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"Short cakes, you never mentioned you could dance" "didn't have to blonde" It's just a short, shitty story๐Ÿ˜Œ... More

Chapter #1๐Ÿ’•
Chapter #2โœจ
Chapter #3๐Ÿ’•
Chapter #4โœจ
Chapter #5โœ‹๐Ÿพ
Chapter #6๐Ÿ’จ
Chapter #7โœ‹๐Ÿพ
Chapter #8๐Ÿ€
Chapter #9๐Ÿ’ฅ
Chapter #10๐Ÿ€
Chapter #11๐Ÿ’ฅ
Chapter #12๐Ÿ’•
Chapter #13โœจ
Chapter #14๐Ÿ’•
Chapter #15โœจ
Chapter #17๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ’ฅ
Chapter #18๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜Œ
New story? ๐Ÿ™‚

Chapter #16๐Ÿ’•

675 26 25

3rd pov

'Alright, all I have to do is ask him to the dance! It can't be that hard...right? Right?'

The two boys were deep in thought, they wanted to ask each other to the dance...but how? How should they do it? Should they do it?


"Yeah? What's up?"

"I was wondering..."

He stopped for a minute, before going through with it.

He was scared could you blame him?

He let out a shaky breath before continuing his question.

"Umm-well I was wondering...if you still had a date yet? Not that I care or anything y'know?!"

He turned his face with a pout.

"Hah? Who said I even have a date in the first damn place?"

"I was just-"

"Chill, I'm fucking with ya."

Midoriya softly punches his chest with a smile, making bakugou heart flutter and he blushes to turn his head from midoriya to the ground.

"But, no not yet, I'm still trying to figure out how to ask this person, I don't want to get rejected, but I like this person!"

"Who would reject you? You're hot as fuck! Anybody would be lucky to have you!"

Both boys look each other in the eyes, midoriya thinking about what he just said as blush filled his entire face. He turned his head softly looking away to the other side.

"I-I mean, yeah!"

He lets out a low chuckle.

"What about you nerd?have anybody your interested in?"

"Yeah, actually I do...I'm just stuck right now, we're on good terms but...I don't know yet. I don't wanna get rejected either! But I don't nobody else to have yo-"

He stopped himself from finishing that sentence.

"Ahem- like I was saying, hehe."

"So, did you get your suit for the dance?"

"Oh shit, yeah! What about you?"

"Nah, did you want to help me pick one out?"

"Me? I can help the great kacchan pick out a suit?"

Midoriya had a small but noticeable blush covering his face.

"Yeah! Un-unless you don't want to!"

"No!- I mean yeah I'll love too."

"Good, I'll catch you later!"

They both then waved each other off, going separate ways to class, looking back one more time they caught each other eyes.

-Hmm- they both smile and walk away.

~TiMe SkIp😀~

"Hey, Mido!"


Midoriya turns his head and sees uraraka and Kirishima.

"What's up, man? How's it going with you and Bakubro?"

"Oh? Umm, I'm not too sure. We're good so far! I wanna ask him to the dance but I think he's asking somebody else..."

"I don't think so. He did say he was asking someone though! Plus the dance is next week..."

"Yeah. Hah, it's kinda hard? I wanna ask him, we kissed three days ago and he kissed back! So that's a sign, right?"

"Woah! Wait a minute y'all two kissed?"

"Yes? On the cheek...and the lips."

He smiles thinking about how that little ass kiss has him acting a fool.

"Dude, just ask him then!"

"Maybe I will, we're going to the mall today to look for him a suit!"

"Ask him today then!"

"Aha, maybe?"

"Well, I got to go, dude! See ya and good luck!"

"Thanks! See ya"

"Izu, babes!"

"Ch'i ch'i!"

"So how'd it go y'all ask each other yet!"

"Umm, no....but we kissed."

"Hell yeah, babes! I'm fucking proud of you..."

Izuku looks over at ch'i and sees her dazed the hell out.



"I know you didn't smoke before school!"

"What? Pfft no...anyway you better get the pretty boy!"

"Ch'i no...I don't know?"

"You do know, so please don't be scared of your feelings babes."

"I'm not, but what if our friendship gets fucked?"

"It won't, I know this for a fact, and y'all two fucked right so do it again!"


"HA! Catch you later!"

Little did they know, someone was right behind them, listen to every single word that was being said.

"Hey! Deku, wait up!"

"Hey, kacchan! Are you ready?"

"I'm going to go with the rest of the basketball team and the cheer squad. Is that cool with you or?"

"Oh? Is one of them the one you're going to ask?~"

He was teasing him, just to see if he was gonna break.

If he was being honest, it kinda hurt, that he'd rather hang out with them instead of him.

"Tch...no, but I'll see you later alright?"

"Yeah, sure..."

He puts on a little smile and turns to walk away. Tears threatening to fall down his face. He didn't even know why it's getting to him.

He started walking towards his car thinking deep in thought.

"Hey, izu are you okay?"

Mina asked him that one question and he let the waterworks out. He stood there confused on what to do, to say?

"I'm fine"

he says through his tears and opens the door and sits in the back.

Mina and Denki look at each other, they knew something was wrong, he was crying AT SCHOOL!  He didn't argue to drive OR sit in the front!

"Are you sure bro?"

"Yes, can we go home now? I'm tired."

Denki shutters, kinda scared.

"Alright! Let's go home."

'Jeez, he hangs out with ch'i too much!'

Mina and Denki thought.
     : TiMe sKiP:🙈

"Ch'i, he's sad, something happened!"


"Yes, he won't talk to us but maybe he'll talk to you!"

