Pretend You're Mine

By goldenpup45

34.6K 1K 129

Rhian Ramos. The girl who has it all. Brains, beauty, luxuries... you name it. She is respected by all becaus... More

Author's Note
01 : The Two Rivals
02 : Partners
03 : Childhood Friend
04 : Mistake
05 : Guilt
06 : Change in Attitude
07 : Reconcile
08 : Unfair
09 : Proposal
10 : Will You Be My Girlfriend?
11 : Invitation
12 : Get Together with Friends
13 : Meeting of the Two Groups
14 : Surprises
15 : Unsure
16 : Moving In
17 : Interrogation
18 : Official
19 : Books and Banters
20. Horseback Riding
21 : Mr. Ramos' Tasks
22 : Lunch with the Ventura's
23 : Feelings?
24 : Attention
25 : Wedding Plans
26 : Waffle For Your Thoughts
27 : Opening Up
28 : Glaiza's Birthday
29 : Role Playing Game
30 : Chilling
31 : The Kiss
32 : Thoughts are Swimming
33 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 1)
34 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 2)
35 : Already Safe
36 : Confession
37 : Confuse
38 : Misunderstanding
39 : Spy
40 : Jealous
41 : Distracting Thoughts
42 : Half Feelings
43 : Sudden Changes
44 : I Love You
46 : Marriage-Free
47 : Acceptance
48 : Tease
49 : Bliss
50 : Lifetime
Author's Note

45 : Goodbye

541 19 9
By goldenpup45

Author's note:

Hey, guys! Sorry for the very late update. Finals had been stressful and rough, especially to a graduating student such as myself. But praise to God, I'm still alive, hehe. Anyway, just a head's up, this would be quite a drama-filled chapter. So, please don't hate me:(


"Hey Glaiza, do you... Glaiza?.... Glai?... De Castro!" At this, the short-haired girl snapped out of her mind, wincing at the pain of being yelled at, directly on her ear.

"What the fuck, dude!" Glaiza punched Paul's shoulder before hissing at the continuous ringing of her ear. "You're literally just beside me, you don't have to shout on my ear!"

"Well, I tried using my normal voice to pull you out of whatever planet you're mind is, but it clearly didn't work. So you left me no choice." Paul says, putting the game controller on the table in front of them. "I was gonna ask your opinion in my chosen avatar, but you're not even paying attention. You're mind was obviously somewhere else."

"Yeah, what were you zoning out for?" Dennis added, standing up from the floor to sit beside the short-haired girl.

"Its about... Rhian." Glaiza started.

"And? What about her?" Dennis questioned.

"Earlier this morning, she seems... distracted and lowkey distant." Glaiza sighs. "I asked her what was wrong, but she dismissed it saying that she's just fine."

"Well maybe she is." Paul says.

"I know Rhian when she's fine." Glaiza shook her head. "She's different this morning... Its like she's hiding something from me... Or... Maybe its me... Maybe I did something wrong... But what? Yesterday we were great, she helped me win the talent show, had kisses here and there, we celebrated, and had a few drinks. So what could I possibly-"

Just then realization suddenly hit Glaiza with a gasp. "Oh no. Drinks. I had consumed alcoholic drinks."

Paul and Dennis glance at each other in confusion before the latter spoke. "So?"

"You don't understand, I don't drink that much. I have low alcohol tolerance. But last night, I must've had tons, considering that I woke up with a massive hangover with no clue of the last night's memories at the restobar we went to. Maybe my drunk self had said, or worse, done, some embarassing things or anything cringe-worthy!" Glaiza exclaimed, dropping her face onto her hands in embarassment. "That's probably why she's being awkward with me."

She felt a heavy arm on her shoulder, making her peek through her hands. "Oh, I'm sure what you did wasn't that crazy. I've seen you a handful times during your drunk state, and you're not that reckless, unlike Kat and Chynna."

"With the times I spent hanging with you guys, I agree with Paul. Besides, I'm sure Rhian had just something on her mind. Probably business-related. You know how she is." Dennis reassured.

Releasing a sigh, Glaiza reluctantly nodded. "I guess you're right. Maybe I'm just worried over nothing."

"Good. Now that your doubts are cleared, can we now play Final Fantasy VII Remake? I'm excited to use this new avatar of mine." Paul says to which the two nodded, attention turn to the PlayStation 4.


One and a half hour of vigorous button-pushing on the controller, occassional yell and curses here and there, and consumed six cans of softdrinks, Glaiza left the gaming room and went to her room to try and talk with Rhian, hoping that the rich girl would not ignore her.

