The Arrivals , A slow Burn R...

By madam-snape

12K 237 7

"Severus Snape hasn't always been the best man. But when it matters most, he undergoes a treacherous journey... More

Part 1 Introduction
Part 3 : Memory Out of Smoke
Part 4 : Luck
Part 5 : The Arrivals
Part 6 : Fully Booked Grimmauld
Part 7 : Warmth
Part 8 : Dumbeldor's Army
Part 9 : Healing Black
Part 10 : Garden Blessings
Part 11 : Departure
Part 12 : The first Hocrux
Part 13 : A spark of Joy
Part 14 : Mischief managed
Part 15 : The Final Battle
Part 16 : A new beggings , with Arthur weasley
Part 17 : Bottle fame
Part 18 : the desprate owls
Part 19 : Exposed
Part 20 : some things never change
Part 21 : U turn
Part 22 : wake up in your arms
Part 23 : Dad's Brew
Part 24 : leave the knife, Hermione
Part 25 : Miss Evans
Part 26 : Epilouge
The Wedding
Dad's Made ( M ) content
Leave The Knife
Peace Envoy
A New Level of Commitment
Accuse ( shift of events )
The wedding [ 4k readers gift ! ]
NEW Fanfic

Part 2 : Rumor Has it

694 11 0
By madam-snape

Breakfast, Great Hall - Gryffindor table

The trio had their daily breakfast as the most popular ghost showed up to them.

"Haven't you heard? Professor Snape found the Vault of Fear, last night at the Restricted Section!" Sir Nicholas said with an enthusiastic tone.

"" That's preposterous! It's only an old legend, and Dumbledore denied it's existence! It simply cannot be true."" Hermione answered the ghost.

Mouth full of sausage, Ron interrupted her, "Don't be so thick Hermione, this is Hogwarts. Besides, my brother Bill found one with his friend the year they graduated... pity they got expelled for it."

"But what's Snape up to? , It can't be academic reason." Harry said with suspicious glance at Snape.

"I was wondering Hermione," Ron said cynically. "Why don't you talk a-little about girl stuff with girls, instead of trying to be an angry genius all the time," he took a sandwich and continued. "I swear Sometimes , I forget you are a girl."

Hermione's mouth fell open, her brows creased and her cheeks grew red with indignance. "How- how dare you!" She grabbed her things, threw Ron a scornful glare, and left breakfast with clipped, hurried steps. If looks could kill, he would be buried ten feet under the vault itself. She took her stuff and left the hall.

"I don't know when you will grow up." Ginny said to her brother as she rose from her seat and followed her.

Gryffindor Girls Common Room

Red flags, pictures of Wizarding World stars and Muggle celebrities covered the walls, while pink sleepwear and hair products littered the floor; on Ginny's bed lay the knitted blouse her mother made last Christmas with a bag full of candies and Arnold, the purple Pygme Puff, bouncing around on. Her broom hung from the wall by the bed, opposite sat Hermione's bed and bedside table, bearing a tidy collection of books, a scented candle, a well placed picture of Ron, Harry and herself, and a perfume bottle. Tidy as she was with her belongings, her emotions were another matter. '

Hermione collapsed onto her bed, pulled a photo from under her pillow and hugged it to her as Crookshanks leapt up and lay beside her. Just because they were used to her always being practical,always busy, and under so much pressure- it didn't mean she didn't know how to be a girl, she proved it at the ball in the Forth Year! "My brother is a jerk." Ginny said, closing the door behind her. Ginny sat on the bed with her and picked up Crookshanks, making funny voices with the cat. When that didn't work, she set the cat down, moved closer and hugged her friend.

"Come on, you will be late for class and don't you even think of what that bastard said!" She grabbed a comb and started to style her friend's hair and sprayed the cologne that stood fixed on the table for so long.

"You never wear this perfume, I don't know why you bought it." Ginny smelled the bottle nozzle. " I didn't know you love masculine scents. Hmm.. it reminds me of something but I can't tell exactly what."

Hermione smiled at her as she discreetly placed the photo under her pillow. They both dressed for class and went their separate ways at the stairs, each one of them had a different class as they weren't at the same age and year. Hermione had a potion class with Horac Slugghorn and Ginny had Deviation Art with Miss Trelawny.

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