Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!

1.4K 63 24
By iliqblack

As soon as Defnе crossed the threshold of the office, Omer, casting a gaze at her, frowned and asked anxiously:

- What happened?

She took the whimpering Emine Diana from his arms and hurried to the nursery.

- Later, - she answered. - First I will feed the baby, and then I will tell you everything.

He didn't insist. Silently he paced the cramped space of the nursery and looked anxiously at Defne's aloof face. She was feeding the daughter, but her thoughts were somewhere far away. And these thoughts were completely bleak.

When Emine let go of the nipple and groaned demanding, Defne mechanically put her to her other breast. Omer stopped beside her, lifted his wife's face by the chin, and, looking into her eyes, asked:

- Defne, is it that bad? She nodded silently. - You're scaring me.

"Please," Defne asked hoarsely. - Let me feed Emine. And then we will go down to Sapphire and I will tell you everything.

Omer sighed and obeyed.


The white ferry smoothly plowed the dark turquoise waves of the Sea of Marmara. Two young girls and a guy stood by the handrails and looked at the receding coast of Istanbul. It drowned in a translucent haze and became more and more ghostly.

Mert took his phone out of his pocket, looked probingly at the girls, and said:

- We need to write to our relatives.

The girls followed him and pulled out their phones. Esra gripped the smooth, thin rectangle in her hand and turned to her friends:

- We will send messages now and turn off the phones. We can be tracked by a signal, but I do not want to be found earlier than this one ... - her voice broke, but she immediately pulled herself together, - before Kadir Shishmaz leaves Istanbul.

- And how do you know that he left? Banu asked.

Esra stubbornly raised her eyebrows on the bridge of her nose and replied:

- I will. It will become easier to breathe.

They parted in different directions and tapped their fingers on the phone screens.

"Grandma, just don't worry. You must not. You have sugar and blood pressure. I'm alright. I'm safe. But while this man, my father, is in Istanbul, I cannot live at home. Don't worry about me. I'll be back as soon as he leaves. "

"Laura, just don't be angry with me. I cannot do otherwise. Esra needs help and I cannot leave her alone. I promise I'll be careful and won't lose my head. Love you!"

"Mom, don't worry about me. Esra is in trouble, and I have to help her. I'm a man. "

Messages went on the air.

They pressed buttons on the side of the phones and the screens went out.

Iplikci went down to Sapphire. Defne automatically noted that the secretary's desk was empty. Wondering where Esra could have gone, she went into her office. Omer, with the baby in his arms, followed her. In the study, having settled Emine in a portable basket, he turned to his wife.

- Tell me, - ordered.

Defne took a deep breath and, in a dispassionate voice, recounted everything that had happened here earlier.

- He wants a million dollars. Otherwise, he will take Esra, - she finished her story.

The mask of aloofness cracked and shattered into pieces. Lively emotions distorted her face. Defne covered it with her hands and her shoulders trembled. Omer immediately came to her side and hugged her.

"Don't cry," he asked. "We won't let him take Esra.

Defne pressed firmly against his chest and clasped her arms tightly around his waist. At that moment, for her, he was that tree over the abyss, which would hold her and prevent her from falling.

In the corridor, doors slammed one after another, and rapid, echoing footsteps were heard. They got closer and louder. Their knocking evoked vague anxiety and fear. The door flew open and Laura rushed into the office, followed by Mirai. Both looked frightened. The Iplikci took a step away from each other and looked at the women inquiringly.

"Defne," Laura said. She heroically tried to appear calm, but her nervous movements gave her away. - Is everything okay with Esra?

Defne didn't have time to answer. Her phone rang. She accepted the call and spoke into the phone:

- Yes, grandmother.

A stream of words poured out of the speaker. Defne listened and turned pale.

"Calm down," she said into the phone. - She wrote herself, so everything is fine with her. We will find her and resolve everything.

Defne lowered her hand with the phone clutched in it and looked in confusion at the women, and then at Omer.

"Esra has escaped," she whispered.

"Banu with her," Laura said.

"And Mert too," Mirai said.

- But why? Her eyes widened. The conjecture pierced the brain like an arrow. - Allah! She heard...


