I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 1)
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122a
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c


13.2K 814 351
By asminc007

5 years later...
California, USA...

*Aayan, writing his thoughts in his Diary*

Dear Diary,
Today is 507th Day of my record keeping exercise, and I must say out of all those stupid therapies I took all my adult life, this one actually worked

Dr. Shankland was right, venting out feelings somewhere does wonders to your mental health.

So In these 5 years I haven't been violently angry, no lashing out or losing control, also no alter ego issues so,
Hey! Finally I am a Sane Man or I will be One Day, Hopefully

I know I must record my daily feelings here, but today I am feeling a bit nostalgic, so I'll go on summarising my last five years here, so brace yourself for a longest entry ever !

Here it goes...

After my parent's separation almost 30 years ago, I lived the most fucked up 25 years of my life where I was impulsive, violent, moody and a brat and anyone who got close to me was hurt, and by Anyone I mean Ananya, the innocent girl, who didn't want anything in return, but my love...

After hurting her in every possible manner, I came here, in this very house in the state of California, I tried to end my life but being a coward, I did not take that drastic step, and decided to change for her.

So I got a hold of myself and got back to India seeking forgiveness from my wife, and to my luck she did forgive me and we decided to live our happily ever after, after going through hell, like literal hell !

Honestly I've been married to this amazing woman for almost 9 years and still wonder everyday how did I get a woman like her ?

After Ananya forgiving me, we had the most amazing 2 years, post separation! Where everything was dreamy, work was great, sex was incredible, dates were amazing, family outings were good etc.

Me, My beautiful wife, Dad, Sameer, his wife Disha, their daughters Pari & Paakhi, and Amayraa, we lived happily, like a normal family, a family which I never had as a child, but now I do...

In this meantime Ved - Deepika had their son Dev, and Vansh - Khushi had another son Krish, Saanjh (Sash's* older daughter) got engaged, and Rudra (Adi's* older son) got married, while Viraj (Sash's son)- Sayesha (Adi's Daughter) completed their education

[A/N - *Sash and Adi are IWAY's characters and Arjun's younger brothers meaning Ananya's uncles]

But as the 'Honeymoon phase' ended real life happened, you see Ananya who just hit her 30s wanted to be a mom now, and after Paakhi's birth she desperately wanted to have a child, who was her own, don't get her wrong, she loves Amayraa more than anyone, even me, but I think every women's emotions at some point in their lives hit a rock bottom, where they have this empty feeling and want to fill that void with motherhood

It's not like I didn't want a kid of my own, but Ananya's medical condition was complicated, it was difficult for her to conceive, and according to doctors it'll be a 'miracle' if she ever gets pregnant, and well that miracle didn't happen anytime soon...

Ananya was in distraught, although I was totally okay with having Amayraa as my only child, but apparently, it wasn't enough for Ananya, and our fights begin thereafter which were serious enough to affect our marriage..

My best friend Ved, came to our rescue and suggested to go for Surrogacy, hence after 2 months of endless discussions, arguments and sometimes fights we finally decided to go for it, but since there are legal technicalities for surrogacy law in our country, we couldn't get any woman to be our surrogate

So Khushi, my Sister in Law happily agreed to be one, although me and Ananya, were totally against the idea of putting her through an emotionally exhausting process for our selfish gain, with nothing for her in return, Vansh, Her and our family members talked us into it.

So a year later, Mine and Ananya's son Armaan was born, and we'll be forever indebted to Khushi and Vansh for doing this for us, Also Me and Ananya have decided to tell Armaan once he's older, that although not genetically, but his Aunt Khushi is his mother.

Naina Mom, Papa, my Dad were really happy that finally Me and Ananya are parents of our own child, Armaan looks like me, but has got Ananya's eyes and thankfully her temperament as well, which is anyday better than mine

Our lives were amazing, I had a good job, with a plan to start a firm of my own, Ananya decided to take a break and continue her studies, Amayraa and other kids had a new baby brother to play with.

Finally Ananya had her own kid and now she felt complete, I on the other hand was elated to have a complete family now...

