Being Parents

By acarolnmartins

318K 3.5K 4.8K

Over 110,000 reads!! After the Golden Trio plus Ginny have been through so much in their short lives, are the... More

Telling Harry
The Weasley's Reaction
Telling Teddy
Carrier Changes
Godparents' Secrets
Christmas Spirit
A Family of Families
New Year's Rough Start
New Beginnings
Old Grudges and Lovers
Bonded for Life
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Girl Talk
Meet J.S.P.
Couple Time
Party Much
Place Your Bets
First Times
Trick or Love
A Tradition of Sorts
Meetings In Diagon Alley
New Friendships
Best Gift Ever
Boy Talk
Red It Is
Christmas Madness
Lateness Nightmare
Love Is In The Air
New Additions
Potter Vacation
Ten Years Later
Wedding of the Century

Love Vacationing

6.3K 79 64
By acarolnmartins

2005 arrived with an unusual happiness for the Weasley and Potter families and friends. The New Years’ Party was a complete success and everyone had a blast, entering the new year with the best of hopes of a wonderful year ahead. Indeed, the young couples had no idea of how much 2005 was full of surprises for all of them. 

Harry Potter was once again full of concerns in the office when he came back after the holidays' break. With Ron’s resignation, Harry was left with no partner for the time being, making him stay out of missions outside the office (for much of Ginny’s relief). The Head Auror had at least ten investigations going at the same time. The previous september he had only received 6 trainees, which meant that the office still was understaffed. Harry himself had taken in his hands the training program, so he could release the Aurors for other missions and investigations. He had decided to stop by Hogwarts and have a little chat with Headmistress Mcgonagall about students who were interested in the Auror business. Harry was happy to know that year more than 15 students were aiming for the career. It was only a matter if they managed to get their NEWT’s or not. Harry also noted how he didn’t see Dean applying for the job, and was actually quite relieved by it. He was still a bit disturbed that his old school friend tried to take his bride away. 

The Quidditch season restarted mid-January when the weather began to be flyable. With the season back on, Ginny Potter had come back to two weekly columns to write. Teddy’s school break had also finished and the little boy was more than happy to go back to it. He had made a couple friends his age and also quite liked his teacher, Miss Clearwater. 

Actually, when he expressed his feeling towards his teacher, it was on Christmas day at the Burrow, during lunch. Percy himself had asked Teddy about his school and when the boy told him about the teacher (Harry and Ginny hadn’t commented about Penelope yet), Percy spilled his drink, making Harry and Ginny suffocate a loud laugh. Audrey was confused when everybody started laughing and making fun of Percy. It’s still not known if he ever told Audrey that their future kids’ teacher was his ex-girlfriend at Hogwarts. 

Hermione and Ron were still trying to get pregnant, but they followed Ginny’s words and stopped worrying about it. Hermione stopped herself from daily doing a pregnancy test and decided to just enjoy her husband the best she could. With the weather getting better, Ron and Ginny began their weekly Quidditch matches at the Potter Cottage, while Hermione and Harry went to the movies trying to watch every one they missed since the last time they were able to go. 

Angelina had decided to start looking for a job as soon as Fred turned one, for much of Mrs. Weasley happiness. The Weasley matriarch lived to take care of her grandchildren and almost convinced Fleur to not enroll Victoire into Gaillard Institute, just so the little girl could still be with her. When Ginny found out, she was possessed and immediately talked with her mum and Fleur. The latter agreed there was no sense in not enrolling Vic in school. 

As for the other couples, love was the word in session. Katie and Oliver were closer than ever. It was announced that Oliver would be Puddlemore United’s coach starting next season and Oliver couldn’t ask for a better person to be by his side during all this fuss on his life. Susan and Seamus were happier than they ever were. One night they were going out on a date, they ran into Jack, Susan’s ex. It was the most awkward moment ever, as Seamus later told Harry and Ron, and despite the fact Jack seemed fit for murderer, Seamus was the bigger man and simply ignored the large man. Apparently, even the trio’s former arch enemy was in love. One day early January, Harry read in the Daily Prophet the announcement of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass’ wedding. Finally, Luna and Rolf arrived on the first week of February and Ginny of course insisted on a welcome party for them on the first saturday of the month. 

Angelina was doing some house cleaning before she went to get ready for the welcoming party that afternoon when she heard the bell rang at her front door. She ran to the door before the person rang it again. She was afraid of waking Freddie up with the noise. Angelina opened the door, not worrying about the way her hair was all over the place from the cleaning. 

