our omega | vminkook

By Hollywithluv

516K 25.9K 7.6K

[completed] Jeongguk, an alpha deeply in love with Taehyung, a beta, faces a turning point when his father in... More

01 | heir of jeon empire
02 | manipulate
03 | minjae
04 | the omega
05 | let's be friends
06 | beautiful things
07 | friends for a reason?
08 | scream under me
09 | you're under arrest
10 | eavesdrop
11 | welcome to the mansion
12 | hang out
13 | dancing in the rain
14 | pillow fights & laughs
15 | remember the rules
16 | handling the drunk bois
17 | it's high time now
18 | jimin-shi
19 | just fuck me already jeon
20 | getting mocked
21 | pregnant?
22 | jokes & tears
23 | who are you?
24 | acting like husband
25 | don't speak, just kiss
26 | cheater?
27 | the next ceo & true blood
29 | i remember
30 | how is that even possible?
31 | the weird butterflies
32 | get together
33 | mistake
34 | i cheated on you
35 | i think i like taehyung
36 | new feelings & fights
37 | friends again
38 | is hyunjin dead?
39 | the truth untold
40 | soon to be boyfriends
41 | just a surrogate?
42 | this is heaven
43 | the road to the hospital
44 | officially together
45 | it hurts so good

28 | beaten a man

7.9K 487 86
By Hollywithluv

Jungkook's attention shifted to Jimin, who sat beside him, savoring the pasta on the artfully decorated plate. "Geez, Park! How much do you plan to eat? Aren't you full yet?" Jungkook teased, earning a playful eye roll from Jimin.

"Keep your eyes off my food. I'm full, but my baby isn't," Jimin replied, scooping another mouthful of the delectable cheesy pasta. Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head at Jimin's antics.


A voice called out, prompting Jungkook to turn toward the source. His father waved through the crowd, signaling him to join. Nodding, Jungkook rose from his chair, stealing a glance at Jimin still engrossed in his meal. As he approached his father:

"Yes, Dad?"

"Jungkook," Junghyun spoke. "Look who came to meet you."

Jungkook furrowed his brows, focusing on the man his father indicated. His fist clenched involuntarily at the sight of Hyunjin standing before him. Jungkook shot him a disinterested look, reluctant to engage.

"Oh hey, little brother," Hyunjin teased, a sly smirk playing on his lips. "How have you been? It's been ages. And you've certainly built up, huh? Look at those muscles." Hyunjin chuckled.

Jungkook managed a strained smile, concealing his true feelings. "I'm good, hyung. Didn't install a gym in my mansion for nothing, right?"


"You guys talk. I'll go greet the guests," Junghyun said, leaving the two to catch up.

"Hey, let's continue this conversation outside," Hyunjin suggested cheerfully, draping his arm around Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook rolled his eyes but obliged, leading them through the glass door into the serene garden.

"We've got a lot of catching up to do – four years, bro!" Hyunjin exclaimed with enthusiasm, guiding Jungkook towards a round table and settling him into a chair opposite. "Indeed," Jungkook muttered, offering a smile that concealed the tension beneath.

"Congratulations on finally becoming the CEO. I'm genuinely happy for you; you deserve it. It's your hard work after all," Hyunjin declared, signaling the waiter for drinks. Jungkook found himself taken aback by Hyunjin's unexpected warmth. Despite Hyunjin gesturing for drinks, Jungkook declined with a subtle shake of his head.

"Oh, come on! It's a celebration time." Hyunjin raised a glass towards Jungkook, encouraging him to partake. Nervously, Jungkook smiled and accepted the glass. Hyunjin mirrored the action, and the waiter promptly retreated.

While Hyunjin savored his drink, Jungkook held his glass. Hyunjin gestured at the untouched beverage, prompting Jungkook to take a sip. Obediently, Jungkook nodded and complied.

Hyunjin placed his glass on the table, downing the liquor with a swift gulp. "I heard you've got a boyfriend. When are you introducing him to me?"

"Soon," Jungkook replied, clenching his fist against the table's surface.

Hyunjin nodded, taking another sip. "Cool. How's Namjoon and Seokjin hyung?"

"They're doing well." Jungkook felt a sense of bewilderment. Hyunjin's behavior contradicted the disdain Jungkook was accustomed to. Was Hyunjin plotting something anew? Jungkook had no inkling. Regardless, he chose to follow his boyfriend's counsel: ignore.

Yet, Jungkook's inquisitiveness persisted. "Why are you acting like this?" he inquired, raising a skeptical brow as Hyunjin sipped from his wine-filled glass.

"Acting like what?" Hyunjin murmured, nonchalantly shrugging.

"Like you're the 'ideal brother' when you're absolutely not," Jungkook retorted.

Hyunjin emitted a humorless chuckle. "What do you mean? I'm always like this."

"No, you're not!" Jungkook almost exclaimed.

"Calm down, little brother," Hyunjin advised with a composed tone. "Why are you getting worked up? I'm here to befriend you again. Or should I say, be-brother you again?" He chuckled. "Let's forget the past and start fresh. How about that?"

