The Cosmo Wolf: (Avengers x M...

By PhoenixGarden

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Y/N L/N, codename: The Cosmo Wolf, a 17 year old boy who was stolen, experimented on, and mind controlled by... More

Chapter 1: Recruitment
Chapter 2: Helicarrier
Chapter 3: Greetings
Chapter 4: Point Break
Chapter 5: Prisoner
Chapter 6: Keep This Bird Flying
Chapter 7: New York, My Darling
Chapter 8: The Chitauri
Chapter 9: The Battle Of New York
Chapter 10: The Beginning Of An Era
Chapter 11: Age Of Ultron
Chapter 12: Mind Manipulation
Chapter 13: Avengers Tower
Chapter 14: Birthday Night
Chapter 15: Ultron
Chapter 16: Wakanada?
Chapter 17: Big CGI Fight Coming Up!
Chapter 18: The Dream
Chapter 19: Return To Battle
Chapter 20: The Vision
Chapter 21: Sokovia
Chapter 22: Battle Of The Brave
Chapter 23: The Fall
Chapter 24: Crossbones
Chapter 25: Detonation
Chapter 26: Secretary Ross
Chapter 27: The Winter Soldier
Chapter 28: Getting Out Of Dodge
Chapter 29: Containment Breach
Chapter 30: Wanda's Rescue
Chapter 31: Team Brawl
Chapter 32: Airport Battle
Chapter 33: Escape To Siberia
Chapter 34: Zemo
Chapter 35: The Wolf's Bite
Chapter 36: Enemies Unseen
Chapter 37: Tyrant
Chapter 38: Regrouping
Chapter 39: Warehouse Wary
Chapter 40: An Eye For An Eye
Chapter 41: Predator Becomes Prey
Chapter 42: Our Final Dance
Chapter 43: Sakaar
Chapter 44: Korg
Chapter 45: Cometh The Battle
Chapter 46: The Great Escape
Chapter 47: The Revengers
Chapter 48: Evening Flight
Chapter 49: A Trip To Asgard
Chapter 50: Infinity War
Chapter 51: Return To London
Chapter 52: Doctor Strange
Chapter 53: Hype Man
Chapter 54: Space Travel
Chapter 55: Lost Weapon
Chapter 56: Titan
Chapter 57: Thanos' Arrival
Chapter 58: Thor's Return
Chapter 59: Loss
Chapter 60: Grief
Chapter 61: The Garden
Chapter 62: 5 Years Later
Chapter 63: Hello Old Friend
Chapter 64: Rally The Team
Chapter 65: Lebowski
Chapter 66: Two Test Runs
Chapter 67: 2012
Chapter 68: 2014 and 2010
Chapter 69: Loss And Revival
Chapter 70: You've Come To Die
Chapter 71: Avengers...
Chapter 72: Broken
Chapter 73: Sacrifice
Chapter 74: Give Him Back
Chapter 75: Manipulation And Despair
Chapter 76: False World
Chapter 77: Peaceful Life
Chapter 78: Get Out
Chapter 79: Wake Up
Chapter 80: Westview
Chapter 81: Agatha
Chapter 82: Memento
Chapter 83: Remember
Chapter 84: Wrong Memories
Chapter 85: Me, Myself and I
Chapter 87: Slay Them
Chapter 88: Our Reality

Chapter 86: Cerulean Sorcerer

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By PhoenixGarden

"Wanda, have you never been up against another witch before?" Agatha looked down at Wanda as she stood in the middle of Main Street. "You've fought the Avengers, robots, a genocidal purple alien. Yet you haven't fought one of your own kind." She laughed to herself as Wanda glared at her.

"Did you know there's an entire chapter devoted to both you and your boyfriend in the Darkhold? It's a shame he's not here so I could tell him, too." Agatha sighed in disappointment.

"No, no! Go ahead! I'm listening!" (Y/N)'s voice could be heard clearly by the two witches, sparking a well of bemusement. Looking over in the far distance and sky, they could see both (Y/N)'s in battle, one of which was looking over at them.

"Huh... I never thought that power actually existed. Talking over long distance when you could use a phone." Agatha muttered to herself. She summoned the Darkhold to appear and levitate in front of her, allowing her to read.

"The Scarlet Witch isn't born, she is forged. She has no coven, no need for incantation." She started reading aloud, effectively pissing off Wanda.

"I'm not a witch. I don't cast spells. No one taught me magic!" Wanda shouted at her. Well... she just admitted that she doesn't have a coven or incantations... bit of a slip up on her part.

"Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. It is your destiny to destroy the world." Agatha stopped her reading, turning onto the next page titled "Cerulean Sorcerer".

"Strange? Nah, nah, nah. You're full of... Actually I'm gonna agree with you on that. Hell, I could beat Strange." (Y/N) sounded as if he wasn't even trying to focus on fighting his former self. Agatha rolled her eyes and withheld another sigh.

"God, does he ever stop?" Her eyes slowly turned back to the Darkhold.

"No." (Y/N) responded, blocking an attack with his arm as he tried to keep focus on the woman so he could hear her from such a distance.