“Alicia!” She greeted, quite surprised her friend was there, since they would be seeing each other later at the Potter Cottage. “Come in! What’s up?”

Alicia Spinnet tried a smile that rapidly faded while the other girl led her to the sitting room, signalizing for her to sit. She was a bit pale and seemed to be bothered by something, looking very distant. 

“So? What’s up?” Angelina repeated trying to catch her friend’s attention.

"Angie, something happened and I'm freaking out!" Alicia started. She looked at her hands and swallowed. Angelina got up from her seat and went to sit down closer to her friend, taking her hands.

"Ali, you're scaring me! What's going on? Are you alright?"

When Alicia was opening her mouth to answer her, George came into the room with someone behind him, chatting cheerfully.

"Hey, Alicia!" George greeted, oblivious to the worry on his wife's face towards the girl. "What a surprise!" But Alicia wasn't paying any attention. She was staring, speechless, to Lee Jordan that had come into the room behind George and had sat down on the armchair closest of her.

"Ali, good to see you!" Lee greeted, with a warm smile.

She returned the smile before turning back to Angelina. "As I was saying," She started, pulling herself together. "I realized I'm out of red lipstick, could I borrow yours?" Angelina immediately agreed, going along with Alicia's lie and summoning her lipstick and handing it to her. "I guess that's all then. Thanks." The girl rose from her seat on a sudden movement. "George, Lee, I'll see you later, yes?"

Both men nodded while Alicia gave Angelina a kiss goodbye, whispering to her ear they would talk later. She headed to the front door, but was followed by Lee, calling out her name.

"Ali! Alicia!" He called out. "Can I have a word?" The girl nodded and they went outside the cottage so no one would overhear it. "I haven't heard from you for weeks, Ali!"

She shrugged, she had been avoiding him. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that, Lee. I’ve- I’ve been busy, you see.“ 

"Look, I know we probably didn't do stuff the way we should've, but I like you, Alicia. Last Christmas and… they were the best weeks I ever had."


"No, Ali. I know I was quite a jerk and a kid back at school, but deep down I've overgrown that, and you know it. Christmas was not a mistake. Not for me at least. Gimme a chance, please!"

"Lee-" Alicia was once again cut off, this time though Lee had placed his lips on hers. She first gave into him, before returning to reality and pushing him away with a smile that only lasted for a split second. 

"Will you have dinner with me on Valentine's Day?" He proposed. 

Alicia sighed. "Lee, I'm pregnant!"

Lee looked stunned. Surely he hadn't seen that one coming his way. What did she mean? She was pregnant? How does one get pregnant out of one time? They saw each other after Christmas, but decided to get to know each other better, not sleeping together again. He blinked several times, so the information sinked in. He opened and closed his mouth, very much like a goldfish, but didn't find the words. Nevertheless, there was some kind of warmth filling his being and after a few good minutes he realized he was happy. Sure, it wasn't exactly what he planned out for his life. He wasn't married to Alicia, although the thought made him smile, but at least he had a very nice job with George, his own flat and enough stability. Most of all, he actually liked Alicia. 

Lee returned to his senses and realized Alicia was staring at him, with hurt on her brown eyes. She probably thought he wouldn't accept the child. He then grabbed Alicia's shoulders and pulled her to a hug, taking her by surprise. Lee started stroking her hair softly and the girl finally let out what she was feeling and quietly started to cry.

"It's ok, Ali! I'm right here. I'm never leaving you, you have my word."

"I'm so scared, Lee! I'm not ready to be a mum, much less a single mum."

"Hey, you won't be a single mum. This child has a father and I'm never leaving him." Lee pushed Alicia just so he could see her eyes. "Nor will I leave you, Alicia." He leaned in for a kiss but she turned her head. 

"I can't-" Alicia sobbed. "I'm sorry, Lee, I just can't do this. Us. Not right now. I appreciate your support, but I can't handle a relationship. Can we just figure this out first?"

Lee nodded. "Yes, we can." He pulled her again for a hug, kissing softly her forehead as if showing his commitment. 

Meanwhile, George and Angelina were at their window, watching over the conversation of both their best friends and analyzing their reactions so they could figure what was going on. They thought Extensible Ears were invading their privacy too much. There is something called boundaries. 

"She's pregnant." George concluded. 

"WHAT? How do you know?" Angelina gasped.

"Come on, hon, didn't you see the look on his face? Classical 'Fuck, I'm going to be a father' look." He explained. "You should have seen Bill's face when Fleur told him. I was there when she did. Quite funny, actually." Angelina slapped his arm. "HEY, what?"

