The Siren's Voice Calls

By Rapunzelkh

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Book 1 of an Is It Love? story of a young woman with a dark secret. When that tragic incident occurred she ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 23

110 6 16
By Rapunzelkh

The next day, we were scheduled to visit a few shrines where people used to pray to the gods. Sitting in the van before taking off, the professor attempted to do a quick roll call. 'Attempted' being the key word because of the little verbal prank that was played on him by all of the guys; Peter being the exception. "Matthew here?" Professor Jones asked. Matthew answered, "My name is Spartacus!" "NO, I am Spartacus!" yelled James. "No way! I am Spartacus!" replied Cody. The girls, Peter, and I each rolled our eyes. "O.M.G. Really, guys!?" Jessie spoke out. They shrugged and laughed at their own joke. Professor Jones shook his head, snickered, and moved on. (I guess it was kind of funny after all.) After determining everyone was in the van, he stepped on the gas pedal to drive off to our first destination.

We visited the Temples of Jupiter, Saturn, and a few others just outside of Rome. We even got to see the ruined temple of the Emperors Vespian and Titus. Each location was an incredible historical sight. I was amazed by how much of the ruins were still standing after centuries had passed. I imagined what the structures may have looked like in their prime. While I was at it, I took pictures to remember our time there and was about to ask Peter if he wanted to take a selfie with me, but then remembered that a photo might be similar to a mirror, so I decided otherwise to remain silent. For a split second, a feeling of sorrow of not ever being able to share moments like that with Peter came over me. "Lydia, you're frowning. What's on your mind?" I heard him ask me. I shook the thought out of my mind, looked up to smile at him, and answered, "It's nothing important. I'm fine."

The rest of the day went on without a hitch as well as the next. It was soon Saturday, and we all stayed at the hotel for a day of relaxation. The girls and I went to the hotel's spa and enjoyed a little pampering with a full body massage and facial. We then visited the nail salon and got ourselves a mani/pedi. Later, everyone went to the pool and hottub area on the main floor of the hotel, though Peter and I only sat together on the edge, dangling our legs in the water. It always calmed me, even made me happy when the two of us could just sit and talk. Those moments were very precious to me. It didn't matter what we talked about, just spending time with him is all that mattered to me. My feelings for him grew more and more each day.

Sunday morning came, and some of us were on our way to a local church cathedral. The professor had given us the option the night before if we wanted to attend church services or not. As we stepped out of the van, I whispered, so only Peter could hear, "You're not going to burn to a pile of ash once you step inside, are you?" He smirked and shook his head. "What was that newer TV show you like? A Discovery of Witches I think it was called." "Yeah, and what does that have anything to do with it?" "Wasn't the first scene of Matthew De Clairmonte where he is standing alone in a small church building in front of the altar, holding prayer beads?" "Yes." "Well, the author at least got that part right," he finished and winked at me. We exchanged grins and continued on in and found an empty spot to sit in the back with a couple of our friends. It was a good thing only the choir sang there, for I didn't want to create a scene unnecessarily.

After arriving back at the hotel, I put my purse in the room and went to enter the hallway to join Peter on the balcony of the guys' suite when I found Sebastian and Peter talking to each other in hush tones. They stopped speaking, however, as soon as I came into view. The look on their faces had me wondering what could possibly be worrisome. Sebastian turned around and went back inside without another word. "What was it he told you for you to be thankful for?" I asked Peter, having heard him say thanks. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with at this time." "The look on both your faces would suggest otherwise. Did something happen?" "No, all is well," he replied, taking my hand to lead me inside and out to the balcony. We sat together while he read out loud a couple chapters of the book he brought with him. Before beginning to read, he gave me a recap of the story, so that I wouldn't be confused.

After a while, having not forgotten what happened in the hallway, I asked Peter, "Please tell me what's really going on? Both you and Sebastian looked a bit upset and worried about something." He turned to look inside through the glass door and sighed before answering my question. "He told me we are going to have to leave for Venice early, tomorrow morning in fact." "Oh, really? I wonder why," I said, surprised by the sudden change. "Sebastian is planning to let everyone know at dinner this evening, so that we can all be prepared by morning," Peter continued. "Okay, thanks for letting me know. Sarah will be delighted since we won't be shopping for dresses last minute." Peter nodded in agreement and continued reading as I ate my sandwiches for lunch.

