Wrestling imagines and one sh...

By -pumpkinqueen-

67.4K 579 55

Just a few one shots that popped into my head so I decided to write them. All chapters will be written using... More

Pete Dunne - Soulmates
Pete Dunne - cuddles
Pete Dune - Training
Pete Dunne - More Than Friends
Pete Dunne - Hangovers Aren't So Bad
Pete Dunne - Past
Pete Dunne - Match Made In Heaven
Trent Seven - Tagging
Tyler Bate - Hair Dye
Tyler Bate - Protected By British Strong Style
Tyler Bate - Baby Sitting
Tyler Bate - Surprise
Kenny Omega - All Elite
Kenny Omega - Cutie
Kenny Omega - Protection
Kenny Omega - Kid
Kenny Omega - Boyfriend
Kenny Omega - Mystery Tag Partner
Kenny Omega - Match Makers
Kenny Omega + Reader + Adam Page
Adam Page - Injuries Come With The Job
Adam Page - Soulmates
Adam Cole - Hurting
Adam Cole - Undisputed Girl
Adam Cole - Baby???
Adam Cole - My Girl
Adam Cole - Soulmates
Adam Cole - Fainting
Aleister Black - Headspace
Damian Priest - Thunder Buddies
Damian Priest - Comps Lead To Dates
Damian Priest - Save Me
Damian Priest - The Pack
Damian Priest - Cuddles Make Everything Better
Darby Allin - Training
Darby Allin - Soulmates
Darby Allin - Auntie and Uncle
Darby Allin - Lock Down + Hair Dye
Chris Brookes - That's Not How You Treat A Lady
Chris Brookes - Best Friends Or ...
Chris Brookes - Don't Touch My Girl
Chris Brookes - Stuffie
Chris Brookes - Jon's Sister
Chris Brookes - An Intresting Challenge
Shayna Baszler - Making The Save

Adam Cole - Bay Bay

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By -pumpkinqueen-

Plot - You and Adam are best friends who have feelings for each other and flirt a bunch but never do anything about it. You get trapped at Adams by a storm. Since you chose to hangout with each other  to game together and watch movies. You choose to keep doing that. Your secretly terrified of storms so when it hits you get very scared and Adam has to learn how help you.

Your PoV

Hey guys my names Y/n and I'm 23 years old. I have one tattoo which is on my hand/wrist it's of a rose I have multiple piercings and my hair is dyed two shades of orange. I work at AEW as the official writer for The Elite  stable and I'm currently a wrestler signed with them as is the man I'm about to visit. Adam Cole. He'd been my best friend for years we met on the ring of honour circuit and then we became friends when he joined me and my brothers in bullet club. Yes Matt and Nick are my older brothers and yes I'm just as crazy as the two of them. I couldn't believe that Adam had left the WWE to sign with us because I know that was his dream and even though we all didn't like them he never said a bad word against them because of that. However when the company kept booking him badly even as the champion because most of their attention was on the other stars. In matches and interviews you could see how it was affecting him. He and Britt broke up about a year before possibly longer. Way before any of this, there was no hard feelings between the two of them they both knew they wanted different things and knew if they stayed together they'd only hurt each other in the long haul. They were now very good friends. Me and Britt are best friends to the point we live with each other she'd been the first to realise I'd started crushing on Adam like before I'd even did. So now she'd made it her personal mission to become Dr Britt Baker, dentist, wrestler and Cupid to get us together. But me along with her were the first people to notice when Adam started to look tired, drained and just a mess. So one day we both decided to get in the car and head over to his as much as he tired not to talk we made him. And he broke down to the two of us asking why he wasn't good enough for storylines like they were getting. Why did his always have to be the same mediocre storyline repeated. Then what broke our hearts even more was the fact that the night before when he lost the title to Finn he wasn't even told until mid match through the ref. They apparently needed to do what's best for business. The three of us stayed up for hours talking until I remembered something.


Y/n- your contract renewal signing is next week right.
Adam - If I still have one. I don't think they have faith in me anymore.
Britt - then fuck them. You don't need them it's them who need you.
Y/n- come to AEW. you'll be with us, you can come back to the elite like most importantly you'd be under my booking so I'm not going to let you waste away.
Adam - you'd really do that for me. You think the guys would even want me back surely they've seen what a mess I am lately.
Britt - Austin they noticed a week after me and (nickname) did. You haven't been yourself and quite frankly that company is killing you bit by bit.
Y/n- there's also these

I passed him my phone which I'd opened up on to the group chat. I watched him as he scrolled through all the messages that me and they guys had sent to one and other yesterday afternoon. Adam sat  in between myself and Britt as he read to himself. Occasionally wiping a stray tear away.