As soon as she step foot inside, she caught sight of Rhian by the terrace, leaning herself by the railing with a phone pressed on her ear. Glaiza watch as the rich girl proceed to pace the area, her eyebrows slightly furrowed together as she continue to talk to other person on the line. The rich girl didn't notice her as she walk back inside, plopping herself on the bed as she finished phone-calling someone. One leg raised up to her chest, resting an arm on it as Rhian massage her temple.

Glaiza hesitated to approach the girl, but seeing the obvious stress on the girl's features had the girl began making her way to the bed. Without a word, Glaiza situated herself behind the girl and placed her hands on Rhian's shoulders gently squeezing it. She continue her massage as the rich girl instantly lean herself back at Glaiza, relaxing her tense shoulders.

The short-haired girl traced her fingers to Rhian's nape, pressing both her thumbs on it firmly, up to the roots of her hair, resulting to a contented hum to be released from the receiving girl. Glaiza placed a chaste kiss on Rhian's head as she continue working the knots on Rhian's slender shoulders. The rich girl closed her eyes, feeling all her frustration and tension melt away and replaced by ease and calmness. Rhian tilt her head to the right at the sensation, earning a kiss from Glaiza on her temple.

"What's wrong? Talk to me." Glaiza whispered, before her hands slowly drop to Rhian's arms until it reached her hands, back-hugging the girl. Instinctively, Rhian intertwined their hands together, enclosing it firmly.

"That was mom on the phone. They just got back from France and they're heading here." Rhian shared.

"Alright..." Glaiza replied carefully, gulping nervously at the thought of seeing Rhian's parents, especially her father. "So what's the plan? Should we show public display of affection in front of your parents? Personally, I think we should do that. But, its all up to you. You have the last call. Anything's fine with me, as long as we can convince your parents to call off the wedding. Hopefully, fingers-crossed, that would be the case for today."

"I... I don't think that'll happen, G." Rhian muttered.

"Don't say that.We still have ample time to convince your parents. We just need to upgrade our plan and think of effective tactics. We're not giving up, Rhi. Okay? We'll figure something out." Glaiza reassured.

"No G, you don't understand. We are gonna push through with the wedding." Rhian says.

"We?" Glaiza creased her eyebrows.

Rhian turn ever so slowly to face the short-haired girl, but her gaze immediately went down, not wanting to make eye contact with her. "I'm agreeing to the marriage. In four days I'll be wed to Jason. The reason why my parents are heading here, is that they're coming to pick me and Jason up. We will be going back to our house for final preparations."

Glaiza froze, not believing what the other girl had just said. "Wait, are you... are you really going to marry him?"

"Y-Yes." Rhian nodded.

"So, are you saying... you're terminating our relationship?" Glaiza muttered, eyes desperately searching for the girl's. Rhian brave herself and glance up. However, seeing the look Glaiza's giving her, had her averting it elsewhere before she stood up.

"I... excuse me, I need to pack. My parents will be here shortly." Rhian answered instead, walking towards her closet.

Glaiza followed her, standing just behind her. "Seriously, Rhian? This again?! We've had this talk before. If you marry that Jason guy, then what the hell does this set-up of ours is for?! So what, you're gonna let your father control your major decision in life?! Are you that an obedient daughter that you would just agree for him to manipulate you like that?"

"Its for my own good. He's doing this for my sake." Rhian defended, zipping out her travel bag. "Besides, you wouldn't understand anyway."

"I wouldn't understand?! I've been your fake girlfriend for almost three months. Believe me, I understand. What I don't understand is why you're acting like this again. Haven't I made it clear the consequences you'll be facing if you agree to the marriage?" Glaiza ask, following the rich girl until they sat on the bed. The rich girl still busy arranging her essentials to another bag. "You're not seriously considering in marrying someone you have no romantic interest, are you? Much less love?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm sure with time, I can learn to love him." Rhian shrug off. "Besides, its better to secure myself to someone who already loves me rather than from someone who is still confused and torn with coming to terms with their own feelings, yet had the audacity to blurt out three romantic words like it didn't hold any meaning."

Glaiza furrowed her eyebrows deeply. "What's that suppose to mean?"

Rhian's eyes widen a little at the realization that she has probably talked too much. Fortunately, a honk of the car was heard from outside, indicating the arrival of her parents. The rich girl used this opportunity as an excuse to avoid Glaiza's question.