Everyone was packed and ready to go Monday morning. With everything loaded in the van, we all climbed in and buckled up for the long drive to Venice. We found another cozy hotel to stay at and settled in our suites. Putting up our luggage, we chose to stay in our designated rooms for the remainder of the afternoon. We met up for dinner in our new establishment that evening, which was lovely. Venice was just as gorgeous and amazing as Rome, yet it had more wide rivers running through it. It was known for being a city you mostly navigate through by boat. I couldn't wait to go shopping for a dress with the girls. It would be just as exciting as the Ball itself I thought.

The next day, us girls went out to go shopping. There were so many beautiful dresses and skirts with matching corsets. I found a corset dress of black and dark aqua colors. It had off the shoulder black short sleeves with dangling brass chains. The bodice also had chains hanging from brass buttons along both sides. The corset was made of leather trimming with black paisley design embroidery woven into the velvet fabric, and four brass hooks in the front. The skirt of the dress had double layers of silk fabric at the waist in black and dark turquoise. The main body of the skirt was dark turquoise with black lace. With the dress came lace gloves in matching colors. I chose matching Victorian black bead earrings and a choker necklace of black lace, beads, and layers of tiny chains. The mask I chose to wear to the masquerade ball was made of black metal wiring with lace patterns and blue and turquoise gems embedded in it.

The night of the Masquerade, all of us were dressed for the occasion in beautiful dresses and tuxedos. I, especially, enjoyed Peter's and Sebastian's looks in their vintage-like black suits and masks. I smiled when Peter offered me his arm to walk me out of the hotel hallway and into the elevator, heading downstairs. The hotel in Venice also offered valet services like the one in Rome. We all climbed in the van; us ladies being careful of our cumbersome gowns taking up more room than usual. On the way, Peter leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "You look exquisite this evening, my sweetness." The touch of his breath upon my right ear, along with the words he spoke, gave me goosebumps and made me blush. I smiled and responded in kind as I turned my head to look into his eyes. "You look very handsome indeed yourself, Peter." It warmed my heart, as it always did, when he smiled at me in response the way he did.

When we arrived we saw the crowds of people, all dressed up and in line waiting to enter the grand hall. The valet there greeted us and took over driving the van to go park it alongside other vehicles. The doorman accepted each of our invitations and allowed us to enter the building. The place was magnificent with the lighting, venue, decorations, and music. Many of those who attended the ball were sitting at tables off to the sides, eating food that looked delicious. In the center, couples were waltzing to the masquerade themed music the live musicians were playing. Everything and everyone were decorated and dressed in colors of white, black, and different shades of blue. It took my breath away to witness such a beautiful scene. Peter smiled as he noticed the look on my face under the mask I wore. Taking my arm upon his, he guided me in after the others of our party. We found a vacant table large enough for the nine of us. Some chose to go directly to the buffet line while the rest of us joined others on the dance floor.

A new song began to play as the preferred waltz was to be with two gentlemen and one lady. Sebastian, Peter, and I joined in on the dance, falling gracefully in line with the other dancers. Both Peter and Sebastian guided me with ease, knowing I was clueless of the steps. I followed their lead, keeping my eyes on each of them in turn. The dance steps were of us women waltzing with one man at a time and being handed off to the other after twirling twice around. Then in line with both men on either side, we all stepped in forward motion in the great hall. We women held our arms out to both men and tilted our heads towards both, side to side as we moved in rhythm. After a few steps, we women would take the hand of one of the men, every other side left or right, and they guided us to twirl around them. The men would then hand us off to the other to repeat the same steps. The final steps were the two men bowing to their woman and she curtsey in between them on either side of her. The hall erupted in applause when the song ended.

