Godzilla: Enter the Kaiju Gir...

By AQuickSeriesOfWords

124K 2.1K 1.2K

Gojira's faced perils, fought countless battles with other godlike beings, and even the forces of Hell could... More

So I Walked Out of Hell...
Then I Fought a Bug and a Cyborg Chicken.
Training Came the Next Day...
We Solved the Problem the Very Same Day
They Needed a Place to Stay.
So I taught them about Seafood...
Her First Lesson...
Then Came the Metal Menace!
Those Three Were Rather Nosy...
We Checked Out Her Tunnel...
I Actually Played with Rocks...
I Watched Their Rematch.
Then Came the Party.
A Calm Yet Aggravating Day...
The Calm Before the World Shook.
Bonus Answers 1
The Night of Frost.
My Wrath Reignited!
I Knew Where to Strike.
My Rage Echoed Beyond!
Denied Once Again...
I Awoke Before the HEAT...
While I got a Gift...
Fights are Easier...
And of Course I Knew...
She Arrived...
And While they Were Away...
I learned something New...
Answers 2
And Here's Where it started!
It was My Fault (Webtoon Announcement)
I Thought There Would be Peace (Patreon!)
And she Said Too Much!
But she Would be Fine...
It was Her I Worried About...

That's When They Met...

2.6K 50 14
By AQuickSeriesOfWords

AN: As always, thank Dragonkingdragneel25!

Another new chapter! This time the normal length, not counting AN!

Public Discord Server! It's discord https://discord.gg/EJ2BJFEMC5 Come join us, we have movie nights!

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Twitter: _S_H_P_ and Addict_Attic (NSFW)

I take commissions if you want. 1000 words for just $10. Email me.

Damn, my story is doing really well. I'm happy and proud. And I have you guys to thank!

Anyway, Webtoons is still under production! Concept art and designs are still under way!

And GvK comes out March 31st. So excited! Let the memes never end!

And please, do enjoy!


Godzilla had found numerous strange creatures and sights throughout her decades of being a Kaiju Girl, and thanks to this, few things fazed, let alone surprised her.

Now, obviously life was still filled with surprises, Mothra saying yes when Godzilla asked her out, her finding Junior, and Gojira was a huge example of that. The aliens too she guessed, but that wasn't a huge thing in her opinion. Considering the countless forms of life she saw on Earth, she figured something had to be out there in the vastness of the sky.

Even something as annoying as Queen Ghidorah.

Coming face to face with this Kaiju Girl was a very warm eight on the surprise scale. She resembled her and the other Godzillas, but was clearly something else. Hell, she even had radiation circulating through her body, in her own dorsal plates, Godzilla could feel it from miles away.

She didn't think it would be anything "normal", she knew that was the case when she detected her, but finding this mutant was not what she expected.

Neither was her attitude.

"Holy hell, I can't believe it, I'm actually meeting you! My name's Zilla, that's what my dad calls me, it's named after you! Hey, are you here to fight some weird monster too, I am!" Zilla shouted at the speed of a bullet. She couldn't help but ride the wave of hype she was feeling for actually meeting another Kaiju Girl, especially the one like her. "Hey, you wanna fight and see who's stronger!? Just a little spar!?"

"Slow down, goddamn!" Shouted Godzilla, mentally reeling from this spontaneous encounter. "No, I'm busy! What are you!?"

Zilla rolled her eyes, "I'm a Godzilla, duh. But more compact, sleek, more streamlined and speed efficient," she said proudly at the end.

Godzilla's right eye twitched and she pinched the bridge of her nose, "Yeah, uh huh, that's cool and all, but I'm here on Kaiju business."

"What kind of Kaiju Business? Is that weird potential monster spewing oil everywhere?" Zilla had curiosity and excitement laced in her tone, eager to get in on Godzilla action. "Want help?"

"I have plenty," Godzilla grunted, really glad Mothra wasn't near right now. The last thing she wanted was to chat right now and knowing Mothra, she'd do her best to rope her into a longer one, "Look, get lost I have tracking to do."

