By Currentlydecaying

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Y/N is a young woman who spends her days reading up on various myths and legends. The supernatural has always... More

❤️Special chapter❤️
✖️Death Ending✖️
Hoodie Ending
Jack Ending
Masky Ending
Jeff Ending


2.6K 79 105
By Currentlydecaying

     "I want the one with short hair." Jeff declared with a grin. The three other men looked at him with annoyance until Masky spoke,


"Y/N." Hoodie stated soon after.

Jeff raised a brow and chuckled, "What, did you all memorize the file or something?" Everyone stared at him in disbelief before Jack sighed,


"Alright then." Jeff began as he stood up, "How long until the first fight? I only need a couple da-"

Masky cut him off, "Two weeks." He then headed up the stairs and to the room where Y/N and Sadie were being kept. The floorboards creaked as he neared, making them very aware of his presence. Jeff huffed and did the same, but instead went to the other room a few doors down. As Jack and Hoodie followed, the sound of cursing and crying could be heard from where Jeff was as he dragged Jade out by her legs. Hoodie pushed open the door and stood in the entrance just in time to see Masky glaring down at Sadie,

"Get up."

Sadie shook her head as she squeezed your hand in fear. The group was being separated again, and it seemed like the four of you had been split up between four of the men. Masky stood in front of Sadie with frustration, and beside him, a few inches taller stood Hoodie. They looked the same as they did in Marble Hornets, though they did seem to have quite a bit more muscle than before. Masky wore his signature black and white mask along with his tan jacket, while Hoodie had on his black ski mask and yellow-tan hoodie. This was terrifying in more ways than one. First off, the Creepypastas existed. Secondly, you had been kidnapped due to researching them. This proved so many theories, yet you'd never be able to tell the rest of the world about this and how careful they needed to be. You doubted that your group was the first of this murder cycle, and you were sure you wouldn't be the last.

You stared up at the men with defiance. Neither you nor Sadie were going to make this easy for them, and neither would the rest of your group, especially Jade. Hoodie sighed before stepping forward and attempting to pull you up to your feet. You kicked him away as your grip on Sadie's hand only tightened. Your kicking didn't seem to do much as he barely budged though.

Masky growled, "I hope you know this won't last long. The more difficult you make this, the worse your treatment will be." Hoodie nodded in agreement. "So get up."

"Fuck you." Sadie spat with hatred. Her eyes burning a figurative hole through his head.

He chuckled darkly, "Why you little fucking bitch..." He quickly crouched down and grabbed her legs, pulling her towards him forcefully. She screamed as she held onto your hand for dear life. You held her arm with both hands as you did your best to retrieve her from the man. Whilst somewhat distracted, Hoodie moved forward once again and dragged you away from Sadie.

"No!" You shouted angrily and tried to kick him away, but he wasn't letting you go this time. Sadie's arm slipped out of your grip and she was ripped away from you by the masked man. He huffed in victory and dragged her out of the room by her arms, Sadie screaming all the way.

Tears rimmed your eyes as Hoodie effortlessly pulled you up and threw you over his shoulder. Your fists balled as you yelled and slammed them against his back. He said nothing and made no move to stop you though his grip tightened. Nothing you did was working. He was stronger than you, and though this was clear it seemed like he wasn't letting his guard down one bit.

Hoodie carried you down the hall and through another hallway with doors lining the walls. The wallpaper was a deep red and dark wood accented its edges. Well-made yet unsettling paintings hung from the walls, some looking like demented family portraits, some looking like pained thoughts turned into abstract art. Tears escaped from your wide eyes as you choked back fear-filled sobs. You were so confused and so afraid, no solid thoughts could even form in your mind.

He eventually stopped in front of a door and pushed it open. In a swift movement, he flung you off of his shoulder and onto the ground. You let out a shriek as pain spread through your body and you gasped for air. You pushed yourself back and sat against the wall, staring up at Hoodie with distrust and anger. He shut the door, locked it, and switched on the light before turning around and crossing his arms. He sighed as he stared down at you through his black and red ski mask.

"You're going to be staying with me while you're here. You will only get what you earn. If you do what I ask, you'll be fed and allowed the few luxuries I can give you. If you don't, you will be given the absolute bare minimum. If you try to run, I will not hesitate to hurt you. Keep this in mind." He began, his voice as monotone as it was in the forest. "It's been decided that you and your group are going to participate in a game. Basically, you're going to fight your friends. No, this is not a wrestling match. You will either kill them, or they will kill you."

Your mouth fell open in pure shock, "No! I'm not doing shit, and neither will they!" You yelled furiously. That wasn't going to happen. You knew yourself, you knew your group. None of you would ever hurt each other.

He shook his head, a slight hidden smirk on his face, "You don't know what you'll do after weeks of torture. You won't be the same, your friends won't be the same. After going through hell, you'll do a lot of things you never thought you would."

"You don't know anything about us!" Your mind filled with rage and clouded your logic. They weren't going to get away with this. They couldn't make any of you do anything. Their mind games weren't going to fucking work. Your group was going to get through this as everyone had always done. Loyalty, honesty, and the strength you all found together wouldn't be broken so easily.

"I'd say it's the other way around. You think you know who we are with all of your misguided theories, but you don't know anything, and you never will. You're here now, and you'll do as I say or I'll kill you before your friends can." He hissed, taking a step forward and looking down at you with judgment and superiority.

Your gaze drifted down and to the wooden floor. "No..." You mumbled. No, no, no, no, no, no! More tears slipped from your eyes as everything set in. They were real, they all were real. A new headache pounded against your skull as you began to question everything. This couldn't be happening. This wasn't possible, none of this was. None of this made sense.

Hoodie grabbed something out of a drawer and crouched down in front of you calmly. You paid him no mind until you felt his gloved hands grabbing yours and dragging you towards him. You tried to pull away with a grunt of resistance but to no avail. He grabbed you and turned you around before harshly pulling your wrists together and tying a rope around them. You tugged your hands in every direction you could as you tried to escape his hold, but it simply wasn't possible.

Once he was satisfied with the knot fastening your wrists together, he pushed you forward onto your stomach and began working on binding your ankles. Nothing you did was working, and after putting up a low effort fight, you gave up due to exhaustion and went limp. He flipped you onto your back and stood up,

"I suggest getting some sleep. You'll need it for tomorrow."

You glared at him with a frown as you tried to loosen the ropes, but like everything else, there was nothing you could do. The ropes were strong and they were tied well. Hoodie huffed and shut off the light, letting pitch-black darkness fill the room.

You looked up out the window to see the moon shining in a small amount of light. You sighed as the trees blew in the wind. You had messed up. You had messed up so bad. And now you needed to figure out how to escape.

Here's some extra information about the story if you're interested

Also here's a quiz based on the story if you didn't see the original update

Happy 100 hearts! :D

4.1 pages, 1,423 words

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