Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 72 - A stranger

1.5K 58 17
By iliqblack

- Why did you come after so many years? - Turkan asked hoarsely with white lips. - What do you want?

The guest looked at her with an impudent squint. His lips curled in a sarcastic grin.

- Why won't you invite your son-in-law to the house? After all, I am the father of your grandchildren.

- What son-in-law? What father ?! - the woman came to her senses and angrily raised her eyebrows over the bridge of her nose. The palms curled into fists belligerently. She put them on her hips and angrily pounced on the man: - For fourteen years you have not remembered the existence of the children, and now you have appeared ?! Come on, get out of here!

Esra came running to her voice. She went out onto the porch and asked in surprise:

- Grandma, what happened? Why are you shouting?

The girl looked closely at the guest. The face looked familiar, although she was sure she had never seen him before.

- What's that noise? - Serdar came out onto the porch with Iso in his arms. Seeing the man, his face darkened and narrowing his eyes, blurted out: - You?! Why did you come?

- Who is he? - Esra tried to get an answer from her family, but both her brother and grandmother, as if they had not heard her question.

But the man, ignoring the words of his son, turned his greasy look at her and spoke in a honeyed voice:

- I am your father, child. I came to meet you. And I brought a gift, - he handed Esra the doll.

She took a step back and hid her hands behind her back.

"I don't play with dolls," she replied with restrained dignity. "And I don't want to meet you."

Slipping past her brother, she returned to the house and ran upstairs. Surprised Nihan, whom Esra ran into on the stairs, shouted after her:

- Girl! What's the matter?

But she didn't answer. She ran into her room, slammed the door, pressed her back to it, and, covering her face with her hands, burst into tears.

On the porch, Serdar took the lead. Putting the baby Iso into the hands of his grandmother, he pushed her to the door and ordered:

- Go. Set the table for dinner. I'll be there in ten minutes.

Turkan looked angrily at her former son-in-law. With her head held high, she passed by and disappeared through the door. Serdar pointed the direction to the waterfront and said briefly:

- Come on, let's talk.

Near the embankment, stopping at the very edge of the dark water, he thrust his hands into his trouser pockets and turned to his father.

- What do you want? Asked abruptly.

He shrugged in surprise.

- How is that? I haven't seen the children for years. I missed ...

- Give it up! - interrupted Serdar. "Don't give me that shit. You missed us after fourteen years. In general, so, - the guy firmly looked his father in the face. - I don't care about your reasons. Get out of here and don't dare approach our house. You have no children. And grandchildren too. If again you dare to show up, I'll throw you out. Got it, Mr. Kadir?

The man laughed in the face of his son and clapped his hands demonstratively.

- Bravo, Serdar Shishmaz! Impressive performance.

- Serdar Topal, - the guy corrected him. - We are all Topal. And we have nothing to do with Shishmaz.

He turned and walked down the street leading to the house.

"Well, well," Kadir said mockingly behind him. When his son disappeared around the corner, he quietly added. "We'll see if you have or don't have," he grinned. - And the girl is no longer a child. Yes, I made a mistake with the gift.

He looked at the doll in his hands and, swinging, threw it into the strait.


The sunset gave way to inky darkness, and Omer and Defne still sat on the porch and silently enjoyed the warm evening and the closeness of each other. A quiet snorting sound came from the baby monitor. For the parents, it was the best music in the world. When the sky shone with myriads of stars, and the full moon drew a silvery strip across the sea, Omer kissed his wife on the cheek and asked:

- Wait a couple of minutes. I'll be right back.

He disappeared into the house, and Defne with a smile thought that another surprise awaited her. There were so many of them in nine months of family life. But she still did not get used to it and perceived each new one as a miracle. She rejoiced like a child and thanked the Almighty for her happy life and Omer.

Omer, jumping over two steps, flew up. Silently opened the bedroom door and tiptoed into the room. Emine slept in her stroller. The puppy was curled up on the floor next to it. It raised its head, but when it saw who had entered, returned it to its paws and closed its eyes. Omer took a velvet case from his bag and took out a necklace. Returning the case to its place, he went up to his daughter, straightened the coverlet, and touched her nose - whether it was warm. The nose was warm, the fingers too, and the satisfied dad quietly went out the door. Running down the stairs, he went out into the cool June night. Defne stood near the terrace fence and looked up at the sky. Her slender figure in the moonlight looked like a graceful antique figurine. Omer quietly approached her, kissed her shoulder, and said:

- Starlight Night?