The ferry moored to the island of Buyukada. Vacationers went ashore and scattered in different directions. The two girls and the boy were the last to get off the gangplank. They stopped at the pier, looked around, and walked westward. It was quite far from the city sea station to Iplikci's house. All three were tired and hungry. When the familiar red-tiled roof appeared among the green tops of the trees ahead, the girls and Mert quickened their pace. Flowers grew in large clay pots near the house, on the terrace. There were a lot of them and all were brightly colored. Esra counted out the fifth pot, lifted it, and pulled out the key.

- There it is! - She said with delight and unlocked the door. - We have a roof over our heads and water in the tap. Now we will inspect the kitchen. Maybe some food was left.

Mert, without waiting for her words, was already rattling the doors of the cabinets and the refrigerator.

- Yes, there are reserves for a whole month! - He said with delight. - We will live! Girls, let's start cooking the dinner. I'm hungry as a hundred wolves!


Omer raised the security service to its feet. Mr. Karan and his people were in search of the fugitives combed all the train and bus stations. They systematically reported the results to the boss over the phone. Mirai and Laura were worried, but tried to be brave and morally supported Defne:

"Don't worry," Laura persuaded her. - Esra is not alone. Banu and Mert are with her. All three are serious and responsible. Everything will be fine with them.

"You don't understand," Defne looked at her with teary eyes. "She learned that she was just a bargaining chip for her father. Esra is suffering, and I cannot help her."

"She can handle it," Mirai stroked her shoulder. - And she will become stronger. She always knew that her father was an unworthy person. By his act, he only confirmed this.

Omer put the phone in his pocket and turned to the womеn.

- The guys did not take tickets for the train or the bus. So they are in Istanbul. Perhaps some of their friends. Karan already has a list of Esra and Mert's classmates. He goes to the addresses to talk to them. Do not worry. We will find them.

Emine groaned in the basket. Defne raised and rushed to her daughter. Omer was ahead of her. He took the baby in his arms and, in a tone that did not tolerate objection, ordered:

- We're going home. There is no point in staying in the office. As soon as something becomes known, Mr. Karan will call me, and I will inform everyone else.

At home, Defne left Emine with Omer and went straight to the shower. She wanted to wash off this terrible, long, dreadful day. She undressed and stood under a tight stream of hot water. They whipped on the skin, washed away the physical fatigue, but the soul remained dreary. Defne was terrified for Esra and mentally begged her to be strong and prudent.

Washing off the shower gel, Defne ran her hand over her chest and froze. Something was wrong. The habitual tingling sensation from the arriving milk was gone. And the breast itself seemed empty. Defne squeezed her with a convulsive gesture. Not a drop of milk appeared on the tip of the nipple. Defne squeezed the second - the same result. She squeezed and squeezed, but in vain. There was no milk. Having flown out of the shower headlong, Defne put on her robe, tightened the belt, and ran into the bedroom. Emine slept on their with Omer bed, while Omer himself stood facing the window and talked on the phone.

"Omer," Defne called.

He looked around and hastened to end the conversation:

- Serdar, calm down grandmother. Tell her we're looking for Esra. As soon as something is known, I will immediately inform, - hiding the phone in his pocket, he turned to his wife: - What's the matter with you? You are as pale as a sheet.

"The milk is gone," she whispered plaintively.

Omer's swarthy face was now as white as a wall.

"We have no mixture," he whispered and jumped off. - I'm going to the pharmacy!

Stopping next to his wife, he took her face in his hands and, looking into her eyes, said warmly:

- Calm down. Get a hold of yourself. Nothing bad happened. We will resolve everything. Do you hear?

She nodded. He kissed her forehead and quickly left the room. Defne covered her face with her hands and began to cry.

Why? Why is that so? Why did her body react so violently? Her baby didn't deserve it. She had to grow up calm and happy. After all, no artificial feeding can replace that miracle, that happiness and a sense of security that a child experiences at his mother's breast.

Something soft touched her legs and she heard a plaintive whine. Defne looked down at the floor. The puppy pressed his head against her legs and looked into her eyes with a sad, full of understanding and compassion look.

- My dear, - Defne bent down and scratched his ear. - You feel everything, right? The most loyal and devoted puppy in the world. Will you stay with Emine while I change?

Kid silently climbed onto the bed and lay down next to the girl. Resting its head on its paws, it buried its nose in her cheek, and Emine smiled in her sleep.

