Starwarhammer: Book 1 Arrival


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Star Wars the clone wars X Warhammer 40k Еще

Emperor Give me strength
Rhen Var
First Contact
The first calm
The First Storm
Battle on Raxus Prime
Thule and the Dark Reaper
[Side Story] Planet Fall
A Home World
The Spears of Diomedes
Muunalist Drop
Guard deployment
Attack on the factory
Senatorial Fear
Senators with the Sisters
Warp travel
[side story] base attack
QnA #1
Imperial Space battle
Preparing for war
Hunt for a traitor
Combat & Fear
Secret Project
The Sisters of the Divine Blades
[Side Story] Breaking the captives
The Super Weapon
Capturing the Ship
Imperial Senators
[TTS stylized] Acquisition
The Stand of the Rightous
[Side Story] The Green Tide
Q&A #2
Before the Battle
Coalition Fleet Battle
Operation: Thunder Strike
Republic attack
Operation: Honor March
Crossroads of Destiny
[side story] Senate Review
The Imperium's Crusade
Call of the Twi'leks
Freedom of the People
Lion's Roar
Artifacts and Changes
Many Paths Ahead
Guard Command
Imperial Life
[Side Story] Rumors
[Side Story] Rogue Elements
Q&A #3
The Blades of Flame
Lions of Numidia
Hussars of Ice
The Mentors of the Imperium
The Arjent Hammer
Lords of Iron
The Spears of Diomedes
Paragon Shields
Riders Malevolent
[Side Story] Inquisitorial Dealings
Issues of Ideals
The long awaited meeting
Return to Coruscant
The Jedi Council
The Imperial Secession
The Sisters and Brides
World of 2 Suns
Interviews of Imperial Soldiers
[Side Story] The Black Ships Open
May the Fourth Special

The Emperor's Power

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Anakin would arrive to the medical area that was created. He saw there were a lot of clones and guardsmen were injured. He walked through the lines, seeing as medics and sisters of battle doctors working to save as many clones and guardsmen as possible.

Some had limbs amputated, and had Magos Biologists attaching cybernetics to those who were strong enough to undergo the process.

Anakin looked down, seeing a clone that had half his head bandaged.

"Trooper, how did you get hurt?" He asked.

"The fuel depot, a collapsed frame slammed into a tank, some exposed wire ignited the fuel, and blew the entire place." The clone said.

"I saw, it was a chain reaction, something broke a support, I don't know what happened, it may have been a stray explosive that made it collapse." A trooper said.

There was a coughing.

"It wasn't an accident." A synthetic voice said.

Anakin turned, seeing a guardsmen who had a voice synthesizer hooked up to him.

"What is your name?" Anakin asked, as he placed his hand on on the railing of the guardsmen cot.

"I am Enos Khezex, Private in the 498th Silver Claw rifle division of the Ghost Claws of Reznan." he said.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Anakin asked.

"I witnessed, the 4 armed xenos, who carried two swords of light, cut down a support beam. He smiled as he saw men burn in the explosion. I then saw as he did nothing to stop a xenos warmachine fire it's gun, that nearly killed the lord Commissar. He used Orks as shields, and would ignore cries for help, when he could. He was a monster. He diverted an ork rokkit that nearly killed me." Enos explained, coughing as he finished.

 Anakin closed his eyes.....he heard of Krell....a general who had high attrition rates. Anakin would see if he could find a clone who worked with Krell. Eventually, Anakin would find a clone with a patch over an eye.

"Krell? Yeah, I serve under him. He always throws us clones at targets, he makes sure none of us fall back. Everyone in the legion knows the stories. The Firing squads, the imprisonment, I think he gets a sick pleasure out of it." the clone, known as Stars said.

"How often does this occur?" Anakin asked, now a bit angry.

"Easier to name when it doesn't, which basically is, before a battle, and during a battle. His own hardened squad of clone killers. Made them more scared of him with threats of execution, they will do what ever he tells them." Star said.

Anakin's fist clenched, everything that he had heard, the fact that Krell was killing good soldiers, his own soldiers, made him more furious. 

"Star. Once this battle is over. I want you to find Rex, and as many clones of Krell's forces as possible. The 501st will need good soldiers, and I'm offering you to fight under a good general." Anakin said. 

He was heading out of the medical treatment area. The Scribe following behind Anakin would look at him.

"My Emperor. What are you planning to do?" the scribe asked.

"I'm going to fix a problem." Anakin made his statement clear, as he scanned the area, finding the temporary command center, where Krell, Cullen, Lacedaemon and Stroud were discussing the next move and injury numbers. Several Sisters of battle were patrolling the area, some in Black and Red armor, others in bronze and white armor. Alico was leading a preyer, as many others knelt before a shrine of an angelic figure.

"Pride Master Emely has worked to contain the Ork menace to from escaping to the south and east. Mhmun and Macullos are having their efforts in the North Rok fields. They have been able to destroy most, but clearing the Roks was difficult on them, so they are resting. " Stroud said.

