screw you - fred weasley

By stories000007

63.1K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... More

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
β€’Part vi.β€’

(thirty seven.)

470 16 0
By stories000007

"I just can't believe we aren't going to have Professor Lupin." said Ellie, as she handed Chase his bag.
"Yeah, but he is a werewolf." Chase spoke. Then he looked over at Jane. "I can't believe we're ending third year without Jane." Chase confessed.
Ellie just looked at Chase and smiled.
"Well I do know one thing for sure." Ellie said.
"What?" Chase queried.
"We're always going to be friends." Ellie exclaimed and Chase smiled.
"We should get going. Dinner is starting soon and then we leave tomorrow." Chase told her.
Ellie nodded and they both headed to the great hall. The two parted ways and Chase sat next to Cedric at Hufflepuff table and Ellie walked over to sit next to Luna.
Gryffindor had won the house cup. Again. Ellie didn't really mind. She looked over at Fred and smiled at how happy he looked. Then Luna looked at her.
"Pudding?" Luna queried. Ellie smiled at her.
"Sure." She replied, then ate the pudding.
Brandon stared at Ellie.
"So, you passed your exams." Brandon spoke.
"I did." Ellie replied, then looked at him. "You passed your O.W.L.s." Ellie added.
"I did, shockingly. However if you want mum and dad said they could get you a pet. Rosie didn't want one last year but she may get an owl. She says Clara can be a pain." Brandon explained.
Ellie just shrugged even though she had an idea of what she wanted. Only if her parents were okay with it. She wanted a siamese cat. She didn't know why she just did.
Ellie looked at Luna.
"Are you excited for holidays Luna?" Ellie asked.
"A bit. Are you going to go to the quidditch world cup?" Luna queried.
"Maybe I'm not really sure." Ellie advised.
"Well if you do go send me an owl!" Luna exclaimed.
"I will Luna." Ellie replied.
Then she looked over and saw a few second year Ravenclaw girls laughing.
"Hey Loony!" A girl shot.
Luna looked over and Ellie stared at them.
"Yes." Luna replied to the girl.
"You're a freak!" Another girl shot, then Ellie looked at Luna.
"Are you okay?" Ellie asked. Luna gave her a small nod.
Ellie just looked at the other second years.
"Hey." Ellie spoke to the girls. The second year Ravenclaws stared at her with a shock expression.
"Yes." The one girl spoke softly.
"Never call her that again." She shot. The second year girls stared at her shocking and Ellie went back to face Luna.
"You didn't have to do that." Luna exclaimed.
"I had too Luna. You're my friend." She exclaimed.
Luna smiled at her and looked at the necklace on her neck.
"You turned it into a necklace." Luna exclaimed.
"Oh yeah we'll sort of Fred found it without the pin and put it on a chain." Ellie informed Luna. Luna smiled for a moment.
"Well I think it's lovely." Luna spoke.
() () ()
"THIS is awful." Fred shot, and shoved his quidditch uniform in his trunk.
"I know, mum is going to kill us when she sees our O.W.L.s." George exclaimed.
"You know we really should stop packing the hour before we go on the train." Fred spoke.
"Yeah that would be ideal. Yet we both know that's never going to happen." George said with a smirk.
Fred smiled and then shoved his last item in his trunk.
"Ready?" Fred queried.
George nodded and grabbed his trunk.
They both started to head down to the common. Then they saw Oliver.
Oliver walked up to the twins.
"Boys." Oliver said.
"Oliver." Fred said.
Oliver quickly grabbed a handkerchief and blew his nose.
"Oliver are you crying?" George queried.
Oliver just looked at the two.
"I'm going to miss you two annoying gits so much!" Oliver exclaimed, and he hugged the twins in a squeeze.
"Ugh! Stop it you're squeezing my insides." Fred complained.
"Yeah this isn't very comfortable." George muttered.