Rhian cleared her throat, swinging her bag onto her right shoulder, with her hand clutched at the handle of her travel bag. "I should go. They're here."

Her travel bag's small wheels made rolling sounds as it is being dragged onto the wooden floor. Just as Rhian opened the door, it was immediately shut close and hands were on her shoulders until her back forcefully made contact with the wall, resulting to Rhian's small bag on her shoulder to slip onto the floor.

"No, we're settling this now!" Glaiza exclaimed. "Why are you doing this, Rhian?! Did I do something wrong? If I did, please tell me! Going through this irrational decision isn't needed, instead, take it out on me! Take whatever anger you're feeling out on me! Just please, don't do this. Don't ignore me anymore. You've been like this since morning and I don't know why! Tell me, why?! Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?! What did I did to you? Why, Rhian! I need answers!"

"Because last night you told me that you love me, triggering my realization that I also felt the same way, and I got scared!" Rhian exclaimed back.

Glaiza's furious look immediately turn to that of a slight shock. "I...what?"

"Last night, before you passed out from drunkeness, you confessed that you love me. Whether it was true or not, I was shocked. It was that night, I come to terms that I am-no, I was, already falling in love with you... But then came, fear. I realized that this set-up we've made is so wrong on so many levels. Both the old set-up and the new one." Rhian's gaze went downwards.

"At the beginning, having to persuade you to being my fake girlfriend, should have been my warning not to drag you into my family problem, especially when I'd known that you were in a relationship. However, this new set-up of ours, where I was fine with you two-timing both me and Ben, is the worse. It made me a worse person. Glaiza, what we've been doing the past couple of days is considered to be cheating. Going against Ben's back to have moments with you romantically and stealing you away from him whenever I got the chance, is so wrong! Hell, I shouldn't have feelings for you in thr first place! Yet, here I am, being an immoral third-party to both of you. And I don't want that anymore. I just... can't. My conscience couldn't handle it anymore."

"Besides, I don't want to confuse and play with your feelings. I shouldn't have let your feelings be torn on choosing between me and Ben. I now know where I stand. Where I should stand. Be with Ben, and him only. He's a really nice guy, Glaiza. A nice guy like him, is not worth cheating at. So, be with him." Rhian gulped hard, her eyes starting to glisten. "He's the one you love, anyway... I know the chances of you choosing me rather than Ben was slim to none, and yet, it was stupid of me to hope that you would. That is why I agree to you seeing me romantically behind Ben's back. Other the fact that I want to experience what being romantically involved was, it was also to conceal my fear: that in the end, you would still choose him over me."

Rhian laughed bitterly. "And now, even as I anticipated it, it still hurts to be slapped by the cold hard truth. I mean, how am I suppose to compete with someone that already has the key to your heart? Someone who you already dearly love? I know, I can't... That's why we're ending this... thing we have, Glaiza. You already have your Ben, and I'm to have my Jason... That is all it should be."

Glaiza was rendered speechless. It all seems that things are going fast that she's unable to fully sink in what the rich girl was saying. This temporary 'mute state' of Glaiza gave the chance for Rhian to gently push her back and exit their room, carrying her things.

The short-haired girl's feet were stuck to the floor, unable to follow the retreating girl. Instead, she was left alome to her thoughts. For a moment, she let Rhian's words repeat over and over in her head, until she was able to grasp and understand what Rhian was saying earlier. But with everything she heard the rich girl mentioned, only one thing was glued in Glaiza's mind.

Rhian loves me... She has romantic feelings for me.... Holy shit, Rhian is fucking in love with me!

Suddenly, all rational thoughts were abandoned. She did not know nor care whether her confession to Rhian last night was true or not, or whether she should reciprocate Rhian's feelings or not. What matters now is that she absolutely want Rhian to stay, their relationship, or whatever it is that they have, to continue, and for Rhian to abandon her marriage to Jason.

Glaiza forcefully swung their bedroom door open, seeing Rhian down the stairs talking to her friends, probably saying their goodbye's to each other. The short-haired girl push her legs forward for a sprint in the hallway, down to the stairs, not caring that she stumbled and lost her footing a couple of times. Rhian's back was already turn and was about to walk towards the main door where Jason and her parents were waiting, when it was Glaiza's chance to call her name.

"Rhian!" Fortunately, the girl being called turn just in time for Glaiza's foot to slide over the shiny floor, effectively crashing herself with Rhian's. Both of them stumbled down the floor, due to the impact.