Armaan is the apple of our eye, he's everyone's favorite, especially Sameer's. I always wanted a sibling for Amayraa who will be her protector, supporter and lifelong best friend like Nitaara is for me, and now she has one...

Everything was perfect until 506 days ago, after which Mine, Ananya's, Ved - Vansh's and Papa's lives changed forever, because 506 days ago, we lost our Naina Mom to a cardiac arrest

It was immediately after Shashank Chachu's son Viraj's wedding, where she suddenly collapsed and the doctor's couldn't save her.

The entire family was devastated, Her loss took a toll on every family member, because she stood rock solid for everyone and with her passing away, it felt like all of us lost our one and only life support

Papa was devasted, he didn't eat for days and didn't speak to anyone for months, my dad too was unconsolable, he lost his best friend afterall, the twins were in wreck, Ananya tried her best to stay strong but eventually gave up...

I on the other hand did lose my only support from childhood, but decided to stay strong for her beloved ones who were lost after her passing, and hence had to take therapy sessions with Dr. Shankland in Ohio, who gave this valueable suggestion to me so that I don't have a breakdown

To say I miss her terribly is an understatement dear diary, Naina mom was like the humane part of my devil heart in my dark days, and now with her going away like this has left a void which can never be filled

So, Ved - Vansh eventually got hold of themselves for the sake of their family, but Ananya and Papa didn't get over it..

Things got worse when our Aunt Radhika, Naina Mom's best friend passed away the very next month, making all of us helpless, Ananya was beyond broken after this news, it was like she was terribly trying to get a hold of herself, but now couldn't...

She lost interest in everything, her studies, her job, household chores, looking after Armaan - Amayraa, everything, so I decided to take matters on my hand

Sameer suggested to shift to a different place with Dad - Ananya and Kids, but since Dad refused to leave Delhi, so I brought Ananya and Kids here in California.

Where after 1 and a half years now, I am working with a reputed firm and also on my PhD, Ananya has decided to complete her masters, Amayraa is in Grade 8 and my son is 2

Admist these dark clouds of darkness in our lives, we saw one ray of silver lining a year ago, when Ananya discovered that she was pregnant, we don't know how this happened, because we've been trying to conceive since forever and then lost hope after Naina mom's death

But after the news, Ananya found a new reason to live, when we were about to have our third child and it was this time when she tried to live her life normally for the sake of her children

Although the pregnancy wasn't exactly a cakewalk for us, but 3 months back, when Ananya gave birth to our beautiful princess, our grief pacified a little, and everyone in the family was elated to hear about this.

As per Vansh's words both our Dads smiled for the first time in months after hearing the news, So we decided to name our daughter Naina, to honour her grandmother, whom she never got to know.

And tomorrow we are taking Naina back to India to meet her Grandpa's, Uncles and Aunts and her entire family, the place where she truly belongs.

So that's me signing off for today, I may not find much time to see you for some weeks, but worry not, i'll be back and this time with Happy memories, Trust me because I am going to my happy place tomorrow.
Till then, Bye !

Love, Aayan...

*Narrator's POV*

As Aayan keeps the diary inside the drawer and takes off his specs, a pair of hand slide along his shoulders embracing him and someone kisses him on his cheek, He smiles and kisses the arms, who belonged to his wife and got up, turning around and took Ananya in his embrace

'Why aren't you sleeping?' he asks caressing her face

'I was, but then your daughter woke up, so I had to wake up too...' Ananya replies, resting her head on his shoulders

'Oh, now she becomes my daughter...' he chuckles, rubbing her shoulders

'Yes, when good she's mine, when bad she's yours...' Ananya grins

'How convenient...' Aayan rolls his eyes then kisses her on the lips, and she kisses him back

'Go back to sleep love, we have to catch a flight tomorrow...' He says, while she rests her head in his shoulders

'You think we are ready to see everyone again...?' Ananya asks after a while

'We are more than ready sweetheart, besides Naina deserves a family...' Aayan says and Ananya flinches over the name, but then relaxes

'Do we really have to call her with my mother's name?' She says tears filling her eyes

'Do you want to change it?'