"Should we bring down the broken chapters? They could provide some extra support." Lacedaemon suggested.

"No, they need to recover and rebuild their strength, besides, the recruitment pools are already tight as they are." Stroud said.

"The Astartes are a valuable asset, but we can not over work you, or else your forces may break when we need you to hold." Cullen said.

"The Red Star infantry, we can surround and over whelm the main base, drain it of the energy the defenders have." Krell suggested.

"Can't, all current forces of Red Star are dealing with the Speed Freaks to the West of the Cities. Maybe if we could get the Ravalir Elite in, we could put pressure on them, then find a weakness to exploit." Cullen said.

"The sisters of the Sacred Blade and the Order of the Divine Walls have prepared for combat. They can keep forces at bay, acting as a defensive position, while we get more guardsmen. 

"General Krell. As a knight of the Jedi Order, General of the Grand Army of the Republic, and Emperor of the Imperium of Man, I am placing you under suspicious of treason and cruel treatment of your assigned forces. Your actions in the Battle have lead me to suspect that you are attempting to undermine the success of this campaign." Anakin said, standing tall, before a Hologram of Obi-wan appeared, along with Rex.

"General Skywalker, you are causing problems while we organize the strike that will kill the enemy leader." Krell said.

"Anakin, what is the meaning of this?" Obi-wan asked, confused.

"Krell has been creating conditions in his clone legion that puts his loyalty to the Order and the cause into question." Anakin said.

"Skywalker, this is not the time or place to argue ethics of war." Krell protested.

"I believe it is a perfect time to discuss this point." Lacedaemon stated, holding his spear up.

"And what evidence do you have for this?" Krell asked.

"Scribe, read back the testimony of Clone Trooper Star." Anakin ordered.

The Scribe read the testimony of the clone, repeating the details of the execution squad, the court-marshals, and how Krell had conducted warfare that lead to unnecessary suffering.

"There was also optical recordings recovered by Skitarii unit Lambda Delta 75361-8, in which shows that Krell did not just fail to rescue pinned forces, but directed Ork forces towards pinned forces, including a Ork Kannon, that killed 21 and injured 105, including Lord Commissar Osweic." the Scribe stated.

Krell stepped down, walking towards Anakin, slowly reaching for the hilt of his lightsabers. The Taller Basillisk sneered, looking down at at Anakin. Anakin placed his hand on his sword, the one that he felt the same connection he did with his lightsaber. 

Anakin could hear in the back of his mind a voice.

"Do what must be done. Be the one who saves them all." 

Anakin looked up just in time to see that Krell had grabbed his saber hilt. The world was moving in slow motion, as he saw Krell started to unfolt it, pointing the emitter towards Anakin's body. He started to draw his own sword, the long blade coming free from the sheathe, as the end of Krell's hilt started to glow blue.

Before Anakin could move his blade to intercept, he felt something push him. His eyes slowly moved, to see Alico, dressed in her white robes, pushing Anakin away. The Sisters of battle were starting to take aim at Krell's back. Bolters took aim, before the blade extended, the blue pillar of light would form, piercing Alico's chest. Anakin was looking into her eyes, as they started to become dull, and empty. 

As he fell to the ground, Alico's body limply falling next to him, he heard shots fire. Krell was barely able to turn, just enough to narrowly dodge the strikes with his precognition and enhanced reflexes. 

Anakin swung his sword up, blocking the first strike.

"HOLD YOU FIRE! He is mine!" Anakin shouted, before using the force to push Krell back. 

Getting to his feet, Anakin looked at Krell, who was sneering.

"You are weak Skywalker. Your Compassion leaves you susceptible to be corrupted by the dark side." Krell said.

"It's the fact I care for people, that I am able to lead my men, and inspire those around me! I am going to end this war, and then I'm going to do what the Republic never was willing to, and end the Hutts' terror and explotation. No more Slaves, no more Cartels. I will make sure everyone is truly free!" Anakin shouted, before he raised his sword and swung down. 

Krell attempted to block the strike, only for his lightsaber to make contact with the blade and fizzel, deactivating and slashing Krell down the chest. He fell to the ground, dropping his lightsaber, as Anakin looked down, at Krell's corpse. 

Anakin walked over to the Body of Alico, setting his sword down, and picked her up. She....she believed in him, and was willing to sacrifice herself for him. It made him sad. He carried her over to the shrine, setting her so she sat leaned against it.

"May the force join her to itself, and welcome her with open arms. May she find rest, and comfort, in her passing." Anakin said, as a tear rolled down his cheek and landed on the body of Alico.

He turned away, before a golden light glowed from Alico. Turning, everyone watched, surprised and amazed, as Alico's wound was healed, she.....was alive, she came back to life. Alico looked up and smiled, her eyes now shining with light.

"My Emperor, Thank you, for guiding me back, into your arms." She said.

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