Adam - they still care
Y/n- of course we do       
Adam - they still care
Y/n- of course we do. Your family to us
Britt - and family don't leave one and other behind or stop caring.
Adam - you both want me there too right?
Britt - I'll answer on behalf of myself and Y/n before she really does get pissed off again and beat the crap out of you. Because I really don't want to be a a ref in these heels. Yes we both want you there. We want you backstage with us causing the shenanigans we used to in ROH. We want to see you and the guys pull those mental matches out the back. Hell I know Y/n wants nothing more than to tag with you again and I want to witness that live for fucking once and I swear if you two pick a day I'm not at taping I'll murder you both.
Y/n- noted so what do you say are you coming home willingly or do I need to phone hangman and ask him how to hogtie you before we throw you in the car.
Adam - willingly I want to come home.
Y/n- then let's go
Britt - selfie to mark the occasion.
Adam - sure

The three of us stood up in the middle of the room as Britt moved her phone to get us all in. She struggled since I had a drastic height difference compared to those two. I'm only 5ft and Britt's 5ft 7 but she's got heels on today so she's more like 5ft 10 and then Adams 6ft.

Y/n- why the fuck am I so short
Adam - come here shorty.

Adam crouched in front of me and let me have a piggy back as we all smiled. Britt took a few photos and just saved them to her camera roll rather than posting them. She locked her phone and slipped it in her pocket before turning to us.

Britt - that way once it's official me and (you nickname) have bragging rights to say we knew first.
Y/n- true
Adam - what would I do without you two and the lads.
Y/n- I actually don't know

Flashback Over

Even thinking back to that day made me happy and sad. Happy because that was the day I got my partner in crime back and sad because I couldn't believe how much they'd broken the man I loved. Adam returned last night. Adam came out to save me from PAC and Nyla rose and have a impromptu intergender tag match with me which we'd won. Then at the end of the night all of the Elite, Myself,Matt, Nick, Kenny, Hangman and Cody had introduced them as the newest AEW signees and the fact that The Elite now had all its members once more. Adam and the guys put water under the bridge as they al apologised for various things. Kenny apologised getting him kicked out. To which Adam had replied its all good mate. We have to do what's best for business every now and again right. But we're The Elite and we can not be broken. I'd genuinely got tears in my eyes stood in the ring because all the people I cared about were now where they belonged. And better than that we were all happy and had a bright future ahead of us. Today was a normal day for me and Adam he'd invited me over to watch movies and game basically hangout like normal. To do that I'd had to bring my pc and my entire gaming set up with me. So once I pulled up at Adams house I jumped out my car and grabbed my two bags. Adam already had my desk and chair at his he took it with him after the show last night. Once I had everything I walked to the door I knocked and waited. I heard a crash and then Adam cursing. A few seconds later he was opening the door for me.

Adam - hey pumpkin. Come on in
Y/n- hey aus as long as whatever you fell over or banged into wont get me next.
Adam - how did you know.
Y/n- heard the crash and then the ah fuck.
Adam - oh didn't realise I'd been so loud and your safe just avoid the big ass box in the middle of the hall.

I stepped inside as he closed the door behind me. He quickly took my bags for me.

Y/n- okay shall do. But new question why is there a big as box in the middle of the hall.
Adam - hunter and a few other faces from nxt came around earlier. Apparently it's company policy to clear out the little lockers we all had at the performance centre and bring you whatever you'd left.
Y/n- oh how nice of them and triple h came to be a mail man.
Adam - no no no. He tried telling me I couldn't use the Bay Bay anymore since I'd come up with it whilst in wwe so I kindly pointed out to him that in the contact I signed where I stated my condition that I still owned my name and gimmick the saying was part of that since I'd made it in ROH.
Y/n- me and Britt told you it wasn't you who needed them but they who needed you. Now there trying to back you into a corner so you change your mind and stay with them.
Adam - I should have seen it coming in all fairness especially with how they treated you, the bucks and Kenny. You now that's why I never changed my social media handles because I never fully trusted them.
Y/n- what happened with us was a long time ago though and no I never knew that. Is that something they like over there then.
Adam - yeah they encourage you almost as soon as you join to change them to whatever your name is and then include wwe or nxt.
Y/n- wow now back to the original conversation are you okay from tripping over the box.
Adam - yeah I'm good. Come on let's head into the game room and set this up for you.
Y/n- lead the way then. Thank you for carrying my bags but you do realise I have arms right.
Adam - with the chops you gave to poor old Pac and Nyla last night nobody will ever question if you have arms. But yes I know you have arms but after everything you've done for me I want to treat you like a queen.
Y/n- your too good to me.
Adam - no I'm not so shhhh

