
Let's Go
You did well, dumbass...!
First Meeting
Surpass Your Limit
A Real Magic Knight and A Kind Royalty
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
The Battle Almost End
Thank you...!!
Peace Treaty
29th Magic Emperor


3.3K 93 15
By Gale4Lifes

(A/N): This whole part is (Y/N)'s flashback. I mean Calm's flashback.

Elves Village
Calm POV

Licht: Hey! Lets play together!

Me: I don't have any problem but...

We then look at Rhya who is sleeping on the grass.

Vetto: Rhya, wake up!

Rhya:*yawn* I'm sleepy.

Me: You always sleep, Rhya.

Rhya: Because I'm sleepy.

I make a snow ball using my magic and throw it at Rhya's face.

Rhya: What was that for?!

Me: Look, you awake now.

Vetto start to laugh.

Rhya: It's not funny.

Me: So get up. I'm tired of sitting around. Lets play.

Rhya: We're twelve this year.

Vetto: That is why we need to play together before we turn adult.

Licht:*chuckle* I think he's right. Come on, Rhya. Even Calm is tired of sitting.

Rhya:*get up* Fine.

Little Timeskip
Calm POV

Me: Catch me if you can!

Vetto: Hey! Slow down a little bit!

Me: No way!

I said while running while those three chasing me. This is usual game we will play everyday.

Rhya: Hey, Calm! Look out!

I look in front and see a girl is standing in my way.

Me: Oh no.

I stumble on the girl and we rolling down the hill. We stop rolling when we reach the bottom of the hill.

Licht: Calm! Are you okay?

Me: Yeah, I'm all right!

I look at the girl the I accidentally stumble on.

Me: I'm very sorry.

I said and start to walk at the girl. I see there is lot of wounds on her body.

Girl: No, it's fine. I'm the one that standing in your way.

Me: You're injured. Let me help you.

I put my left hand at one of her wound and suddenly blue fire come out from every wounds on her body. After the fire gone, there is no more wounds on her body.

Girl: Thank you very much.

Me: No problem.

Licht, Rhya and Vetto finally come to us.

Rhya: You can be so careless sometime, Calm.

He then look at the girl.

Rhya:*whistle* Pretty girl you got there.

The girl start to blush. I go closer to Rhya and punch his head.

Me: Stop be womanizer.

Licht:*chuckle* Nothing we can do with it.

I go back to the girl and help her to get up.

Girl: Thank you.

Me:*smile* Not a problem.

Vetto: What is your name?

Girl: F-Fana.

Rhya: Pretty name for pretty girl.

I punch his head again.

Me: I said stop be womanizer.

Fana:*chuckle* You two are like sibling.

Me: Rhya my sibling? You must be kidding me. He's too lazy.

Rhya: At least I don't stumble on a girl.

Me: At least I'm not womanizer.

Fana:*smile* Yeah, you guys are really look like sibling.

Vetto: They always like that.

Me&Rhya: No, we not!

Licht:*chuckle* Your action tell us otherwise.

Me: Yeah, I think you're right. Hey, Fana.

Fana: Hmm?

Me: How old are you?

Fana: I'm eleven. How about you guys?

Rhya: We're twelve.

Fana: Oh. You guys are older than me.

Me:*pat Fana's head* Don't be afraid of us. We're friendly.

Licht: Yeah, moreover Calm. He's the friendly in our group.

Fana:*look at me* Calm...?

Me:*smile* That is my name. Nice to meet you, Fana.

Fana:*smile* Nice to meet you too, Calm.

3 years later
Calm POV

Fana: Calm~!

She rush at me and hug me tightly.

Rhya: Sheesh, I still can't believe you're the one that got Fana.

Me:*smile* The way you talk with woman is so perv.

Licht:*smile* You two are perfect match.

He said while looking at me and Fana.

Vetto: A girl you stumble on three years ago become your lover, huh?

Me: Love comes unexpectedly.

Rhya: Yeah, unexpectedly like Licht when he got four leaves clover grimoire earlier.

Me: We never expect that will come.

I said and take out my red and blue grimoire.

Vetto: Even Calm got three leaves grimoire.

Licht: It doesn't matter what grimoire we got. If we work hard, we can become strong.