'No! Ofcourse not, that's the best name she can get, but it's difficult you know to call her 'Naina' without getting overwhelmed with emotions, *sniffs* so...' Ananya starts crying

'Hey! I understand, let's come up with a nickname shall we? So it won't be difficult for us to call her name...' Aayan suggests

'Yes please, let's do that...' Ananya sniffs and wipes her tears

'I can't believe she's gone Aayan, she was supposed to live... And...' Ananya chokes back her tears

'Who says she's gone? She's right here with us sleeping soundly upstairs, just a bit younger and crankier...' Aayan says to lighten her mood and Ananya chuckles

'Yeah, but It'll be difficult not seeing her there, waiting for us...' Ananya says in a low voice

'There is someone else there who needs you more than ever Ananya, so for him, let's go there and bring him here...' Aayan says and Ananya nods

'Yeah, Papa needs the change... Thankfully we have rooms for both our dads...' Ananya looks upstairs and Aayan nods

'Now stop with all these tears, and please forward the flight details to Sameer, he's eating my head since morning...' he whines and Ananya chuckles

'Okay I'll do that and also go check on Armaan, hopefully he's sleeping and not wrecking Amy's things...' Ananya says leaving him

'Yeah, I'll check on Naina...' Aayan says walking upstairs

He enters a room which full of soft toys, baby products, and a crib near the window where his daughter was sleeping, the room had no color because Ananya and Aayan weren't sure whether they'll have a girl or a boy, and after Naina was born, they didn't have time to redecorate it..

Aayan walks towards the crib, where his daughter was wide awake and staring at the toy above her head curiously, she was exact replica of Ananya, but had Aayan's hazel eyes and sharp nose, she was the prettiest child

'Hey Princess, why aren't you sleeping...?' Aayan coos and she smiles looking at him

He picks her up and she looks at him curiously

'Didn't your mom put you to sleep...?' he asks and she grins at him, melting his heart

'You know baby, you are named after the most important woman in our life, your grandmother, she was always there for your mom and me, she was our strength, our life... And I really hope you become like her someday, ofcourse you can't be her, but even if you acquire 1% of her qualities, i'll be the luckiest father in this world...' Aayan says, tears rolling down his eyes, and baby Naina touches his cheeks, as if trying to wipe the tears away

'I love you my baby... I love you more than anyone in this world...' Aayan hugs his infant daughter and starts crying

45 hours later...
IGI International Airport, Terminal 3, New Delhi

'Passengers of flight XX0580 are Welcome to New Delhi, your luggage will be at luggage terminal 7, and we have 5 exits....' the voice over microphone continued

'It feels good to be back...' Ananya says carrying sleeping Naina in her arms

'Yeah... Home sweet home...' Aayan says, and Armaan looks at him

'This is no home Paa... Armaan wants home....' he whines, sitting on the luggage trolley

'Don't say like this Buddy, you have a lot of brothers and sisters here to play with, you will like it here...' Aayan says ruffling his hair and he huffs

'Who says he got my temperament...?' Ananya taunts and Aayan rolls his eyes

'Armaan, we're gonna see Vansh Maamu, he'll get you all the legos you like, aren't you excited...?' Aayan says enthusiastically

'Yeaahhh... Maamu...'  Armaan gets excited

'See, I can handle this kid...' He says proudly to Ananya who rolls her eyes and then looks at Amy and smiles

'What about that kid...?' She points at Amayraa who was busy in taking selfies

Aayan sighs, 'Amy, put that phone away already, and come help me with the luggage...' He calls and Amayraa rolls her eyes

'Dad, my followers are curious to know where I am... I am an influencer you see...' She says flipping her highlighted hair back and Aayan frowns

'Baby your followers can wait, now please come and help your father...?' Ananya says sweetly

'Fine, but can I do a Vlog with Naina...?' Amayraa asks and Aayan looks at her shocked, while Ananya chuckles

'Ofcourse you can, but when she's old enough to sit and walk, Okay...?' Ananya says

'Deal...' Amayraa grins and starts helping Aayan with the luggage

'Why did you let her color her hair...?' he whines and Ananya sighs

'I wasn't aware of it, and she was grounded for doing that remember ? She got her lesson and won't do it again...' Ananya assures him

'Oo I highly doubt that...' Aayan says putting the last bag in the trolley and pushing it towards exit

Naina wakes up and looks around curiously
'Look who is up...' Amy coos at her baby sister and she grins

'Maa, can we give Naina to Santa, and get a big lego set in return...?' Armaan asks innocently

Aayan slaps his own head and Ananya sighs
'No Beta, You cannot trade your baby sister for a lego set...'

