Lost Love | Klaus Mikaelson |

By Kaelyn_Fray

214K 3.2K 803

Alessia Salvatore is Stefan's twin sister. She was left behind and forgotten about by her brothers who were u... More

Masquerade - Edited
Rose - Edited
Katerina - Edited
The Last Dance - Edited
Klaus - Edited
The Last Day
The Sun Also Rises
As I Lay Dying
The Birthday
The Hybrid
End Of The Affair
Disturbing Behavior
The Recking
Ghost World
Ordinary People
The New Deal
Bringing Out The Dead
Dangerous Liaisons
All My Children
The Murder of One

Heart of Darkness

2.5K 42 17
By Kaelyn_Fray

In the last few hours all she'd been doing was trying to play catch up. Finding out all that had been going on without her knowing. Things they had kept her out of the loop of ever since she had moved out and in with Klaus and the others.

She felt that she deserved to know that Alaric now suddenly had a murdering alter ego that hated vampires that went and came without anyone knowing. The council members died here and there but now she found it was from here.

Now they had bigger problems at their hands than she first thought compared to the bickering and fighting from her brothers and their gang to her other family.

"Wait so you're saying there's a psycho killer who could potentially kill an original then most likely kill us all in the process?" She mused looking so puzzled trying to put together all she'd been told.

"Exactly" Damon shot her his signature grin turned smirk making her just roll her eyes, still annoyed how they kept her out of the loop. Whilst Stefan just sat there nodding his head in agreement.

"Why did you even let Alaric keep one of the daggers who could kill an original if he has a vampire alter ego that could come out at any time?" She sighed, pointing out the obvious to her brothers and the others' stupidity.

"Well Bonnie had some herbs that were helping... or so we thought '' Soon Damon stopped himself saying anymore realizing their mistake.

"Exactly!" She exclaimed sarcastically highlighting their stupidity wanting to wack some sense into them. "The herbs aren't a permanent fix"

"So the reason why he's gone dark is because he'd been killed too many times by the rings that Emily made for Jonathan Gilbert that then been left to his descendents?" She always believed that Emily wasn't so faithful Katherine back then that she was working for others.

"Yes but it wasn't until Samatha Gilbert the first one to go crazy. She started to kill people of the founder council back in 1912" Damon started to say until she connected the dots.

"Wait so you're telling me that she was the one who killed our Nephew Zachariah" The three of them always kept tabs on their descendents even with how horrible their father was.


"I swear you two are Dumb and Dumber" Some things never change.


She decided to stay back at the boarding house with others. They still had one more white oak stake that had to be done, and she knew what would happen if it wasn't found. Somehow she was now involved in the others' plan that she was to stay with Stefan to try to get it out of Alaric where he hid it. Whilst Damon and Elena were taking a road trip to Portland to bring back Jeremy.

She couldn't believe how it was Stefan who suggested that Damon should go with Elena. Already she was predicting, placing her bets for what was going to happen whilst they were going away. Having walked in seeing Damon and Elena kissing before whilst Stefan was gone. Now there was trouble in paradise and it was bound to happen again.

It wasn't long until Damon came in dropping backs of luggage on the floor whilst Stefan was standing in front of the fireplace staring into the flames as people do.

"You heard from Klaus?" Damon wondered looking at her then to Stefan.

"I've told him that I'm staying here for a bit, sibling bonding" She went on saying not wanting him to go ahead and point fingers at her for feeding back things to her husband. Not wanting for Klaus to be storming in just yet.

"Not yet. I'm sure I will soon though" Stefan started to say before picking up a white oak stake almost remaining with him. "He's expecting me to deliver two stakes, I only have one"

"Well, that's gonna be disappointing for him" Damon smirked a little.

"I'll get it out of Alaric. I just need some time." She could see how Stefan was trying to take charge whilst normally its other way around.

Standing up she walked over to her brothers joining into their conversation. "I'm going to stick and help him if that's needed to be done" Not wanting to lose out on all of the fun.

"I like that confidence, Stefan. I don't share it, but I like it." Damon grinned teasing his younger brother.

"You don't think I can do what it takes." Stefan asked.

"Well, you're good Stefan again. You're in control. Sorry, you might get the girl but you lose the edge. Speaking of..." Alessia rolled her eyes at her brothers own bickering knowing they were fighting over Elena as usual. Speaking of which the doppleganger-bitch just walked in.

"Have you ever flown first class?" Damon asked, looking at Elena taking her by surprise. "Who did you have to compel for that?"

