Feel Real

By nxahblxck

1.1K 1 0

Josh Spohr is in a band called Tear Out the Heart and is a senior in high school. He goes to a basketball gam... More

Five: Prom
Six: graduation (smut)
Twelve (continued) (smut)
Seventeen (cont.)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine

Twenty Three

16 0 0
By nxahblxck

It's John. I'm writing some lyric stuff when I was interrupted by knocks at my door. Samara. She doesn't look well. "What's going on?" I worriedly asked, guiding her in. "Ryan kicked me out. He broke up with me because of my health. 'I can't handle a crippled bitch that varies everyday', his words. He berated me about it some more other than that." She cried. Oh that boy is so dumb. I told him not to fuck it up. I'm so livid my blood is boiling. But... what does she mean. "Hold up, what is he referring to?" I asked angrily with confusion. "I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a couple weeks ago." She cried. Oh he is going to get an ass whooping. "Jesus Christ. Come here girly." I sat down and gestured her to my arms. She sat in my lap and cried. "I'm so sorry for showing up like this out of nowhere. I have nobody else here to go to. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She bawled. Holding her close and playing with her hair I let Samara just cry it out. "No need to apologise, honey. Stay with me as long ss you need while you get on your feet. I'm here to help in any way you need." I cooed. I gotta be extra careful because I have feelings for her. Have since I first saw her. Kinda envied Ryan. "What can I do to comfort you right now and/or help ease any pain?" I ask softly. "My heated blanket. Have my stuff in my car. Honestly drove around for several hours to find somewhere to find live out of my car before deciding to come here." Ara croaked, getting up. "Samara you should've come here immediately after. I can't believe you were going to live out of your car. Let me get your blanket and stuff, okay? Stay here and rest. I'll be back." I sadly soothed her. She nodded, wiping her eyes. I headed out to her car and brought in her stuff. Came back in to find her asleep on the couch. She is a real life sleeping beauty. I scooped up the small Samara and carried her to the guest room. As I did she so briefly woke up to ask "John, please hold me?" I smiled down, "You sure?" She nodded. I went to carry her to my room and gently, cautiously laying her down on my bed and getting her heated blanket. "Need your medicine?" I softly asked as I draped the blanket on her. She nodded. I found her Lyrica bottle and gave her water. The drained and pained girl sat up and took her medicine then laid down again. I laid next to Samara and pulled her in close. "I got you." I whisper softly before kissing her head. The Slovak beaut smiled in her sleep.

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