Wrestling imagines and one sh...

By -pumpkinqueen-

67.4K 579 55

Just a few one shots that popped into my head so I decided to write them. All chapters will be written using... More

Pete Dunne - Soulmates
Pete Dunne - cuddles
Pete Dune - Training
Pete Dunne - More Than Friends
Pete Dunne - Hangovers Aren't So Bad
Pete Dunne - Past
Pete Dunne - Match Made In Heaven
Trent Seven - Tagging
Tyler Bate - Hair Dye
Tyler Bate - Protected By British Strong Style
Tyler Bate - Baby Sitting
Tyler Bate - Surprise
Kenny Omega - All Elite
Kenny Omega - Cutie
Kenny Omega - Protection
Kenny Omega - Kid
Kenny Omega - Boyfriend
Kenny Omega - Mystery Tag Partner
Kenny Omega - Match Makers
Kenny Omega + Reader + Adam Page
Adam Page - Injuries Come With The Job
Adam Page - Soulmates
Adam Cole - Bay Bay
Adam Cole - Hurting
Adam Cole - Undisputed Girl
Adam Cole - Baby???
Adam Cole - My Girl
Adam Cole - Soulmates
Adam Cole - Fainting
Aleister Black - Headspace
Damian Priest - Thunder Buddies
Damian Priest - Comps Lead To Dates
Damian Priest - Save Me
Damian Priest - The Pack
Damian Priest - Cuddles Make Everything Better
Darby Allin - Training
Darby Allin - Auntie and Uncle
Darby Allin - Lock Down + Hair Dye
Chris Brookes - That's Not How You Treat A Lady
Chris Brookes - Best Friends Or ...
Chris Brookes - Don't Touch My Girl
Chris Brookes - Stuffie
Chris Brookes - Jon's Sister
Chris Brookes - An Intresting Challenge
Shayna Baszler - Making The Save

Darby Allin - Soulmates

1.6K 20 7
By -pumpkinqueen-

Summary – Darby finally meets his soulmate.

Soulmates are linked by a tattoo like mark that appears the same for both of them. It's great to start with then when you make contact with your soulmate it darkens with a burning sensation.

Your PoV

I'd been a fan of wrestling since before I could remember. So when I had the chance to buy tickets to see AEW I jumped at the chance. My friend was meant to come with me but she ended up cancelling last night so I was left to go on my own. I contemplated skipping but this is a a dream of mine to attended AEW. The card was phenomenal as well. AEW had managed to strike up a one time deal to get Will Osprey for this paper view. Him and Bea Priestly were going to team against Penelope Ford and Kip Sabian. They were booked as the main event but Darby Allin, Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley we're booked to face MJF, Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara in a no disqualifications match fo open the show. Which in all fairness was the match that had caught my eye Kenny ,Darby and Jon are my favourite wrestlers and have been since they were in their indies. Then in a random order Dustin Rhodes was set to Face Orange Cassidy, then SCU Were set to face Hangman and the Bucks, there's two female matches book Brandi Rhodes vis Hikaru Shida then Britt Baker is set to face Riho.

I decided that I would go get dinner after the show somewhere seen as I was running slightly late. My Class having over run. So I practically ran home and jumped in the shower. I washed and conditioned my hair washing my body after. Once dried I slipped on some clean underwear and socks and slipped on one of my oversized night shirts. Whilst I did my hair and makeup. Then I dried my hair. I chose to straighten it whilst I was at it. Moving on to makeup I said fuck it and went with a warm toned brown eyeshadow look and and black matte lip. Using my favourite brand Jeffree Star. Once my hair and makeup were done I walked over to my wardrobe and chose and outfit. I went with black distressed ripped skinny jeans, a black killstar mesh panelled shirt. Then I grabbed my grabbed my custom doc martens. I have a very talented friend in fashion design and she'd worked on them as a 19th birthday present to me. I slipped on a cute little coffin choker and the. Grabbed my oversized cardigan.