- Starry ..., - Defne whispered.

Omer gathered her hair and pulled it up.

- Hold it, - asked.

Defne obediently raised her hands and held the heavy, silky mass with her palms. Omer wrapped the necklace around her neck and fastened it. Defne felt the cool metal touch her skin and touched the smooth stones with her fingers.

"These sapphires must see for themselves what made them so magnificent," Omer whispered in his ear. - Am I right? This necklace is a memory of that night, here on the island, when we loved each other under the stars.

Defne turned in his arms, hugged his shoulders, and said hoarsely:

- Yes. And it seems to me that it was then that we created Emine...

Omer looked into her huge, shining eyes and saw the stars in them. The heart did not fit in the chest and hit the ribs with force. At that moment, he loved his wife so much that he was breathless from an excess of feelings.

"Do you remember what I promised you that night?

Her lips trembled as she smiled and nodded. Omer picked her up in his arms and whirled around the terrace. Defne threw back her head and laughed. Her laughter, sonorous and clear, floated in the air and sounded like wonderful music for Omer. Stopping, he put his wife on her feet and kissed her. She responded with all the tenderness she could. And he thought that this month would be a test for his body. But he will not give up hugs and kisses. He will revel in them, enjoy every moment, and love.


Topal family were sitting at the round table. Grandmother Turkan, Serdar, Nihan, Esra. Baby Iso slept in his crib for a long time, and the adults talked. The unexpected appearance of Kadir Shishmaz stunned everyone and knocked them out of their usual track. Esra, who had never seen her father, sometimes dreamed of him before. That he would come, tall, strong, and kind. Will talk to her, joke, and call her Princess. But this man, who appeared at their doorstep today with a stupid doll in his hands, caused her rejection and fear. She didn't want to talk to him or joke. She didn't even want to see him.

Serdar felt depressed. He has long come to terms with the fact that the three of them were not needed by their parents. Both scattered in different directions and for years did not remember that they had children. They were not interested in how they live, what they eat, what they drink. Do they have clothes and a roof over their heads? How to get out of problems. And anyway, are they alive. Therefore, the appearance of their father today was intimidating and frightening. What does he need now from adult children?

Nihan watched her gloomy husband anxiously and grew cold with misgivings. Oh, the father-in-law came to their doorstep for a reason!

And grandmother Turkan was mentally going through the dark days again when her son-in-law abandoned his pregnant wife the two children.

- What do we do? Shall we tell Defne? Nihan said.

Serdar and grandmother roused themselves and protested in one voice:

- Not!

- Don't disturb and upset her. She just gave birth. Let her be calm and happy.

"Okay," Nihan agreed with a sigh. - So, we are silent.


Iz Tranba straightened her hair with a nervous gesture and got up from the table. Today was the tenth day after the test of amniotic fluid. Exhausted to the limit, the expectant mother waited with bated breath for the results. Every time the phone rang, she looked at the screen hopefully, and then sighed in frustration and closed her eyes. Not the doctor.

The air in the office was saturated with such anxiety that it could hardly get into the lungs. Even the air conditioner did not help the situation. Iz went to the window and flung it open. The heat of the street smelled in her face. Turning around, she grabbed the phone from the table and ran out of the office.

Deniz tried to work. He read the columns of the figures of the financial statement and did not see them. One thought was throbbing in his head - when? When the doctor will call and end his two-week agony.

Iz entered the office. He scrambled to his feet and rushed to meet her.

- Did you call ?! - asked.

She shook her head. There was so much despair in this gesture that Deniz felt a pinch in his chest. He hugged his wife and pressed her head to his shoulder. They stood there for a minute. The phone call made both of them stir up. She grabbed the phone and suddenly breathed out in a hoarse voice:

- The doctor.

She answered the call and held the phone to her ear.

- I'm listening.

Deniz looked anxiously at her face, trying to understand what the doctor was saying now.

Favorite eyes filled with tears and her lips trembled. The man's heart sank like a stone.

- What? He whispered with his lips only.