Then the two sighed and hugged him back.
The three pulled away and Oliver smiled.
"Even though I hate to admit it, you two have great things ahead of for you." Oliver told the twins.
The twins smiled at him and then Fred looked around.
"So, what are you going to do after Hogwarts?" Fred asked.
"Can't say yet it'll be a surprise." Oliver exclaimed then left.
The twins were the last ones in the common room.
Fred looked around one last time and they started to head towards the carriages.
() () ()
"CEDRIC please sit with us for crying out loud!" Chase begged.
Cedric thought for a moment.
"Fine. However if Daphne Greengrass sits with us and insults me I'm out!" Cedric exclaimed.
"No! Then you're going to leave in the first five minutes!" Chase complained.
Cedric smirked for a second.
"Fine, I'll sit with you guys." Cedric replied.
Chase smiled and Ellie rolled her eyes.
She turned around and saw Daphne and Blaise. Then she walked towards them.
"Hey." Daphne grunted, as she tried to shove her trunk but Hagrid grabbed it for her.
"I'll take care o'that." Hagrid muttered.
Daphne gave him a smile.
Ellie looked at Blaise and saw that he was carrying his cat. Noir.
"So Ellie you're going to sit with pretty boy?" Blaise queried.
"I have no idea who you're talking about." Ellie admitted.
"Wait, you're sitting with Diggory?" Daphne asked. Ellie nodded and Daphne smiled. "I can't wait to tease him!" She exclaimed.
Ellie rolled her eyes at Daphne.
"Could you hold Noir for me?" Blaise asked her.
"Are you sure your cat isn't going to kill me?" Ellie asked.
Blaise glared at her and she held the cat and gave him a fake smile.
Blaise looked around and then smirked.
"I think we should get going." Blaise exclaimed. Then he tugged on Daphne.
"What!" Daphne saw where he was looking and sighed "You're annoying." Daphne shot. "What's the compartment number?" She asked Ellie.
"Fifteen." Ellie replied. Daphne smiled and then he and Blaise left. Ellie looked down and saw that Noir was still in her arms. "Blaise!" Ellie yelled out.
Then Fred walked over to her.
"It looks like your friends abandoned you." Fred said with a smirk.
"Yep." Ellie replied.
Fred then stared at her for a second.
"You're carrying a cat." He said with another smirk.
"Yeah I am." Ellie replied.
Fred just smiled at her.
"So, are you going to the quidditch world cup this summer?" He asked her.
"Possibly, I'm not sure yet." Ellie told him.
He smiled at her again.
"Well if you do I guess I may see you." Fred exclaimed with a smile.
"Yeah I guess I may see you." Ellie said.
"Well, do you want help?" Fred asked.
"I'm good thanks." She replied.
Just then Colin Creevey walked up to them.
"Hey Fred! Can you place that in there for me? I can't reach it." Colin asked.
Fred sighed for a moment and grabbed Colin's trunk and shoved it in.
He looked at Ellie who was currently smiling.
"Not a word." He muttered.
Ellie shrugged and then walked away.
() () ()
ELLIE could hear about purring while Blaise stroked the black cat.
Cedric looked at Blaise for a moment.
"Yes?" Blaise queried.
"Can I let your cat?" Cedric asked him.
Blaise gave him a look and just nodded.
Cedric smiled and started petting the cat and smiled when it started to purr even louder.
Chase clung on Ellie's arm in fear.
"Let go of my arm." Ellie shot.
"I can't help it! I'm scared of cats!" Chase protested.
"You're scared of cats?" Daphne queried with a smirk.
"Yeah so what! Just don't tease me for it." Chase exclaimed, then crossed his arms and stiffened.
"I'm not that evil I won't mock you for your phobia." Daphne told him. Chase smiled and his arms were less stiff. Then Daphne turned to Ellie. "Besides your phobia isn't as weird as Ellie's." Daphne smirked.
Ellie's boggart had been cake.
It was her fear food while she was recovering.