"The Cerulean Sorcerer. He also has no coven or need for incantation, but does use certain incantations to focus his energy better. His true power is held dormant to avoid damaging reality itself, but is brought to the surface during frenzies and blitz of emotion." The image on the page was that of a figure stood tall, clad in a hooded cloak, defined chestplate, and patterned leggings.

"Capable of tearing open the multiverse itself. His power is far greater then the Sorcerer Supreme, rivalling his counter part's power: the Scarlet Witch. While these two may be evenly matched, when ignited with anger, the Cerulean Sorcerer's power becomes almost twice that of an angered Scarlet Witch." Agatha could hear a faint exclamation of happiness from the man as he heard that. Wanda just seemed to be in a mix of confusion and anger.

"That's nice and all... but could you stop boycotting my lif-" (Y/N) was suddenly kicked out of the sky and through a house before he could finish. Agatha was so incredibly happy to hear him finally be dealt with by someone. Now she could read the last line.

"It is his destiny to either aid the Scarlet Witch in destruction or keep her in check from doing so." The Darkhold disappeared again once she has finished. Not only did Wanda refuse to believe she was what Agatha thought, she highly doubted that (Y/N) was whatever she said.

"We aren't what you say we are!" Wanda exclaimed, motioning her hands outwards.

"Oh, really?" Agatha turned towards one the random people scattered around. She began chanting in Latin again, pointing a hand out at Dottie. The woman snapped out of the spell she was under, walking over to Wanda in an urgent manner.

"Wanda?" She said.

"Dottie." Wanda watched as she stopped in front of her.

"My name is Sarah." She corrected. "I have a daughter. She's eight. Maybe she could be friends with your boys. If you like that storyline. Or, uh, the school bully, even. Really, anything. If you could just let her out of her room. If I could just hold her, please." Sarah began to spam words out. Wanda's head spun to look up at Agatha again.

"What are you doing to her? You're making her say this." Wanda said, almost trying to pretend like nothing was actually wrong.

"She's your meat puppet, I just cut her strings." Agatha shrugged. Hell, why not see how many she could awaken? She used the same spell on a much larger proportion, effecting every single person in the vicinity. Wanda circled around as she watched everyone slowly turn towards her, beginning to walk over in a crowd around her.

"I think I have a plan." Hex (Y/N) called out as he threw Vision into a car with his powers. (Y/N) slid past him and drove his elbow into his cyborg version, knocking him into Vision with a loud clatter.

"Tell me this wonderful idea." (Y/N) stood next to himself.

"Ground ourself and double team Vision." Hex (Y/N) said as the two living weapons walked back at them. They didn't stay down for very long, which was incredibly annoying.

(Y/N) threw a dart of energy straight into the arm of his enemy self, making it explode into a binding that trapped him onto the ground below. Vision lunged towards them, and the two stabbed energy swords straight through both sides of his chest, impaling him into the ground. To add insult to injury, (Y/N) held his claws up.

"Garras del rey lobo." His claws extended even further with the help of added energy. He swung down and completely tore through the vibranium head of the white Vision, ripping out the reactor in his head and effectively "killing" him.

"That worked better than I expected." Hex (Y/N) admired before their next enemy absorbed the bindings and stood up. (Y/N)'s ears perked at what seemed like silence.

"Take care of him." (Y/N) blinked away, leaving his two copies to battle.

"I don't recognise my face in the mirror, my voice when I speak. I used to resist you, but now, I can't remember why. Do you?" Herb walked closer to Wanda, making her recoil.

"My husband's on a business trip. Tell him I love him and not to come back here ever." Beverly said.

"I'm exhausted." Dennis gave his own side of the situation.

"No, you're fine. You're fine. You're all... You're all going to be fine." Wanda spun around as she tried to calm everyone down. It really wasn't working.

"When you let us sleep, we have your nightmares." Norm told her with a shaky expression. No... that couldn't be true.

"No, that's not true. I've... I've kept you safe in here." Wanda said on the verge of tears because of everything. "You... You feel... You feel at peace."

"We feel your pain." Sarah said, sparking the rest of the captives to start speaking.

"Your grief is poisoning us." Hart added.

"No. No, stop!" Wanda pleaded as she couldn't take everything she was being told. Agatha was just watching the scene in amusement

"Please, let us go."

"I wanna get back home."

"Let us go."

"Let us go, please, Wanda."

"Please!" The citizen's voices began to overlap as Wanda's eyes moistened and shone from her tears. No matter how many times she begged for them to stop, they begged to be released even more.

In a sudden burst of emotion, Wanda clutched her face as her powers erupted into choking vices around the citizen's throats. All of them fell to their knees gasping as Wanda wasn't realising what she was doing.

"Wanda!" Her eyes snapped open to the E/C ones of (Y/N) as his own power spread from his body in wisps. Wanda looked around at all the choking civilians, instantly throwing her hands up to undo the mistake.

"No! Stop. Stop. I'm sorry." She removed the red ropes that were suffocating them, apologising over and over as (Y/N) just raised an eyebrow.