I stuck my tongue out at him which made him laugh. As we walked into the gaming room. 40 minutes later and with a little help from a certain gamer myself and Adam had my set up next to his in the space he'd cleared out for me. We'd been planning this for weeks so I'd actually taken down my gaming set up from home and brought it all with me. Adam wanted to stream with me so we chose to do this properly rather than me just set up basically. We both had our Xbox one pros connected to computer monitors for a number of different reasons the. Adam had his streaming stations up at the side of him and he'd connected both our game play so people would watch us on a split screen but the. As normal have the little video of us both

Adam - see we're the best damn team there is
Y/n- so true
Adam - see we're the best damn team there is Y/n- so true        

Adam took a picture. And captioned it when your that good of a team you both practically run the same set up. 1 hour until myself and the wonderful @orangewitch stream together.

I reposted it and added my caption which was got my bestie back and this is the 2nd thing I've been looking forward to for a month 👀.

Adam - tease
Y/n- I know I am. It's fun watching them try to work it's out for a while.
Adam - right so food and then get ready to game.
Y/n- sounds like a plan.
Adam - then it's a good thing that I've got both our favourite food.
Y/n- Chick-Fil-A
Adam - of course

Adam had both our usual meals on the breakfast bar in his kitchen so we both went in and sat down. Adam always has a Chick-Fil-A deluxe sandwich with, Chick-Fil-A sauce and a portion of waffle fries and Dr Pepper. Where as I had a grilled cool wrap with avocado lime ranch dressing, a portion of waffle fries and sweet iced tea.

Y/n- thank you Aus your the best.
Adam - nahhh we just need food before we both forget we have to eat because we're to into the game.
Y/n- I would try to argue with that but I still remember the time in japan were we'd both gamed for about 10 hours straight.
Adam - oh yeah your brothers, Kenny and Cody all went out for the day and came back that night to find us still gaming to the point they stole our controllers once we'd finished the round we were playing. Saved anything for us and logged off before dragging us out the room down to McDonald's just down from the hotel to get food.
Y/n- I bet they text us both at some point today telling us to take a break or something.
Adam - oh they always will do after that day.

Me and Adam finished our food. Took it in turns using the bathroom then got changed into what we'd be comfortable gaming in. Adam came back through in a pair of shorts and a gaming shirt. He was looking for something without a word I slid one of the hair ties of my wrist and held it up to him. He smiled and took it he tied his hair up In low man bun

Adam - thank you. Bathrooms would if you wanna change.
Y/n- thank you and I'm definitely changing gaming in skinny jeans always ends in pain. Especially ripped skinny jeans.
Adam - they aren't exactly comfortable but how do they cause pain or is that something I don't want to know the answer to.
Y/n- take your mind out the gutter and no because the seams of them can be pretty tough and thick if you stay in one position for to long the dig into your skin. With ripped jeans the little rips and strands that haven't yet broken or are there for design basically cut into your skin if you tense your legs and pull against the material.
Adam - what, wait... why the fuck why does it sound like you know that from experience.
Y/n- because I made the mistake once when I was to lazy to change. Never again.
Adam - what am I going to do with you.
Y/n- hopefully keep me alive on apex long enough for me to remember how to play.
Adam - I'll try my best I'm going to set the stream going to get people online whilst you get changed.
Y/n- okay

He gave me a hug and I smiled and grabbed my bag with my change of clothes since I had a few meeting this morning I was dressed and in full makeup and hair. I went in dressed in this

After taking my hair down and brushing it through I took off my makeup and moisturised my face. The. Changed into a pair of leggings. One of my favourite old merch tops of Adams and apair of socks. Then I pulled my hair up into a lose messy bun. Now I felt a lot more comfortable and ready to game.

I packed my stuff back into my bag and left it in the living room before I walked back into Adam. Who'd started the stream. He looked away from the camera over to me.