Her smile returned a smile on Defne's face. It was tortured, but bright. No matter how much there is evil, meanness, and baseness in the world, unconditional loyalty and love always turn out to be higher. They save from pain and heal the soul.

Emine opened her eyes. For a couple of minutes, she led them around the room, and then with a loud cry, she called her mother. The puppy raised its head and, putting its paw on the baby's tummy, purred. Emine, listening, fell silent. Defne ran out of the dressing room, hastily tugging at her T-shirt.

- Thank you, friend, - she thanked the puppy and took her daughter in her arms.

Emine turned her head and started looking for the breasts with her open mouth. Defne took her in her palms and, holding her in the air, spoke:

- Be patient, honey! Dad will be back soon and bring some delicious milk. Be patient, my golden girl.

But Emine didn't want to stand it. She wanted to eat. And immediately. That she announced with a loud cry. Kid jumped out of bed and barked in alarm. Defne began to walk around the room, rocking the baby in her arms and saying:

- Hush, my soul, hush! Be patient a little. Dad is on his way.

The front door slammed downstairs, and hurried steps up the stairs were heard. Omer, eyes wide with panic, rushed into the room and put on the dressing table a cardboard box painted with bottles of infant formula. Opening it with shaking hands, he spoke quickly:

- Here! This is the best formula for babies up to one-month-old. I called the pediatrician. She said to take exactly this. It is liquid. No need to dilute or heat. Just put a pacifier on the bottle. Now I will wash my hands and do everything, - he kissed the crying Emine on the top of her head and prayed: - Be patient, my heart! Be patient a minute. Now daddy will feed you.

He disappeared into the bathroom and ran out of it ten seconds later, wiping his hands with a towel on the way. Tossing it on the bed, he took out a bottle of formula and a sealed sterile nipple from the box. Deftly opening the package, he screwed the nipple onto the bottle and turned to Defne:

- Give her to me. You are already falling off your feet. Sit down, rest, and I will feed Emine.

Defne put the crying baby on his bent elbow, and Omer brought the bottle to her mouth. Emine grabbed the nipple and froze, puzzled. The sensations were not the ones she was used to. Mom and Dad held their breath. But then the baby smacked, listened, and began to suck greedily. The parents breathed out a sigh of relief. Omer pointed to a chair and ordered his wife:

- Sit down.

- And you? - Not budging, she objected.

- And I walk, - he looked at his daughter affectionately. - The bead likes to be worn. Let her be calm. She's already stressed. Although ... we all have stress today.

"Stress with the size of the universe," Defne agreed with him. Sitting down in a chair, she threw her head back and closed her eyes.

Later, the Topal family arrived at Iplikci's house. Grandmother Turkan shouted and complained that it was not otherwise but they were all cursed.

- This satan Kadir has appeared! My Esra ran away because of him! Defne's milk is gone! What kind of misfortune is this on our head?! - She raised her hands to the sky and swayed from side to side.

Serdar and Nihan glanced at her but did not dare to speak. Omer was also silent. He was holding Emine in his arms. He pressed her tummy to his chest, and she was quite sniffling, putting her head on his shoulder. Defne, mechanically adjusting the bright pink hat on her head, wearily turned to the upset Turkan:

- Granny, stop the hysterics. It won't help us. We need a cool head and a sober mind now. The situation is really difficult. "She looked around her family. - I have a story to tell you. Just let's go outside. Emine was hardly out on fresh air today.

- Oh, my doll, - grandmother threw up her hands. - All-day indoors! Bring her quickly to the garden!

In the garden, Emine was put into the pram, and the whole family sat around the table under an old apple tree. Ahtem and Laura came up through the gate between the estates. They looked alarmed but behaved with composure. Sitting down next to Topal, they looked at Defne with sympathy. She smiled wryly and offered tea.

- Girl, what tea! You will do it for three hours," Nihan protested. - Tell us what the problem is! Don't keep us waiting!

Omer, allowing his wife to tell the family without delay, went to the kitchen to make tea. Defne looked at each person at the table in turn and spoke. She spoke evenly about Kadir Shishmaz's visit to Sapphire, the ultimatum he had voiced, and that Esra probably heard him. That's why she ran away.

