bnha- oneshots

By Shouto_Katsuki666

61.4K 691 454


Request page (closed)
☑️ I can be nice (anst poprocks)
☑️ Sore (bakutodo)
☑️ Shut the hell up (fluff Pres.Aizawa)
☑️ Can you fly?(hotwings)
☑️ Can you fly? (hotwings)
☑️ Supposed to (TW Sero x denki)
☑️ One hell of a club (Shinso x Kami)
☑️One hell of a club
Mean It (Mirki)
☑️I found a child! (Dabi x Keigo)
☑️understand-BakuDeku (nsfw)
☑️Todobaku + EraserMic
☑️One Bullet (ShinKami)
ShinKami - Panic room
☑️Dabi x Midoriya
☑️Jirou x Momo
☑️Kamishinsero smut
☑️Can you fly?
☑️KiriBakukami- jealous
☑️KiriBakuKami- jealous
☑️BakuSero [ Heavy ANST ] don't leave me
☑️BakuSero- don't leave me
☑️Bakugo x best jeanist One night
☑️Tameki x Kirishima
☑️unkle Keigo
☑️ShinSeroKami + Oijiro
☑️ShinSeroKami + Ojiro
☑️KiriDeku- Boss Bitch
☑️BakuKiri- Bad Lier
☑️TogaChako!- bad girl kills
☑️ DabiKeigoShiggy- no hands
☑️Dadzawa w/ Denki
☑️TodoBaku + MonoShin
☑️TodoShima- books
☑️Tameki x Mirio
☑️BakuTodo- cuddles
☑️In Our Team (bakuTodoSero)
☑️DabiShimia- Friends forever
☑️ShinSeroKami + Ojiro
thank you
Hi 👋🏻
very sorry

☑️sounds of silence - ft Aizawa

562 10 0
By Shouto_Katsuki666

((tiny ANST??))

Part 1/??

Aizawa laid in his bed, alone.
The blankets were still tucked into the bed, he was far too lazy to pull them back.
He sat quietly, looking up at his roof.

He had just woke up from about three hours of sleep.
His bed was warm but far from comforting. He gulped sitting up.
His breathing was wavered, short inhales and exhales.

He clenched his hands into fist as he looked to the foot of the bed.
It was dark. It was always so dark.
Not only in aizawa's room but, in his mind. In his dreams.

He still couldn't comprehend what he had dreamt. Aizawa has had this dream numerous times and he still didn't fully understand what his mind was trying to tell him.

His eyebrows frowned as he went back to his dream.

Aizawa was in his hero suit, walking alone on a narrow street of cobblestone. There were bright street lamps lighting his way.
He walked, he didn't know where he was going but he needed to walk. The street he was on was leading him somewhere he just didn't know where.

Suddenly in the distance a bright light much like the street lamps lit and he saw some of the hero's there. They didn't seem to be walking on the street though, they weren't even on the street.

They were all talking and laughing. I just kept walking, they didn't even notice as I walked past them.
Aizawa continued down his way ignoring them as they slowly faded into the back ground.

His feet tapped as he walked, the light of the street lamps lighting his path.
Then, a light similar to the ones surrounding the hero's now surrounded his students.
They were talking but their lips weren't moving.
This time they all noticed him. They watched as Aizawa walked past them unable to stop.

Aizawa wanted to stop. He wanted to speak to his students but he wasn't allowed to.
His voice echoed.
He got louder as he turned to watch his students fade.

He continued walking.

Aizawa sighed and got up from his bed. What did that mean?
Was he going to end up losing his students? The hero's?


Throughout the day Aizawa focused mostly on his dream.
It wasn't the first time he's had that dream and it surly won't be the last.
"Listen to me"
Aizawa sighed seeing his students do the exact opposite of what he instructed.
"If you allow me I can train you into hero's, but you have to listen."

Midoriya bowed and apologized.
"I-Im sorry sir!"

Aizawa nodded and pinched in betweened his eyebrows.
"Good okay, try again Midoriya."
Aizawa set down his clip board and explained again.
"Don't do kick style. Try to control your quirk more in your arms without breaking your bones."

Midoriya nodded.

Aizawa sighed and looked up to the sky as his students all practiced with their quirks.
What am I trying to tell myself?
Aizawa couldn't pinpoint the cause for such dreams.


Aizawa couldn't lie, it felt exactly like that dream right now. He was at the commission along with other hero's to have a meeting about the spike in villain activity.

No one was talking over each other but he tried to comment and was ignored multiple times. At this point Aizawa had given up on trying to help the situation. They clearly didn't want his ideas or opinions.

"What about more night shifts, longer ones?"
Ms. Joke asked raising her hand like a child.

"We would need hero's to agr-"

"I'll do it."
Aizawa stood planting his hands on the table
"I've got nothing better to do so if you'll excuse me I have a class to teach."

All Might called.
"You're class has already been let out. School has been over f-"

"Unlike you sorry excused for teachers I treat this the same as my hero work because it is "
Aizawa barked folding his arms.
"We are training the next generation of hero's and I plan on making them better then us. We've messed up more times then we haven't and they will not suffer with that guilt. So"

Aizawa looked around the room glaring at each of them.
"If you'll excuse me. I have futures to save."

