The Arrivals , A slow Burn R...

By madam-snape

12K 237 7

"Severus Snape hasn't always been the best man. But when it matters most, he undergoes a treacherous journey... More

Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 : Rumor Has it
Part 3 : Memory Out of Smoke
Part 4 : Luck
Part 5 : The Arrivals
Part 6 : Fully Booked Grimmauld
Part 7 : Warmth
Part 8 : Dumbeldor's Army
Part 9 : Healing Black
Part 10 : Garden Blessings
Part 11 : Departure
Part 12 : The first Hocrux
Part 13 : A spark of Joy
Part 14 : Mischief managed
Part 15 : The Final Battle
Part 16 : A new beggings , with Arthur weasley
Part 17 : Bottle fame
Part 18 : the desprate owls
Part 19 : Exposed
Part 20 : some things never change
Part 21 : U turn
Part 22 : wake up in your arms
Part 23 : Dad's Brew
Part 24 : leave the knife, Hermione
Part 25 : Miss Evans
Part 26 : Epilouge
The Wedding
Dad's Made ( M ) content
Peace Envoy
A New Level of Commitment
Accuse ( shift of events )
The wedding [ 4k readers gift ! ]
NEW Fanfic

Leave The Knife

148 3 0
By madam-snape

The weeks passed , and a progress Hermione and Lily achieved was outstanding, they both had almost full marks at their essays, Lily at Snape class specifically.. he didn't open her assignment, he just placed a big A on top of the paper and moved straight to the next one.

Hermione did well at her spell classes along side Ginny, the Female packed as Severus Snape went by them informing them Dumbeldore message: he started to speak in Sarcastic way

"Such an impressive performance at Spells assignment With Mr.Fletwick, miss Weasely, oh ! I almost forgot you fought against the dark lord! " he paused

"Spell assignment will be a piece of cake I believe." he turned his attention to Lily.

"Miss Evans, please inform Sirius about today's meeting at his " house" , Dumbeldore is attending with ministry order members " he bowed slightly "good day"

Hermione and Ginny turned their attention to their books, It's not the first time he would be thick with them , yet , the most noble gentleman in the world for Lily.

The door of Grimmauld place twelve kept swinging back and forth for 15 minutes straight, as the order members old and new, started to join, again. The place filled with people to the extent that the ministry would think Dumbeldore invented a secret weapon or planning a war.

The place filled with side talks, the oven after baking spread a vanilla and chocolate scent that mixes with Sirius's Cigar smoke, and the freshly pressed espresso coffee for the guests made by Kreacher.

Molly's chocolate cake smelled amazing, as she handed it to Hermione to swipe the buttercream icing over it at the end of the kitchen.

Sirius eyes rolled at Hermione, he was hypnotized with her, wearing a tight black dress , showing off one side of her milky thigh , he was interrupted by the silent entry of the dark cloaked Snape, as he went by her taking his place straight beside Dumbledore seat... Facing Sirius.

Madeye noticed the full list attended, as he started to speak

"New attacks occurred yesterday, the death eaters are making some sort of

re-union we cannot know the reason for, especially after Voldmort dead"

Madeye allowed shacklbot to say his share, as he opened a big map

"Ladies and gentlemen " unfold his map & continued: " the attacks are being made at a ministry entrance points , in the muggle areas, we are still lucky no deaths until now."

Severus spoke in a silky tone that his words pushed it way through everyone's ears.

"Allow me Mr.Shacklbot, so long as the attacks took place in the muggle streets, then I believe they are up to someone.. Half Blood or Muggle-born."

Sirius couldn't stand his claiming for knowing so he simply interrupted while Remus calmed him down:

"Severus, we are not even sure of what the attacks for and only by the place name!"


"You reached a conclusion point that they hunt a muggle-born why don't you just ask them as long as they were old friends of yours"

Remus covered his eyes and sighed, "Here we go."

Severus' blood started to boil as Sirius mentioned his history with them, specially in front of Lily, his answer came like a dagger stabbed into Sirius's heart.

"Well, well, Padfot.. full of ourselves aren't we?" He raised an eyebrow as he continued. "I'm worried about muggle-borns so much as you are." he rolled his eyes at Hermione. "Courting one of them."

Hermione stood up and raised the knife at his face as Sirius voice calming her gently.

She started to yell at her Professor.