She removed the phone from her ear and looked at her husband. Tears rolled from her eyes like rain. Ignoring them, she smiled a happy smile and whispered:

- Baby is healthy ...

Deniz exhaled and closed his eyes for a moment. Healthy! Allah! Healthy !!! The next moment, he grabbed Iz under the knees and whirled around the office with her.

- Healthy !!! He shouted, and his wife echoed him in a sonorous and happy voice:

- Healthy !!!

When he put her on the floor and hugged her, she put her palms on his chest, looked touchingly into his eyes, and said:

- He is healthy and he is a boy. We will have a son.

The fire that burned in Deniz's eyes could have lit a match. His glee and happiness were palpable. They emanated from him in waves and infected Iz with recklessness and courage. She smiled broadly at her husband. Two weeks of fear, anxiety, pain, and anguish are over. Their child is healthy! He will be born and will live a happy, fulfilling life. Will roller-skate, be naughty, practice boxing, or jiu-jitsu. He will fall in love and annoy his parents. Will pave his way in life. Iz and Deniz Tranba now, like no one else, understood what happiness is and how much grace they were given by fate and the Almighty!

Deniz grabbed his wife's hand and pulled her out of the office.

- Where are we going? - Barely keeping up with him, she asked.

- To celebrate! He replied. Stopping in front of the door, he put his arms around her face and said hoarsely: "We deserve it."


Banu crossed the threshold of Sapphire. Her heart was pounding and her breath caught in her throat. Fingers gripped the plastic folder with drawings tightly. Today was a special day for her. She will receive a drawing lesson from the most ingenious designer Omer Iplikci. And she will see Mert. From this thought, the pulse beat, and the soul froze sweetly. Laura, who was walking beside her, looked at the girl with a smile. She loved her so much. Like the little sister she never had. And now Banu's joy warmed her.

- Banu! Such a surprise!

Esra, who was sorting letters at the secretary's desk, saw her friend and hurried to meet her. They embraced, childishly sincerely expressing their joy at the meeting.

"Mr. Omer promised to give me design lessons," Banu boasted, but smiled sweetly and a little embarrassedly.

- Great! - Esra was delighted for her friend. - Brother Omer taught Defne design too. Look what it turned out to be. "She gestured to the walls, hung with photographs of Defne's jewelry and copies of pencil sketches.

Banu followed her hand with interest and gasped in admiration.

- Allah, how beautiful! - she looked at Laura. - It was Ahtem who made all these jewels according to Defne's sketches?

She nodded and proudly confirmed:

- Yes, Ahtem. He and Defne have a wonderful creative tandem.

- Can I ask Defne to give me a couple of lessons on how to draw jewelry? - Banu asked timidly and smiled shyly, looking from one sketch to another. - So beautiful! Although, if she is very busy, then there is no need to require, - the girl remembered that Defne had recently had a child and her days were scheduled by the minute. - I can do it. I've had enough of Mr. Omer's lessons.

- Come on, we'll first ask Defne herself, - Laura suggested and turned to both girls: - Darling, I'm sure you have something to chat about for about forty minutes. Esra, show everything here to Banu and introduce her to the staff, - she smiled at the girls: - I will deal with urgent matters, and then we will go to Passionis. Mr. Omer is expecting us at ten o'clock.

Laura left. Banu and Esra looked at each other and smiled cheerfully.

- Sapphire, hello! - heard a clear voice, from which Banu's heart fell like a stone, and then jumped to her throat and started to beat often. She was so excited that she did not notice the blush that suddenly colored Esra's dark cheeks. Mert entered the office and loudly asked all the employees at once: - How are we doing? Anything missing? Files don't disappear? Do the programs work like clockwork?

Employees began to look out from their offices and cheerfully report that everything is in order. After listening, he turned to the girls and greeted:

- Hello! Banu, good to see you! Are you visiting us?

The girl's eyes shone. She took a breath and replied:

- And visit too. I wanted to see Sapphire and Passionis. "And you," she added mentally. - And also Mr. Omer promised to give me some design lessons.

- Cool! Lucky you. Mister Omer is the god of design, - Mert answered Banu but looked at Esra. She was so beautiful today in a bright yellow dress and a colored headband on her blue-black hair. Realizing that it was indecent to stare at the girl for no reason, he asked the first thing that came to mind: - Esra, are you replacing Alina today?