'Why not...?' he asks curiously

'Because Santa gives you gifts, only when you are nice to your sisters and not give them away...' Ananya says patiently, while walking towards the exit


'Yes, so if you want a lego set, Naina has to stay with us, and you have to be nice to her...' Ananya says and Armaan nods

'Okay... I love you Naina, see Santa ? I am good...' Armaan says looking particularly nowhere, while Aayan put him on the ground from the trolley and Armaan went to hold Amayraa's hands

Aayan and Ananya chuckle at this, and then their eyes land on their brothers standing at a distance away from them, near the exit, staring at them with teary eyes

Vansh - Ved and Sameer stood there waiting for them to arrive, and as they spotted them, they couldn't contain their overwhelming emotions

Vansh & Ved began pacing towards them, and Ananya did the same, Amayraa and Armaan ran towards Vansh, who was about to cry

'Maamu...!' they say together, and Vansh hugs both of them tightly and lifts Armaan in his arms, kissing his cheeks and then Amyraa's head

'Maamu no tears...' Amayraa wipes his tears, and he takes his specs off

'Why not, I am seeing your cute faces after a year...' Vansh smiles and hugs them again

Ananya hugs Ved, who was all tears, but was careful because Baby Naina was in her arms, who stared at them curiously

'I missed you bhai...' Ananya cries, and Ved sniffs at this

'I missed you too baby sister...' he kisses her head and then looks at baby Naina

'Is she...?' He asks

'Yes, her name is Naina...' Ananya says wiping her tears and Ved - Vansh stare at the baby and couldn't control their tears

'Oh my god...' Vansh stares at the baby teary eyed

'May I...' Ved asks to lift her, forwarding his arms

'Sure...' Ananya hands the baby to him and he kisses her forehead, tears rolling down his eyes

'You named her after Maa...?' Vansh asks still looking at Baby Naina, and Ananya nods

'She's so precious Annie...' Ved says, and Vansh takes her from his arms and kisses her head

Armaan and Amyraa hug Ved now.

'I am not letting her go...' Vansh cries and Ananya hugs him

'I missed you baby sister...' Vansh says, kissing her head

'I missed you too Bhai...' Ananya says

'Does she have a nickname...? I cannot call her with Maa's name yet...' Ved says

'No, but we'll come up with one...' Ananya says

'Yeah please...' Vansh says looking at Baby Naina

Sameer runs towards Aayan and hugs him

'I missed you brother...' He says and Aayan hugs him back tightly

'I missed you too...' Aayan says

'How's Papa...?' he asks

'Same old... But better than Arjun Uncle...' Sameer says sadly and Aayan sighs

'Well, it was a big loss for all of us...' Aayan says

'True...' Sameer says and then looks at Ananya

'She's gained weight, Ooo what a precious time to tease her....' Sameer jokes

'Go ahead, I dare you...' Aayan chuckles and walks towards Ved

'Hello Brother' Ved smiles and hugs Aayan, who chuckles and hugs him back

'Hello Brother in Law...' Vansh says from behind and Aayan leaves Ved and looks at him, Naina was with Sameer now, who was cooing at her

'Heyyy...' He hugs Vansh and he hugs him back

'Did Annie tell you about me keeping your daughter forever...?' Vansh says and Aayan laughs

'All yours bro...' He smiles

'Let's go...' Ved says after they finish keeping their luggage in two cars

Thapar's house

Deepika knocks Arjun's door and finds it unlocked, hence enters inside carrying his breakfast