This cardigan is actually my security blanket. I wore it with everything even if I was fully covered but still insecure this fixed that I was like I could just wrap in round me and be happy. My Soulmark was kinda visible if you looked at it you could see what it was. I hadn't found my soulmate yet. I'm not in a rush to find them but I hope whoever it is will accept me for me. I'm hoping that they'll be similar to me. If my soulmark is anything to go by they should be. It says stay weird in a cool font. Once dressed I grabbed my phone, my keys and my purse and put them in my rucksack.

I walked out of my apartment and locked up before heading downstairs. I went to the bus stop the show wasn't that far away from my house. I had some how made time and was now early so I went and grabbed myself a coffee from in the arena before I started cueing up. I bought merch from the merch stand. / limited addition Bea Priestly and Will Ospray as well as a new Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley shirt. I got one of Darby's coffin drop T-shirt's as well as the hoodie version. I packed all four of them in my backpack. We then cued for about 30 minutes before doors open I had a managed to get front row seats so I sat down and there were a bunch of girls behind me to the left. They kept Asking if they could have to seat at the side of me. But there was a little lad sat behind me directly with his mum and dad either side of him. So I turned to his mum.

Y/n– excuse me. My friend was meant to sit here tonight but she can't make it. Would your son like to sit there instead.
Random girl – hey you freak yeah you move and let us sit closer we wanna see Sammy and Kip. The kids a weirdo why's he wearing face paint.
Y/n– oh will you shut up. Your giving me a headache and I've only been sat down for five minutes. He's quite clearly got his face painted in support of Darby, jacket is supporting Kenny and his T-shirt is for Jon. Why bully a child what do you get out of it. Nothing it just proves that your more pathetic than people thought. Now kindly shut up because no you can't have the spare seat. It's the kids if he wants it but if he doesn't then it's staying empty.
Random girl – nobody will ever pay attention to a freak like you. Well just say your in our seats. Why would they believe a stupid emo.
Boy – leave her alone she's nice.
Y/n– thanks kiddo. And girls good luck proving that considering their booked In my name.

A crowd had began to film us and a few people were telling people what had happened and posting it raging wrestlers in to it. I didn't care for that. I once went to a wrestling show with my grandparents and I could t see because it was a standing show so a man in front of me explained to my Nan that he worked with the wrestlers and that if it was okay with them he'd have me on his shoulders so I could see the show. They'd agreed and true to his word the man picked me and up kept me on his shoulders throughout the entire show. I was so thankful for him because see that show got me into wrestling. I'd promised myself if I ever had the chance to do the same for another kid that I would.

Y/n– if he wants the seat and your okay with it the seats his.
Mother of the boy – thank you I'm sure he'd love it. Thank you so much for standing up for him. I'm honestly we have no idea what's going on we're just here because he loves the wrestlers here. Josh do you want to sit up front with
Y/n– my names y/n or you can call me pumpkin like my younger students do.
Josh – yes please.
Joshs dad – you teach what do you teach.
Y/n– through the day I run a verity you parent and toddler classes as well as play groups and at night I'm a martial arts instructor.
Joshs mum – that's incredible.

His mum lifted him over to me and I helped him onto his chair. He was about 10 but fairly small. I sat at the side of him and the crowd that had built up around us clapped. Josh began to tell me about all his favourite wrestlers and I listened Intently and spoke about my favourites. We both wanted Darby, Kenny and Jon to win this first match. As the show opened and the commentators announced what was happening the first three themes rang throughout the arena. Chris Jericho, Sammy and MJF got in the ring and rambled a bit before Jon's theme played and he made his way to the ring. Followed by Kenny and Darby. Me and josh stood up at the Barricade and I lifted him up so he could high five the wrestlers as they came down. Jon ruffles his hair and high fives him. Kenny fist bumped him and did his pose with his hands which I helped josh mimic. Then Darby came down. Damn I though josh was actually going to explode with excitement. He'd told me that Darby is his absolute favourite because of how unique and special he is. To my surprise once off his skateboard he made a b line to me and josh. He was now stood in front of us. Kenny and Jon came forward to join him.