"Get lost? Hey hold on, fatty, I was here first!" Zilla growled, getting further into Godzilla's personal space. That was quite the switch.

Something Godzilla did not appreciate, "Okay, Zilla... I'm gonna ignore that you said that and tell you calmly back the hell up," To emphasize this she let out a blue flash of light from her plates. A natural warning.

Zilla only growled and let out a green flash in response. Something Godzilla found to be both curious and greatly provocative due to her nature, a very direct challenge a Kaiju like her recognized, "Why don't you make me, fat ass."

Godzilla let out a brighter flash and Zilla did so too. A third time Godzilla did and Zilla repeated the action. That was more than enough for Godzilla's primal temper, overriding more civil options, and she immediately threw a haymaker, aiming to knock Zilla down on numerous levels.

Instead, she merely grazed Zilla as she ducked and came up to deliver an uppercut to Godzilla's chin that knocked her head back a little. It hurt, but it was more of a sting punch than actual damage.

Godzilla snarled as Zilla quickly swam back with a smirk. The larger Daikaiju rushed her again, swimming towards her like a giant Torpedo, but once again Zilla slipped from her attack, swimming above her and kicking the back of Godzilla's head as she swam higher.

Godzilla, greatly annoyed, snarled and gave chase to the cackling Zilla, dead set on teaching the smaller Kaiju a painful lesson on respecting the pecking order. As for Zilla, she was swimming further away from the human group to engage Godzilla in combat more unhindered. She didn't want her dad caught in their crossfire, he was way too small for that.


"Where is she going in such a hurry?" Monique grumbled, narrowing her eyes at the tracker, "Dr. Tatopoulos, any explanation?"

"Perhaps she's caught in another feeding frenzy, a stronger one this time? Or she may have inadvertently found us a clue with her curiosity," Nick listed off, unsure himself of this development, especially given the time they've spent together.

"Well, Big Z needs to chill, she isn't exactly a stray pet you may casually come across if she gets lost," Randy said, doing his best to keep up with her, "We're gonna lose her at this rate, she's insanely fast."

Despite the size, Kaiju could be surprisingly easy to lose track of and Zilla was no exception. Work on Kaiju tracking nowadays was especially heard after those satellites being trash, most likely by Gigan. Why, scientists are unsure, unless she figured out those could be used in keeping tabs on her and her fellow monsters.

They wouldn't put it past that clever girl. They wouldn't put a lot past the Kaiju.

Suddenly, their communications feed came on. The audio was static at first until they heard Elsie and Dr. Craven screaming. Nick responded first and asked, "Guys, what's wrong!? What's happening!?"

"We're being attacked over here!" Shouted Elsie before some gunshots were heard, both from the and in the distance, loud cracks that could barely be heard over the rumble of the boat, "Squids! It looks like squids!"

Nick and Monique looked at Randy, who stopped the boat after surfing the call, and he asked, "So turn around?"

""Yes!"" Both Monique and Nick shouted. Randy wasted no time and immediately turned around to start driving back towards Elsie and Craven. Nick went on to say, "We'll have to get Zilla later, hopefully she'll be back soon, but we can't leave those two alone."

"Agreed," Said Monique as she went to get some weapons. Nicely sized ones too, but she was the only one certified to use those. She merely handed Nick a pistol, "Are you able to properly aim?"

"Against a few giant squids? Why not?" Nick replied. He wasn't especially good with a gun, but he could manage, especially against a bigger target. He just hoped the other two could hold on for just that little bit.

They drove back and over the horizon, they saw Elsie and Craven who were shooting back at large tentacles, large clusters that enveloped large parts of the deck, driving them back from snatching them up, reeling back whenever they accidentally reached into the oil.

"Dammit, thought this type of stuff only happened in Japan!" Quipped Elsie as she drove a squid back, shooting a breaching one one in the face.

"Really, now!?" Shouted Craven as he shakily shot a tentacle before one slapped him back from behind. One grabbed his leg and began to pull, so he dropped his gun and clung to the deck desperately, screaming, "Elsie! Elsie!"