The Topal family sat as if hit on the head. Even grandmother Turkan could not find words. Serdar, swallowing a lump in his throat, said hoarsely:

- Million dollars? Is he crazy? Where can you get that kind of money? And how can you demand them for your daughter? Threatening to make her unhappy, ruin her life ... can a father do that?

- Our father can, - Defne stated the fact.

Omer brought tea, put the tray on the table, checked if Emine was okay, and sat down next to his wife. She took a cup in her hands, took a sip of tea, returned it to the table, and clasped it in her palms. The hot cup warmed her icy fingers, but with the soul was more difficult. Despite the warm evening, there was a coldness in it.

"I'll put up the Cafe for sale," said Serdar. - This will be very little, but at least something.

- Don't be silly! Omer objected. - The Cafe is your bread. Plus, you're doing great in this business. It would be foolish to ruin it.

- But what to do? I can't allow him to take Esra," Serdar answered with undisguised despair.

"I'll die without my Esra," his grandmother supported him, and Nihan patted her shoulder soothingly.

"I'll find the money," Omer said firmly.

Tears rolled down Defne's face. She wanted and was afraid of these words. She understood that besides Omer, no one was able to help her family, but at the same time, to the point of shivering, she did not want him to give his hard-earned money to her infamous blackmailer father.

And then Ahtem spoke:

- The most stupid and wrong thing would be to give money. The blackmailer won't stop there. He will pull and pull them out of you until the conditions for blackmail run out. That is until Esra turns 18.

- Ahtem is right, - Laura supported her husband. - You can't give in to blackmail. Otherwise, you will fall into a trap, from which it will be very difficult to get out.

- But what to do? - Defne whispered in fright. - We cannot give him Esra. It's like killing her with our own hands.

Omer put his arm around her shoulders, silently reassuring her and promising protection. Ahtem looked into her eyes and answered:

- It is necessary to find something that will characterize him as an irresponsible, dangerous person and through the court deprived him of parental rights.

- Good idea! - Omer supported his friend and, considering his words, scratched the stubble on his chin.

"Good," Defne agreed. - If only to know his vices and weaknesses. But so many years have passed. Serdar and I practically do not know him.

"Let's look," Omer said confidently. - There are private detectives and we will attract Mr. Karan.

"But it will take time. And we have very little of it!

Defne's voice broke. And then grandmother Turkan spoke:

- Kadir is a player. Even when he lived with Aisun, she did not see a penny from him. He lost everything at cards.

- What? Omer's eyes flashed. - Player? But in Turkey, gambling is prohibited.

- Here is the vice! - Ahtem snapped his fingers and turned to Omer: - Contact a private detective, let him get information on Kadir Shishmaz in this direction.

Omer got up from the table, took out his phone, and went to the pool. He spoke for about five minutes and everyone at the table, scanning his broad back with glances, was tensely awaiting his return.

"The detective goes to work immediately," said Omer, returning to the table. - He already had to conduct similar investigations and he has his channels of information.

The Topal family exhaled and their faces, dark with alarm, brightened.


It was evening on the island. The young people went down to the sea and lit a fire on the sand. Living tongues of flame soared upward and recaptured a circle of reddish, warm light from the darkness. In this circle, two girls and a boy were sitting on the sand. They looked at the fire and talked.

"If someone had told me a couple of months ago that I would run away from home, I would have answered that he was crazy," Esra said quietly. - I have always been obedient and reasonable. I was never even scolded. Not at home, not at school. "She smiled sadly. - I love my family. Grandma. Serdar with Defne. And Nihan, and Omer. They are already our family too. And I love Emine and Iso. They are so cute and funny. Small. Defne must have gone mad with anxiety. She always took care of me, like a mother. When I had nightmares at night, she came to my bed, hugged me, and I was no longer scared.

"You're in luck," Banu sighed just as softly. "Nobody hugged me or chased my fears away."

Mert also shared a revelation:

- And I went to my sisters and hugged them when they cried at night, and my mother was at work. She worked very hard. Because our asshole father threw us out of the house without a dime.

"We all have asshole fathers," Banu said bitterly.

"Yes...," sighed Mert.