The three of us left the dance floor to get ourselves some food and drink. My first waltz was so amazing and enjoyable, I couldn't wait to do it again. I thanked them both since they helped me to not look like a fool in front of everyone. After a while of conversing and partaking of the refreshments, Peter asked me if I would like to dance with him again, which of course I said yes. We joined together on the dance floor, and taking my waist with one hand, and holding my hand with the other, he led me in formation along with everyone else around us. His eyes sparkled as he looked at me, holding such passion and elegance in his movements. I was under his spell, captured in his emerald gaze. My emotions and adrenaline went skyrocket in that moment.

Suddenly, Peter slowed to a stop at the edge of the dance floor before the song had ended. He inhaled and sighed deeply, looking over my shoulder at something or someone behind me. "Peter, what is it? Is something wrong?" I asked him after noticing the change in his mood and demeanor. He then led me off to the side slowly, holding both my hands in his, and spoke, so only I could hear, "Do not panic, but he is here. I can sense him near." "He... Him? Him who? You're scaring me, Peter," I responded, seeing the worried look on his face. Then I heard a man and woman greet him from behind me. "Peter, it has been a long time," the man spoke first. "How have you been doing these days, Peter?" the woman asked.

Peter nodded his head and greeted them in return by name. "Conrad... Mia." I turned around to behold a tall handsome man with brown hair dressed in navy blue and a beautiful blonde woman in white. "Peter, you know these two?" I asked in confusion. "And who might you be?" the gentleman asked me as he took my hand and kissed it while never drifting his eyes from mine. His demeanor sent up red flags in my mind, with my consciousness both being allured and alarmed at the same time. Immediately, I knew he was a vampire, for the touch of the coldness of his fingers upon my warmblooded skin sent a shiver down my spine at the moment of contact. I instinctively turned my head towards Peter to see frustration in his eyes.

Looking back toward Conrad, I noticed his lips lingered too long to my liking, and I could tell Peter felt the same since he pulled me away and held me in place behind him in order to shield me from the newcomers. In doing so, he attracted attention from those in close proximity, including Sebastian, who stood up from the table a few feet away to come stand beside me. "Is everything all right here?" "Of course it is," Mia answered as she walked up close and continued speaking, saying to Peter," You don't want to cause a scene now, do you?" Her hand on his arm started to anger me. "Come now, Mia, you are continuing the spectacle by behaving that way with him. You know Father would not like you touching another man anyway." She turned her head towards Conrad, shrugged, and stepped back away from Peter, suggesting he introduce them to Sebastian and me.

When he didn't respond right away, Conrad proceeded to speak instead. "I am Conrad Bartholy, and this here is Mia Cooper." "Bartholy?" I asked, surprised to hear he shared the same surname. "Yes, he is my 'brother' for all intents and purposes. Mia is.... Well, it's a long story," Peter finished. Mia smirked at his vague description. "Brother? Wait... you mean−," I asked him without finishing my sentence. "Not sired, though, like I was," he interjected. My eyes wide in shock, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Conrad grinned at me, and with a seemingly polite tone, he asked Peter, "Why don't you introduce this lovely creature to us?" My heart began to race, a cold creepy feeling overwhelmed me as Conrad eyed me from head to toe and licked his lips. "You will not lay a hand on Lydia!" Peter retaliated.

"Awww.... so this is the caretaker of Father's precious little one. I can see why Father was concerned about the temptation. Yet, he had it all wrong. It is not Drogo he should be concerned about, is it?" Conrad replied, smirking at Peter. He turned his gaze back to me, and continued, "By her reactions, it seems she knows what we are." He smiled, and asked me, "You know what he does to humans who learn of us?" "Yes, I do know, but I haven't, nor will I ever reveal such secrets to anyone, so there is no need for concern," I said in reply as I came to stand beside Peter and take hold of his hand. "I like this one, she has spirit! Too bad the others didn't," Mia spoke openly. I suddenly remembered who Mia was, having had Drogo tell me a few months prior about her being a girl from the university he previously dated, who found out about them and asked to be turned. It had gone awry, but Viktor showed up and completed the transition, taking her with him to be his pet.