Darby – hey your the guys from the videos right.
Jon – what videos.
Kenny – ohhh
Darby – well this young lady had a spare seat so she offered it to the little man. But the girls over their tried bullying her and him over their appearances. Calling them freaks so this young lady defended herself and the boy. I just wanted to say well done to this little dude for being himself and not caring what others thing and I wanted to say thank you to you for Sticking up for him and being so sweet to a complete stranger. There needs to be more people like you in this world.
Kenny – that would have been so much easier to say if you'd have asked for their names first.
Darby – I was getting there.
Jon – sure you were, what are your names.
Josh – I'm josh and this is y/n or pumpkin which ever you like better.
Darby – pumpkin that's kinda cute and fitting.
Y/n– thanks.
Kenny – are they you mum and dad josh.
Josh – yup
Kenny – hey could you take a photo of us please. And tag us all.
Joshs mum – of course.

Kenny stood to my right with Darby to my left he stood in between me and josh then Jon stood next to josh. As Darby wrapped his arm around my waist my collarbone began to burn. We both flinched but carried on smiling. Then they all gave us hugs. Only for Darby to hug me last.

Darby – meet me in the coffee shop after the show.
Y/n– okay.

They finally got into the ring and I couldn't quite believe what had just happened. We watched the whole match with the lads beating the inner circle and MJF. They called for a mic.

Jon – this isn't really my thing but I do want to say one quick things. Anyone out there in the crowd tonight if you have bullied someone for being different or even having a better seat or whatever. I want you to go home tonight and think about what you'd feel like if somebody's did that to either you or somebody you cared about.
Kenny – yeah to the girls earlier peaking on a girl because of her appearance and then Stopping so low as to pick on a kid damn don't think I've ever heard of such bullshit. You need to take a good long look on the mirror and make sure you perfect before you ever start picking on fans especially my fans. Because without them I wouldn't be here so I will defended them through thick and thin.
Darby - calling someone a name is so acceptable in today's society but it shouldn't be bullying somebody because they don't fit your definition of normal or they are strange to you that's the lowest form of low in my eyes and it certainly will not attract the attention of wrestlers if that's what you were looking today. To josh and Y/n a little boy and a young woman who met only 40 minutes ago.

Jon – that's about right.
Darby – I want to publiclaly acknowledge the both of you. Josh mate you look absolutely incredible tonight. Your perfect combination of Jon, Kenny and myself. You keep being you and defying the odds and doing what you want to do, because you'll make it with that attitude kid. And Y/n I said it whilst I was over there, they're need to be more people like you in this world. Your act of kindness will never leave the little boys heart and it certainly won't go unnoticed. By the way stay weird because because being a freak is ten time better than being normal.

They left the ring not long after and high fived us again on their way out of the arena. The rest of the show was absolutely phenomenal me and josh kept standing up to high five the faces and beach time I'd have to life him up slightly for him to do so. Once the show was over and the arena began filing out joshs mum and dad both added me on Instagram and Twitter so they could tag me in their post before they thanked me again. Before they left josh gave me the biggest hug imaginable which I moved back and crouched to his leave to make it easier. Then they walked up then stairs with josh shouting about how much of a best first show it had been. And that he wanted to come again. I saved the pictures to my phone as I walked up to the refreshments area. Going into the bathroom I took my makeup as my eyes were starting to become slightly irritated with the makeup. I went into the little food shop and I ordered myself a dish of vegetarian noodles. And ate them pretty quickly. Then I made my way over to the coffee shop. I sat in the corner and plugged my earphones in a listened to music whilst I waited. I listened to Motionless in White for a while. As I was trying to pick one of their songs to use in a competition in a few months. Then I replied to a few of my friends a lot of whom had now see all three videos and the picture. There was the video of the girls being dicks to me and josh the. There was a video of Darby, Jon and Kenny coming fo say high to us before the match and the. The video of them in the ring after the match. Then there was the picture. I also checked my classes for tomorrow. Until I felt a hand tap me on my shoulder. I pulled my earphones out and put them in my pocket. I thought it would be Darby but it wasn't. Instead it was the girls from earlier.