Adam - damn talk about women who can do both.
Y/n- what
Adam - you went into the bathroom looking like a corporate boss who owned the world. And you looked incredible and now your how I always remember you little pumpkin dressed down but still looking gorgeous.
Y/n- why thank you. Seriously glad that braid is out my hair.
Adam - that's something that I'll give to all women and any guys who wear their hair in tight styles like braids or smooth ponytails. Because your hair must feel like it's trying to rip its self out.
Y/n- yeah pretty much.
Adam - come sit down  and do the intro with me
Y/n- okay
Adam - what's up guys it's chugs and pumpkin.
Y/n- hey
Adam - So today I have my wonderful friend Y/nwith me. And we're going to be playing some Apex Legends Duos. Now a little information before we begin Y/n will kick my butt at this game once shes warned up and she'll be carrying me to any victory's because like I always say just because I like the game doesn't mean I'm good at it.
Y/n- shut it muppet your actually pretty good at this game. Plus I like the fact that we both play safe and don't rush into anything.
Adam - see we're always the best team ever. Even when gaming. Bloodhound still your favourite?
Y/n- of course do you still play Pathfinder?
Adam - always he's my favourite sarcastic robot. You ready to start.
Y/n- he's everyone's favourite sarcastic robot yep can't wait

Me and Adam logged in and he invited me to the game we began gaming the first few games were as rough as hell we didn't even make top 10. After that tough we were both adjusted to the game and were able to play decently placing in top ten. Our first win was really comical as me and Adam has managed to get kitted out with high level shield and sniper rifles so we hauled our asses up to a few small ledges on the side of a mountain. We stayed close but had our own ledge. We managed to get a few knockdowns which turned into kills as we took the rest of team out of their health and respawn drained away. Soon we were down fo the last two squads myself and Adam and another two people possibly one if the teammates had been taken out earlier. However me and Adam managed to spot the last team. Both members of the squad still alive running from the ring. Looks like they'd left it a bit to late to run from the ring.

Adam - want to try and pop them off from there or wait till they get closer.
Y/n- from here we have the advantage we have the higher ground and they've damaged themselves in the ring.
Adam - you've got it boss

Me and Adam both lined up our shots Adam shot first then me. My guy was knocked down as Adams went for cover. Then Adam went again but for the guy I'd shot as he went to shoot but the player panicked and fell back into the ring and died.

Y/n- together
Adam - me then you.
Y/n- okay

I line my shot up at the remaking player who was trying to hide behind some rocks. But because myself and Adam positioned ourselves higher we had the advantage. Adam shot first and I shot directly after him both of us making perfect headshots. As we did the guy fell to the floor. The banner appeared on our screens as the voice over took over. We were the champion squad. I was in the ledge above Adam so I jumped down as we both hit our favourite kill quips.

Game play

Bloodhound - focus that is how I defeated you
Pathfinder - losing isn't fun that's why I don't do it.

Adam - so now we got our first victory let's hope we continue on this streak.
Y/n- I think we will I have a good feeling about this.
Adam - well in that case let's continue.

Me and Adam played for a total of 3 more hours we were champions 9 more times and I think we only finished bellow top 10 three times before we chose to end the stream and take a break from gaming. During the gaming session I'd crossed my legs so I uncrossed them and stretched them out in front of me. Adam stood looking very amused.

Adam - you good
Y/n- yeah just can't feel my legs.
Adam - that's because you always cross your legs.
Y/n- and you always tell me off.
Adam - because I care.
Y/n-  thank you for caring but in future can you remind me not to do it. Because I still can't feel my legs.
Adam - here

He offered me his hands and helped me up but I stumbled because my legs were genuinely numb. Adam caught my arms and steadied me.

Adam - you weren't kidding were you.
Y/n- nope.
Adam - what do you want to do now.
Y/n- what if we go for a walk.
Adam - yeah that sounds fun. Where were you thinking.
Y/n- what about the woods behind here.
Adam - sure sounds fun.