"Why are you here?" Sebastian asked them. "I do not have to answer mutts like yourself!" Conrad said in a mocking reply. It was clear to me that he knew Sebastian was a wolf. With an exasperated sigh, Mia spoke up, saying, "Conrad, enough with the chit chat." "Yes, of course, you are right." Turning toward Peter, he continued, "He wants to speak with you outside, away from prying eyes." I squeezed Peter's hand, but he assured me all would be okay. "And while you talk with Father, I shall take advantage of the festivities." Bowing and extending his hand out to me, Conrad asked, "Will you give me the pleasure of having this dance?" Sebastian laid his hand on my shoulder and let me know I could decline if I should choose to do so. I assured him it was fine, and placed my hand in Conrad's, accepting his offer of invitation to dance.

With a smile, he led me onto the floor to do a slow waltz. As I looked him in the eye, I remained cautious, but was curious to learn more about him. He smiled, and spoke gently, saying, "I can see in your eyes you are dying to find out, so ask away." "So... you were born a vampire?" I asked quietly. "That is correct, a descendant of the Original's bloodline, the son of Viktor." He smirked, and continued speaking, "As an Original, I have certain... Let's say gifts." He moved his head closer to mine, breathing my scent in, and then whispered in my ear, "If you were attempting to hide 'your' gifts, you have failed, milady." "I...I have no idea what you are talking about," I stuttered, which amused him. "I can sense your power, you know, and it is a strength I have not smelled in a very long time. In fact, this song is quite fitting," he claimed. "What do you mean?" "The title of this song the musicians are playing is called 'The Last of Her Kind' and it describes what you may well be."

Though I continued dancing with him, I began to worry for the safety of my friends and myself. Conrad sensed my tension and racing heartbeat, whispering once more, "Do not be troubled, milady. I have no intention of relaying what I have discovered this evening to my father." "Not that I am sorry to hear you say that, but why not, if I may ask?" After a moment of silence, he answered, "Let's just say I would rather not give Viktor the opportunity of gaining more power by sapping it from you." "You mean he would kill me to gain my abilities," I said, more as an acknowledgment than a question. Conrad took my left hand and spun me around him before answering me once more. As we joined together again, he nodded, confirming my statement. "I would hate for such exquisite beauty to go to waste. If I could help prevent such a thing, I am willing to keep quiet for the benefit of many." "Are you not concerned he will see right through you and consider it as a betrayal?" He only shrugged, brushing it off like it was nothing. Soon the song came to an end. He bowed before me in respect, so I in turn curtseyed. We were about to join together again for the next song, but were interrupted by Sebastian asking to cut in. Coming up close to me, Conrad breathed in the scent upon my neck, and whispered, "I would have enjoyed monopolizing your company, but alas, it seems you are claimed by more than just my sired brother."

He lifted my hand to his lips one last time and bid me farewell in quite an old fashioned way. "Fare thee well, good lady." "I thank you for the dance," I responded in kind. "The pleasure was indeed all mine." The kiss on my hand, let alone his breath on my neck, had given me shivers. Sebastian walked up to me without me noticing and placed his hand on my shoulder, which snapped me out of my stance by the warmth of his touch. "What?" I asked in bewilderment, blinking repeatedly as I shook my head. "I said are you all right?" "Yes, of course. I'm sorry." "Nothing to apologize for," he said as he put his hand on my waist and held his other hand out for me to take. I placed my left hand upon his shoulder and held his hand with my other, positioning myself properly for him to lead me in a waltz. While we danced, he asked me what Conrad and I spoke of, so I told him everything. "Hmm... I am not too sure if he should be trusted, given his origins," Sebastian confessed after hearing all I had to say. "I don't know. I mean, I'm sure he has his own agenda, whatever it may be, but he did seem genuine about not saying anything to Viktor about me. I feel like I saw the truth in his eyes. Although, being a vampire, he probably has the ability to make me feel that way. I just hope I am right about him."

By the time the song ended, Peter had returned and asked Sebastian to let me join Peter in the next dance. When he took me in his arms, I asked him if all was well, and if Viktor was still around or not. "He is gone for now. Everything is fine!" he snapped. Suddenly, I felt him tense up as he continued to speak, "You know what? It's not fine. You want everyone to think there is something going on between you two?" "Wait... What? With who?... The professor, you mean? What are you talking about? We were just dancing, which I'll have you know he had done so with Sarah as well not long ago." Peter stopped dancing and grabbed my hand to lead me out into the hallway. "Peter! Ow... You're hurting me!" I cried out. He let go of my wrist when we were alone, and started pacing back and forth in the hallway, obviously troubled by something on his mind.