Y/n– what do you want.
Random girl – I want to know why you wouldn't switch seats with me and my friend.
Y/n– a few reasons really. One I didn't want to. Two I paid for my tickets I get to sit there and chose who sits with me. And Three that little boy deserved the seat more than the both of you combined.
Girl two – your just a pathetic emo waste of space. You probably wear long sleeves to hide your scars right because I insecure piece of shit. News flash you'll never get any man dressed like that.
Random girl – seriously not even the weird man with the face paint or the mask could even like you. I good for nothing waste of space. Why don't you do us a favour and leave before the wrestlers come out so you don't show us or yourself up.
Girl two – you heard her leave maybe you can go be sad and depressed somewhere else because nobody gives a fuck s I you.
Y/n– just fuck off will you.
Random girl – en did that hurt your feeling. Are you going to go home and cry what's the matter is it's all a bit to much. Do you need to run away and hide.
Girl 2 – that fat bitch couldn't even hide behind an elephant. She'd make them look small.

They started pushing me so I grabbed my bag and went to leave but they wouldn't let me past now people were starting to stare. I could feel my heart staring to race. My quick breaths weren't helping my asthma right now it was throwing everything off balance. I looked around the room to look for an escape as I looked up I saw Darby who looked concerned. As he walked over to us quicker. The girls pushed me again and started tormenting me again.

Random girl – aww look she's going to have a break down right her in front of us. What a pathetic fat lump.
Darby – hey leave her alone.

Whilst they were distracted by Darby I pushed past them and set off running.

Darby's PoV

Darby – Ken, Mox do me a favour and stay with these two get security here and get them banded from all future events. Or something I'm going to find y/n.

Kenny – no problem We've got it. Go get her.

With that I looked for Y/nand found her running towards the entrance. I grabbed her bag that she'd left on the floor and I took off after her. We ran for around 10 blocks before she ran to the edge of a woodland park. Man alive this girl could run like seriously sign her up for the ennyye. I followed her into the park only to loose her so I began walking in the direction that had less people I figured that she'd rather be alone right now. As I walked around the corner there was a tree house. Out the corner of my eye I could just see her orange hair for inside did I looked at how to climb up to her. I slipped her backpack on over my shoulders and I climbed the tree. To get into the actual tree house you had to climb a foot ten feet off the ground just using the tree but once on the little split In the tree you could pull yourself up to the balcony of the tree house. When I pulled myself up I shrugged the backpack off and looked over to her. It broke my head to see her so broken and upset. My heart physically ached for her I walked over to her and sat down in front of her.

Your PoV

I ran out of the building to the little park my grandparents used to bring me to. Even with tears blinding my vision I still knew how to climb up that three and get in the tree house. Tears were streaming down my face so much that my eyes began to get sore. I was scratching the fuck out of my hands but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to remover how to breath properly. My breathing was so rapid from running and panicking but my chest was tightening with my asthma. I heard someone climbing the tree so I hide myself further into my little corner and hoped I was quite enough for them to miss. I had no such luck because I heard them come and sit in front of me. My knees were clenched to my chest as I hid my head away in my arms, hair and hood. Whoever was sat In front of me carefully reached out to me. It's like I could sense their worry. Their hands rested on my knees as they began talking to me. I instantly knew who it was from their voice.

Darby – hey y/n it's me Darby. You be got you okay. Your safe I promise. Do you think your could try breathing with me.

I shook my head no.

Darby – that's okay what about letting me see your face. Just so I know you aren't hurt physically.

Reluctantly I pulled my hood slightly back and looked at Darby threw my hair and the little gap between my hood and knees. I used one hand to wave a little. Darby chuckled slightly.

Darby – hey that's it. Your eyes are gorgeous by the way. Can I move you hood.

I nodded surprisingly my breathing was sort of levelling out again. As Darby lent over and pushed my hood down of my head.

Darby – now I can tell you how gorgeous you actually are.
Y/n– you shhh
Darby – ahhh do you do speak.

I laughed a little as I felt my breathing completely level out well from the panic at least. My chest was still tight so I moved so that Darby could now see me properly as I lent over to my bag that he'd left at the side of us. I pulled my inhaler out the front pocket and used it quickly I took a sip of my water that I had in my bag. Before looking up I looked down at my hands. Which Darby gently picked up one and rubbed them soothingly.