"I'm not interested in this so-called rekindling of friendship with you," Jungkook scoffed. "Stop being fake, Mr. Jeon Hyunjin."

Hyunjin responded with a knowing smirk.


"Taehyung, come on!" Jimin seized Taehyung's arm, finding him seated with a bored expression.

"Jimin, I told you I don't want to dance. Let go of me," Taehyung grumbled.

"But why?" Jimin whined. "It'll be fun, I swear. Look, it's amazing. Come on!" Omega pointed towards the dance floor where people were energetically dancing.

"Jimin, quit whining like a baby. Besides, you shouldn't dance too. You're pregnant, in case you've forgotten."

"So what? Being pregnant doesn't mean I can't have fun. I'll keep it low-key, just a few moves. I promise to take care of myself. Now, come on!" Jimin demonstrated some restrained hand movements, though Taehyung knew Jimin wouldn't stick to his words when they hit the dance floor. Still, he didn't want to upset him.

Taehyung sighed, "Okay." Omega excitedly jumped, dragging Taehyung toward the lively crowd on the dance floor. Neon lights flashed around them as they navigated through the dancing crowd.

"It's too loud," Taehyung shouted over the music.

"Exactly! It's so fun! Let's dance, Tae," Jimin said with a wide smile, grabbing Taehyung's hand and swaying to the beat. Despite the loud music, Taehyung couldn't help but smile as he watched Jimin dance gracefully, carefree, and happy.

That's one thing Taehyung loved about the Omega – his carefree attitude, living life to the fullest. Watching Jimin lost in the music, Taehyung decided to join him, swaying to the rhythm. Jimin grinned as Taehyung attempted to mimic his moves, resulting in laughter amid the loud music.

Jimin wasn't sure why he could dance so well, but the truth was, he used to be a professional dancer in a bar – a detail obscured by his amnesia.

As the music changed to a more sensual tone, both boys found themselves dancing closer than before. Immersed in the music and mood, they almost forgot their surroundings. Jimin sensually moved his hips to the beat, and Taehyung followed suit, enjoying the moment with a carefree smile on his face.

Omega turned around, pressing his back against Taehyung's chest, their proximity growing tighter amid the expanding crowd. The pulsating energy of the people almost squashing them didn't deter Jimin, whose back remained intimately connected to Taehyung's chest as they moved seamlessly together.

Taehyung was reveling in the moment until...

He sensed Jimin's body provocatively shifting against his clothed crotch.

Taehyung's breath caught as he subtly slowed his movements, observing Jimin sway to the sultry beat of the song echoing through the speakers. Jimin seemed blissfully unaware of the effect he was unintentionally having on Taehyung's senses. Whether deliberate or unconscious, Taehyung realized he was the one vulnerable to the escalating situation.

"Jimin," Taehyung called out, and Jimin hummed in response. "I'll fetch some drinks for us. My throat is parched," he mentioned, crafting an excuse to extricate himself from the potentially heated scenario.

"Okay, come back soon," Jimin said, and Taehyung nodded, navigating away from the lively crowd.

Jimin persisted in dancing, executing movements with finesse. Lost in the rhythm, he suddenly felt two arms encircle his waist from behind. Jimin startled at the unexpected touch, glancing to his right to find a pair of dark eyes fixated on him – a stranger eyeing him as if he were a delectable meal. Jimin furrowed his brows, perturbed by the invasion of his personal space.

"Hey, babyboy," the man behind Jimin huskily spoke, a gesture that churned Jimin's stomach.

"Excuse me? W-what are you doing? Please, let me go," Jimin implored, attempting to squirm out of the man's grasp but failing in his endeavors. The man pulled him closer, their chests now in direct contact.

Jimin ground his teeth in irritation. "You've got some moves, baby. How about teaching me in private?" The man whispered, his breath tickling Jimin's ear.

Clutching his fist in frustration, Jimin shot back, "Back off, you asshole!" He spat at the man, who chuckled dismissively. The reek of alcohol from the man's breath made Jimin scrunch his nose. If he continued invading Jimin's personal space with that repulsive scent, he was sure to vomit.

Growing more agitated, Jimin took matters into his own hands. Lifting his foot, he forcefully stomped it onto the man's foot, earning a loud hiss that cut through the pounding music. Jimin smirked at his small triumph, turning away to relish the pained expression on the man's face.

Ignoring him, Jimin began to walk away when a strong grip seized his wrist. "You, fucking slut!" The man spat in anger, harshly gripping Omega's arm. Jimin whimpered at the intensity of the hold.

"How dare you?! Do you even know who I am?" The man growled, his eyes flashing red. Alpha. Jimin's eyes widened, and he gulped nervously. Attempting to free his arm from the man's unyielding grasp, Jimin felt powerless. His wolf took control; he couldn't resist.

"Leave him," a deep voice resonated from behind them.

Jimin spotted Taehyung standing there, his eyes locked fiercely onto the alpha. Surprised by the intense gaze, almost Alpha-like, Jimin's legs quivered at the authoritative tone in Beta's voice. As Taehyung stepped forward, locking eyes with the alpha, Jimin's legs shuddered in response. The alpha beside him maintained a firm grip on Jimin's arm.