"Sometimes, you forget you're a father too." Angelina scolded. "But I guess you could be right."

"Let's bet on it." George proposed. 

"Deal. Three galleons." They shared a handshake. "Thinking back, your face was much like Lee's right now. But that could be for other reasons..."

George turned to his wife with an evil grin. "Oh, was it?" He grabbed his wife's waist and started kissing her neck. "I think we've gossiped enough." He went up to her ear, making her groan in pleasure. 

"Georg-" Angelina was interrupted by a kiss on the lips. She eventually gave in, forgetting all about cleaning and her friend's possible pregnancy. Unfortunately, the carefree moment didn't last enough for them to reach the bedroom. Freddie had started crying from the nursery. 


Valentine's Day was set to be on a monday that year, for much of every couple's displeasure, but it didn't mean men in love all around the world weren't making incredible plans to surprise their respective half. 

Bill had on his mind spending the weekend in Egypt. Ever since Fleur had started working at Gringotts, he had been dying to show her where he had worked for so many years before they met. Dominique was now one and an half, so it wouldn't be so hard to travel with a child and a baby. Ron and Hermione decided to spent the weekend in Australia. It had been too long since Hermione last saw her parents (the last time was at their wedding) and once they were planning to get pregnant soon, Hermione wouldn't be able to travel that far when expecting nor with a little baby. George and Angelina would just go out monday night with Freddie to celebrate their love and the result of their love that was their son. Percy and Audrey had reservations on a new french restaurant in Diagon Alley that was promising to be a huge success. Susan and Seamus were camping in Wales, where they did their first surveillance work. They figured that it was there they started falling in love with one another. Katie and Oliver had tickets for a Quidditch match in Maryland, USA (Sweetwater All-Stars vs. Fitchburg Finches). Both were static for the expectation of attending a match outside of Europe and didn't shut up about it for a whole month. Hannah planned a romantic dinner on Neville's office at Hogwarts while Luna and Rolf were planning on hunting Valentine nargles, whatever that meant. Lee and Alicia had an appointment in St. Mungo's to have the baby's first check-up. They had decided to hold the information about the pregnancy for themselves for a little while. Last, but not least, Harry and Ginny were heading to Paris, to spend the weekend with Teddy and James at Disneyland. They would go friday afternoon, catching the muggle Eurostar train and then the Disney train. Harry booked the best resort and bought tickets to both parks. They would come back on monday morning (perks of being the boss).

Teddy couldn't be more excited when Harry came back home after the half day on friday before leaving for Paris. Their train was leaving at 2:31pm and they had everything packed and ready the day before. When Harry arrived, Ginny and the kids were already in the kitchen having lunch.

"Hello, beautiful family!" Harry announced while kissing Ginny and sitting down next to her and across from Teddy. "Everyone excited for Disney?"  

Teddy started talking passionately and James giggled with the older boy’s joy. When they finished their meal, Ginny shrunk their bags and Harry put them away in his pocket. Placing James in his stroller and locking the place up, they left the protective wards to apparate to St. Pancras Train station. Harry verified their tickets and the information board to check which platform was their train leaving from. When he saw the platform number, Harry couldn't help but let a little laugh go.

"Platform 9, Gin." He informed.

"No three quarters?" Ginny joked.

"Apparently not."

They headed out to the platform and embarked the train, taking their seats. Harry stored James' stroller in the luggage storage while Ginny got both boys sat down. Very soon, the train left the station, making its way to France. James drifted off to sleep in Harry's arms as soon as the train speeded up, while Teddy happily draw on his drawing book. 

"Remember last year's Valentine's Day?" Ginny asked.

"How can I forget?" Harry answered. "Us ending up in a muggle hospital isn't exactly easy to forget. You really got me scared."

"You got me scared when my waters broke and you weren't there!" Ginny slapped his arm. "I hope you stay with no partner. That way you won't go away on missions." She confessed. 

"Do you reckon Hermione will get pregnant soon?" Harry changed the subject. 

"Auntie Hermione will be pregnant?" Teddy questioned lifting his head up from his drawing. 

"She and uncle Ron are trying, sweetie." Ginny explained. "But I hope so. She was so devastated when she had the miscarriage. She thought it was her fault."

"Her fault? Why would she think that?"

"Right, you weren't here. You have no idea how she freaked out when she found out she was pregnant, Harry. She went psyco!"