'Papa...?' she calls and finds him seated on his usual spot, on the rocking chair by the balcony which opens to the garden

'Papa here's your breakfast, it's your favourite Parathes, now finish it fast, you have to take medicines...' she says keeping the tray on the table beside him

'I don't feel like eating Deepika beta.....' He says in a low voice, and Deepika sighs

'I know papa, but you have to take your medicines right, so please finish atleast one...' she rolls the paratha and gives it to him, he sighs and takes it from her hand

'You trouble me a lot Deepika...' Arjun whines taking a bite

'Someone has to... Right Papa...?' she chuckles, while pouring his tea in the cup

'Why don't you guys let me go to my wife, I am trying to find a less painful way to go meet her...' Arjun says after a while and Deepika's eyes fill with tears

'It's been a year to Maa's passing Papa, and you are hell bent to leave us like she did...? Why don't you get that we need you! She wouldn't want you to be like this, Do you think she will like seeing what you are doing to yourself...?' Deepika asks, her voice breaking

'Won't you feel like quitting if Ved goes away...?' he asks

'No Papa I won't, Yes it will be difficult for sure, for Vedika and Dev I will try my best to live fully !' Deepika says firmly and Arjun sighs, drinking his tea

'Your children need you Papa, please try to get a hold of yourself...' Deepika pleads, and keeps the medicines on the tray

Arjun didn't say anything, just looked at the garden while Deepika walked away, wiping her tears

'She's right you know...' A voice came from behind and he had chills listening to that voice

He turns back and his hands and feet turn cold, to see younger Naina (in her teens) standing in front of him, she was in a blue dungaree, the most common dress she used to wear as a teen, she looks at him amused and takes a seat on the chair beside him

'Are you a ghost ? Why are you young?' Arjun says as soon as he finds his voice

'You tell me ? This is your imagination...' young Naina says non chalantly

'This can't happen, this never happened before, I didn't see you the whole year, why am I seeing you now...? Am I going insane ?' He mutters to himself

'Well, you must be missing me a lot today, so here I am... But why miss the younger me, didn't you like me as a grown up ?' Young Naina asks

'Ofcourse I loved you as a grown up too, I loved you in every phase of our lives, and I hate the fact that you are gone now...' Arjun sighs

'Hmm... You must be reminiscing our first eye contact day, I was wearing this remember, when the ball hit me...' Younger Naina smiles and Arjun smiles too

'Why did you leave me?' Arjun asks teary eyed and younger Naina looks glum too

'Do you remember my last days Arjun, how miserable I was, and the pain I suffered ? I was dependent on you for almost everything, it was like living my nightmare!' Younger Naina says

'But I didn't mind doing things for you Naina, and no one had any problem with doing things for you, then...' Arjun began but Naina cuts him off in between

'I am at peace now Arjun, and Happy too... There's no pain here, on the other side... Please understand that...' She says and Arjun sighs, he looks at her and she smiles

'I...' he was about to say but she stopped him again

'Don't speak now, or else our sons will think that you've gone crazy...' she says and they hear a knock on the door

'Papa?' Ved calls


'Shhh... See you later, Alligator !' Younger Naina says and disappears and now Arjun was staring at the empty space

'Papa...?' Vansh shakes him, breaking his imagination, he looked tensed

'Yeah? I am here... What happened...?' he looks at him

'You weren't responding... We called you several times...' Ved said, and beside him stood Ananya, who looked worried too

'I was just thinking about something... I... Princess ? You're here ?' He stammers but looking beside Ved, he stops and stands up walking towards Ananya

'Yes Paa, I am here' Ananya smiles and hugs him

'I missed you Paa, how are you doing...' she asks

'I missed you too, and now I'll be fine since you are here...' he smiles and Ananya smiles too

'Papa, there's someone you wants to meet you...'  Aayan comes forward holding Baby Naina in his arms and Arjun gasps looking at her

'Is she...?' he asks looking at Ananya, who nods smiling

'Meet your youngest grand daughter Papa, her name is Naina...' Aayan says

'Naina ? Oh my god...' Deepika and Khushi were in tears, so were the others

'There couldn't be any perfect name than this for my granddaughter... Hey Naina Verma, I am your Grandpa, the cooler one...' Jai says walking towards Baby Naina who was sleeping peacefully in Aayan's arms

Arjun was staring her in awe, and Jai patted his shoulders

'She looks just like Ananya, which means...' Jai began

'She'll look like her Grandma when she grows up...' Arjun smiles wiping his tears, and Younger (teen) Naina from Arjun's imagination, who was standing beside Ved, gives him a thumbs up

'It great to have you back kids...' Jai says hugging Ananya and Aayan

Dining room, Evening..