"If you won't let us go, just let us die. Please." Ms. Hart asked as she lightly felt her own throat.

"I will... I will let you go. I will. I will." Wanda nodded. At first (Y/N) thought she was agreeing that she'd let them die. What a dark twist that he wouldn't have seen coming.

"What's stopping you?" Agatha asked, making the two look up at her. "Use your power and do it now. Heroes don't torture people."

"My entire life story disproves that." (Y/N) shouted up at her.

"Does hers? Huh, Wanda?" Agatha stared at the Scarlet Witch. Wanda looked down at the ground as she knew the other woman was right. She took a few quick breaths as she made up her mind, raising her hands up and channeling her powers to start opening the hex.

The entire thing lit up red as the corners began to rip open and show the outside world.

"Go! Everyone, get out now!" She ordered them as the world began to distort around her. Her reality beginning to flicker between its current look and its original look. The men and women began sprinting away from the street, leaving just Wanda, (Y/N), and Agatha.

The villainess chuckled from up above. "Now you'll see." She watched the woman try to open the hex. (Y/N) appeared in front of Agatha with an electronic sound as he left his blink.

"Care to do battle?" He questioned, his energy flooding out of his body into a threatening aura. Just because Agatha was after Wanda to begin with didn't mean she would pass up the opportunity to take (Y/N)'s power, too.

"Oh, so you want to lose your powers, too?" Agatha smirked, fluttering her fingers. (Y/N) extended his claws and swiped at Agatha's face, making her duck out of the way and try hit him with a blast of magic. He jumped over the attack and kicked Agatha in the side of her jaw on the way down, knocking her onto her stomach.

Before he could continue his assault, (Y/N) looked up as his hex self came crashing down to the ground, seemingly disintegrating. If Wanda broke her hex, he'd die. Both Billy and Tommy appeared in the road, too, having run from the house. They began falling apart just like their father as they tried to reach out to Wanda.

"Now, do you see?" Agatha peered over the edge of the building as she stayed resting on her hands and knees. "You tied your family to this twisted world, and now one can't exist without the other."

(Y/N) could see the stressed and strained expression on Wanda's face as she looked between those who were disappearing. Even if she had her real lover back, she'd still spent time with the one she created... he was still (Y/N). And she had become attached to the children, too.

"Save Westview or save your family?" Agatha rose to her feet as she watched.

"You know that I'm right here, don't you? It's only been like a week that these kids have existed, right? You can always make more children, you can't really make more adults... technically." (Y/N) began to mumble to himself in the mix of a joking tone, making Agatha's head slowly turn towards him.

"Hey, I'm the villain here. You can't just say that kids dying would be fine because you can 'make more'." Agatha gawked at him.

"It's called dark humour, bitch. Dark enough that people might question my mental state, but I think people have been questioning that for the last 11 years." (Y/N) bit his tongue as he looked back over at Wanda. He jumped down from the building, leaving Agatha for the moment.

Wanda stopped her attempt at opening Westview. The sight of her kids disintegrating was too much for her, and she fell to her knees as her powers ceased and the border began to close again. The three males recovered from the disappearance act, running over to Wanda.

"Mom!" The boys yelled as hex (Y/N) helped her up. She hugged the two kids and lightly held onto her "husband". A sharp chant came from Agatha as her hands flew forward with a purple glow.

"No!" Wanda covered them with a field of red energy as she knew what was coming. A purple beam shot down at the family, colliding with something before even hitting Wanda's energy shield. She slowly lowered it and looked behind her.

(Y/N) fell forward onto one knee, shaking his hair out of his face as his powers dimmed. Agatha pulled a large portion of blue essence into her palms, absorbing it into her own power. Wanda rushed from the group she was stood with and immediately threw her arm over (Y/N).

"Are you okay?" She asked, not seeing any grey and drained colours on his hands or arms.

"Define that word for me." (Y/N) breathed out as he slowly stood back up with a huff, putting an arm on Wanda's shoulder to steady himself. Agatha glided over to an open spot of air, catching Wanda's attention as she felt a sudden spark of rage.

The sound of a shock came from the wall of a nearby cafe, and they could see cyborg (Y/N) apparate onto it with his claws dug into the brick to stay on it.

"Kind of expected you to actually defeat that guy." (Y/N) looked over at himself.

"Easier said than done." Hex (Y/N) took a deep breath before turning around with the others as tires squealed. A group of Sword vehicles pulled up from another corner, lowering their odds of winning even more.

Sword agents jumped out and aimed their guns up at the five. It seemed unfair until (Y/N) spotted Hayward still inside one of the trucks. Oh, what a stroke of luck.

"Listen, boys. Your mother and I never really prepared you for this." Hex (Y/N) sighed as he prepared to go fight his cyborg.

"Battle should be second nature for you guys if this guy is your father." (Y/N) tapped hex (Y/N)'s shoulder, joining him in preparation to fight. As badly as he wanted to kill Hayward, it'd have to wait. He needed his original powers back from his reanimated self.

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