"I also have a cuckoo for mother," said Esra. - She threw us at my grandmother and never once asked how we are. But we are not like that. Serdar is a wonderful father. He loves Iso. And Defne is just a crazy mommy. Emine for her is the air she breathes. And I will be a good mom. I will love my children very much and will never leave them.

"Me too," echoed Mert. - There is nothing more important than family. Those who do not understand this are just idiots.

A piece of wood cracked in the fire, and a sheaf of sparks soared into the night sky. Esra looked at them and whispered longingly:

- Defne and grandma are going crazy now. And they shouldn't worry.

- Maybe we have to go back? - suggested Mert.

Esra shook her head and retorted:

- He will take me and then everyone will be even worse.

- Omer is stronger than your father. He will never let him take you, - the guy remarked judiciously.

- And if not? - Esra shivered and put her arms around her shoulders. - If he can't? I can't risk that.

Noticing her gesture, Mert got to his feet and held out his hands to the girls.

- You are frozen. Go up and run into the house, and I will put out the fire.

When the front door slammed and the light came on in the upstairs window, Mert covered the fire with sand and took his phone out of his pocket. Turning it on, he wrote a message and sent it to the addressee.


Defne stood at the bedroom window and stared into the darkness. Emine slept in her crib. Her dream was guarded by the faithful Kid. Omer was in the shower. He walked out quickly, wearing pajama pants and a T-shirt. He went up to his wife and hugged her. Both were silent, but words were not needed. Care and tenderness became palpable and wrapped Defne in a dense cocoon.

Her phone, lying on the dressing table, vibrated with a message. Defne got out of the embrace and rushed to it.

- Mert! He turned on the phone, - she exhaled and read the message aloud: - Are you awake?

Striking the screen with her finger, Defne called the guy and pressed the speakerphone.

"We're on an island," came from the speaker. - In your house. Esra is fine. Only she is very afraid of this goat, her father. Doesn't want to return until he disappears from Istanbul.

Defne breathed a sigh of relief and burst into tears. Omer took the phone from her and spoke:

- Mert, well-done guy! You're a real man. Be close to the girls. Do not step back. Don't tell Esra about this call. Go to bed. We will sail in the morning and talk to her. There are other ways for her not to meet with Kadir Shishmaz. You don't have to run away from home to do this.

"All right," said Mert. - So I will. And let Defne not tear her soul. With Esra, everything is fine. She's completely safe.

- Thank you! - sobbed Defne. - You are our guardian angel. Call your mom. She is very worried about you.

- I'm already calling.

Mert ended the call and Defne immediately dialed her brother's number and then Laura's. Both Topal and Minibayev breathed a sigh of relief. The girls are alive and well. This is the main thing. Everything else will be decided tomorrow.

The next morning, leaving Emine with her grandmother, Iplikci headed to the dock of speedboats. Serdar and Ahtem with Laura went with them. At the pier, Mirai and Kartal were already waiting. A large boat was moored near the pier. As soon as the passengers took their seats, it leaped from its place and rushed to the Princes' Islands.

Esra woke up at dawn. Banu was still asleep. Trying not to disturb her friend, the girl got out of the bed in which they slept together, dressed, and went out into the garden. Mert with a cup of coffee in his hands was sitting on the steps of the porch. Esra sat down beside him. He handed her the cup and she took a sip. The coffee was strong, tasty, and sweet.

"I called Defne yesterday," Mert said in a calm tone.

Esra sobbed convulsively and asked:

- What for? But you promised!

"I promised to protect you," he replied. - Which I did. It is wrong for a girl to solve problems alone when she has a family. Tell your family about your fears, and together you will find a way out. But running is a mistake, Esra. Big mistake.

An hour later, a boat moored to the pier. Esra, Banu, and Mert were waiting for it on the shore. Women, barely having time to get off the boat on land, rushed to hug their already grown and independent adolescents. The men looked from the side and patiently waited for the streams of tears to dry up.

Then everyone gathered at the table.

"I cannot stay in Istanbul while this man is there," said Esra. - I'm scared and he is disgusting. I don't want to see him or hear his voice. If I am not there, he will not be able to carry out his plan.

"You can't hide forever," Defne said rightly.