"Shit!" Elsie immediately turned, firing her gun three times in rapid succession before hitting the tentacle and driving the beast back before rushing to help up her fellow scientist. He was covered in some of the oil, "Shit, we've gotta -"

"Look out!" Craven quickly shoved her out of the way just as a tentacle was about to crash down only to be shot off from a rifle rather than driven off by a pistol.

Courtesy of one Monique Dupre, "Not bad for egg headed scientists to last this long, no?"

"Psh, I could've done that," Said Randy before screaming as a tentacle nearly hit him before he ducked and rolled away, panicking as he shot at it, missing until the fourth shot. He laughed nervously, "ha, I got it!"

More tentacles appeared around them and they were forced to defend themselves. However, Craven felt himself slipping and slumped over, "Oh boy... am I that out of shape?"

"Mendel, hey!" Shouted Elsie, quickly moving over to help him up as she felt the boat start to rock harder and harder. They were being pulled in.

"Elsie, Mendel!" Shouted Nick, ready to run out and get them before they were pulled in.

Suddenly, a blinding light hit the crew and forced their eyes to shut. A loud sound overpower their hearing next, forcing them to cover their ears, and felt a heat around them. Beside that was the pained screeches of the squids that had attacked them.

In a few seconds, it was gone as fast as it came, leaving behind an instant calm save for the sounds of the ocean.

Monique was the first to open her eyes and uncover her ears to analyze what had happened around them. The Squids had been quickly burned to death and were sprawled out around them. She gasped and looked up, only to see a shimmer.

"Mothra... it had to be you," She whispered reverently before turning to the rest of the crew. Nick and Randy were clearly alright, if a little shook up.

Elsie had some light bruises, but she was probably fine, but nothing lasting. But Craven? "Ugh, man... did one of them... hit me or something?"

"Crap, guys, we need to get him on a stretcher or something, he's not doing too well!" Elsie shouted as she did her best to help him up. Monique and Nick were the first to make it over to help him up.

Nicked noticed the oil said, "Come on and be careful, we need to get him decontaminated."

"Decontaminated?" Asked Monique.

Nicked gestured down to Craven's leg and elaborated as they took him to the interior for some medical treatment, "The oil is sucking away his nutrients. Come on, the faster he's cleaned up, the less time he'll need to spend it recharging."

Monique and Elsie nodded, carefully helping Nick take their fellow scientist in to get some emergency treatment.

After they fixed up Dr. Craven, they were going to go find their missing aquatic iguana.


Godzilla was on Zilla's tail, but not fast enough to reach the smaller nuclear monster given her speed.

However, Zilla turned around, having noticed the crew was at a safe distance and thus freeing Zilla to engage her larger foe, "Alright, fat ass, I'll show you how we do things in New York!"

Godzilla roared back, rushing into chomping her fangs down on Zilla's stomach, but once again Zilla was too quick. She strafed to the side and kicked Godzilla on her left shoulder.

Godzilla lashed out, reaching out to grab Zilla, but was once again outmaneuvered. Zilla ducked and punched Godzilla in her tummy twice. Still, it hurt Godzilla, but didn't do lasting damage to her.

Zilla noticed this mid way and went to strike for a third time, but this proved to be a mistake on her end. Godzilla blocked the blow before getting in a right hook that shook Zilla. It landed on the side of her head and dazed her, allowing Godzilla to tail swat Zilla down into the hard, rocky bed below.

Zilla groaned, but back up as Godzilla charged up her breath and fired. Zilla immediately moved out of the way, but still had her leg grazed by the beam, burning her a little. She growled and charged her own breath.

Something Godzilla noticed and couldn't help but properly address, "Quit copying me, bitch!"

"Nah! I'm you, but improved!" Zilla roared before firing her beam, green in color rather than blue, more akin to a flamethrower rather than like a beam. Godzilla, blocked rather than dodge, and grunted. It burned, but definitely wasn't doing much damage.

Something Zilla noticed and it made her click her teeth in frustration. She growled, "Alright, fists and teeth!"

"I'll flay you!" Godzilla roared and charged at Zilla again. The smaller Kaiju hissed and maneuvered out of the way of the punch and threw a counter. It hit Godzilla's shoulder, but Zilla was quickly backhanded away, barely blocking the blow with both her forearms.

