The Story Of My Life (A One D...

By musicgirl3345

4.6K 67 9

Jessica's summer is about to change her life. How did she meet One Direction? Who does she fall for? Do they... More

Chapter 1 - Freedom!
Chapter 2 - Ouch
Chapter 3 - How could he?
Chapter 5 -The Kiss
Chapter 6- Jobs
Chapter 7 - Warn you already
Chapter 8 - Girlfriends
Chapter 9- Cheater
Chapter 10 - Party
Chapter 11- New Beginning
Chapter 12 - flirt
Chapter 13 - New Girl
Chapter 14 & 15
Chapter 16, 17, 18 :)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
new story

Chapter 4 - The Tour

214 3 2
By musicgirl3345

Chapter 4 :D enjoy!!! 


Jessica POV 

Waking up to some chattering downstairs. I looked at the clock and see its only 9. I got out of bed, took a shower, and head downstairs. I couldn't believe my eyes I saw Louis. Was I dreaming? Why would I be dreaming of Louis, he has a girlfriend.  

I called his name, it sounded more like a croak. 

"Louis what are you doing here??" 

"You left your bag in my car and I decided I'll take you out." 

"To where" why does he want to take me out he has a girlfriend to hang out with?? 

"A tour around New York?" 

"Doesn't that sound like fun Jessica?" My aunt said 

"Yea it does lets go!" I said with a smile on my face. Hopefully it didn't look like those creeper smiles. I didn't charge my phone I guess I leave it her then. I grabbed my bag and put my vans on and we were off. 

Louis POV 

I asked her if she wanted to tour New York with me. Just as friends. I hope she gets the message. We saw the Statue of Liberty. We went all the way up, it was so scary. I'm afraid of heights. Then we walk through the mall. Some girls recognized me. We ran straight to macys. We got some disguises. Jessica dressed as an old lady while I look like some surfer dude. She laughed and said, "Wow that was really fun." Her laugh was so cute and loud. I liked it. 

"Running from the fans isn't the best way to conclude a tour around New York. How about some ice cream." 

"Sure can we take off these disguises now?" 

"Uh just wait til we get to cold stone" 

"Ok, thanks for the tour around New York today"

"Ah that's nothing" I could feel my cheeks heating up. Don't blush louis, don't blush, don't blush. Ah you blew it. I don't think she saw that. We got to Coldstone she took of her old granny disguise. We walked in and I put my arms around her. This is ok right? Friends do this? I saw from the corner of my eye she smiled. We got ice cream and we headed to the flat were the boys were staying. 

Niall POV 

Louis and Jessica came through the door his arms around her. What? Did he spend a day with her? He had Eleanor didn't he?  

"Hey Niall" said Jessica 

"Hey Jes" 

"How was your day?"

"Nothing interesting just stayed at the flat. How about you?"

"Louis gave me a tour around New York City. It was the best day ever!!" 

Best day ever?  I was suppose to give her that. Not to mention I met her first.

"Sounds like you had a lot of fun." I said without any excitement in my voice. 

"Are you ok Niall? Wanna talk about it? How about we go for a walk?" She took my hand and lead me to the door. I felt a spark that went through my body. 

"So what's wrong Niall?"

"Nothing really, I'm just tired" 

"Come on Niall,you can tell me"

"Um I just got a bad headache that's all" I tried to avoid her gaze and the question. I couldn't tell her. Not now. Maybe later. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Ya" she began twittering on the side walk. She got dizzy and tripped. I caught her, before her fall. 

"I got you don't worry." We had our moment right there. My eyes on hers, hers on mine. We got closer and I felt her lips brushed against mine. Sparks flew, my world was on fire. 

Harry POV 

I got a text from Louis. 

Jessica is at our flat. I  quickly my coffee and drove as fast I as I could to the flat. As I reached the drive way I saw two figures just kissing. I got of the car, I was going to scream "Get out of the way!!" Until I saw who it was. It was Niall and Jessica. What? How did this happen? My heart felt like it was going to just jump out. I couldn't let this continue. I slowly drove next to them and rolled down my window and said," aww isn't that cute?" even though i was fumming inside.

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