Luckily I'd bought a pair of Nike trainers with me so I slipped them on as Adam grabbed a pair of trainers. Once we both had our shoes on we walked out and Adam locked his house and we both walked down his drive and around to the woods. Since we both could we messed around a bit. Setting little challenges like how high could we climb a tree. Mini races between the two of us. We recorded each other jokingly making our entrances or doing wrestling moves. For example Adam "superkicked" me, I did a back body drop from the tree  to which Adam safely caught me.  We took a few cool photos of each other.
Then we decided to turn around and walk back to Adams house. We walked the long way down to the shops and both bought a drink. Unsurprisingly we both bought energy drinks. Adam got the peach tea monster whilst I got the pink lemonade monster. We both chose snacks since we wanted to watch a movie before I went home for the night. We drank our drinks and made jokes and plans for hanging out again soon. As we were walking home there was a change in the weather the sun completely disappeared and dark could filled the sky.

Adam - that doesn't look good.
Y/n- hopefully it'll pass.
Adam - there is hope.

We got back to Adams house and Adam decided to check the news. So I sat at the side of him and watched.

Tv announcement.

News reporter - emergency broadcast we've just received extreme weather reports, updating us on the storm set to hit soon. The storm has now moved to a category 5 with strong winds and a high chance of a tornado. The city has gone on lockdown. Residents are being warned to not leave their home or the building they are in at this time. We will continue to bring you the latest news as we hear it.

Adam - looks like your here for the night 
Y/n- certainly does. Let me just text Britt and tell her I won't be home tonight.
Adam - will she be okay on her own.
Y/n- she's not on her own she was having a girly night with a few of the other girls.
Adam - and you picked me over them.
Y/n- always I'd rather be here gaming than getting confused with all the beauty stuff.
Adam - can't be that bad.
Y/n- we once did skincare after a big show for us all. The whole skincare process took like 4 hours. Just sitting there putting a bunch of stuff on our faces
Adam - okay 4 hours is a bit of a ball ache.
Y/n- just a bit.
Adam - hey do you want a drink.
Y/n- can I have a glass of water please.
Adam - of course.

As Adam went to the kitchen I got my phone and texted Britt. My hands were already clamming up from the thought of the storm that was about to hit. This would be the first time I had to deal with a storm without one of my brothers, Kenny or Britt. Ever since I was little storms terrified me but as I got older that fear never disappeared it just got worse and turned into anxiety to the point I would break down and have panic attacks durning storms.

As I message Brit I knew she was right but I couldn't bring myself to tell Adam. He'd know how pathetic I was. That I was just a stupid woman with a childish fear. I could already fear myself starting to panic over the storm as I put my phone down and looked out the window at the clouds.

Adams PoV

Whilst in the kitchen I decided to make some popcorn and put a pizza in from food later. My phone buzzed in my pocket so as I waited for the popcorn to be done Britt had text me. As I read I became concerned so I messaged her back and what I read broke my heart.

I made sure that I spoke to Britt and found out everything I needed to know. Even if that second to last text she sent me sent a shiver of hope to my heart. I pushed it aside because I knew that (your nickname) needed me now. I slipped my phone in my pocket and then grabbed the popcorn and our drinks. I walked into the living room and set the things down in the table in front of the sofa. I noticed the room was almost completely pitch black as the rain bounced off the living room window. The wind rattled every door and window in the entire house. So I switched on the light. It was then I saw Y/ncurled away in the corner away from the windows and doors. I could see her body trembling as her head was buried in her knees. She had a vice like grip on her hair which was turning her knuckles white. I walked over to her and remember what Kenny had told us about his panic attacks if someone rushed over to him it made him worse. So I slowly approached her letting her now I was there as I sat in  front of her. The first thing I wanted to  do was take her hands away from her hair so I carefully untangled her hands from her hair she tried to pull them back but I kept a strong grip on them as I held them in my own hands. I saw now what Britt meant by sore hands from where she'd been biting and picking at them. I carefully rubbed my hands over hers until she'd adjusted to me being there. Slowly she'd moved closer to me, she was practically sitting on my knee. So make us more comfortable I stood up with her in my arms and led her over to the sofa. I sat down with her on my knees and wrapped my arms around her. Making sure she adjusted and was comfortable. I took her hand and placed it on my heart like Nick had once done for Kenny.

Adam- heyy look I'm here I promise you. Your safe. Think you can try breathing with me.

She nodded ever so slightly and I started breathing slow like Nick had done for Ken when he got really anxious backstage. She started trying to copy me her breathing still uneven. After about 20 minutes she'd calmed down completely and was cuddled into my chest. I just held her to me letting her take her own time.