Me: Yeah, that is absolutely right.

Rhya:*take out grimoire* Immitation Magic, huh~? Well, it might just be the perfect thing for someone like me who feels empty on the inside.

Licht: Rhya, you're kinder than anyone.

Vetto: Not as kind as Calm.

Rhya: Shut your face.

Licht:*smile* Liar, you watch others carefully, and truly love others. That is why this is your magic, right?

Me: This is something you can't use unless you sincerely watch others. It is a kind magic.

Rhya: Okay... You two are really weird.

Vetto: Talking about weird...

He then look at me.

Vetto: Calm is the only one who can use two magic. Don't you guys thing it's weird?

Licht: I don't think it's weird. I think it's wonderful actually.

Rhya: Not just that, he can use his Fire Magic and Ice Magic at once.

Fana: That is why it beautiful. Right, Licht?

Licht: Yeah, it is. Calm, I'm sure you will become really strong person.

Me: Just become strong without a dream is pointless. I want to become strong so I can protect others.

Licht:*smile* That what we expect will come out from your mouth, Calm.

Suddenly Fana pull my face closer to her.

Fana:*smile* Promise me you'll always by my side.

I pinch her nose and smile.

Me: I promise you I'll always by your side, Fana.

She smile again and pull me into deep kiss.

Four years later
Calm POV

Patri: Licht, did you hear? There is talk of humans coming to attack us elves.

Licht: Isn't that just rumor?

Me: Yeah, Licht is right. That just rumor, Patri.

Patri: But it's not unthinkable. They are a species with wicked hearts that kill animals for fun. In spite of the fact that each and everyone of them has weak magic, their numbers are growingly alarmingly quickly... Even though in the past, we elves saved them from natural disasters...

Licht: Surely they are afraid... We are the same. We resemble one another, yet they don't know it, so they are afraid.

Me: We are beings that are bestowed grimoires from the same earth... We should understand each other.

I look in front and see a magic tornado far away from us. But there is a woman got caught up in the tornado.

Woman: Kyaaahhhh!!

Licht quickly fly towards that tornado.

Patri: Licht!! Calm, go help him!

Me: How do you think my magic will help? You want me to turn the normal magic tornado into fire magic tornado or what? Plus...

I point at the tornado. Patri look at the direction I pointed and see there is another near the tornado.

Me: There is someone will help Licht.

Licht and the mysterious man slash the tornado using their magic and the tornado gone. Licht catch the woman that got caught up in the tornado.

Rhya:*whistle* Looks like the leader of Elf Tribe have found his partner.

Me: Rhya? When did you arrive?

Rhya: Just arrived. So, who is those two?

He ask while pointing at the mysterious man and woman.

Me: I don't know. But their mana is like human.

Pantri: And their ears is not pointy like us.

Rhya: Looks like they are really humans. Oh Calm, Fana slapped me again.

Me: What did you do to her this time?

Rhya: I just talking about her body in front of her.

Me: I'll slap you too if I'm Fana.

Patri: Now I understand why you're still single.

Rhya: Shut up already.

Fana that come out of nowhere suddenly hug me.

Fana: Calm, Rhya talked about weird thing in front of me again.

Me: Nothing we can do about it. You already slapped him anyway.

Fana: Yeah, I slapped him.

Rhya: It's hurt, you know.

Vetto: If you didn't say anything weird, it will never happen.

Rhya: Shut it, beardy.

Licht and the two humans then come at us.

Me: Looks like you guys get along well.

Licht:*smile* Yeah, you're right.

I look at the man.

Me:*smile* I'm Calm. Nice to meet you.

Man:*smile* I'm Lemial Silvamillion. Nice to meet you too.

We then shake our hands.

Lemial: This is my little sister, Tetia.

He said while patting the woman's head beside him.

Rhya: What are you humans doing in elves village?

Lemial: Tetia sneak out of the castle... And got caught up in magic tornado.

Tetia: Sorry about that.

Licht: Everyone make mistake sometime.

Me: Rhya, I suggest you to not do anything weird at Tetia like you did to Fana.

Rhya: I never do an-

Fana: No, you always do something weird at me.

Vetto: She is right.

We all start to laugh. As we laughing suddenly I heard something.

???: Release.

To be continue...

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