"Peter?" I spoke softly, trying to remain calm despite the circumstances. He looked at me and then backed me up against the wall. He gently held my face in his hands and leaned his forehead against mine. Before I could wrap my arms around his waist, he abruptly pulled away and started to pace again. "Peter, please.... What is it? What's going on?" He turned towards me and pointed his finger in my face. "You think I am a fool, don't you?" "What? Of course not! I−" Pointing towards the ballroom, he raised his voice, interrupting me by saying, "You don't think I see how you two look at each other?.... Huh?.... Well, I do!" He moved up against me so hard and fast, it caught me off guard, his lips on mine in a flash, kissing me with brutal passion. It pained my heart to experience his harsh behavior and words. "Mmmn...," I moaned while trying to push him off of me. "Ow, Peter! What has gotten into you?" I asked while I tried to regain some composure. He let go and glared at me with disdain in his eyes.

My breath caught in my throat as I gazed into those eyes as they gradually changed into crimson red. Bearing his extended fangs, he revealed his vampiric wrath, yelling, "You are MINE! DAMMIT!!" I flinched when he slammed his fist on the wall next to my head. With my head down in shock and turned away from him, my eyes closed in fear and I quietly asked him, "Who.... are you?" With heavy breathing, Peter backed away from me. I opened my eyes and looked up to see his eyes fading back to his normal emerald color. He started to panic, knowing his actions frightened me. "Lydia, I..." "Peter?... Did Viktor say something to provoke you?" "I... I don't know... I hate him, I have always hated him! Please know... h-how difficult it is for me to control my emotions... when he is around. You can then guess his presence... extremely frustrates me." "That's understandable, but please, Peter... Do not ever scare me like that again. It−," I pleaded, my words trailing off. "It reminded you of Jacob. Oh, dear God, please forgive me!" he begged, coming to fully realize what he had done. He started to raise one hand to my face, but stopped midway, hesitating to touch me for fear I would reject him. I moved slowly towards him and leaned my head against his chest while wrapping my arms around his waist. Feeling his arms embrace me, I relaxed. Peter laid his head on my shoulder, and spoke softly, "Lydia, that wasn't me. I would never hurt you. You know that, right?" I sighed in response, saying, " I know." With a sigh of relief, he said, "Let's find the professor and ask if we can leave." "I agree, it's getting late."

Peter lifted my chin up gently with one hand. With his fingers, he lifted my mask off and wiped the tears I was unaware were present from my face. He leaned towards me and left brief soft kisses upon my eyes and then kissed my lips gently before slipping a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Replacing the mask back on my face, he re-tied the silk strands behind my head. Taking my hand, he led me to meet up with the others at our table. We walked up to the professor, hand in hand. By the look on his face, it was clear he was ready to leave as well. "I have already let the others know it's time to head back to the hotel to get some much needed sleep. We are all in agreement, so everyone is waiting for us outside." "Good, the two of us are ready to go as well," Peter announced.

When we arrived at the hotel, Peter was somewhat trembling, which he tried to hide. His eyes darkened to almost black, and I knew then what he was struggling with. I paused him by taking hold of his arm when we got out of the van, and whispered to him, "Peter, you need to feed." With a faint smile and husky voice, he replied, "You're not wrong." We began to walk slowly inside as I asked, "What are you going to do? There is no wildlife in the area for you to hunt." "Don't worry. I will bargain with the kitchen staff for a bloody steak uncooked," he said in jest with a hint of truth. I grinned, and said in reply, "Well, if it will help. Though, little comfort it may bring I should think." "I assure you, it will be enough to last until we get home where I can hunt our normal game." "Alright then, if you say so. I know our flight is in two days, but if you are certain you will be fine, I will rest at ease then." "I will, and please rest well tonight, Lydia. I will be fine." I bid him good night and headed upstairs to bed. Before I walked away, he gently grabbed my hand to stop me, and said once again that he was truly sorry for what happened that night.

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