"Uh-huh," she said. - Until next Monday. Alina went on vacation.

- Right. If you have problems with the laptop, call me, "said Mert with seeming frivolity.

"Definitely," Esra answered in tune.

- If everything is in order, then have a nice day! And I'm in Passionis, - Mert waved his hand and headed for the elevator.

- Good luck! - Esra wished after him.

- Good luck! Banu echoed.

Fifteen minutes later, Defne appeared in Sapphire with baby Emine Diana in her arms. Koray followed her on the heels and muttered:

- Skinny, why call a nanny? I'm completely free now. Diana and I will have fun. Why would she need a stranger if she had Korish?

Defne stopped, closing her eyes, exhaled noisily, and turned to her friend. Putting her daughter into his arms, she declared:

- Here you go! But if Omer swears that you didn't do the right job because of Emine, it's not my fault. You will fight back.

- I will! I will! - He promised enthusiastically and cooed with the baby: - ​​My beauty! You and I will be photographed. Uncle Korish will make you a cool photoshoot!

- Koray, only don't get carried away, - Defne demanded sternly. - Emine has a regime. An hour later, she needs to be fed and put to bed. When she starts to cry, bring her I'll feed her. Take the bag with diapers, wet wipes, and a bottle of water in it.

- Ay, take it away! Keep it. I have everything. Exactly in an hour, I'll bring her for feeding. Now, goodbye! We have a photo session!

The large man with a tiny girl in his arms disappeared outside the office door. Defne looked after him, shook her head, and turned. Only now did she notice two girls who were looking at her with wide eyes.

- Esra! She smiled affectionately at her sister. - Are you on a serious job today? Banu! I'm so glad to see you!

She hugged both of them, and the girls happily hugged her back.

"On Friday, I worked all day myself under the supervision of Alina and didn't make a single mistake," Esra boasted. - Mr. Kartal said that I can replace her all week.

- I'm proud of you! - Defne sincerely praised her and turned to Banu: - Do you have your first lesson today with Mr. Omer? Banu nodded and took a deep breath, trying to cope with the excitement this way. Defne reassured her: - Don't worry! Omer is strict but fair. He's also a great teacher. I know from myself, - she again looked closely at her sister and asked: - Esra, is everything all right? You look thoughtful. Did something happen at home?

Esra hated lies. Even more, she hated lying to Defnе. But her grandmother said yesterday that if Defne finds out about their father's return, she will be very upset. And she does not need excitement and negative emotions. She is a nursing mother. Hence, we must be silent.

"It seemed to you," the girl put on a wide smile. - Things are good. Iso tries to walk. But it turns out so far not very well. Fells on the ass.

- Ay, aunty lollipop, - tenderly smiled Defne. - Trying to walk. You will soon be catching him all over the house. Okay, girls! I was very glad to see you, but I have to go. I have a lot of work.

She waved her hands to the girls and went to her room. When the door of her office slammed shut, Banu, who had been closely watching her friend all the time, spoke up:

- Esra, you deceived Defne, right? Did something happen to you?

Esra sank into a chair. Her shoulders drooped and her eyes became sad.

"It happened," she whispered. - My father is back.

- Is it bad? Banu asked her carefully.

- Bad! - answered Esra. - He left our mother before I was born. Never saw me, and did not want to know. And now he showed up with a doll. Can you imagine ?! With a doll! And he says he came to meet me. Only I do not want to see or know him. He's a stranger. Do you understand? Stranger!!!

"I see," Banu replied quietly. - I also sometimes think about my father. And I also realize that he is a stranger. Even if his blood flows in me, he is still a stranger.

The girls looked into each other's eyes and hugged silently. The feeling of kinship arose instantly and was very strong. Two abandoned children, two souls filled with bitterness, they understood each other like no one else.

The working day in the two companies passed briskly and hectic. Koray, as promised, arranged for Emine Diana her first photo session. Clicking the camera lens, he spoke incessantly.

- Ay, my Princess Diana! You are a natural-born model! What elegance! What grace! What a beauty! You have the sweetest face and the prettiest eyes! And what little fingers! I can give my life for one. Ah, honey, Uncle Korish will do your photoshoots every month. When you grow up, you will have thousands of photos!