"Mione? No, I don't believe it. She's the most responsible from all of us. If someone can be a parent is her. Hell, I wouldn't be alive if she hadn't taken care of me and Ron back in the war.”

The mention of a war and Harry’s youth got the Muggle sat across the corridor from them to look in disbelief to the family, making Harry cursed to himself. Thankfully, Teddy had started to learn how to control his abilities and was wearing his black hair and green eyes, matching his godfather. Harry discretely took his wand out with his free hand and casted a Muffliato charm, so they could chat freely.

"I agree, love. But I think she wasn't that sure of herself. But I think she's better now. She and Ron are great with James, there's no need for them to freak out anymore."

"Maybe Australia will give the extra help they need." Harry laughed.

"Yeah, maybe." Ginny agreed, placing her head on Harry's shoulder and sighing. "I love you, Harry." 

"I love you too, Gin." He shifted a bit, being careful to not wake up James and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'm quite excited for Disney. I'm feeling like a kid."

"Yeah, I am too. I hope Teddy enjoys himself." She said, looking down to Teddy, sitting across from the couple. 

"I will, mummy." Teddy surprised Ginny. "Will I take a picture with Mickey and Minnie? Vicky asked me to take a picture to show her."

"Yeah, buddy, we will, promise." Harry assured. 

"You guys never told me about your visit to Godric's Hallow!" Ginny complained. 

"It was amazing, mummy!" Teddy closed his painting book. "Daddy told me about Papa Potter and uncle Sirius and how they would spoil James and I and he told me my parents love story. And I'm going to be a Gryffindor like my Dad and daddy."

“And like me! You're so brave! And certainly, James and Sirius would be head over heels for you two." Ginny agreed with a grin. "I bet Nana Potter would too. Isn't it, hon?"


"What's your love story?" Teddy asked. 

Harry and Ginny exchanged a glance and warmly smiled to each other. How would they even start telling Teddy about their love? 

"Well, Teddy, it all started when I met your godmother, on my way to Platform 9¾ to go to my first year at Hogwarts..." Harry started. Teddy stared into his godfather's green eyes intensely, hanging on his every word.


"MUM!" Hermione yelled, running to hug her parents who were waiting for them at the international arrivals of Sidney's airport. Their portkey had taken them to the airport where the Australian Ministry had their checkpoint for international travelers.

In the summer after the war, Hermione and Ron went to find her parents in Australia to give their memories back. During the wartime, they started their own dentist practice on a loving neighborhood in Sidney and decided to continue in the country although very much happy to have the memories of their daughter back. Hermione explained all that happened and everything the war involved. Mr. and Mrs. Granger couldn't have been prouder of their little girl. Ever since that year, they went back to Britain a few times, being the last one on the couple's wedding day and Hermione and Ron had been to Australia a couple of times as well. They exchanged letters but in all didn't keep too much contact. 

"Mr. Granger." Ron greeted his father-in-law with a handshake. "Looking good, sir."

"Thank you, son, you too!"

"My sweet child. I missed you so much." Mrs. Granger placed her hands on Hermione's cheek. "You're glowing. Anything you care to tell me?"

"What do you mean, mum?" Hermione rose her brows in confusion. Her mother gave her a meaningful glare but didn't continue. 

"Well, let's go then!" Mr. Granger announced. He didn't even bother to ask why they had no apparent luggage. He had been in contact with the wizarding world for too many years. "Honey, you won't believe this, but our new neighbor is a witch." Hermione and Ron entered her parents’ car and Mr. Granger started the car, heading to their house in the outskirts of Sidney. 

"Really? And how did you find out?" Ron wanted to know. The Auror inside of him got preoccupied. How did Mr. and Mrs. Granger know about a witch? Is someone breaking the international statue of secrecy? 

"When we went to present ourselves and she asked if we were related to Hermione Granger." Mrs. Granger explained. "I said I was your mother and she was so delighted. She's british, you see, and she went through the war too. Half-blood and was married to a muggleborn who got killed by a Lord whats-his-name follower. Margie is super excited to meet you both."

"You never told us how much of a celebrity you turned into." Mr. Granger pointed out.

"Well, Dad, it's not something we actually enjoy. We just did what we had to do. But it's not nice to have people wanting to know our every move. There was a reporter after us at Hannah's hen party. Thank Merlin for Angelina, she recognized him and made him go away. He was trying to take Ginny home for crying out loud."

"I don't know how Ginny hasn't hexed him into the next century yet." Ron mumbled. 

"She has more control than that, Ronald." Hermione coldly replied. 