- But maybe for a couple of months. Before the start of school, - said Ahtem. "Esra needs to go to a safe place. Desirable abroad. And as soon as possible, until Kadir Shishmaz thought to turn to the social protection authorities and demand a ban on his daughter's departure from Turkey. In the meantime, we will try to solve the problem and get rid of this vile man forever.

- But where can Esra go? - Serdar said in confusion. - We have no relatives or acquaintances abroad.

Defne jumped up and her eyes lit up with joy.

- There is! She exclaimed happily. "Not relatives, but people who will take care of Esra like their own daughter. Maya and Theo! Esra, - she smiled affectionately at her sister, - do you want to fly to Bora Bora?

- To Bora Bora? - Serdar was alarmed. - But there are hurricanes! We have not yet recovered from the incident with Defne.

"Don't be afraid," Omer reassured him. - Hurricanes only happen during the rainy season. Now it is safe on Bora Bora, - he looked at Esra and asked: - What do you say? This will be the best solution. You will live a couple of months in a heavenly place. If possible, you will help Maya. Improve your conversational English. And, most importantly, you will be completely safe.

Esra looked thoughtfully at her family, then at Mеrt. He responded with a serious look and a barely perceptible nod. She felt a shiver in the chest. She did not understand her feelings, but she knew for sure that she would miss him more than her grandmother and Defne.

"I'll fly to Bora Bora," she answered firmly. And then she looked pleadingly at Laura and asked: - Can Banu fly with me? There will be at least one dear person nearby.

Banu perked up and stared at her friend, dumbfounded. She did not expect such words from her at all. To fly away now for a long time, at the very moment when her life became a dream come true, was almost a tragedy. But this is Esra. She is more than a sister. Not supporting her at such a difficult moment in her life would be a betrayal.

"Banu," Laura said to her. - Do you want to go with Esra to Bora Bora?

"Yes," she answered without hesitation and Esra smiled at her with a grateful smile full of gratitude.

"Then I'm calling Maya," Defne said. - Our fairy, how she foresaw. She left her phone number in the letter.

She got up from the table and walked away to talk to the distant Bora Bora. The others sat in silence. Esra and Mert glanced furtively at each other, combining regret with hope. Serdar looked scared. Omer and Ahtem were calm and confident in their actions.

Defne returned and said that Theo and Maya would be happy to host the girls.

- But how will they fly? Alone, no adults! Thousands of kilometers away! - spoke Serdar.

"We'll take the first-class tickets for the direct flight to Tahiti," Omer reassured him.

"And Theo will fly there from Bora Bora, meet them and escort them to the island," added Defne. - Do not be afraid. Everything will be fine. Esra will be safe and far from our daddy's grabbing paws. And we will have our hands untied to fight him.

In the following days, the Iplikci, Topal, and Minibayev were busy organizing the trip. Laura took permission from Banu's boarding school to allow the girl to fly to another country. The same permission was written and notarized by grandma Turkan.

Praise be to Allah, the social authorities did not require the signatures of the father and mother. After a couple of days, all the documents were ready. Omer bought tickets for the Istanbul-Tahiti flight. Defne bought both girls everything they need to travel and live on a paradise island. All these doings were kept in the strictest confidence. Outwardly, the life of the families seemed the same as always. Passionis filmed for the catalog, Sapphire created jewelry. Esra came to work and tried not to twitch when male visitors appeared in the office. Although Omer showed Kadir Shishmaz to the guards on the CCTV footage and ordered them, this man not to enter the building under any circumstances, the girl was still afraid and felt like she was on pins and needles. But the bastard daddy didn't show up. He hid and did not in any way indicate his presence in the lives of his children. This circumstance, of course, pleased but did not add calmness.

The day before departure, Omer received a call from the private detective and asked for a meeting. It was assigned immediately. An hour later, in Omer's office, a man with a military bearing and tenacious, black eyes reported to him and Defne about the work done:

- Kadir Shishmaz is a gambler and swindler. On his account, there is a string of deceived and robbed women. But none of them reported to the police. He plays in secret dens, changing cities every week or two. He has no definite place of residence. He settles at expensive hotels. Very careful and cunning. Cheats competently. When playing poker, he knows how to keep his face impassive and not show emotions. Never caught by the police in a raid. They say he has a nose for them.

- And what does it mean? - Frowning, asked Omer.