Diana liked the uncle's voice and the fact that he turned her around, changing clothes and putting her on her tummy, then on her back. She listened to his voice and did not think to cry. Exactly one hour later, her devoted nanny took the baby to her mother and took her back after feeding. Returning to the office, he put her in the children's swing and turned her on to slow rocking. After a few minutes, Emine fell asleep. Koray went into the general hall of Passionis and in a loud whisper ordered everyone to be silent. Whoever wakes up Princess Diana will be strangled on the spot.

Omer, unaware that a few meters from the office, his newborn daughter was acquiring modeling skills, gave design lessons to Banu. The girl turned out to be very talented and diligent. She carefully caught every word of the teacher and followed all the instructions. Omer was pleased. He highly appreciated such qualities in people as hard work, perseverance, the ability to set a goal and go towards it, despite difficulties and obstacles. Banu told him that she wanted to become a designer, and Omer mentally promised that he would help her along the path to her dream.

Defne, wanting to take her daughter home as soon as possible, set the staff at a frantic pace of work. After listening to the report of Mr. Kartal at the meeting, she asked Mirai to contact the Faculty of Fine Arts to recommend to Sapphire young, promising designers wishing to draw jewelry.

- Defne, - Laura turned to her. - Several clients want to order exclusive jewelry from you. You must meet them in person.

"Okay," the boss lady agreed. - Make appointments, but no more than once a day. I don't want to leave Emine Diana for long.

Laura smiled knowingly. She shared the feelings of her friend. Her son had not yet been born, but she no longer imagined how she could part with him, leaving him to a nanny.

"There is one more problem," said Mr. Kartal. - Sapphire is growing and with it the amount of work. In terms of finance, it becomes difficult for Passionis to serve us too. We need our financier and accountant.

"Pick up candidates," Defne ordered. - We must not be a stone on Passionis's neck.

"I'll take care of it immediately," the manager promised.

- No more questions? - Defne looked around attentively at the faces of the staff. All were silent. She clapped her hands and said: - Excellent! Everyone to work. And I go to Koray, - muttered when the staff left her office.

Without waiting for the elevator, she ran up the stairs and stopped, listening cautiously. Dead silence reigned in Passionis. No one hummed, laughed, or rode a scooter down the corridors. The coffee machine did not buzz, and the printers did not make noise. Even the clatter of the keyboard keys was not audible. Defne peeked through the doorway into the reception area. Nazlican was sitting, bending over her laptop and carefully pressing the keys with one finger. The staff in the common room walked on tiptoe and did not seem to be breathing. Omer came out of his office. He, too, looked around the office with surprise and noticed his wife in the doorway.

- What's the matter with them? - Pointing eyes at the reception, she asked.

Omer shrugged his shoulders and answered just as quietly:

"I don't know," and then, in a usual voice, he turned to the assistant: "Nazlican, what is happening here?

She looked up and brought her finger to her lips.

- Shh! Emine Diana fell asleep in Mr. Koray's office.

Omer and Defne exchanged glances and walked towards the door in a branch of the corridor. Carefully opening it, both looked inside. Emine, in a mint jumpsuit, slept in a "French rose"colored swing. Defne recalled that in the morning she had dressed the baby in a lilac suit. There was a pile of children's clothes on the sofa, a new piece of furniture perched in the corner - a changing table and the whole back of the office turned into a fabulous photo zone with many toys and balloons. The owner himself sat at the table and conjured over a laptop. The parents quietly entered the office and carefully closed the door behind them.

- Koray, why is Emine in different clothes? Defne asked quietly.

He looked at her in surprise and answered in a whisper.

- Weird question. Because I changed her clothes. Didn't you notice? I already brought her to you for feeding in these overalls.

Much to her shame, Defne had to admit that she hadn't noticed. Her head was full of work. She was only glad that the baby was not capricious, fed her, and gave her to Koray.

"I didn't notice," Mommy said in embarrassment and went to the swing.

The baby slept soundly and smiled in her sleep.

- Don't wake up the child! - in a whisper, Koray shouted at her and ordered both: - Come here. Take a look at these masterpieces.

The parents walked over to the table and peered into the monitor over Koray's shoulder. Omer involuntarily clutched at his heart. A photo was unfolded on the screen, in which Emine in one striped hat with a pompom was lying on her tummy, legs tucked under her and her pretty face turned to the photographer.