This meeting would take quite a while. And Godzilla couldn't help but wonder just how many more like her would suddenly pop up out of nowhere and just how many times would they engage in a fight with her.

When she got home, she would totally blame Gojira out of petty spite.


"Hey, Gojira," Gojira opened an eye and noticed Anguirus standing over him. This time she called him by his name rather than the nickname. Before he could say anything in this, he heard Junior quickly run behind the foliage.

The other Kaiju Girls were all off, leaving just those three alone on the coast to talk for now, which worked greatly for Anguirus' favor.

Considering Anguirus said his actual name, he doubted there was any trickery. So, he indulged her and asked, "What is it?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out. None of the sumasshedshiy here to annoy us either, so I figured now would be good," Said Anguirus, chuckling as she subtly made sure her statement was correct.

Luckily, she was in fact correct.

Gojira narrowed his eyes at her, not out of annoyance, but out of begrudging curiosity at this, "Hang out? For what purpose?"

"Come on, Mudak," Gojira sighed as she was back at it again, "Just to get you out and relaxing, you know, get you out of your funk."

"Funk?" Gojira asked before he shook his head. He really found it odd how they seemed to gravitate toward him more now, he'd think it would be the opposite. He had to do the best to hold down those inner feelings of relief, "I'm not in any funk."

"I don't know, Mudak. You haven't even insulted me yet," Teased Anguirus with a cheeky smirk, "Seems pretty funky to me."

"Because you're apparently a verbal and physical masochist," Gojira growled at her. Anguirus giggled as he got up, clearly resigning himself to whatever fate awaited him, "Whatever. If I don't do it, I'll get annoyed and cripple someone or something. If I do, well, it's not like I was enjoying myself to begin with."

Anguirus had to hold back from calling him a Tsundere to let him finish and subtly covered her hand with her mouth to help hold back her impulsiveness.

Gojira finished with, "So... fine. I'll hang out with you."

From the bushes, Junior fist pumped into the air at this perceived small victory, holding back from shouting too, just barely.

"Hehe, you're such a tsundere, Mudak," Anguirus finally teased.

"In what way?" He growled, not exactly sure how he counted as that.

"Come, let's head somewhere more secluded," Anguirus told him as she started walking further inland.

With a shrug, Gojira followed her, ignoring that voice in the back of his head saying, 'Quit lying to yourself, devil.'

Gojira shook off those feelings to focus on another one, and not the one he was feeling about to hang out with Anguirus either. He turned back to face that shimmering ocean and narrowed his eyes for a brief moment, wondering what was drawing him, making his sixth sense blare up.

He figured Godzilla and Mothra could handle it, and went on with following Anguirus, finding his eyes suddenly drawn below her waist. He growled to himself and focused on the back of her head.

Anguirus heard him and asked, "Something up?"

"The sky," Gojira said offhandedly and sarcastically. Anguirus rolled her eyes before shaking her head at such a typical response.

Just as Gojira was about to set foot in the forest Junior stepped out in front of him, cutely glaring at him with her arms folded and tapping her foot. Anguirus, knowing full well what was about to happen, smirked and kept on walking, figuring the Mudak would catch up alone enough.

Junior and Gojira stared at each other for a moment before she said, "I'm waiting."

Gojira stared at her before it quickly popped in his head. He told her, while smiling, "Thanks for this," He said, gesturing to his vest, "It's more from you than I deserve."

"Damn straight it is," Junior growled. He decided he'd let this one slide, especially with the worry he figured she was put through... all because of his nature, "And you better thank mom too, or I won't be so nice our next spar."

"I'll be sure not to anger you," Gojira told her, giving Junior a small head pat and ruffling her hair. She growled and immediately slapped his hand away, a light pink dusting her chubby little face. She snorted out light smoke and stomped off with a huff.

"Tsunderes everywhere, I swear," Muttered Queen Caesar, watching from her dark perch atop a very large tree. Why was she up there? Another great spot to nap, but she figured she would take the time to lazily observe the Kaiju below her.