"Don't leave... Please... Rhian, stay with me...Don't marry Jason..." Glaiza mumbled through Rhian's shirt, which was tightly clutched on Glaiza's hands. Tears sprang from Glaiza's eyes, staining the rich girl's shirt she's buried into.

"Glaiza... I-" Rhian was immediately cut off when a strong hand made contact with Glaiza's shoulder, pushing her back with force.

"You! What kind of sorcery have you done to my daughter?! She was fine until you came along! Do you know how much trouble you brought to this family?! If I have known what you're intentions were, I shouldn't had welcomed you into our home again!" The voice of Rhian's father ehoed through the house, furiously pointing his finger down at the slumped Glaiza.

But the short-haired girl wasn't listening, her gaze solely focus on the sitting Rhian, whose gaze were focused on the floor. She push herself to stand up and made a run towards the girl, had it not for Mr. Ramos' outstretched hand blocking her way.

"Rhian, please! Don't do this! You'll be regretting this decision for the rest of your life! Jason is not the right person for you! You don't even love him anyway! Be with me instead!" Glaiza called out, as she struggle to free herself from the mighty hold of Rhian's father.

"Stop this, Glaiza!" Mr. Ramos gripped Glaiza's arms tightly. "Stop this nonsense!"

"No! How could you do this to your daughter?! Can't you see that you're forcing her into entering something she doesn't want?! Why can't you see that she does not want to marry Jason, especially at a young age?! What kind of father does that?! Is this you're definition of love?! Dictating your daughter's future and ridding her freedom from dissaproving your commands?! You know, I should be the one asking you what kind of sorcery have you done to Rhian! All her life, she had been nothing but a goody two-shoes and an obedient daughter to you. But this?! This is too much! I don't even wanna know how Rhian put up with you. I'm surprise that she even consider you as her father. You're a pathetic excuse of a father. You're selfish and a controlling man. I wouldn't be shock if Rhian felt embarass to even be related to you." Glaiza spatted out.

Instantly, Glaiza felt an immense stinging sensation on her right cheek as Mr. Ramos' mighty slap resonated through the house.

"Glaiza!" Rhian exclaimed, and was about to make her way towards Glaiza, when her mother hold her back, shaking her head as if saying not to intervene.

Just as Mr. Ramos was about to lunge at Glaiza again, he was immediately held back by both Paul and Dennis, muttering things to calm down the man. However, the man was beyond furious to calm down.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?! You know nothing about parenthood! I'm doing this for the betterment of Rhian! If it means stirring her away from the likes of you, then so be it! I am her father and it is her duty to obey everything I say, and nothing you say will change her mind! Frankly, this shouldn't even be your business! So, from this day onward, stay away from my daughter! You hear me?! Stay away from her!" Mr. Ramos furiously says, shrugging both Dennis and Paul with force.

Meanwhile, Rhian was able to get away from her mother's grasp and walk towards Glaiza's direction, but her father's hand firmly hold her wrist, giving her a warning look.

"Don't you dare approach that disrespectful girl." Mr. Ramos tugged on her hand.

"But dad, I-"

"We're leaving Rhian. Now." He tug on Rhian's hand but the latter held back.

"Wait, I just want to-"

"Rhian. I said no." Her father firmly replied. "Now, stop being difficult and we're leavi-"

"Please dad, let me talk to her. 5 minutes, that's all I'm asking. Please. After that, yes, we'll leave. Just please, let me to talk to Glaiza." Rhian pleaded. Her father gave a hesitating glance at her then at Glaiza before he huffed.

"Fine. Make it quick." He muttered, glaring at Glaiza, before he and his wife went to the main door, gathering Rhian's things to their car. Jason gave them an unexplainable look before he followed the Ramos'.

Rhian immediately crouch down to level herself with Glaiza, and cupped her cheeks. Lovi and Katrina, who was comforting the short-haired girl, stood up to give Rhian room to approach Glaiza easily.

"Does it hurt?" Rhian whispered in a worried tone, turning her face sideways, to inspect any hint of mark that has resulted from her father's slap. True to her thought, the rich girl saw a faint, slightly red hand mark on Glaiza's right cheek. Rhian sighed, and caress it softly.

Ignoring her question, Glaiza once again buried her head on Rhian's chest. "Don't g-go with them, Rhi. P-Please. I won't- I can't take i-it. It would c-crush me. Please, Rhi. Just stay with m-me. Stay h-here with me. Please."

Hearing the tone on Glaiza's voice, had Rhian's held-back tears to surrender and fall freely down her cheeks. "Glaiza..."