- Allah! - Dad breathed out in fright and bombarded the photographer with questions: - You didn't twist her neck? Didn't she catch a cold? Did you hold the head when you dress her?

- Let's calm down! - Koray stopped him in a cooing voice. - Why do you shout? You will wake up the child! It's Diana! - he raised his index finger. - How can I harm her? I went to courses on how to care for a small child for a whole week. And reviewed seven hours of video on how to photograph babies. So, I'm a bigger professional than you are. And my girl will now have beautiful photos when newborn, - the man finished his speech with pride and ordered: - Look!

He flipped through the photos on the screen, and mom and dad had to admit that they were beautiful. And not only because Koray skillfully created the exposition and background, but also because he was able to capture the slightest nuances of emotion on the face of their precious Bead.

"You are a super professional," Omer had to admit and thanked: "Thank you. This is an invaluable gift for Emine and us. But the next time you come up with some other adventure for our daughter, at least let us know.

Flattered by the praise, Koray nevertheless honestly admitted:

- I will try, but I will not promise. And-and-and! You are so boring. Immediately say: You can't! And Diana will not have enchanting photos.

Defne chuckled and covered her mouth with her hand. Omer glanced at her disapprovingly, but her eyes sparkled with such amusement that he could not resist laughing too. Koray looked at both of them in surprise and wagged a finger to his temple.

- Boring you both, but with a promise. You're not hopeless, "he pronounced the verdict.

Having wrapped the baby in a cotton shawl, Defne took her in her arms, wished the men a nice day, and went home. Omer called Sukru to drive the car to the entrance and took his girls to the elevator.

"Don't stay long at work," Defne asked. - I miss you.

Omer kissed her forehead over a dark red eyebrow and promised:

- I won't be late. I'll be home at five.

Defne with Emine Diana in her arms entered the elevator, and Omer waited for the doors to close. Only then did he turn and went to his room.

Kadir Shishmaz stood under a tree near the building of the business center and smoked. He took up his vantage point a couple of hours ago. He went inside the building but was stopped by the guards. He was not allowed to go up to Sapphire without a pass. This circumstance made him angry. It was necessary to think over how and where to get Defne out. He was afraid to go to her house. He saw that the estate was under alarm and understood that he was at risk of getting into the police. Therefore, he decided to observe and find out the routine of the eldest daughter's day. She must appear somewhere alone, without her rich husband.

The automatic doors of the business center opened and a beautiful girl with a child in her arms came out into the street. Red hair gleamed in the sun. The man recognized her and hastily retreated behind the tree. From his hiding place, he watched as Defne confidently crossed the square and headed towards the expensive Mercedes. The driver was waiting for her. Helpfully opened the back door and helped to get into the salon. She said something to him. Probably good, because the middle-aged man broke into a wide smile and hurried to take his place behind the wheel. The car started and merged into a dense stream of cars on the road. Kadir came out from behind the tree and looked after it. This car was worth half of his debt. The girl is really rich, which means he shouldn't play cheap. Thin lips parted in a devilish grin. Finally good luck! The biggest jackpot in his life and he will not let go of it.


The week went on as usual. Iplikci worked on the autumn-winter collections, met with clients, resolved work issues, and devoted every free minute to their daughter. Emine Diana felt quite comfortable in offices, wandering from the nursery in Sapphire to Passionis's nursery or Uncle Koray's office. Everyone adored her, and everyone was happy to look after the girl while mom and dad were busy.

Banu continued her studies with Mr. Omer, and then went down to Esra and helped her in the office or nursed Emine Diana. She saw Mert every day, could exchange a few words with him,and felt happy.

Mirai was recruiting for Sapphire. Several young art students submitted their resumes to work in the design department, and she scheduled interviews for them with Defne and Ahtem. The accountant was also found pretty quickly. The place of the financier remained unoccupied.

On Friday, an impeccably dressed, very beautiful girl with sad eyes and a proud bearing entered Sapphire. Her stubborn chin spoke of the strength of character and iron will.

- Jansu Baisal, - she introduced herself to Esra and her eyes widened. She read the story of this girl, saw her photo, but did not recognize her. Jansu Baisal has changed a lot and matured. She smiled with only her lips at Esra and said: - I would like to meet with Mrs.Defne. Is it possible?

