Chapter 77: Peaceful Life

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"So how does this work again?" Rhodey asked curiously. Pietro spun the soccer ball on the end of his foot, bouncing it across to the other then back as he began doing kick-ups.

"Simple. Me and (Y/N) get that net," Pietro pointed at the goal behind him, "You and Sam get that one." He pointed behind Rhodey.

"Two on two? That doesn't seem very fair. How's that gonna work?" Sam squinted at the speedster.

"Who else do you expect to play? Tony would complain. Steve wouldn't know what he was doing," Pietro nodded his head over to the "benches" where the rest of the team were watching. "Vision is... Vision. Natasha and Wanda are terrified of a little jog."

"Excuse me?" Natasha exclaimed from her seat on the grass.

"Jesus Christ. Man, are you trying to dig yourself an early grave?" (Y/N) looked at him with wide eyes. Natasha huffed, standing to her feet and looking at Wanda who was next to her.

"Come on." She motioned towards the other four, eliciting a very confused look from Wanda.

"I'm sorry... what?" Wanda asked as if Nat had misspoken.

"We're gonna go join so I can injure your brother."

"Oh, for God's sake." Pietro mumbled as he saw the two women now approaching.

"You bite the widow, the widow bites back." Rhodey laughed. Both him and Sam took a step back while (Y/N) kept his stance with Pietro, keen to watch what would happen. Natasha stormed over with an awkward faced Wanda beside her.

"Okay, here you go. Me and Wanda. Let's do three on three." Natasha shot a threatening glare at the speedster, taking him aback as he didn't expect to get a rise out of her. Wanda scooted away from Natasha to stand in front of (Y/N).

"Sir, I'm not here of my own free will." Wanda joked as she wanted no part in the sport.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid that's unfortunate. Play the damn game." (Y/N) responded as Natasha walked over to Sam and Rhodey. Great. Two teams of three.

"I'm not athletic. I'm gonna get screwed over." She pouted.

"Right, let's make some rules. No pushing, no shoving, no kicking the ball out of play." Pietro stood in the middle of everyone, kicking the ball up to his arms.

"No hurting poor Wanda." Wanda coughed into her hand.

"Unless you want poor (Y/N) to shatter your ankles after." (Y/N) said nonchalantly. Pietro held up the ball, deciding he would throw it in the air to start off.

"Alright. Go!"

The back of the truck was near silent. Coats rustled and the sound of the vehicle traversing could be heard, but that was all.

"So... who are you guys?" Jane unconsciously tapped her legs as she waited for someone to say something. Her and the other three passengers were told to stay quiet during the ride, but she couldn't take it any longer.

"We were told not to talk." Another woman told her. Jane slowly looked to her side, before remembering who was with her.

"Jane, you know who I am." Ian mumbled as he hesitantly looked at the two strangers on the other side of the truck. Jane sighed and composed herself before trying again to get a conversation from someone.

"I'm Jane Foster. I'm an astrophysicist."

"Huh, what a coincidence. I am, too." The second man said. The other woman rolled her eyes at the fact they were speaking, but she gave in and joined.

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