- It means that the police have nothing on him. He is a gambler, a scoundrel, and a cheater, but there is no evidence of this. In the face of the law, he is a good citizen.

- Hell! - Omer hit the table with his palms and immediately looked at his wife guiltily. Didn't he frighten her with his intemperance? - What a blind law! There is a criminal, but there is no evidence of his crimes! - He pulled himself together and got up from the table. Turning to the detective, he thanked him: - Thank you. The fee will be paid to your account immediately.

The man responded with a restrained half-bow of his head and put a blue folder on the table.

- All collected materials are here. If this is useful to you, there is more information. Shishmaz does not play in small, district dens. He chooses only elite underground casinos with a rich audience and high stakes.

When he left, Omer and Defne looked at each other.

"We have nothing on him," Defne stated bitterly.

"You're wrong," Omer replied judiciously. - In fact, there are quite a few. He disappeared before Esra was born and did not take any part in her upbringing. This is the first thing. Secondly, he has no permanent place of residence or work. How is he going to provide a normal life for a teenage girl?

- This is not enough! - Defne cried and scrambled to her feet. - We need proof that he is a criminal and has no right to raise a child!

She started walking around the office. Omer caught her hand and stopped her.

- Do not be nervous and do not panic, - ordered. "We'll figure out how to get such evidence. Tomorrow we will send the girls to Bora Bora, then we will all get together and discuss the situation. But you have to calm down and trust me. Never, under any circumstances, will I allow Shishmaz to take Esra. As a last resort, I will mortgage my share of Passionis and pay him the money.

Defne's eyes flashed with fear.

- Not! - She exclaimed. - No and no again! You won't risk Passionis! We will fight. Let's take it to court. Let's find evidence of Kadir Shishmaz's unreliability. But we won't pay him. Never and never!

Omer's face blossomed with a delighted smile.

- My girl! He said proudly. - It will be so. We will fight and we will win! I will contact a lawyer. Let him prepare documents for the court and think about how to build our defense.

- Call, - Defne agreed. - And I'm in Sapphire. Emine is with Esra. Probably drove her crazy by now.

- Run! - Omer kissed her on the cheek and pushed her towards the door.

Defne returned to Sapphire. She stopped for a couple of seconds, listening to see if the baby was crying, and then flew into the nursery like a bullet. She expected to see Esra here, but instead of her, rocking Emine Diana and quietly singing a lullaby, Jansu Baisal paced around the room. She smiled at the mother and quietly said:

- She fell asleep.

"My little one," Defne murmured, taking her daughter from the girl's arms. - You didn't cry?

- No, - answered Jansu and pointed to the changing table where there was an empty bottle from the mixture. "She ate and fell asleep almost immediately."

Defne put her daughter to bed, covered her with a shawl, and gestured to Jansu to the sofa. When both sat down on the soft pillows, Defne asked:

- Where is Esra?

- She went to Passionis to see Mert. He installs some necessary programs on her phone and tablet.

- She went, and left Emine with you, - Defne shook her head disapprovingly.

- No, - stood up for the girl Jansu. - I wanted it myself. I looked in to admire the baby, and then Banu appeared and told Esra that Mert was waiting for her and he was running out of time. Esra asked her to stay with Emine, but Laura was waiting for Banu. They urgently had to leave on business. And then I asked to be a nanny. Esra allowed, but first, she instructed me what and how I should do. You have a very smart and responsible sister.

- That's how she is. From the very birth, she was a smart girl, - instead of smiling, Defne sighed heavily.

This sigh was not hidden from Jansu and she cautiously asked:

- Defne, something happened to you? Don't think I'm curious, but you're not yourself since Monday. And Esra behaves differently. Where is that open, cheerful girl who met me when I first came to Sapphire? She flinches at every rustle. Fear appeared in her eyes. It shouldn't be that way.

Defne looked away. She hesitated. All this week, she was simmering in her thoughts, unable to share her fears with anyone. Omer and family don't count. They were just as scared and didn't think logically. There was also Laura, but she is pregnant and now she has such a lot of work that it was simply a crime to burden her with her depressing thoughts. And she wanted to share. Tell everything, and hear from the person his opinion from the outside. Defne made up her mind. She looked into Jansu's eyes and spoke. She told everything. How their father abandoned them and forgot their names. And now he showed up and demanded a million dollars for his youngest daughter. Jansu's eyes went up to her forehead. Daddy's beloved daughter, could not imagine that such savagery could exist in the modern world. Defne also spoke about their father's inclinations. And then Jansu thought.