Gojira chuckled and continued on with following Anguirus to whatever spot she would choose.

He couldn't wait to see Godzilla make the same expression once they got the alone time. Who knows, maybe she could actually follow through on such a threat.


A bruised and lightly cut Zilla was thrown against the seabed again, grunting in pain as her dorsal plates embedded themselves against the seabed while sharp points of the seabed stabbed themselves against her skin.

Zilla manages to roll out of the way though, having avoided a powerful stomp Godzilla aimed at her head, swimming away to get some distance. Godzilla only had a few light bruises on her.

Zilla wasn't the most combat aware, but she could tell when a fight wasn't in her favor, it was a natural instinct in her and common sense telling her this wouldn't be a fight she could win. And despite some of the pride swelling in her before, she wasn't going to fight to death here, especially not with her dad needing her.

With a growl, she quickly raked her tail against the ground and kicked up the dust and dirt, aiming for Godzilla's eyes. The larger Kaiju Girl quickly covered her eyes as the large cloud came.

This was enough for Zilla and she quickly darted away. She couldn't help but growl to herself, "We'll settle this later, fat ass."

Godzilla growled and moved out of the cloud, looking around until she spotted Zilla in the distance. Rather than chase her she dismissively waved her hand and grumbled, "Pussy copycat. Not worth chasing, she wasted enough time."

With that, Godzilla went in her way to find more clues and meet up with Mothra. During her time here, before meeting with Zilla, who she would totally belittle for her name later, she found large groups of larger animals, namely giant squids, acting very strange.

Some even tried to attack her, a Kaiju, but weirdest of all, they were covered in strange oil and seemed to attack out of maddening hunger. Something was killing them and whether it was the work of humans, a Kaiju, even aliens, or a mixture of them had yet to be concluded.

Considering it was oil, she was willing to chalk it up to human bullshit. Call her a little prejudiced for it, but hey, humans and oil tended to go hand in hand. They loved that stuff and this wouldn't be the first oil and ocean related incident.

She growled remembering that. Her and Mothra could go out like they planned because of that. Human pricks.

Godzilla looked up and spotted Mothra's approach and immediately went up to breach. Above her, from the scattered clouds, Mothra was flying down with a serious expression on her face. Godzilla figured she wouldn't be the only one finding something here.

Mothra gently hovered over her and asked, "Goji-chan, did you find anything on your end?"

"Plenty, you?" Godzilla asked as she poked her head out a bit further.

"Yes," Mothra gestured for the beach. They went over there and made landfall before moving further into the foliage parts, sitting down, that's when Mothra began to tell her, "I found a small boat surrounded by greatly starved squids. They were covered on that oil. Luckily, I destroyed them and saved the boats."

"Think they're the cause or the victims?"

"The squids or the people?" Mothra could feel Godzilla was about to say both and immediately placed her index on Godzilla's lips, "The squids are most likely both. The people? Victims most likely."

Once Mothra lowered her hand, giggling at Godzilla's annoyed expression, that's when the mutant dinosaur spoke, "Well, I got something to really top that."

"Oh, do tell?" Mothra told her.

Godzilla growled out, "I ran into a skinny ass, low budget version of me."

"Ah, and from that tone of yours, you two hit it off very well," Mothra said in a relatively dry tone. It was subtle and only those close to her could catch it.

"Bitch challenged me, started flashing me," Mothra quirked a brow and Godzilla promptly said, "With her dorsal plates. Flashing me of all Kaiju Girls, can you believe that shit? Would've caved her skull if she didn't bail like a frightened turtle."

"Go on," Mothra told her.

"Okay, she said she was here first, trying to clean the place up too," Godzilla elaborated further after slight hesitation, "I told her she should beat it and things went down from there."

Mothra sighed but shrugged it off, "Well, these things happen. We'll stick together for now. I'm interested in meeting this Zilla. Sounds like an interesting fellow."

"Only cause she's a knockoff of me," Said Godzilla, pointing to herself, "Maybe she's a subspecies or something... either way, I'm totally putting her in her place."

"After and at home if she wants to," Mothra told her with a lightly stern expression.