Darby – see I promise you your safe. Nobody's here just me and you.
Y/n– thank you. You didn't have to chase after me, bring my bag and the. Calm me down.
Darby – actually I believe this does.

He pulled his sleeve up to reveal the same mark as mine but in his wrist.

Y/n– okay good pint.
Darby – you feeling okay.
Y/n– yeah I'm better now thank you.
Darby – what was that.
Y/n– I was just a panic attack but because I could control my breathing it triggered my asthma which made me panic more then I chose to run. Which now that I can think properly probably wasn't the best decision.
Darby – it was only natural. When we came in we saw you. You were looking for a way out. You wanted to get out of their which is only normal.
Y/n– I guess
Darby – I know. You just wanted to get yourself out of the situation causing you anxiety. You are even more beautiful without makeup.
Y/n– damn I forgot I'd taken That off. Probably a wise decision given the outcome.
Darby – what were they saying.
Y/n– the girls. They were just being bitches and criticising me for being weird and bigger than most girls. Just some of the words reminded me of the past to much I guess.
Darby – well they were wrong. You are absolutely gorgeous. You are perfect your style is the perfect mix between goth and cute.
Y/n– thank you I love your style. You actually inspired me to get my jacket.
Darby – that's cool. I love jackets they're so comfortable.
Y/n– Jackets are the best. They always keep me warm.
Darby – I take it your always cold.
Y/n– I'm pretty sure I'm half human half ice cube.
Darby – I'll keep you warm whenever you want.
Y/n– thank you.
Darby – your welcome. Hey what do you say we hang out and get to know each other.
Y/n– I'd like that.
Darby – will you walk back to the arena with me. Don't worry the girls are gone. Kenny and Jon took care of them.
Megan- okay.

With that Darby smiled at me as he stood up. He offered his hand to me. I took it and he pulled me up. I grabbed my bag and slid it on as we made our way to the door.

Darby – how did you know about this place
Y/n– my grandparents used to bring me here when I was little. As a joke my grandad tells me that because I'm short I'll be little forever, So it's my treehouse
Darby – that's cool I love like 30 minutes away from here. And I visit the city so frequently. This is on my jogging route. I can't believe I missed it.
Y/n– well now you'll always see it.
Darby – that's true. Would you like me to help you down.
Y/n– I have my own unique way of getting down.
Darby – on a level of one to ten how crazy is this going to be.
Y/n– for me like a three for a norma person a bout a  9.
Darby – okay.

I climbed down to the little separation on the branches and made sure I was clear before I front flipped off the tree to the ground. Darby jumped down besides me.

Darby – and I thought I'd be the crazy one of the two of us.
Y/n– you might have just met your match.
Darby – sounds like a challenge to me.
Y/n– maybe it is maybe it isn't.

We walked side by side towards the area. Both of us pointing stuff out to make the other laugh. Darby's hand brushed against mine so I entwined them which made him look over to me and smile. We continued our walk back. When in the arena Darby offered to take me back stage but I insisted I wait at the coffee shop for him. True to his word the girls were gone and there was barley anyone here now. So as he went backstage I went to the bathroom to was my face to say I'd been crying and had a full panic attack I didn't look bad. Once I'd rinsed my face off I dried it and set it with a little face spray I had in my bag. Then I walked back into the coffee shop and bought myself a coffee. I sat at a table trimming my coffee as I doodled on my phone. I was designing more merch for my martial arts club. When Darby came and sat in front of me.

Darby – whatcha doing
Y/n– doodling.
Darby – I like that word. It's unique.
Y/n– you've never heard it before.
Darby – can't say I have. So what are you doodling.
Y/n– new merch and uniform ideas for my team.
Darby – what do you guys do.
Y/n– were a martial arts club.
Darby – that's really cool so what's your job there.
Y/n– I'm co owner as well as senior instructor alongside one of my best friends Ryan but I'm in charge of designs from everything to merch and uniform to competition promotion. Then Ryan handles all the admins and maths stuff that hurts my head.
Darby – maths suckkks I think it hurts everyone's head.
Y/n– not Ryan he things algebra is fun.
Darby – no offence but was your friend recently hit in the head.
Y/n– there's a good possibility of it. He asked me to throw nunchucks at him the other day so you never know. Where do you want to hang out this place is about to close.
Darby – hanging out with you two sounds like it could be more chaos than hanging out with Kenny and Mox. We could go to the little all night café down the road it's called
Y/n– All Hallows Coffee Stop
Darby – yeah how did you know.