"I said leave him," Taehyung growled, forcefully shoving the alpha aside, satisfaction evident in his decisive action.

"I won't. What are you going to do about it?" The man retorted with a smug tone.

"I said back off, you jerk!" Taehyung growled, forcefully shoving the man aside, relishing the satisfaction of successfully pushing the alpha away.

"You—" The man attempted to throw a punch at Taehyung, but Jimin swiftly stepped in.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my friend, or I'll kick your balls and stuff them down your throat!" Jimin yelled.

The music had ceased long ago when Taehyung confronted the alpha. Onlookers were now more intrigued by the unfolding drama than the previous dancing.

The man scoffed. "You? A damn omega is going to fight with me?" He let out a humorless chuckle, a smirk gracing his lips. "Omegas are just for amusement and pleasure. You can't fight with your so-called feminine body. Disgusting whores who enjoy spreading their legs for every single al—"

Taehyung had heard enough. He delivered a swift punch to the man's face, cutting off his offensive remarks. A loud grunt escaped the man, and blood replaced the smirk on his lower lip. Glaring at the duo, he clenched his fist in anger. Taehyung and Jimin exchanged a knowing look, smirking devilishly before turning their attention back to the disgruntled man.


Jungkook and Hyunjin were seated in the garden when the music abruptly halted on the dance floor. Confused, Jungkook furrowed his brows, stood up, and scanned the surroundings for his boyfriend, Taehyung, and Jimin, who were previously at the round table but now seemed to have vanished.

Ignoring Hyunjin's inquiry about what he was searching for, Jungkook walked towards the glass doors and entered. His confusion deepened upon finding a crowd of people on the dance floor, not dancing but standing still.

Approaching the scene, his eyes widened at the unfolding spectacle.

Taehyung and Jimin were mercilessly beating a man who lay half-conscious on the floor, his face already bearing signs of severe bruising. Judging by the brutality, Jungkook could sense that a significant number of the man's two hundred and six bones were likely broken. Taehyung relentlessly threw punches at the man's face, while Jimin delivered kicks to his back and buttocks. The man grunted and hissed in pain, futilely attempting to free himself from the relentless assault.

"Apologize, you motherfucker! Say it!" Taehyung growled, landing a forceful punch on the man, who screamed in pain.

"S-sorry... ahhhh!" The man screamed as Jimin kicked him hard in the chest. The onlookers were divided in their reactions – some were shocked, others recorded the scene, and a few encouraged the violence.

"Taehyung, Jimin!" Jungkook shouted as he approached, forcefully shoving both males away from the beaten man, who coughed loudly and struggled to breathe on the cold floor.

Taehyung, still fueled by adrenaline, attempted to wriggle out of Jungkook's grip, seemingly eager to deliver another kick. Both he and Jimin were breathing heavily, consumed by anger.

"Taehyung, stop!" Jungkook commanded, struggling to contain the enraged Beta. Jimin, too, breathed heavily, his eyes reflecting the intense fury he felt towards the man on the ground.

"What the hell happened? Why did you do that?" Jungkook almost shouted at both of them. "He could've died if I hadn't arrived in time. And why were you just standing there? Couldn't you stop them?" Alpha scolded the audience, who looked down in guilt.

"You should ask him why we did that, Jungkook?" Taehyung said angrily. "He called Jimin a whore! A whore, Jungkook! How was I supposed to restrain myself?"

"He was also about to throw hands at Taehyung. How was I supposed to stop myself?" Jimin added, frustration evident.

Jungkook's eyes widened slightly. Alpha could feel anger rushing through his veins, adrenaline pumping out. He clenched his fists together as he eyed the beaten male, passing a death glare that made him shudder.

"Go," Jungkook calmly spoke to the two, who furrowed their brows in disbelief. "I said go, Jimin, Taehyung!"

"But Jun-" Taehyung was cut off. "Leave!"

Jimin and Taehyung scoffed loudly, looking at Alpha in disbelief. Instead of scolding the man for insulting them, Jungkook was telling them to leave. They shared a glance and turned around, walking away, their fists still clenched, their anger palpable.

As they walked, a loud punch sound echoed behind them. Surprised, they turned around and saw Jungkook delivering a hard punch to the man's face. Taehyung and Jimin looked shocked. Jungkook turned and found them standing there, staring at him in disbelief.

Jungkook walked towards them. "Let's go," he calmly said, as if nothing had happened, and both followed him like lost puppies.

"Hey, you omega. So, you can fight too, huh?" A voice startled Jimin, who was a little zoned out. Turning, he saw a taller man walking towards him. "Hi, I'm Jeon Hyunjin, by the way."

Jimin knitted his brows, finding the face familiar. Where had he seen him before? Then, it hit him, and he fainted.


Anygays! So how was this chapter? I'm sorry if it was boring. I'm trying really hard to make the plot more interesting. And sorry for the late upload.

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