"What! It freaks me out how spongy it is." Ellie lied.
Daphne, Chase, and Cedric fell for it. However Blaise wasn't convinced.
"What's the cats name?" Cedric asked.
"Noir." Blaise replied coldly.
"That means black in french right?" Cedric queried. Blaise nodded and then put Noir in his cage.
"He needs to sleep." He exclaimed. Cedric nodded.
"I can't believe we're going to be in fourth year." Chase exclaimed.
"Yeah it's shocking how time goes by." Daphne said sarcastically.
"Shut it." Chase muttered.
Cedric stared at the two.
"So, are you guys excited for your fourth year?" Cedric asked.
"No." The four said together and Cedric just raised his eyebrows.
"Why not? I loved my fourth year." Cedric asked.
"You probably love every year you've had pretty boy." Daphne shot.
"That's true." Cedric exclaimed.
Ellie saw the lady from the trolley.
"Anything from the trolley dears?" She asked, and Cedric quickly walked up and got himself two chocolate frogs.
"One is for my dad." Cedric told them with a smile.
Just then a Hufflepuff boy walked in.
"Hey Chase. Cedric." The boy greeted them. Then his eyes widened when he saw Blaise and Daphne. "I came to wish a good holiday." He exclaimed.
Then Ellie recognized him. Ernie Macmillan.
"Have a great holiday Ernie." Cedric spoke.
"You too Ernie!" Chase exclaimed. He smiled and then closed the compartment.
"He's a cute kid." Cedric exclaimed with a smile.
() () ()
"SO just ask him out." Angelina said as Lee had just told her about Brandon.
"For once I agree with you Angelina." Fred spoke.
Angelina glared at him but then looked back at Lee.
"Seriously if you like him just tell him how you feel." Angelina told him.
"Then why didn't you ever tell Fred you liked him?" George asked.
"Fred, stop talking in third person." Angelina shot.
"I'm Fred!" Fred shot.
"I can't believe she can't tell us apart anymore!" George exclaimed.
Angelina rolled her eyes at them.
"So ask him out." Angelina exclaimed.
"I would but I don't even know what compartment he's in." Lee spoke.
"I can find him." Fred said, then started to get up.
"No!" Lee shot quickly. "I mean don't go for any trouble." Lee explained.
"It's fine, I can go ask Elle she's only a few compartments ahead." Fred told him.
Lee groaned while Fred smirked and walked over to Ellie's compartment.
He knocked on the door and Daphne Greengrass opened it.
"Weasley." She shot.
"Blonde girl. Can I talk to Elle?" He asked.
"What for?" Daphne queried.
"You ask so many questions." Fred advised.
Daphne glared at him. Ellie walked next to her and smiled at him.
"Hey." She said.
Fred smiled at her.
"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asked. She nodded and then the two looked at Daphne who was watching them. "Alone." Fred shot.
Daphne rolled her eyes and Ellie walked next to Fred in the hall.
"What's up?" She questioned, and he looked around.
"Do you know where your brother is?" He asked.
"He's in compartment ten. Why? Are you going to brag about winning the quidditch cup?" She teased.
Fred laughed for a moment.
"I wish, but actually Lee wanted to talk to him." Fred informed her.
"Why couldn't Lee come himself?" Ellie asked him.
"Well because he is a chicken." Fred exclaimed.
"Ah okay." She replied. "Well, good luck." She exclaimed.
"Wait, this may be the last time I see you this year and you're going to say good luck! I feel dishonored." He teased.
Ellie rolled her eyes at him.
"I can still always send you a letter Freddie." She explained. Fred felt the feeling again when she said that.
"You're very right. Now if you do send me a letter please give me a way to make Lee less of a chicken." Fred exclaimed.
"I don't think that's possible." Ellie spoke.
"Yeah you're right Lee is an idiot." Fred smirked.
Ellie just gave him a small smile.
"Well I guess I should head back to my compartment." Ellie advised, fidgeting her fingers