"Pft, please. I use miles."

"When he says miles it's more like he doesn't want to put any more miles on his beloved car" Alessia smirked, annoying her brother.

Damon went and picked up the luggage and walked out of the door leaving the three of them. Looking over to Stefan she could see how her brother had sad eyes and how he knew he was leaving Elena to go alone on a trip with Damon.

"Stefan..." Elena spoke.

"Be safe." Stefan gave her a small smile, Elena stared at Stefan for a moment before walking out of the room. Making Alessia feel more awkward as Stefan watched her leave.

"So what's the plan? We wait till Ric blacks out?" Turning to snap Stefan out of his trance but it wasn't working.

"Stop moping about. You're the one who let Damon go instead of you. You did the right thing" she walked over to Stefan putting her hand on his shoulder giving him a small smile.

"You do?" He wondered.

"Soon she'd have to decide who she wants out of you and Damon. You know it and she knows it. Damon too" She spoke bluntly but it was something he needed to hear.

"We got a dagger to find" Stefan sighed walking away from her.


A few hours have passed since Damon had left her and Stefan took turns checking on Ric but there was nothing happening. Klaus had texted her a few times, she promised that she'd be bringing the daggers yet. Still she was keeping it from him from what the real promise was. Knowing it was the best thing.

"You know, I'll feel decidedly less pathetic if I don't drink alone." She came in behind Stefan into the cell.

"Oh, I am one step ahead of you." Stefan spoke, showing Alaric two glasses giving one to her, before getting out two chairs for them to sit on whilst Alaric was on the makeshift cell bed.

Both of the Salvatore twins held out the glasses waiting for Alaric to pour whiskey into it. The two of them drank from the glass whilst Alaric had the bottle. "Like old times" She grinned a little but maybe in more dark times now.

"So, road trip, huh?" Alaric raised his brows to Stefan.

Stefan just nodded his head knowing the question was coming "Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah. I needed to stay here."

Why? I mean, why you? You know, it doesn't take much to babysit me while I sit here waiting for a psychotic break." Alaric pointed out the obvious to show there more to it.

"Well, unfortunately, we only have a limited amount of time." Which was true.

"Before what?"

"Before we have to resort to other methods." Alessia looked over to Stefan able to sense it was something he was hoping wouldn't happen. With how much he was struggling with his bloodlust from over the summer, to turning it off and on again.

"So, you're worried that you're gonna have to torture me. You don't think Damon could have done that? Or even just Alessia'' She knew that Damon does love torture, how he had always been better at it than Stefan.

"Look, Elena needed to go on that road trip with Damon. No matter what I go through to get her back; fighting my bloodlust, trying to gain control of my life again...None of that matters if she has feelings for somebody else." Stefan admitted even if it was hard for him to say.


Still hours passed and still nothing. All of them were getting bored. "I assume they've got Jeremy by now?" Alaric wondered about breaking the silence.

"They should. Haven't heard from them. Elena's worried about him, knowing that she can't count on his ring anymore."

"Who knows? Maybe his alter ego is a pot smoking, hippie pacifist." Alaric jokes, making them both laugh "Yeah, maybe."

"I can't say, I thought mine would be so hostile and militant"

That actually makes perfect sense. Your wife left you to become a vampire and your girlfriend was killed by one." Stefan pointed out.

"And she had become one calculating" She added in.

"You must really hate me. Here I am, the failed hunter slash drinking buddy of vampires." Alaric went on.

"Well that's all on Damon" If anyone had anyone to blame it would be on Damon.

"Ah, he's too judgmental."

"The thing is, he's me. I'm not compelled, I'm not possessed, there's no humanity switch. What drives him is me." She was taken aback almost.

"No. No, he's not you. He's the darkest part of you. The parts we all have." Stefan spoke and looked solem at the two of them.

None of them noticed they weren't alone. "Well, this is depressing, isn't it?" Klaus came in with a grin on his face, as he stood on the door. Stefan stood up straight away then her.

"Wait, what are you doing here?" She gasped a little not expecting to see him here.

"Well love, you weren't replying to my texts. I wanted to see how your brother's bonding was going and well" Klaus pointed out before motioning to how she was day drinking with only one of her brothers and the high school history teacher.

""Oh, and I found this upstairs. Now, by my count, there should be one more." Klaus showed them the stake he found, she could see the anger in his face already.

"Yeah, well it's gonna take a little more time." Stefan sighed.