Aayan was seated with Armaan on one side and Dev on the other, while Vansh was sitting along with Vedika and Amayraa, Ved sat between Vansh's son Shaurya and Krish...

'No Paa, I won't eat this...' Armaan whines looking at the soup, which Aayan was trying to feed him

'Son... It's good... Don't...' Aayan sighs

'Don't worry Papa, me and Dev bhai will eat this... Hai na, Dev Bhai ?' Khushi  says taking the bowl from Aayan and pretends to feed Dev, who plays along

'How is it Bhai...?' Khushi asks Dev, who licks his lips

'It's Yummy Chachi, give me more...' Dev says and Armaan huffs

'Noooo Maami, Me... I will eat...' Armaan whines and Khushi smiles, and feeds him the soup

'How is it son?' Khushi asks Armaan

'Yummmyyyyy....' Armaan sings and Aayan chuckles, while Khushi hands him the bowl

'Some one is just like his father...' Ved says

'Yeah, Aayan 2.0...' Sameer comments while feeding Krish (Vansh's son)

'Shut up...' Aayan throws a towel at Sameer and Armaan does the same, he throws his towel at Vansh, who looks at him amused and Aayan gasps

'Don't teach him to be violent from now...' Vansh laughs and Aayan massages his temples

'So this is what we call Indian foods my dear folks...' Amayraa says looking at the camera and then points it at Vedika
'And this is my beautiful sister Veduuu...' and Vedika pouts for camera too saying 'Hi people...!'

'Why girls are so crazy...?' Vansh's son Shaurya asks adjusting his specs and His brothers nod in negative, indicating they don't know

'Girls...' Ved and Aayan say sternly together, and Amayraa turns off her camera and places the phone on the table, both her and Vedika start eating quietly and Sameer starts laughing

'What are you laughing at... Look there....' Vansh points at the other end of the table where Sameer's daughters were clicking selfies and Sameer's mouth was wide open as he checked his pocket to find his phone, but instead it was on Paakhi's hand

'Disha, please take my phone from Paakhi's hand...' he says to his wife who does as said, giving a stern look to her daughter

'Khushi, come sit with me, we have people to serve food...' Ananya pulls Khushi to sit beside her, while other seat was occupied by Deeps and the ladies began chitchatting

'So you guys are sure about taking both the Dads with you...?' Deepika asks and Ananya - Aayan nod

'It's been a difficult times for all of us, but especially on My Papa, he needs change, he must be away from all this, everything here reminds him of Maa...' Ananya says

'I agree with you guys, but who will talk to them about this...?' Ved asks

'I will... They can't say no when I can be persuasive...' Ananya says and others nod

'But you guys aren't planning to settle there right Annie?' Khushi asks Ananya

'Yeah, that'll suck...' Sameer says

'Language...!' Disha - Ved - Aayan warn him and he purses his lips

'No we'll be back, as soon as we both finish our studies...' Aayan assures and they nod and have their food

'Can I just say, Annie can't cook even now!'  Vansh comments after eating the curry made by Ananya

'No comments...' Aayan says not looking at Ananya, who gasps and throws table cloth at Vansh and all of them laugh

Arjun and Jai who already had their dinner were sitting in the living room, not far away from the Dining table, they could see everyone chatting and laughing

Sash - Adi and their wives were off to live with their children settled at different places for sometime, just a day before

Baby Naina was sleeping on the rocking chair, placed beside Arjun, who was rocking her slowly, Jai got up and walked towards Washroom, while Arjun kept admiring his granddaughter, reminiscing Ananya's childhood