"Yeah, yeah," Godzilla said coolly, "Now come on, we gotta find out what's going with this place and pronto," She heads back to the water and Mothra heads back into the air, wondering what exactly those humans were up to.

Hopefully, they'd help rather than hinder the Kaiju.


"You think it was Mothra?" Nick was finished decontaminating Mendel and placed an IV in him to get him those nutrients, Monique made sure Elsie was fine.

"Think about it. The flash, the lights, the blast? What else could it have been?" Monique asked before tapping Elsie's shoulder, "You're fine."

"Thanks nurse," Elsie said dryly, but fondly, very grateful for the help back there. Then she said, "And as for our savior, whether it be Mothra, an act of god, or whatever, I'm not complaining."

"I am, it would've been great to witness her in the flesh," Said Nick, stroking his chin, "A once in a lifetime opportunity, could you imagine it."

"I imagine you cutting your life short with your interest in those titanic beings," Monique told him, "Be grateful you at least got that."

"Coming ashore, lads and lassies!" Called out Randy as they were making it to shore. A small dock is where the crew would be landing.

Something everyone figured Craven would be very ecstatic for once he woke up from his hydration nap.

Elsie sighed and asked, "What about Zilla?"

Nick waved her off and answered, "She'll come back."

"All the way to the inland?" Monique asked, not at all pleased with such a reaction the populace would have if such a thing happened.

"No, she's smarter than that," Nick told her with a stern look, "She knows to stay out of public sight unless absolutely dire."

Elsie and Monique gave him incredulous looks, but the former shrugged it off, "Papa bear knows his cub best."

"Stop it," Nick told her plainly. Elsie just smirked, proud of getting under his skin with that comment.

The boat stopped and they heard running as Randy was making his way toward them. He came inadvertently and casually asked, "Hey, you guys up for some fresh calamari?"

"Absolutely not," Elsie said with a glare, shared by the other two fully grown adults. Yes, even she found that in bad taste.

"Too bad, we have some fresh ones on the beach," Stated Randy, "And these aren't the standard squids either."

"Are they the ones we saw before?" Nick asked and Randy nodded. That's when the group rushed out, save for Elsie, silently deciding to watch over Mendel until he got up.

And indeed, on the beach were the same squids that had attacked them, strewn about in the ground in heaps, burned by Mothra's rays and their corpses floating back to the beach's coast.

Nick cautiously went towards them and analyzed what he could. Despite the burns, he could make out the severe abnormalities in them and had enough data from their behavior when alive. He spoke aloud, "These squids may not be the problem, but rather a side effect of it."

"How so?" Asked Monique.

"For starters, why attack us rather than go for the easy meals in the ocean? The samples? Second, they don't seem to be producing it rather than have it on them," Nick explained before he turned to Monique and Randy, getting back up from squatting with a grunt, "You two can catch some rest. I'll head back to the boat, get my tools, and get to work."

"If you're staying here, then I have no choice but to as well," Said Monique as she folded her arms.

"And you pay me by the hour," Randy said with a smirk.

Nick was about to tell them it was no trouble at all until he heard something in the water. Something big.

At first, he thought it may have been Zilla and turned to it, ready to tell her to go back, mainly to keep her out of public eyes, but also to save face with the group on being able to guide her.

This was much worse. Interesting, but worse.

Rather than Zilla, it was another Kaiju Girl, a new one. Her hair was dark green and stylized in cascading dreadlocks. On her shoulders were white spikes, her eyes red, and her back covered in a light carapace. Her girl features came with her dark brown skin, light green dress that left one shoulder bare, cascading over her front and back end. Bulky gloves and sharp high heels completed her outfit.

Her red eyes looked down at the squids and came down, sniffing the dead invertebrates. She slowly went wide before she roared, "Grryyyaaargh!"

She was not a fan of burned calamari at all and the closest ones around to face her wrath for ruined meals happened to be just a small walk away. With no other provocation, the Kaiju Girl went inland, much to the horror of Nick and his crew.

Unbeknownst to this new monster, her roar did more than frighten her human audience...

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