We both stood up and grabbed our stuff and began walking out. Darby this time reaches down and entwined our hands as we walked.

Y/n– it's my grandparents shop.
Darby – that's so cool it's my favourite coffee shop.
Y/n– I'm in there all the time.
Darby – how did we miss each other.
Y/n– I'm normally sat in the back room with their dog to be honest. I'm not the biggest fan of people
Darby – people are weird. Dogs are the best. Is the dog the Rottweiler.
Y/n– yeah they rescued him like two years ago. He's my little companion. I take him on a walk every morning for my grandparents. Well I'll rephrase that he takes me for a walk. I just jog along behind him.
Darby – I can imagine I remember one morning their was a new post man on and he knocked. Well fuck it took me, Kenny, Jon and Chris to get a decent grip on him to hold him back. Your grandad start cussing out the postman in Irish I think.
Y/n– yeah we're Irish we moved here when I was 6. Me, my mum and grandparents.
Darby – that's pretty cool. How old are you now.
Y/n– 19 nearly 20 how old are you.
Darby – I'm 23.
Y/n– I should have know that that's all the commentators kept saying whenever you did something crazy.
Darby – it was really sweet what you did for that boy.
Y/n– it was nothing. Just continuing a good deed.
Darby – what do you mean.
Y/n– I'll tell you once we're sat down.

We walked into the coffee shop an instantly my grandad saw us from the counter. He walked round to greet us.

Grandad – ahh Darby my favourite customer.
Darby – hello mark.
Y/n– the fuck am I chopped liver.
Grandad – sorry pumpkin. I didn't see you there. How's my favourite granddaughter.
Y/n– I'm your only granddaughter but I'm great.
Grandad – that's good how was the wrestling.
Y/n– it was great. Darby did an amazing job as did all the others.
Grandad – glad you both had a good night. You both want your usual.
Darby – I will please.
Y/n– yes please grandad.

I scowled at Darby as he paid for our drinks which made him chuckle at me. And give me a little hug which I happily returned.

Y/n– Where's Demon grandad.
Grandad – ahh he's in the back room. Go visit him he's been sulking all day.
Y/n– because I haven't see him yet. I didn't take him on his walk this morning.
Grandad – that's why he's sulking. I didn't realise.
Y/n– nope because you were still asleep.
Grandad – tusa ollphéist bheag (you little monster)
Y/n– I gcónaí. Beidh sé I gcónaí (always have always will be)
Grandad – ar shiúl leat. Lean ar aghaidh le do dháta. (Away with you, continue your date)

I laughed at him as I lead Darby into the back room. As we entered Demon looked up from his bed and instantly peeled up as he ran over to me. He jumped up at me as I petted him. I stumbled slightly but Darby steadied me. After demon greeted Darby I lead Darby over to my usual seat. It's was a comfortable triple seat sofa that faced the fire place. There was a coffee table just in front. We both sat down and demon came and sat at our feet.

Darby – what did your grandad say to you.
Y/n– ohh he called me a little monster. So I told him I always had been and I always would be. So he told me to go away and continue our date.
Darby – a date with you. I like the sound of that.
Y/n– I'm not that special.
Darby – of course you are. Especially to me.
Y/n– your special to me too. I feel safe around you.
Darby – because you are.
Grandad – here you are one double chocolate mocha and one pumpkin spice latte. Plus a plate of mini donuts on the house.
Darby – thank you Mark.
Y/n– thank you grandad.

Grandad left us as we stayed in our seats. And grabbed our drinks and began sipping them.