- Gambler, you say? She said, tapping her lips with her index finger. - But the police were never brought. Very interesting. You know," she arched an eyebrow insolently, - I have one thought. But I need to think it over well and consult with dad. Will you let me tell him this story? Fear not, he will be silent like a grave! Never will harm you and Omer. After all, you found me when I ran away from home, and you were able to help me put my brains in place. Persuaded me to return home. My father will never forget this.

"I don't think it's going to hurt," Defne agreed uncertainly.

- That is great! - Jansu's eyes sparkled with excitement. - Tomorrow I will present to you my adventurous plan!

Mert installed the necessary programs for Esra on her phone and tablet. As he handed her the gadgets, he said:

- Now you can contact your family any minute. See them and talk.

"Thank you," she said, and her cheeks flushed a crimson blush. Mert looked at her so that her heart was beating in her chest like a caught bird.

- Can I call you sometimes too? - He asked.

- You still asking! She answered reproachfully. - I will be very glad to your calls, - having finished the phrase, she went cold. Holy Martyrs! What does she say? Almost admitted to the guy that she liked him! Lowering her eyes, she immediately corrected the mistake: - We are friends. You, me, and Banu. It's natural to call each other. Have you installed such programs on Banu's phone as well?

"Yes," said Mert. The frantic joy in his chest was replaced by disappointment. Being friends is, of course, good, but his soul demanded something more. So that Esra saw in him not only a friend but also ... But this "and", he still could not even explain to himself. And yet he made up his mind. He took a deep breath and blurted out: - I will miss you!

Esra beamed and answered barely audibly:

- Me too...

The next day, the Topal family, Iplikci, and Minibayev at Ataturk airport escorted the girls on a plane to Tahiti. The grandmother lamented and gave her Esra a million important instructions. She mentally rolled her eyes, but obediently answered:

- Yes, grandmother. Okay, grandma.

Mert also came to the airport. With his hands in his jean pockets, he stood with his shoulder against a pillar and patiently waited for his turn to wish Esra and Banu a nice journey. The girls took turns casting short glances at him, and each melted with happiness to see him. When the flight was announced, the relatives rushed to hug the girls. Defne kissed Esra and whispered in her ear:

- Rest, gain impressions, and do not be afraid of anything. When you return, there will be no sign of Kadir Shishmaz in Istanbul.

Esra closed her eyes and whispered back:

- I know.

Mert came up last. Jokingly clicked on Banu's nose and smiled at Esra.

- Calm flight and soft landing. And swim for me in the lagoon. If you don't bring me a pirate knife and a talking parrot as a gift, I'll be offended.

The girls laughed and timidly held out their hands to him. Mert shook them. Banu's hand was shaken in a friendly way, and Esra's palm was held in his hand and he looked at her eyes longer.

"See you," he said.

"See you," she echoed.

The palms parted. Mert stepped back a couple of steps. Esra and Banu waved to their families and went out into the boarding corridor.

- Do not cry! - Serdar ordered the women sternly. - Let the girls fly with a light heart.

Those, holding back tears, vigorously nodded in response.

Omer and Defne returned home. The last day of June was ending, the hot day was replaced by a quiet, warm evening. Matthiola flowers smelled heady, and the cicadas chirped loudly in the garden. Defne with sleeping Emine in her arms walked to the terrace. Omer followed. The young girl got up from the rocking chair and greeted the owners cheerfully:

- Hello! Don't you be angry that I am an uninvited guest?

- Jansu? - Defne was surprised. - How did you get here?

The girl turned her eyes and confessed embarrassed:

- I climbed over the fence. You were not there, your phone did not answer, and my soul was on fire to tell my plan. I decided to wait for you here.

Omer shook his head and muttered:

- Crazy hooligan.

- Such, - easily agreed with him Jansu. "But I didn't have the strength to wait for tomorrow morning. Sit down faster! She ordered and pointed to the chairs. When the amazed hosts obediently complied with the order, she excitedly spoke: - Ready? Then listen to my plan!

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