
By wolfiewritery

241K 7.5K 3.2K

Loki x reader Y/N Stark, ordinary girl who lives with the Avengers. "Not so ordinary after all." Thor had sai... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
Author's note

chapter five

9.8K 290 264
By wolfiewritery

"WHAT THE HELL?!" you heard someone shouting from the lab's direction.

Or not someone.

Your father.

Oh shit.

You were eating your breakfast in the kitchen with Thor and Nat when Tony walked in, looking more furious than ever.
"What in the name of Thor happened in my lab?!" he growled at you while Thor laughed a bit at Tony.
"I don't know, what happened?" you asked innocently, you really loved to tease
"There's a huge hole in my wall, so what do 'you' think happened?" he asked again, he looked at you with that angry glow in his eyes.
"I have no idea." you said and tried to hold your laugh as Tony rolled his eyes.
"We both know... actually even Thor and Nat knows that it was you. So tell me now, 'what happened'?" he murmured and gave you a threatening glare.

"We were looking at your inventions daddy, it was my fault!" Morgan said suddenly, she had came behind you during your 'conversation'
"Oh hunny, you don't need to take responsibility for your sister's doings." Tony told her and lifted her into his arms.

"If I can interrupt sir, I'm afraid your younger daughter is speaking the truth." Jarvis interrupted you suddenly and then showed Tony a footage from last evening.

Tony looked little disappointed that it wasn't you, but Morgan this time.
You looked at your sister and spoke her without a voice "Thank you."

"Alright looks like you're telling the truth then. Since when you started being a criminal?" Tony chuckled at Morgan and she just grinned back.
Of course Tony couldn't be angry at your little sister, you should have known.

You rolled your eyes and sighed heavily while you walked out of the kitchen. You always have known that your father loved Morgan more than you, but it still pissed you off seeing that Tony didn't even scold your sister.

"Y/N!" you heard Peter behind you while you were opening your door. You faced him as he walked over you.
"Hi, everything alright?" you asked softly. Peter smiled and laughed a little.
"Everything is fine, Y/N. I was just thinking if you wanna hang out or something today, after school?" he asked and wrapped his arm around your waist. He looked around him first, though, just in case if Tony was around.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" you asked, happily that he asked you to spend time with him. You loved to do things with your boyfriend, he was so silly and funny.
"What about I take you to eat somewhere, you can decide?" he suggested.
"But I'm still grounded like a week, remember?" you said disappointed that you couldn't go out with him.
"Oh right, well, let me figure something out. See you after school." Peter said and smirked. He gave you a goodbye kiss and then left to school.

Your school started later today, so you have plenty of time to read your book.


You finally got out of your last class and you were walking through the corridors, when someone walked pass and pushed you a little.
"Watch it, crazy." girl said and kept going, ignoring your angry look on your face. It was Wilson, of course. But this time you controlled yourself and ignored her. It was actually harder than you thought.

"How was school? Did you get into a fight again?" Clint chuckled when you entered to the common room. You sighed and sat down on the couch
"No I didn't, although I would really like to beat up her so bad, that even her mother wouldn't recognize her anymore." you murmured and crossed your arms. Clint just laughed at you.
"Well, tell when and I'm in." he said and turned back on his show, again. That was the only thing he does these days, you think he might be addicted.

You watched the show for awhile until Peter came in.
"Hi Y/N, you ready?" he asked and offered his hand to you. You looked at him confused but grabbed it anyway. Clint grinned while Peter led you to the elevator.
"Where are you taking me?" you asked when he pressed the button which led you to the roof.
"You'll see soon." he said mysteriously and smirked. You just nodded in amuse.

You stepped out of the elevator and you were amazed. There was a table, with candles and two plates with delicious looking food.
"Surprise, hunny." he said proudly but softly, and looked at your reaction. You were stunned, amazed and... happy.
"Wow, this is amazing. How did you..?" you asked and Peter chuckled.
"I got some help from Pepper and little bit from Clint too." he said and led you to sit down.
"Seriously, my mother and Clint?" you laughed while you looked at the dish.
"Yeah, your mother was more than happy to help me and Clint just helped me to pick your favorite food and drink. He knows you pretty well I think." Peter told you as he sat down across from you.
"Yeah, he does." you agreed and looked at your favorite food. Clint really does know you.

You spend rest of your afternoon and evening with Peter and it was one of your best days ever. The food was good and after that, he took you into his room and you watched a movie together. It was so romantic and you loved it. Your date nights were the best.

Next morning you found yourself in Peter's arms in his bed. You had fell asleep during the movie and it looks like he had carried you in there. Peter woke up around the same time as you.
"Good morning sweetie." he said with his cute morning voice.
"Morning, I fell asleep?" you chuckled. Peter laughed and nodded.
"Yeah you did, but it's alright. Besides you're cute when you sleep." he said and gave you a kiss on your cheek.

Then you heard a knock in his door.
"You're waiting for someone?" you asked, little confused.
"No i'm not.." Peter replied as confused as you were.
"Oh, well, let me get that then." you told him and got up from the bed. You walked at the door and opened it.

And now you really hoped you wouldn't have done that.

Tony stood there, looking at you angrily and then walked in.
"What on earth are you doing here?!" he asked and looked around him, looking for Peter obviously.
"We watched a movie and I fell asleep, so I stayed here for a night. Is there a problem?" you grumbled at him.
"Yes there is, you don't spend your nights here!" Tony grumbled back. Then Peter walked in, he looked little scared.
"I'm sorry mr. Stark, she fell asleep and I didn't want to wake her, so I carried her into my bed." Peter explained. He struggled a lot with his words at the moment.
You had tried to give him signals to not to say that, but Peter hadn't noticed and it was already too late.

"You did what?!" Tony grumbled at Peter and he got even more scared by that.
"Hey, nothing happened, just leave it already! Besides we did nothing." you growled at him and stepped between those two, covering your boyfriend from your father. Tony looked at you and then Peter and then you again.
"Alright, but you're coming with me now. And you.." he pointed at Peter.
"Make sure this is the last time anything like this happens." he said and then grabbed your arm and dragged you away. Leaving Peter standing there like someone who had just saw a ghost.

"You really needed to do that?" you grumbled at him when he still dragged you into the elevator.
"Yes, I really did. And I don't want to see anything like it ever again, understood?" he said firmly and looked at you, raising his eyebrows at the same time.
You really were exhausted to fight with him so you agreed and let it go, besides Tony didn't give up easily.

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