"How dare you speak of him like this you bloody Git."

"Hermione lower the knife" Sirius whispered.

" You think yourself safe from their attacks hiding under Dumbeldore's cloak" she pointed at him closer.

"Hermione.. the knife"

"Let's talk about your past then! Courting at Malfoy Manor, raping innocents!"


"WHAT SIRIUS!" she shouted at him even more as she realized what she was doing as he whispered:

"You are pointing a knife towards the Professor.. slaughtering is my business next time he say it again."

Snape still kepthis poker face.

Lily stood up as she heard the malfoy manor crime, she never thought that Severus reached this point and simply left the meeting as Severus stares followed her.

Dumbeldore pointed his wand to his neck so his voice will be well heard

"Enough! Both of you, I will not allow such a behavior occurs at this meeting."

"Then tell that git that my lady and I deserve respect while he stays under my roof!"

Dumbeldore said with killing stares, "Severus, so foolish of you to say this to your mate and your student as well, and Sirius, respect his point of view towards the order plans."

And so it appears Snape and Sirius would slaughter each other if people weren't around. The meeting continued as The two enemies separated, each one of them sat on the other side of the table with ten chairs distance.

After everything was settled, well planned, the guests dismissed leaving behind Dumbeldore's who was very disturbed by this evening events.

Lily went to her room crying, she felt disappointed that her old friend would not only became a spy, but he was convicted to many crimes, Hermione as well was destroyed, she never thought someone will speak at her in such a way, specially after "mudblood" tragedy.

"Why everyone in this house is crying!?" Sirius stood in the middle of the corridors between lily and Hermione bedroom doors.

He gathered all the courage a gryffindore could have, and started with Lily .

"Knock knock," at her door.


"Lily, whats wrong with you! Open the door let me inn, I haven't done anything come on! "

He was right..

She opened the door with tomato eyes, she has been crying for an hour.

" My dear merlin ! Crying for me fighting that git ?"

After a second, he started to realize, "Oooh! You mean the Malfoy Manor thing?"

And she continued sobbing, he started to use his brain.

"No wait wait, you mean you went shocking and freeze in your place for knowing Snape did this?"

She shakes her head with yes, while covering her face and cry.

"Well, thats a tragic point, but .. he is , there is nothing we could do about it" he paused " except, I don't know how Hermione finds out this very dark secret of his."

After a second he was hypnotized by the idea of Hermione intelligence and forgot about the moaning girl beside him :

"Clever girl my love, genius!"


"Lily you have been defending Snape since school! Yet, he was going worse and worse and for your information, he didn't stop being a death eater , until you and James were dead ! " he took a breath deeply and continued " all he was thinking of is the guilt that came to his heart , he didn't hide the prophecy from that bloody Tom, so he went mad because you died and he decided to."

Sirius realize he said alot , he covered his mouth, " I shouldn't have said that."

He ran to the door for his life, but he turned at her for last word before leaving,

"I don't deny, you were a great shift to his life, even while being dead.. but Lily, he chose this.. and the dark mark will stay on his wrist, forever."

He closed the door, leaving Lily with her thoughts, as she was very annoyed by him too and thought to herself '' Where is Walburga when we need her? "

Sirius left and headed to Hermione's room.

He moved to her room, as he saw her crying like the other friend.

"Now what bothering you , I am a social consultant today" he crossed his legs and open a cigarette, "The knife scene was incredible, pet."

"Why I am always offended? " Hermione said.

"I has been insulted because I am muggle-born, and now I was insulted again because I chose to be with you!"

Sirius stands up and moved his attention to the window, he smoked , relieved and answered her, "Hermione, If he didn't say something about us, someone else's will. You just have to be ready for the upcoming judgments." he took another cigarette.

"You gave him what he deserves, but I swear in Godric Grave, I was about to cast a curcio curse on him, we don't want to lose each other just by being angry for the person who never knew love!"

"Now come here." he embraced her deeply to his heart, "Next time he come, Put the sharpest knife in your pocket."


Back at Hogwarts, Lily ignored Snape like he was not exist, so do Hermione.

A weird silence landed between the two Gryffindors ladies, They felt awkward as one friend insulted the other one's friend.. it was complicated, and non of them could explain it to the other like a hard math problem.

As for Snape, he never knew where to start with Lily , or Hermione as he is not used to her fatal reactions like Ron.

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