Darby – so you know I'm a wrestler and a fit bit about me because of that. But I don't know much about you besides I martial arts teacher and that your Irish by birth. Tell me about yourself.
Y/n– Urm during the day I run kindergarten three days a week and the other two days I run parents and toddler martial arts classes. My weekends are normally free unless I'm picking up a shift here or attending a competition.
Darby – you compete.
Y/n– yeah every couple of months.
Darby – what type of martial arts do you compete in.
Y/n– extreme openhand and weapons forms.
Darby – that's really cool. I'd love to see you compete one day.
Y/n– I'll have to bring you along when I next compete. How many tattoos do you have.
Darby – four, the one on my lip. Then I have the one on my chest. Then my knuckles are done and finally the back of my neck.

He showed me each of his tattoos the fact he was wearing a tank top cut from a band T-shirt helped him show his chest tattoo.

Darby – What about you do you have any tattoos.
Y/n– nope I have a load of ideas in a sketch book that I want. But I don't have the nerves to go on my own. Bit silly considering I have so many piercings.
Darby – it's understandable there different types of needles and pain. I'd go with you if you wanted to get tattooed. Piercings are cool I have just my nose pierced. What piercings do you have.
Y/n– so I have triple lobe piercings on each side as well as a helix piercing in either side, then on my right I also have my tragus and daith pierced and in my left I have my rook and snug pierced. I have my lip piercing and my nose. Speaking of which I need to put my hoop back in.

I grabbed my purse and slipped my nose hoop back in.

Darby – wow do you have anymore. And you look even cuter with your nose pierced.
Y/n– I have a couple more. Thank you
Darby – do tell.
Y/n– I have three microdermals on the back of my neck, then my smiley is pierced and I also have my venom bites pierced.
Darby – what are venom bites
Y/n– Two side by side tongue piercings.
Darby – wow can I see.
Y/n– sure.

I stuck my tongue out as I smiled as well so he could see both the tongue piercings and smiley. As soon as I smiled he smiled at me.

Darby – they look really cute on you. Like they fit you so well.
Y/n– thanks I've always loved piercing and tattoos. Because of my grandparents and mum. Then when my friend became a piercer Everytime I wanted a piercing I'd just go see her and get what I wanted done
Darby – did you say you have microdermals
Y/n– yeah three on the back of my neck would you like to see
Darby- of course.

I turned slightly on the sofa and moved my hair out the way after I'd slid my cardigan off. Then he could clearly see the three little purple gems sticking out my neck.

Darby – wow when Did you get theses done.
Y/n– about two months ago now.
Darby – did they hurt much.
Y/n– horribly. I've never cried at a piercing before but I did with those. More so the inserting the jewellery.
Darby – I could imagine tattooing there was bad enough.

We continued to talk for a while longer I ended up cuddled into his side as we flicked through both our phones in turn laughing at the memories we were showing one and other. I went to skip past a few photos but Darby stopped me. It was a picture of me after getting my black belt two years ago.

Darby – what's that.
Y/n– it's a picture my mum took after my black belt grading. I refused to show my face because of how tired I was and the fact I looked dead because I was genuinely dead after an 8 hour grading.
Darby – fucking 8 hours.
Y/n– yep I'm pretty sure at the end of it I just collapsed on the floor. With how tired I was.
Darby – I would go and that's coming from me. Do you have to grade anymore?
Y/n– I don't have to but I'm choosing to do my second degree in two weeks.
Darby – how does that work.
Y/n– so a degree or Dan is added to your existing belt. But you have to wait the same number of years as the degree. So for example I last graded two years ago. I've had to wait two years before I could go for 2nd degree. Not next Saturday but the Saturday after I'll go to grading at 9am and I'll do the 8 hours of grading again. Until 5pm the. At then end I'll be presented with my belt again.

At 12am I decided to head home. I was taking demon with me for three reasons. One my grandad didn't want me to walk on my own. Two I hadn't taken him on a walk today and three an electrician was coming to the café tomorrow so my grandparents wanted him out the way. Darby insisted he walk me home as well he said it was to late for me and Demon to walk home alone. So I walked home with my cardigan wrapped around me with my backpack on my back and demons lead in my right hand as he walked just ahead of me and Darby. Darby had instantly taken hold of my hand as we left the Café. Which made me smile.

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