"We just n-need more time. Rhian, we can f-fix this. I'm sure we'll still be able to c-convince you father to c-call off the w-wedding. We just n-need to continue what we're doing, and sure enough we'll get to change your f-father's mind." Glaiza persuaded, her face moving toward's Rhian's neck, nuzzling it. "Just... Don't l-leave me. Please, Rhi."

Rhian raised Glaiza's face to meet their gaze with a pained look. "I'm afraid, there's nothing else we can do, G. Maybe this really is what's destined for us. We no longer have control over it, instead, we just have to accept it." She connected their foreheads together. "We may not be the right one for each other, I'm still glad that I got to experience this... thing between us. I don't regret anything with you. You've done so much to me within this span of summer. Brought me so much realizations, made me open my eyes to some things I'm blinded to, gave me so much happiness, and... got to experience romantic love... For me, at least. And for all of that, I thank you."

Rhian cupped both the girl's cheeks. "I love you, Glaiza. So much. Always remember that. If only we have time, I'd show you how I'd love as a person. I'll give you all the attention, the care, everything... But sadly, we don't. Its okay though, you have Ben to give you all of that... And that is enough for me."

"But I still want you, Rhi. You're special to me. Because I... I..." Glaiza trailed off.

Fuck, Glaiza! Just say it! Why can't you just say you love her?! This might be the only chance for her to stay! So say it! Say that you love her!

But even her mind persuaded her to tell Rhian that three important words, no words were spoken from Glaiza's ajar mouth. The short-haired girl clench her fists and force her mind to speak, but still, no words came. Little did she know, a nagging, hesitating thought was buried in the back of her mind, rendering her from spatting out the words Rhian would probably want to hear.

Sensing her trouble and what the girl was trying to say, Rhian shook her head with a sad smile. "Its okay, you don't have to say it back. I understand if you don't feel the same way." Just as Rhian was to stand up, Glaiza instinctively clutch on the hem of Rhian's shirt.

With a panicked tone, she said, "Rhian, no, please, let's talk this through. I don't want you leave. Please, I can't take it, I-"

Rhian's ears couldn't handle Glaiza's pained words anymore, so she did what would effectively both shut the girl's pleads and convey just how much she loves Glaiza. She crash her lips with hers and enclosed it into a deep, passionate, kiss. As she cupped Glaiza's cheeks firmly, various memories of her moments with Glaiza played in her mind. Her tears mingled with Glaiza's as it fall down her cheeks. Glaiza gripped Rhian's shirt tightly and press herself more to the girl, her head tilted to kiss Rhian more deeply. She want to be as close to her as possible, wanting to convey that she cares for the rich girl just as she has to her. Through her kiss, Glaiza hope that Rhian gets the message just how much she's desperate for her to stay and really hoping she would. However, just as Rhian said earlier, her mind is already set.

As they slowly pull away, Rhian gave a long kiss on Glaiza's forehead, before she utter the words that has Glaiza's heart shattering to pieces. "Goodbye, Glaiza."

Rhian pulled away from their hug, stood up and began walking towards the main door. With blurred tears and shaky breath, Glaiza was unable to move her feet to stand and chase the girl anymore. Instead, she raise her hung head ever so slowly, watching the retreating figure, hoping to God that Rhian would glance her way, even for the last time. Much to her dismay, the girl didn't. It was then when she heard the car zoom away and her friends' comforting words rang through her ear, had her temporary paralyzed legs to work again. Ignoring the people around her, Glaiza stood up and stormed back to the room.

She burst through the door and slammed herself face-down on the bed, releasing her full-blown tears of anguish. With every mental curse towards Rhian's father, her mother, Jason, herself, and hell, to the universe, Glaiza let out a piercing scream of agony, muffled by the tear-stained pillow. Her fingers were already turning to white as she grip the sheets tightly, angered at everything that has blocked her from having Rhian. Most of all, she's furious with herself.

Why can't you just say it?! She said she loves you, why can't you say it back?! Why, Glaiza, why?! You're such an idiot, stupid, bastard! Look what that cost you! Rhian left you! And she's probably gonna cut her communication with you! You're so stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Never mind her shaking hands, her stinging eyes, or her harsh rasp of her throat. It didn't matter to Glaiza. None else matters but the evading pain in her chest, ripping and tearing it up with regrets and consequences of her actions, or the lack of it. With her sharp breaths, sniffling nose, and head burried into the pillow, Glaiza let herself be wallowed and drowned to the hole filled with extreme hurt, pain, misery, and all the negative feelings Glaiza's having them now.

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