She nodded and replied:

- Defne is now putting Emine to bed in the nursery. I will report on your visit.

Esra disappeared behind a door at the end of the corridor. A couple of minutes later she came out and gestured for the girl to go into the room. Jansu entered the nursery. The room was beautiful and sunny. The Dream lived in it. The same, important and cherished, which Jansu crushed in herself and did not allow to remember, even inadvertently. But now she saw it with her own eyes, and her heart sank painfully in her chest.

The tiny girl in Defne's arms was so precious and beautiful. The best thing that Jansu has seen in her life.

Defne smiled affectionately at her guest. She put her daughter in the crib, covered her with a shawl, and held out her hands to Jansu. She took them and shook them.

- Girl! I'm so glad to see you! - Defne said quietly.

"I'm also very glad," Jansu answered just as quietly and pointed her eyes at the baby: "Congratulations on your daughter. May it grow healthy for your joy. She is beautiful."

- Thank you, - Defne sincerely thanked her and asked sympathetically: - How are you?

- Good, - answered Jansu evenly. - I will return to the university in October.

- Clever girl! - Defne praised her. - I envy you. I dreamed of studying at the university so much.

"But you have become successful and happy even without higher education," said Jansu.

"Yes, it's so," Defne agreed and sighed. - But the university remained a dream, - she shook her head, driving away from the memories, and asked the guest: - You came to visit us?

"Not really," Jansu took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. - I saw an announcement that Sapphire needs a financier. And I came. Yes, I understand that I have an incomplete education and no experience, but believe me! I am a good financier. I spent my entire adult life in my father's office among figures and reports. I learned how to manage money before I learn to read.

Defne was amazed. Jansu Baisal, Princess of the Kingdom of Jewels, came to work in a small firm for an ordinary position.

- But why don't you want to work for your father's company? She asked. - I'm sure he will be happy to see you among the staff.

Jansu's shoulders dropped and she lowered her eyes.

"I can't," she whispered. - Everything there reminds of ... him.

Defne didn't need to ask who. She knew. And she asked with compassion in her voice:

- He left? - Jansu nodded in the affirmative. - But before ... did you talk?

The girl shook her head and answered bitterly:

- What for? All words were spoken and heard. All promises have been fulfilled. He married an obstinate girl, and her father paid off his family's debts and helped to avoid bankruptcy. And now Niko has gone to where he belongs and his homeland. To Italy. Soon we will get a divorce and become just a memory for each other. Although, - Jansu smiled slightly mockingly, but there was so much pain in this mockery that Defne's heart sank. She saw herself in her from the past and perfectly understood what the girl was feeling now. And Jansu continued to say: - These are my naive hopes, probably. He will never remember me.

"I think you're wrong," Defne objected.

- It doesn't matter anymore, - said the girl and asked: - So you will take me as a financier?

- Can you combine study and work?

"I can," she answered confidently and firmly.

- Then the position is yours!

The girl smiled, and the impudent sparks of the former Jansu Baisal flashed in her eyes.


On Saturday morning, the Iplikci family went for a walk along the waterfront. Emine was dressed in a striped marine suit, Defne wore a blue, flowing dress, Omer - white trousers, and a blue T-shirt. The puppy was wearing a collar and a leash. The mood was great. The adults were looking forward to the sun, breeze, and stunning scenery of the Golden Horn Bay. And yet the plans fell through. At the last minute, Sinan called and insisted on an urgent meeting.

- Half an hour! Only half an hour, - he begged and Omer agreed.

- Darling, - he turned to Defne with a guilty smile. - You go, and Kid and I will join you a little later. I promise I will make up for every minute of my absence.

Defne shook her head reproachfully and pushed him towards the car.

- Don't waste your time. Drive. And come back quickly. We miss you.

She walked along the embankment, pushing in front of her a "French rose" colored stroller, and smiled at her daughter, at the sun, sky, and sea. Her heart was light and joyful. Omer and the puppy will be joining them soon, with a carefree weekend ahead.

Defne did not know that a man was following her at a decent distance from the house itself. He made sure that the girl and the child were walking alone, added a step, and called her:

- Defne!

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