"Not when it comes to her brothers she doesn't." Ron cross-fired. 

"How's Harry and Ginny?" Mrs. Granger intervened. She knew her daughter and son-in-law's bickering way too well.

"They're great, Mum. Teddy is so grown up and smart. Already reading and writing. James is the sweetest thing. I've brought a thousand pictures for you.”

“She does mean that literally.” Ron added.

"You seem like a proud godmother." Mr. Granger joked. 

"We have every reason to be. The boy summoned his toy the other day when he was at ours. He's not even one and showing his magical skills." Ron bragged. "Not that we expected any different being the son of who he is."

"Yeah, both Harry and Ginny are extremely powerful." Hermione explained. 

"What about the rest of the family and friends?" Mrs. Granger inquired.

"Hm, George and Angelina got married and have a son, Fred. Percy is dating a woman named Audrey." Hermione started filling in.

"Who everyone hates." Ron completed.

"Why?" Mr. Granger asked.

"She's quite unpleasant, sir."

"Anyways," Hermione continued. "Charlie is the same, living in Romania and coming home for events and holidays. Bill's girls are getting more beautiful by the week. Victoire and Teddy are inseparable. It's so cute. Luna is dating this guy Rolf. The boys say he is alright and good for her, isn't it, Ron?" He nodded, agreeing to his wife's description of Rolf. "Neville and Hannah are both married. Oh, I don't know if you guys remember Susan and Seamus, but they are together now. We've become quite close. And finally, we bought a new house, Ron resigned from the Auror Office and I'm working at another department the Ministry." Hermione blurted her last sentence out. 

"WHAT?" Both Mr. and Mrs. Granger screamed at the same time. 


Susan and Seamus arrived at their campsite at sunset Friday. It was the very same spot they passed their first night on surveilling mission as partners. From where Susan was standing, she could see the muggle welsh village nearby and the sea further away. She sighed with the orange and yellow colors the setting sun was providing her surroundings before she turned to finish getting their tent up. It was a simple one-bedroom tent, with a bathroom, small living room with a couple of armchairs and a kitchen. Seamus had gone into the forest to find them some wood for their bonfire. They had brought enough food for the weekend and were looking very excited for that time by themselves. 

Susan was separating marshmallows and butterbear at the kitchen when Seamus came back. Noticing her standing there, he didn't hesitate and went to stand behind her, holding her by her waist and resting his head on her shoulder and placing soft kisses on her neck, making her shiver.

"Have you gotten the wood?" Susan managed to ask.

"Yeah, and I've already put on fire." Susan turned around and kissed him passionately. "Should I put it out?" Seamus joked, getting himself a slap on his arm.

"Very funny, mister. Let's go outside."

Susan led him out of the tent, where a log was put in front of the fire Seamus had started. They both sat down, with a stick in hands to put their marshmallows to one end and cuddled up to each other while looking to the lasts of sunshine in the horizon. 

“How didn’t I notice you before, Susan? At school?” Seamus broke the comfortable silence that had installed between them.

“I guess we were just on different circles.”

“But we were on DA together.” He insisted. “There was the Yule Ball we could have gone together…”

“I hardly think you would have noticed a chubby Hufflepuff back in fourth year, love.”

“You were no chubby.” Seamus looked incredulous. Susan was a fit woman, with thighs to envy any girl. But she was indeed 'overweight' back in her early teenage years. "Fine, but it's still no excuse that we've spent seven years having classes together and I never realized the woman I wanted was right there." Susan smiled warmly to his declaration. 

“I don’t know, hon.” She considered a bit. “All I know that putting us together as partners was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Me too.” He agreed, kissing her head. “Were you really that preoccupied back in Russia?”

“Are we playing 20 questions, now?” Susan grinned. “But yes, I did. When I saw you underneath that wall-“ Susan’s speech broke and Seamus embraced her ever tighter, reassuring her everything was alright.

“Forget I ever ask.” He said when Susan started to sob.

“I can’t lose you, Finnegan.” She admitted with a small nervous laugh. 

“You won’t, Bones.” He pulled her away so they could lock eyes. “I promise you, now that I’ve got you, you won’t get rid of me that easily.” Seamus leaned in and kissed her like he meant it. "I love you, Susan Bones." He declared between kisses. 

Susan parted from him and gasped. For a moment she was speechless. Everything seemed out of a storybook and yet felt so real. She was in love with her best friend and he loved her back. She finally smiled from ear to ear and from that moment on she knew things would always be alright as long as she had him.

"I love you too, Seamus Finnegan."

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