"It's complicated" Alessia looked over to Alaric who was the main reason. "Why? Because we're waiting for that one to pass out?" Klaus pointed to Alaric already about to guess. "No thanks. I think I'll just kill him."

"Well, then you won't know the location of the other stake." Stefan went to stop him.

"I can live with that." Klaus just grinned amused.

"Well, I can't. When we staked Finn, we discovered that killing an Original vampire killed its entire bloodline. Now, I don't know which one of you I'm descended from, but I'd really rather not find out by dying, so why don't we just find the stake, destroy it, so we can all be safe?" Stefan went onto saying but she knew that he hadn't even asked her who she was turned by. He was too focused on him and Damon to think about her.

"So, the fate of the entire vampire race depends on you finding a stake? And to get it we need you to pass out. Which means that I feel totally justified doing this." When he was saying it like that it did seem how her brothers had found themselves in a stupid position. 

Both of them watched as Klaus rushed over to Alaric breaking his neck, killing him. "There. Sleeping like a baby." Klaus pointed out but she could see the unhappy look on Stefan's face mixed with annoyance.

Klaus then turned back to her motioning for her to follow. "Let's go home" He spoke to her softly but she stayed put. "I'm going to stay here with Stefan. Make sure we find out where Ric's alter ego has hidden it" She admitted before looking back to Stefan. Alessia knew that if Ric's dark self wouldn't come out on their own terms that they would have to take action. She wanted to make sure that Stefan could handle it.

"Okay if you say so. Do what you need to do. We need that dagger" He gave her a nod then left. She knew the tricks of how to torture someone learning from the bests.

"Look we don't have much time, Klaus won't be so forgiving for much longer" She warned her brother.

"Understood Sister" Stefan gave her a small smile before looking down at Alaric's unconscious body.


"I'm bored" She sighed heavily tossing the copy of Moby Dick across the floor to Stefan, the two of them had been reading the same book as each other for most of the day. Staying guard waiting for Alaric to wake up which was now.

"Welcome back." Stefan mused looking over to Ric coming back from the dead.

"What happened? Did I uh..?" Ric groaned not knowing if he did or not have his dark self come out.

"No, you pretty much laid there dead for half the night. But on the uh- on the plus side, we did almost finish reading Moby Dick." Her brother explained standing up showing him the book.

"You were just sleeping beauty all night" The blonde complained about getting up from the floor as well. "Does it normally take you this long to wake up from being killed?" She mused statistically annoyed with how much longer this was all taking.

"This is stupid. Evil me or whatever you want to call him, he's not gonna make an appearance. Why would he? I mean, the best hiding place is the one where you can't find the person who hid it."

"Whose idea was it to let him have one to hide?" She emptied the stupidity of their plans, letting Rice be left in charge of one of them. Only making them both sigh and roll their eyes at her.

"I know." Stefan answered in his usual tone.

"So, how do you want to do this?" Alaric looked two them both.

"I don't want to do any of this."

"Well, that makes two of us. But I don't think we have much choice in the matter." Alaric told them whilst taking off his ring, taking Stefan by surprise. "Wait, wait, what are you doing? You need that ring."

"No, what I need is hope that my alter ego doesn't have a death wish. So, I'm taking bets that my dark side has a sense of self-preservation. So, let's see if he defends himself against death." She was intrigued to see what plan Alaric had.

"Look, Alaric, I'm not gonna kill you, okay?" Stefan scoffed, turning his back to Ric.

"We're not going to kill you. Damon would kill us" Alessia reminded them.

"If we have any chance at this, Stefan, you're gonna have to try." She could see how Ric was testing him to see if he still had it in him.

Watching closely as Stefan looks back at Ric before rushing over and punching him. "It begins" She spoke to herself with how it was just about to get interesting.

Stefan threw a few more punches but none were cutting it as Ric just kept getting up after. "You're not putting enough into this." Ric told him. "Yeah Stefan you need to put a bit more power in it if for us to get anymore" She commented giving him some tips.

"If I put any more into it, I'm gonna break your spine." With that Stefan threw an answer punch at Ric but this one was more powerful. As Ric fell to the floor she could see how blood was coming from his mouth and one his tooth fell out too.

"Gross'' She grimaced before looking over to Stefan seeing as his veins under his eyes were starting to protrude with his eyes turning bloodshot at the sight of the blood making him turn away. "Well don't back down now."

"No, no, no, no, no, I can't...the blood." She could see Stefan was starting to panic.

Ric soon got up to face Stefan. "Come on, you're past that."