'She's so precious...' he hears Naina's voice, and looks up to find her grown up, (in her 30s) when their children were born

'You are back...' he says, looking at her, now she was in a simple Kurti and pajama, the dress she would normally wear when their children were younger

'I can come back as many times you want me to...' Naina smiles

'She has your name...' Arjun says looking at Baby Naina and older Naina smiles

'I bet she'll be luckiest in the Husband department...' She grins, and Arjun chuckles

'Ananya was just like her when she was born, you remember?' Naina says caressing baby Naina's face and Arjun nods

'I wish you could hold her...' Arjun says sadly

'What if I am her...?' Naina says and Arjun looks at her shocked and then at Baby Naina

'Are you serious...?' he asks

'Ofcourse not silly, but she's my granddaughter, so yeah, a part of me is in her...' Naina smiles looking at the baby and Arjun sighs

'What's up with the sad face Arjun, you can't cry for me all your life...' Naina says

'Ofcourse I can, and there's anyway not much of my life left...' Arjun says

'Don't you have the world to explore...?'

'I am 73, Naina! I am not living long enough to see how this one turns out to be...' He exclaims pointing at Baby Naina

'But you are healthy and not to mention Alive, why don't you and Jai go and explore places...' Naina says

'Dead jokes ? Really...? What if I die in one of those places...?' Arjun rolls his eyes

'Better die at a exotic resort than here, my dear husband...' Naina says and Arjun rolls his eyes

'It won't be same without you...' he sighs

'We'll meet Arjun, we'll definitely meet on the other side, till then enjoy your remaining life... For me, please....' Naina smiles

'You'll come with me...?' he asks

'I'll be around as long as you want me to...' Naina smiles

'I love you...' Arjun smiles

'I love you too...' Naina says and disappears

'Who were you talking to...?' Jai asks taking a seat in front of him

'No one...' Arjun says and looks at Baby Naina who was sleeping soundly

'Missing Naina...?' Jai asks

'Oh she's around, trust me...' Arjun smiles and Jai looks at him suspiciously

'I was thinking, why not go to those places we planned long ago... You and Me...' Arjun suggests and Jai looks at him bewildered

'At this Age...?' Jai asks

'Why not, we are retired, healthy, with lesser health complications, We are rich enough to have house helps and nurses to accompany us... Not to forget the private jet, Ved acquired last year....' Arjun grins and Jai thinks and then grins too

'My dear old man, I love you for this Idea... I'll prefer to die on a exotic resort than this place...' he high fives Arjun


'Let's hit it Old man, to the Bachelor trip 2.0' he grins and Arjun chuckles

'We need planning...' Arjun says

'I'll inform the kids...' Jai gets up excitedly and walks towards the dining table to talk to their kids

Arjun smiles and his eyes land on much older Naina (In her 60s), who smiled at him from a distance muttering 'I love you' and he mouths 'I love you too' to her

One hour later

Aayan and Ananya were taking a stroll in their family's garden after dinner, while others were inside chatting and helping Jai and Arjun to plan their trip...

Aayan stopped in front of the dog house and after thinking a bit he pushes Ananya lightly, enough for her to lose balance but not fall

'Hey! What are you up to...?' she complains

'Mind your steps...' Aayan says arrogantly  

'Excuse me...?' Ananya gets confused

'Oh you are excused...' he maintains his tone

She looks at him bewildered and then it strikes her, this was the very place where her and him met after his return from Bangalore, 15 years ago...

She smirks and then pushes him back

'Learn to control yourself Mister...' She says

'Then teach me...' he pulls her closer to him

'Oh you need training...?' she says sliding her fingers at his jawline and he shivers

'Only if you do the honors...' he slides his arms around her waist and pulls her real close to him

'I love you...' she says staring into his eyes

'I love you more...' he smiles and captures her lips

Yes they were poles apart, yes it looked like they weren't meant to be, Yes, he was Impulsive and she was Dreamy, but in the end love won

Their imperfect love won :)



For the last time, do let me know what you think about the chapter in the comments 😊

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