With that, he walked out leaving the hero's and commission in a baffle.
What just...happened?

Walking out of the talk building Aizawa let out a sigh and walked to his car.
He got in and turned on the ignition.
He began driving back to the school campus.
Even though he acted as if he was only there to help them become hero's Aizawa had been getting attached and right now he needed to be with his students.

He pulled up and parked before walking to the dorms.
He opened the door and walked in. They always kept it so clean, it was probably much to Iida and Momo.
Todoroki, Midoriya, Tsu and Uruaka were sitting in the common area while bakugo, Denki, Kirishima and mina were in the kitchen and dining area.

A small smile spread across aizawa's lips as he stood there.

Iida ran up and bowed to his teacher.
"What are you here for?"

Aizawa dropped the smile and looked around.
"Mandatory inspection."
He needed an excuse for being there and what better excuse was there other then a mandatory random inspection?

Aizawa went through each of the rooms. He would look around his students rooms smiling. He had shut the door and gathered everyone in the lobby so it was safe.

Aizawa was currently in Todoroki's room. The room definitely changed a bit.
Aizawa opened a drawer to one of Todoroki's night stands and found some papers and an action figure.

He hadn't pictured Todoroki as the type. Aizawa picked it up and a smile spread across his lips again.
Pro hero eraser head.
Aizawa put it back and closed it moving on.
He couldn't help but wonder how long Todoroki had had that.

Now Aizawa had made it to Midoriya's room.
Tons of All Might murch laid around in his room which made Aizawa smile as well.

Right on Midoriya's desk laid an unnamed spiral.
Out of curiosity Aizawa sat down and flipped it open.
It was clearly a hero journal from All the pictures of hero costumes that Midoriya had ideals for his hero suit.

Aizawa turned the page and saw a ton of ideas to put on his own hero suit that would help.
Midoriya was very knowledgeable in these things it seemed like.
Aizawa looked at the addings Midoriya would advise he put on his costume.

Then, under it it wrote.
Aizawa's hero costume is very nice on its own. He's definitely a pretty cool hero. I've stayed up some nights and walked around to see him watching over the people. He has pretty useful things but there's always room to impprove.

Aizawa smiled. He used it.
'theres always room to improve'
Aizawa had said that to him.


He sat on a ledge. Looking over the city.
Aizawa couldn't help the ache in his chest looking at a familiar family walking out of a store.
They had never blamed him for what happened but, Aizawa knew he could have done more.

Their daughter, her little sister, his big sister.
Was gone.

But they actually thanked him for what he did.
To them they were glad he last moments was with him.
He was helpless though.
Pinned just like her.
Unable to move much at all.

Aizawa gulped turning away.
He felt so much guilt for what he couldn't do. It overrides al the good he's done.
The bad things always echoed in his head while the good was pushed away. As far back as it could go.

Aizawa looked around looking for any trouble but finding nothing.
Just silence.
There was nothing Aizawa could do.

Suddenly Heigo flew in and looked at Aizawa.
"Hey there"

Aizawa ignored the hero, it was pointless to talk. He was supposed to be patrolling anyway.

"Not much of a talker eh?"
Heigo rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well man nothing's happening anywhere which is actually strange."

"Get back to your post."
Aizawa instructed.

"Gee you-woah buddy!"
Aizawa suddenly felt dizzy and began wobbling on the edge of the building. His grip wa beginning to slip, he could feel his fingers.
"Eraser y-damnit!"
Aizawa fell from exhaustion.

The whole world rushed past Aizawa in gush's of air.
It didn't even feel like he was falling.
Suddenly the air stopped and he was being carried by Heigo.
"I got you eraser man."

Aizawa tried to keep his eyes open but couldn't. He was just so tired.


"No! There's no need to make this more complex then it needs to be!"
Someone shouted.

"There's more important-"

"More important!?"
They yelled.
"Without him so many of your missions would have failed and those people would have died! This isn't just one life. He saves people."

Aizawa growned and slowly opened his eyes.
He first saw Midoriya kneeling next to him holding his hand while sobbing.

Midoriya sobbed while looking at Aizawa.

The yelled stopped and Aizawa looked around the room.
His students were all there, worried faces.
The he saw Todoroki in the doorway glaring at one of the commission officers.

Aizawa pieced it together and knew Todoroki was the one yelling.

"Sir how are you feeling?"
Sero tried to smile at his teacher but it didn't work out so well.

"Why ar-"
Aizawa cleared his throat.
"Why are you all here?"

Denki stepped back in shock.
"Wha-you expect us to sit back while our teacher is in need of medical attention?"

Aizawa sat up the best he could, Midoriya absolutely refused to let go of his hand.

"Don't leave me.."
Midoriya sobbed.
"You can't. You can't leave any of us Aizawa. You-You said you'd be there...when we-when we all became hero's!"

Aizawa raised a hand and patted Midoriya's head with a smile.
"Don't worry Midoriya. It was just from lack of sleep."
The memories flooded back into his mind.

Todoroki moved from the door way and next to Midoriya.
"Aizawa, you shouldn't have agreed to take more time if you couldn't."

Aizawa looked down, why was e being lectured by his own students?
"Alright, time to go. I'll be fine but you all need to go train."

"B-But sir!"

"No Midoriya."
Aizawa told him.

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