"No, I'm not."

"Then use it! Give into it! Try and kill me, Stefan. Come on!" Ric was gearing him on, wanting for him to beat the crap out of him.

"Not like this, Alaric." Stefan started to back further away to the wall away from Ric who was getting close.

"Yes! Like this. You're gonna have to want to kill me for me to believe that you will." Ric challenged.

"If I go this far, I may not be able to stop." Stefan told him.

"I'll stop you Stefan" She reassured softly looking over to her brother. Just like the old times.

"If you want the answers from my darkest side, you're gonna have to tap into yours. So, don't back down, don't fight it. Just do it. Do it!" She could see how Ric Is Not giving up.

She watched as Ric grabbed Stefan's shirt, shaking him as he continued to test Stefan but she knew how it was going to turn out. Stefan vamped out, throwing Alaric against the brick wall with great force.

"You're so weak." Ric chuckled as he got up from the floor

"Look at you, one of nature's most hideous creatures and you can't even get that right." Ric insulted Stefan, straight away she could see a change in him.

"You." Stefan spoke. "Me."

"Where's the stake?"

"You're worse than I ever was. Spineless, pathetic." She didn't like this Ric for sure.

"Tell me where the stake is before I kill you." Stefan threatened.

"You know you're all gonna burn. Ashes to dust." Ric told them both trying to scare them but it was only making Stefan more frustrated before hitting him more. "Where's the stake?!" Stefan shouted in annoyance.

She was waiting to intervene if she had to but she wanted to see how far Stefan would go. Watching as her brother continued to hit Ric again before grabbing him a chokehold. "I'm gonna kill you in three...two...one."

"It's in the cave. Where no vampire can get it. Heh heh!" Ric chuckled coldly making Stefan throw him on the ground in frustration. Both of them left the cell locking it behind.

"We should have really thought of that in the first place. That would have saved us wasting the whole day" Alessia pointed out the obvious but part of her was annoyed at herself for not thinking of it sooner.

"We'll have to get Matt to go in" Stefan sighed as he stormed out in front of her with his starting to text Damon probably.

Soon as they stepped into the parlour she could see both Klaus and Rebekah were there waiting for them. "That wasn't too hard, was it?" Both Klaus and Rebekah smirked as they just used Stefan for their dirty work.

Rebekah went off to fetch Ric as Klaus went and poured himself a drink in the parlor making himself at home almost. Moments later Rebekah was back with Alaric whose face was still all bloody.

"That's a little gratuitous, don't you think, Stefan? I would have been more gentle." Klaus committed grinning finding amusement in it.

"You don't do gentle" She laughed swiping the glass from her husband's hand taking a sip of the bourbon before sitting down on the sofa.

"I'm gonna take him to the caves. You're gonna go inside and fetch me the stake and if you think you're gonna hide, you're wrong." Rebekah smirked before pushing Alaric towards the door and leaving.

"And then there was one. I know about your brother's little mission to Denver. He failed. Not that that's news anymore." Klaus smirked, making her raise a brow, seeing how Klaus had been busy.

"So, what are you gonna do now, Klaus? You gonna kill me?" Stefan wondered.

"I haven't actually decided yet." Klaus grinned taking the seat beside her.

"Aww, sure you have. See you've had every chance and every excuse imaginable to do it, but yet you haven't. Which means you don't want to."

"You know something, you're right. You see, I'm still waiting for my old friend to come back. By the looks of it, he's just beneath the surface. Waiting to come out and play. Isn't that right, Ripper?" A chuckle escaped Klaus's lips as she continued to torment her brother but she knew it was just annoying him more.

"I've been fighting that part of myself, thinking that if I repressed it then it would go away. But it won't. And now that I've accepted it, it can't control me. And neither can you. So, unless you're gonna stake me, why don't you get the hell out of my house?" Stefan told him before making a dramatic exit.

Alessia was surprised seeing a change almost in her brother seeing for once he was accepting the other part of himself rather than repressing it but still in control.

"You two will have to play nice at one point" She turned to her husband. "Stefan and Damon are still my brothers, my family. Even if right now they are too blinded by you all going at wars at each other" Always and forever...

"I'll try" He promised kissing her softly. She leaned her head on his shoulders as they sat in silence in her old home. Wishing her brothers and Klaus would get along one day but she knew that probably wouldn't happen leaving her to be trapped in the middle forever. 


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Season 4 is soon coming but I don't know to skip most of Season 4 so I can move onto to follow The Originals instead. 

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