"And I guess I should probably find your brother." Fred exclaimed, rubbing his hand at the back of neck.
"Bye Freddie." Ellie spoke.
"Bye Elle." Fred replied.
Then just like that she left, and Fred went to go find Brandon Smith.
He knocked on the door and Roger Davis opened it.
"What can I get for you?" He asked.
"I need Brandon Smith." Fred exclaimed.
Brandon got up and stared at Fred.
"What." Brandon shot.
"Lee wants to talk to you." Fred advised.
Brandon looked at Fred for a moment.
"Why couldn't Lee come himself?" Brandon asked.
"Your sister asked the same thing!" Fred muttered.
"Why were you talking to Rosie?" Brandon queried.
"Your other sister." Fred shot.
"Oh, why were you talking to Ellie?" Brandon repeated, instead of saying Rosie this time he said Ellie.
"To find out where you were! That's besides the point! Just come with me." Fred shot.
() () ()
"SO you talked to Fred." Daphne spoke.
"Yeah." Ellie replied.
"What did he need?" Cedric asked, his mouth full of chocolate.
"He actually wanted to know where Brandon was." Ellie exclaimed.
"Why?" Chase asked.
Ellie shrugged and looked over at Blaise who fell asleep. She smiled for a second then turned around and saw Brandon with his ears covered.
"La la la! I can't hear you!" Brandon yelled, getting stares from people.
Ellie got up and quickly opened the door and looked at Brandon.
"What is your problem?" Ellie shot.
"My problem is Fred it George! Or whichever twin I'm speaking to right now!" Brandon exclaimed, then Ellie saw George walk over.
"No! Your problem is that you're a bloody coward." George shot. Then he looked next to him. "Hi Ellie." He spoke.
Ellie just smiled at him.
"That doesn't answer why you were just yelling." Ellie said.
"Well George is a liar!" Brandon shot.
Ellie looked at George and raised an eyebrow.
"He doesn't believe that Lee likes him." George explained.
"Why don't you believe that Brandon?" Ellie asked.
"I just don't! Now, if you excuse me I need to go to Clara. She gets stressed when she's without me." Brandon exclaimed.
"That is such a lie." Ellie shot.
Then Brandon started to ramble.
George leaned in Ellie's ear.
"Do you know where Jane is?" George asked.
"What, oh um no I haven't talked to her in a while." Ellie advised.
George stared at her in shock for a moment.
"Oh I'm sorry." George said.
Ellie just shrugged and looked over at Brandon who was still rambling.
"And another reason he doesn't like me is because of us! Our hectic family." Brandon rambled.
Ellie groaned and leaned on the door.
Then George stared at him.
"Is he on something?" He asked.
"Nope he's just insane." Ellie exclaimed.
Then Fred quickly walked over to them.
"Hey Lee wants to talk to Brandon." Fred told them.
Ellie pointed at Brandon and Fred's eyes widened.
"Oh and he doesn't like the color blue! And I love blue! It's my favorite color and I'm a Ravenclaw!" Brandon ranted.
Fred sighed and slapped Brandon. Then he grabbed Brandon's shoulders and started shaking him.
"Get yourself together Brandon! Lee wants to talk to you and he likes you. So if you don't go in there now I will push you there." Fred shot.
Brandon stared at Fred in shock.
"Yeah okay." Brandon spoke. Then Fred pushed him and he walked in a compartment door.
"Wow, you managed the impossible." Ellie said.
"When you have George as a brother it sort of helps." Fred exclaimed with a smile.
Ellie returned with a smile.
"Well I guess I better get back to my compartment." Ellie said.
"Yeah um I guess I should too." Fred replied.
George just stared at the two.
"Bye." He said quickly then ran away.
"Bye Freddie." Ellie said.
"Bye Elle." Fred spoke, then he left.
Ellie walked back in her compartment and Cedric smirked.
"You guys are adorable." Cedric said.
"Shut up." Ellie muttered.

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