Y/n- thank you Austin.
Adam - you don't have to thank me. I did what anyone should do.
Y/n- how did you know.
Adam - Britt messaged me whilst I was waiting for the popcorn to be done.
Y/n- sorry if you think I'm stupid now.
Adam - no no no. I could never think that about you. And I don't want you thinking that if you. We all have something we're scared of. Just because your scared of storms doesn't make me think any less of you.  You are perfect the way you are.
Y/n- your too sweet.
Adam - was that a pun I heard.
Y/n- maybe.

Y/n put her hand up and too sweeted me. We both laughed at the motion we were banned from doing in public.

Y/n- how'd you know how to calm me down.
Adam - a lot of pointers from Britt but I remembered some stuff Kenny told me and a few things that I've seen the other do for Kenny if his anxiety flared up.
Y/n- your a life saver. I'm kinda glad Britt told you.
Adam - I'm glad she did too but I'd rather you told me. I want you to know in future no matter how silly you think it is no matter how others have reacted in the past I will never judge you. All I want in this life is to protect and help you. If that means you telling me something like that then I want to know everything. Because it hurts me to see you like that especially now.

Now that I could see her face properly I could see her tear stained cheeks and her lips which were now red and split in places. I couldn't help but run my thumb over her cheek down to her lips.

Y/n- what do you mean.
Adam - lets hope Britt was right about one more thing.
Y/n- huh
Adam - I love you, like a lot more than a friend. I want to be the one who makes you smile when your sad. The one you run to when you want a hug. Fuck I want to be the one bitting your lips not you. I never realised just how much you mean to me until about a month ago when you threatened to hogtie me and drag me home.
Y/n- I'm going to kill her. She told you.
Adam - so you do feel the same.
Y/n- of course I do. You said you want to be the one who makes me smile. You already make me smile more than anyone else I know. More often than not your the only person I need a hug from and yes I'd prefer it a lot more if you were the one biting me lip.
Adam - this isn't how I'd normally do things but given how close we already are. Would you like to be my girlfriend?
Y/n- yes.
Adam - come here.

Your pov

Adam pulled me even closer into his chest as I wrapped my arms around him. Adam pressed a kiss to the top of my head as his hands ran up and down my arm comfortingly.

Adam - come on let's get you cleaned up. Then we can watch a movie before we sleep.
Y/n- what.
Adam - Just hold on

Before I could ask what again Adam simply stood up with me in his arms. As he carried me to the bathroom. He set me down on the side before grabbing a cloth and a little box.  Ever so carefully he wet the cloth before wiping the tear stains from my cheeks. He then wiped my lips before swiping some lip balm over them. He moved me slight and held my hands used the warm water before he trimmed and filed any sharp edges of my nails or cut away any lose skin. Once he'd dried them he lead me into his room where he grabbed a cream and covered my hands in it. Before he walked over to the wardrobe. He came back with his resident evil jumper and a pair of my Nike shorts I'd left her few weeks ago. We'd gone on a run all of the elite and Britt. Nick had stumbled as we crossed a stream and he'd pulled myself and matt down with him as he tried to stop himself from falling. Since the three of us were now all freezing and soaking wet we headed back to Adams. Once there he lent the three of us some clothes. I'd left the shorts I was wearing here by mistake.

Adam - go get changed and then we can cuddle and watch as many movies as you want.
Y/n- can we watch resident evil.
Adam - of course we can.

Adam walked out the bathroom and shut the door behind him. So I got changed. It was now pretty late approaching 8pm. Adam had passed me a resident evil sweatshirt which made me smile. When I walked back out Adam had his other resident evil hoodie on and he'd somehow got pizza and popcorn up here and the first movie was ready to play.

Y/n- how'd you get food so fast.
Adam - I started it before I came back to find you earlier. Are you ready to watch the film.
Y/n- nearly I have one more thing I need to do.

I walked over to Adam and stood on my tip toes as I placed my lips on his. Adams hands instantly went down the small of my back and mine went to his shoulders. The kiss was slow and sweet but filled with love and passion. Like we were making up for lost time. When we pulled away Adam cheekily pecked my lips once more.

Adam - well that was A very nice surprise.  Now it's time to cuddle and watch some zombies become even more dead.
Y/n- your a dork.
Adam - yes but now I'm your dork.
Y/n- I'm very glad your my dork.
Adam - then that means your my little gamer.
Y/n- yeah I guess it does.

Adam pulled me over to the bed where we both got under the covers and started the moves. About 30 seconds later Adam pulled me into his arms again as I rested my head against his shoulder as we wanted the movie and ate our food.

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