The Arrivals , A slow Burn R...

By madam-snape

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"Severus Snape hasn't always been the best man. But when it matters most, he undergoes a treacherous journey... More

Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 : Rumor Has it
Part 3 : Memory Out of Smoke
Part 4 : Luck
Part 5 : The Arrivals
Part 6 : Fully Booked Grimmauld
Part 7 : Warmth
Part 8 : Dumbeldor's Army
Part 9 : Healing Black
Part 10 : Garden Blessings
Part 11 : Departure
Part 12 : The first Hocrux
Part 13 : A spark of Joy
Part 14 : Mischief managed
Part 15 : The Final Battle
Part 16 : A new beggings , with Arthur weasley
Part 17 : Bottle fame
Part 18 : the desprate owls
Part 19 : Exposed
Part 20 : some things never change
Part 21 : U turn
Part 22 : wake up in your arms
Part 23 : Dad's Brew
Part 24 : leave the knife, Hermione
Part 25 : Miss Evans
Part 26 : Epilouge
The Wedding
Dad's Made ( M ) content
Leave The Knife
A New Level of Commitment
Accuse ( shift of events )
The wedding [ 4k readers gift ! ]
NEW Fanfic

Peace Envoy

98 2 0
By madam-snape

"Say it again Ginny dear, I cannot understand this Girls Logarithm! " Sirius said to Ginny as she gathered with him to find a solution for this conflict , because Harry is about to collapse, first his parents.. and now this.

"Listen, Lily is not talking to Snape, nor Hermione.. and Hermione and Snape are not talking at all.. yet, Hermione also doesn't want to talk to Lily ! "

Sirius lost his temper, "Say it without Snape's role please."

"Lily and Hermione are not talking."

"First step is clear, thank you .. now spare me, what's Snape have to do with it?"

"It's because Snape Lily's friend at the first place, so Hermione feels offended somehow and decided to not deal with Snape and his related " Friends " , and you however, talked shit about Snape, so Lily stopped talking to Hermione because you're her friend."

"Then we need to solve this issue individually." Sirius smirked.

He left to the kitchen as Hermione was reading the dailyprophet, he pulled a chair and stood next to her, he faced her position as she didn't. She said while reading " haven't you read the news? The Ministry will confiscate all types of love potions and veta-serum! and everyone sale it will consider a criminal "

Sirius said, "I don't care about the ministry fancy, sudden decisions I have one thing for tonight, and it's you," he took a breath and asked.

"One simple question my love. Why you're not talking? You and Lily?"

Hermione gave him a deathly stare and continued to read as she answered behind the newspaper "Because of the latest events."

Sirius paused a little bit and continued " well, she is too not talking to him because of the previous events, and she also wondering why are you." he cleared his throat.

"Not t-talking to .. her .. " he gave her puppy eyes.

She lowered the newspaper, gazed at him and left it up again ignoring his negotiations.

"Mione, she cut the friendship with her oldest friend, because of you .. she is really puzzled by your ignorance! Come on dear cheer up."

Ginny was covering her mouth and chuckle behind the door shocking of what she heard , he was lying! Lily never said that, but he was building a fake scenarios for the aim of melting the ice.

Sirius left his girlfriend, clearing her thoughts, and headed to the angry redhead up there.

"Lily, our most lovable witch, how is going? "

"What do you want?" Lily closed her book and gave him the full attention.

"Well, I want you to know that Hermione is feeling guilty about what happened, and she thinks you hate her now , for merlins love, she was insulted in front of everyone, why you are treating her this way?"

Lily is the kindest one, she always was the one who start peace. As she left the room

Walking around aimlessly, Sirius noticed a dozens of letters at her window balcony, he opened the window and grabbed one of them hoping to be " maybe ", from James.. he turned the letter to see the sender name, it was Severus.

He didn't feel comfortable at all, but he turned it back to the same place so he will not convicted a stalker or something.. he was worried about Lily, as he said before her unconditional love nature will put her in trouble one day. Fixing Severus Snape the outgrown dungeons bat was not doing her any good.

He closed the window and he moved his hearing towards the corridors, he heard ladies sobbing.. as he went to check , he slowly showed his head outside the door.. he was surprised to see them hugging each other.

Ginny was showing thumbs up sign at him, as she came closer she dared to tell him " you are a talented actor, Sirius Black.. I thank merlins I am not Hermione "

He chuckled "Because of Hermione, I am always exposed, let's hope this is the last time."

Ginny answered "And what if they talked deeper, and knew the true of your fake scenarios?"

"At least then it will be very difficult to cut the tie, look at them they couldn't stand two weeks without each other's company."

Lily and Hermione went to the three broomsticks to have a drink,using the invisibility cloak to avoid the journalists on their way, they both were exhausted since the exams started, Hermione confessed to lily that she lied about the malfoy manor crime, she used it as a defense system, which made lily think deeper why Snape haven't deny it?

"They summoned there at the malfoy manor, back at their times with Voldmort.. they do all the crimes ,but he didn't do what I said , I just wanted to stop him from talking shit."

"It's over, to the order" lily presented the toast to Hermione.

Hermione was setting facing people while lily was turning her back, she couldn't know who came to the bar

The brunette noticed Dumbledore and Snape entering the meeting room on the second floor, as Severus was very careful not to be seen. Closing the door very well, as Madam Rosmirta entered with the drinks.

"I am going to the lavatory, I won't be long " said Hermione While taking the cloak with her under the table quickly without lily noticing. Her curiosity made her doing like Harry in his third year, when he wore the cloak to spy on Cornillius Fudge and the Professors in the same place.

She put the cloak on, and ran to the room, as madam Rosmirta was dismissed.

She entered and stood by the corner to hear their conversation.

"I have no idea how did this curios creature finds out, but I hope to fix it with Lily as soon as possible." said Snape while drinking his glass.

Dumbeldore gazed at Severus, for a moment he looked like he knew something .

"Why you are interested in making things up with her ? You already paid the debt. She didn't bother asking you about how true this was? You, on the other hand didn't deny, it made things worst."

Hermione went shivering as she said to her thoughts, "So lily was right, he didn't deny" Yes, she accidentally was right.

Severus said fiercely, "I didn't go through all of this so a stupid know-it-all will ruin what left of my relationship with Lily, Albus."

"All of this ? You didn't bring her back because you were feeling guilty, It because you wanted her .. Severus, I beg you! Tell me I am mistaken "

"I have manners , I never been a part of her divorce, do not accuse me "

The moment of silence hit hard the both men.

"I am not accusing you, I will assume for now, Luck went by your side after 20 years of forbidden love " Dumbeldore winked at him as he raised his glass.

Snape relaxed his core at the leather sofa , "Luck was never by my side, Though it is for a while, but that night again ruined everything, my tongue slipped and made me and her .. apart again"

He recalled a memory when he called her a mudblood, which was the reasone for her leaving and choosing James over him, and now he Spoke another poisoned words that led them to the same fate.

Hermione felt like she was floating, shocked, she heard too much as she couldn't taken back everything, she left the room under the cloak and went back to her place, Silent.

"What took you so long?" Lily asked.

Of course, she couldn't tell her Snape and Dumbeldore are talking about her upstairs, and that Snape did terrible things assuring her guess was right and her words didn't slip away , and he loved her for twenty years while everyone included herself thought it was just a guilt situation needed to be fixed, she couldn't tell her that love came in the first place .. while guilt came on the second place and dumbeldore suspects snape to be apart in her divorce somehow.

"I was fixing my make-up." Hermione said.

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