"Noooo poor Izu imma kill someone"

"No, No! Just talk to him?"

"Heh, I'll call y'all back!"

They were in inkos room chatting up a storm, midoriya saying little things here and there. But he couldn't get his mind off him. Inko, gets a text from ch'i already knew what was up, looks at him.

"Hey, izu baby?"


"Go get some shoes on"

Midoriya being the clueless person he is nods and goes to get dressed.

"Minny, dens you guys get dressed as well!"

"Got it!"

They all had on something simple.
Some leggings for Mina and inko with a hoodie, izuku, and Denki had on sweats and a cropped jacket.

As they got to their destination-which, by the way, was the spa, they saw ch'i there ordering people around.

Midoriya smiled at it.

"Alright everyone here? Good, y'all can get whatever ya want! Babes come with me."

Mina got her nails and toes done, the colors pink and white. Denki just had a full body massage, to'mmie had the mix of the two. Midoriya had his eyebrows and nails done, he got his nails done the color white. And inko she got everything.

To'mmie paid for the whole thing with ease, inko leaving to go get a couple of things, the teens sat amongst themselves talking about what they should do next.

"What about food?"

"Sounds good to me! What about you izu?"

"Yep! Sure cool with me!"

"Alright, I'll be back in 10!"

After Denki left, Chi's smile drops.

"So cut to the shit."


"I'm not stupid izu, what happened between you and bakugou?"

"Nothing happened, I just got carried away, with thinking that I had a chance."

He wanted to cry. Right there and now.

"It's going to be alright izu..."

"It's not! He's not going to be mine any time soon! I don't- I don't understand! Am I not enough, did I do something? I thought it was different but... I-I keep fucking up chi! I keep thinking of how we're going-we're going to get married and shit, but, it's not- we're not. I feel like a dummy..."

He didn't notice but tears were steady spilling out his eyes, and he was standing, yelling. People were watching closely.

Ch'i and Mina got up slowly then rushed to his side hugging him, suddenly they felt a pair of arms around them, it was Denki. They laughed, tears coming out of their eyes.

"Damn, y'all this is so fucking cliche!"

Midoriya wipes his tears looking up at the three.



"You still ain't ask him yet?"

"How do I ask him?"



"Okay- chill! Y'all need to calm on down na."

"So? Didi, you're good with this shit, right?"

"Chile I'm gone give you some old lady wisdom na if you love someone, go on and get them. Don't leave them hanging cause you only live once in a lifetime and you ain't getting any younger so go get him, we already know midoriya loves/likes you back.

"Okay, so what should I do!"

"look, ask him! You got the things right? So use them!"

"Alright, should I text him?"

"Sure, tell him to meet up."

Bakugou leaves the living room, heads to his room, and grabs his phone.

[hey, Deku! Call me when you get this!]

Bakugou went downstairs to see a drunk didi and a sober Mitsuki.


"What he say?"

"He didn't answer..."

"Hmmm, maybe he doesn't wanna talk to you?"

"She's right, you did get with camie and the team after you 'begged' him to go shopping with you!"

"It wasn't like that!"

"Do he know that?"

"I- I don't know?"

"Jeez kat, tell him!"

"Don't baby him didi!"

Bakugo wasn't even listening to the two anymore, he lied so he didn't have to be near him, after he heard midoriya and To'mmie talking he panicked!

Shit, he still doesn't know what to do!

"Okay, do you know when he'll be back?"

"No, I don't, I'm sorry honey."

"It's ok, thanks again, auntie."


He hung up after talking to inko
and sat there looking at the plain wall that was covered in pictures of him and midoriya.



"Stop yelling at him, and y'all being too loud!"


He wanted to cry, he didn't want to lose midoriya again. He wanted to be his. Any type of way, he didn't even care, he wanted him badly, it was fucking with him.

[deku, call me when you get this, please!]

[hey! I'm just checking on you]

[are you mad at me? I didn't mean it!]

It's only been a day, and he's already going crazy. Well, ain't that just wonderful.


It's been 2 days now, every time he would call or text he'd get left on seen or left to a voicemail.

Midoriya on the other hand was thinking about blocking him, he couldn't concentrate! He was tryna to figure out if he wanted to talk to him or not. He finally thought about it hard. And went to his house.

As he pulled up to the bakugous, he sat there for a minute.

He walked to the door ringing the doorbell.

"Izuku dear what a nice surprise! Come in."

He walked in and stood at the door.

"Don't act like a stranger get comfy!"

He took his shoes off at the door and walked to the couch, Mitsuki brought some tea and sat beside him.

"Katsuki is sleep, if you want you could see him?"

"Yea, I'll do that."

Just as he was about to leave his room, Mitsuki called him.

"But- I have a question?"

"Shoot! Hah"

He rubs the back of his nape looking down at the cup...

"Do you love him?"


"My son, I can tell you care, I trust you."

"Hmm, yeah...I'm kinda head over heels in love with katsuki...."


"Shhhh...he's sleep!"

"Right. Right!"

"Sorry, I'm just nervous."

"It's ok, it's nice to know you're here for him, he was going crazy without you! The damn brat wouldn't shut up about you, Like always though."

Midoriya couldn't help the smile that showed and the blush.

"Me too. It's nice to know he still cares."

"Hell, he will never stop!"

"HaH! Yeah..."

He sat there, his fingers going through his hair as he slept, watching his chest move up and down.

He couldn't help but smile.

"I love you kacchan, and I never want to lose you..."

He leaned and kissed his forehead and walked to the door and left out.

{2009 words!😬}
See y'all next chapter.❤️

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